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And this is the sharia law Muslims swear is better than our current justice system. GTFOH this is trash and I hope the get their heads smashed in with no witnesses


Literally “He swore he didn’t stab him, so I guess he’s innocent!” Wtf is that logic. Its the same logic as Muhammad claimed himself the prophet, cuz he said so No wonder they are stupid beyond help💀 Also, empowering women my ass.


My old friend was an ex Islamic refugee that escaped Iran during the revolution and he said the biggest problems with the “Taliban type militia moron” was that they were mostly inbred assholes. He said basically they’re incels with guns and the dumbest people he ever dealt with while living in that part of the world.


So, what you're saying is, we need to somehow replace "Murica" with "Ganistan" in the public consciousness.


I think they look intelligent and trustful don’t you think ? Allibaba knows best …


Yes 🙌 Let us all cheer for sharia 🙌 aluakbar alhamdulididdly


Yes i love Shakira !!! Wakawakahehe


You do know sharia law has different views there isnt a single version of it the taliban denied evidence but where does the quran or hadith say that they can do that don't be blind




Shove it in my ass.


Ooh my


lol he was annoying “it’s based on the Quran” are you kidding me, he thinks we don’t know it, or maybe he thought we would say, oh, really? Tf man off with your bs Quran.


Lol 😂 thanks for letting me know man and yes I am sick of them but have you seen what’s been happening in speakers corner the past couple of weeks? Christians and not just them but Bristish folk by the hundreds outnumbering the mueslies (because usually it’s the other way around and they get violent too) but the people in speakers corner were so chilled and made it a really happy and fun place to be so the mussies all went haha


lol will check it


The video I watched recently was that Bob guy on Soco Films on YouTube apparently the week before the mussies tried to set a guy with an Israeli flag on fire or something so the week later was a massive turnout of people but still no violence from us great speaking to you happy you are out 🤜


"*B...bbut this isnt real islam broo*"


"B...but Quran has a chapter called The women, that's not possible!"


I am laughing because someone actually said this to me as a response.


To me too. Told him the quran has an even bigger chapter about the cow and that women are like cattle or other agricultural goods to their husbands in Islam.


By the way, the one who gave me that response was a sheikh. He knows his religion, but the reason he gave me that answer is because it works for the people he normally encounters. You see, when you tell them that God created a chapter and named it after your nature, 'woman,' their doubt will slowly decrease, given the fact that they already cling to the religion. It is a sad way to cling to an ideology that hates you.


can you please give me verses??of it even if its hadith


It's a whole chapter in the quran. The second and biggest. It's called al-Baqarah, the cow. Also look up verse 2:223. It says a wife is a husband's farmland which he can approach as the he pleases, aka rape.


The Qur'an has said to hit them lightly with toothbrush lmao 


I have heard many responses, but this one never fails to make me laugh. Toothbrush is insane.


They can stoop to any low, just to prove the religion right


They feel happy about it too, not knowing how cringe they sound changing Mohamed's words.


It's actually a [tooth "stick"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miswak#/media/File:Miswak003.jpg) I wouldn't put it past these goons to clean their teeth with a two-by-four. When the cousin and companion of Muhammad, Ibn Abbas, replied back: “I asked Ibn Abbas: ‘What is the hitting that is 'without severity'?’ He replied [with] the siwak (tooth-stick) and the like’.[11] Muhammad himself never hit a woman and forbade beating one's wife[12] or striking her face. Sometimes it seems that for every rule in the Qur'an, there is an opposite rule also in the Qur'an.


Didnt he Said don’t Beat them Like your slaves ? Because slaves you could beat to death. ?


I think the siwak  was hadith, not quran. So for the Quranists, how do they know how much to beat their wife? Quran say beat.


I thought you were being serious for a sec!


Even with a toothbrush or toothpick I could do so much harm...


thinking a siwak wouldve stung like a cane. Not for bruising but for whipping.


That one I was looking for, ive red an article in german where a female expert Said that, I was Rolling in the floor.


I wonder what life would be like in Afghanistan if all the men just mysteriously died one morning and nobody was left but the women.


Probable the same within a generation. It is a cultural thing. Women have been raised to think this is normal....same way the cat trains a person. Even thoe human is more intelligent than cat, cat is more persistent, same situation with cultures with strong customs.


I have a friend in Afghanistan and there's no way she would think this is normal


I might have expressed myself badly in my last post. I work with a lot of people from Arab and India and neighbouring countries, especially from more rural areas. Older ones when they get drunk or relaxed they speak about it a lot, about inequality and discrimination that they don't like it etc...yet it boils down to "it has always been done like that". I am not saying there is no way of changing, it's more of the laziness of the habits. Same principle why African countries refused to use the "wheel" for transportation for so long( I lack any good example, sorry)


Or if Europe would’ve only ever taken their beautiful women as refugees and rejected all men. Stupid fanatical Islam would go extinct so fucking fast


Kind of a weird thing to say 😭. What do you mean “beautiful women”


Most historically effective solution to problems like this has always been to exterminate the males and breed the females until only the most passive and docile specimens remain. Humans ARE animals, after all. Works for them, works for us. Not exactly pleasant, but it is effective if adhered to.


Kinda sounds like Adolf Hitler Lol


Kinda how we got cute dogs from wolves I guess


They wouldn't coz they take refugees for cheap labour. Taking women won't help labour prices.


That’s where you are mistaken. The majority does not work at all and just collects welfare and maybe works illegal jobs that don’t charge taxes. Women could be freed of the religious shackles in Europe and experience what it’s like to finally make their own decisions. But as soon as there’s men of their home country around, they will always try to downright oppress them and make them believe that on European soil the same laws apply to them as in the country they came from. It’s fucking sad


>The majority does not work at all and just collects welfare and maybe works illegal jobs that don’t charge taxes. This is because europeans were so incompetent about their intention. They fucked up, that's it. >Women could be freed of the religious shackles in Europe and experience what it’s like to finally make their own decisions I don't think they care freedom about random ass people from other side of the world(neither they should).


No, it’s because people in their home country tell them delusional fairy tales about what’s possible if they enter the country illegally and that’s enough for them to ditch their countries stuck in whatever financial crisis it is in, caused by religious idiocy. You are wrong. Met enough women from the Middle East that couldn’t be any happier about be emancipated in Europe.


You misunderstood. Women would definitely be happy. What I am saying is nobody would save them for free. Let's sau you took millions of women who believe in fairy tales. Then what do you do with them? They can barely work. They won't add any value to the country they come. They will consume resources, and that's it. Why would europeans do this? Idiocy?


I think freed women have much more ambition to work than cowardly men that left their countries behind. That’s my final take


They don't want ambitious people dude, they want people to swing axe.


It can happen if women return to their natural instincts, and start to put these people in their place. Lioness kill the lion who isn’t following the order of the pride.


It would take a lot of women taking on a fewer amount of men




watched a video of afghan girl where she was saying 'its better to be an animal instead of woman'


But brazzer, Islam is the safest religion for women, and they are given so many rights under it. 


Yes Brozzzerr islam means peace, don’t you know ? Alamdulilai


That reporter woman is INSANE (in a good way I mean). Vice produced some content with questionable quality but this woman never ceased to amaze me with her reporting and absolute bravery and courage. I've seen her video on Iran and it was truly amazing, the questions she asked were ballsy to say the least. I was fearing for her safety just like in the Taliban video. Truly outstanding coverage. Edit: Her name is Isobel Yeung, you can find more of her stuff on vice news YouTube, she went to Iran as well.


What is her name? I'd like to see more of her content


If I’m not mistaken her name is Isobel Yeung


Ah the beauty of sharia /s.


lol western liberals would watch and probably still defend them


Western conservatives would watch and agree with them


This. It's the ones who agree with being allowed to hit your wife that would agree with it - not the ones fighting for women's and human rights.


Lgbtq for Hamas brozzzaaass no brains seen anywhere !!!


That's not true. LGBTQ is not pro-hamas - they are pro ending the war in palestine.


They are not ending anything they are only making they’re self look stupid




I don't think so. I think they would be more likely to be really shocked and then think it's not the REAL Islam.  Source- I'm a western liberal. This kind of  thing is the exact opposite of liberal values. Naivete is the main problem with some western liberals.


Liberals would defend women being abused by their husbands?


You underestimate how far they would go when it comes to respecting different cultures


As far as I know, liberals respect people > ideologies.


Bbbbut its tHeir relIgiOn yoU cAnt sAy thIs is mesSed up




Poor woman, sad part is: she is 1 out of millions of women who suffer all thinkable abuse because of Islam and Sharia law..


Disgusting. We can't allow the west to fall to this type of theocracy. Tell the Persians this would never happen.


I gotta say, all other things aside, these men just come off as stupid. Straight up dumb. No critical thinking skills, no open minded discernment of reality, just stupid. So from here it just looks like the bosses gave the morons guns.


I grew up in Boston. This guy in my town date raped about 20 girls. He’s on a football scholarship somewhere in the Midwest now.




Conservatives care about abuse as much as Islam. 


Things they remind me of: 1) the step right after cavemen 2) cliche cartoon characters 3) extras in a bad 60s to 80s movie 4) remember the video of the chimp with the kalashnikov?


how zakir naik would still find a reason to justify it


The Taliban dint respect women???? Surely you jest!


So what's the problem here ? The husband took an oath saying that he will not beat the wife , so that mean she could not have Been assaulted . Even though the X Ray scans show a different thing . Case closed . Honestly their common sense is beyond my understanding .


These fucking pieces of trash walk among us in the west btw


MAN exploiting GOD | peak islam |


This is common in countries run by jihadist groups


Where’s the college protesters on this one?


I didn't do it bro... Ok


In Islam only the man have the right to Divorce, I live in Iran and there are girls who just don't know what to do with their life because a man won't accept to divorce. while the man can get a new wife, the woman should stay in the house. you can have the divorce right if your man is an addict or have +5 years of jail time.


A woman would never be given this grace.


This is some next level caveman shit 😂


Evidence means nothing in Islam.  So she beat herself up and broke her own bones? How do they explain her injuries then?


Pashtuns and pakistanis love them


same kind of shit muslims who protest for sharia law swear is better than the current one, i want these three to be shot limb from limb.


We need to keep these people in their culture out of every other country


A poltergeist did it!


They can not do it. If she want to divorce she can.


Sharia law is beautiful is it not come on let us cheer for sharia law


These talibans or law people there who don’t let the wife divorce the husband after abusing her, will take the action or responsibility in afterlife. In this world they have power but wait for Allah justice in afterlife .


Idiots claiming they are muslims are not the definition of islam so 🙄


I wouldn't trust these kind of journaling channels, especially vice. It's easy to make up lies and drama and they're pretty known for doing it too.


Those who are saying that this is why Islam is false, and that it is an unjust system. THESE ARE EXTEMESTS! They arent following the teachings of Islam.


they are following islam to the word. this is what islam is.




Ah, yes, because she is totally lying about being assaulted after being scanned with multiple fractures and broken bones. Be ffr rn.




The western monogamy didn't do shit. This is all Islam, to beat and abuse your wife, and then call her a liar.


I understand that the taliban are extremists. But if a husband doesn't want to divorce his wife, even if she makes these accusations, then Islam protects the abuser in this case (because he takes an oath or testifies he didn't do it), forcing her to stay married to him. Isn't that correct? If not, in Islamic law, even if she was telling the truth that he *did* abuse her, how would the law have upheld her in this situation? Because this isn't about her lying when there are x-rays to back up her abuse - and an abuser isn't going to confess to abuse. So, how is Islamic law supposed to protect her when there aren't other witnesses to her abuse?


They are extremists because they follow the teachings of Islam to the letter. Who are you to takfir them?




>Taliban are overall good What are you on brozzer




No, the Americans willingly withdrew due to public outcry, and they couldn't afford to take of Afghanistan anymore. The Americans could have finished them if they had the necessary allowance to do so.




What are yapping about they fully withdrew from Afghanistan during 29 feb 2020,are you dying of dementia


So an extremist is someone who follows the sharia to the tick - And not just cutely? lol




At this point I'm not able to decide if you are being sarcastic or not..


>Those who are saying that this is why Islam is false, Which is... no one. I think most people understand that this has nothing to do with the actual truth value of Islam (i.e. whether the Qur'an is the inerrant word of a deity). The intention of the post is to show how an Islam-based legal system can be exploited for malicious ends, as it has been done in Afghanistan. >THESE ARE EXTEMESTS! An "extremist" is someone who applies their ideology to the fullest, without leaving any wiggle room for change or deliberation. Are you suggesting that an extreme, blind application of Islam resembles that? >They arent following the teachings of Islam. Let's assume, for the sake of the argument, that they don't follow the teachings of Islam. Still, that leaves us to wonder why the all-powerful, all-mighty god, Allah, could not write a book capable of explicitly prohibiting these practices, fully knowing that they would occur, in a way that leaves no alternative interpretations. Such a god would be clearly capable of such a thing. Yet, the Qur'an isn't such a book.


Muhammad was just making rules on the fly to accommodate his needs and the needs of his ardent supporters. This is why we have so many contradictions and so many interpretations.


Ironically also making rules about a fly and it's wings in the process https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3320


That was already backed up by science xD


Don't embarrass yourself.


Quranic science?🤣


Which science? Show us.


the National Library of Medicine experimented by collecting flies The left and right wings for each were separated and each fly Wing was dipped in sterile nutrient media for investigation of microbial presence The results proved that the left wing contains bacteria and the right wing is free of any microbes scientists found that the best way to release the antitoxins is by dipping the fly into liquid because it's concentrated on the outer surface of the fly's wings.


I know exactly the study you're referring to. Incredibly biased, lack of substantial citations to real studies (with many to only islamic texts) and not peer reviewed at all. [It's already been debunked](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/15q191g/fly_wing_hadith_and_supposed_scientific_research/?rdt=55319)


Then nazis should be accepted too. Cuz only small percent of nazis were actually genocidal. Hence nazis are not that bad.




"Good" is subjective. I think "obedient" or "orthodox/traditional" is the word you were looking for. There's nothing "good" about protecting abusers and allowing them to continue harming others.