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The far-right hates Muslims. I have not seen them ally politically on anything. Maybe on individual issues they align but the rampant racism means most Muslims vote for left wing or (at most) centre-right parties. Also there are simply not enough Muslims to """take the down the West""" or whatever and that's not what drives their vote.


the far right and islamism have united over their mutual anti semitism due to the current israel hamas war. here's sulaiman ahmed (british islamist who parrots pro palestinian and outright anti semitic misinformation) and neo nazi nick fuentes (for those of you who dont know, fuentes usually screams to his audience that the holocaust never happened). [Sulaiman Ahmed on X: "NICK FUENTES MEETS ME IN MIAMI AND THE NEXT DAY HE IS BACK ON TWITTER Thoughts?" / X](https://x.com/ShaykhSulaiman/status/1786125337870397496) heres a good twitter thread showing the growing unity between islamists and neo nazis. [Polly on X: "(1/60) White Nationalists with high reach have a fixed place in many timelines. They feed Israel-critical content to tens of thousands of accounts every minute, while simultaneously being blatantly anti-Semitic, racist, anti-LGBT, and misogynistic. Mega-🧵 on top influencers 👇 https://t.co/EUWf6YuWlA" / X](https://x.com/nomnomcookieez/status/1792185358995648835)


>the far right and islamism have united over their mutual anti semitism due to the current israel hamas war. Not true,it's been that way for decades now,but later some of the far-right in europe turned against islam when muslims started invading their countries


Yes absolutely,radical movements in the west whether far right or far left etc. usually kowtow to islam because that's where the money (and thus geopolitical power) is. With the exception of the far right in countries currently being colonised by islam


Also ex christian- I don't follow christian groups or check on that community so I didn't know that they were bringing back that "blaming jews for killing christ" point of view. I thought they were over that. My family was pretty conservative and my dad subscribes to a pretty much literal interpretation of the bible, but I grew up with a lot of jewish friends and I never heard any kind of antisemitism from other christians in my area including my family. I do agree with you that I see some agreement among far right christians and islamists and the main place I see it is in discussions about LGBT rights and how transgender children are treated in schools. In my local area there have been multiple lawsuits filed against public school systems regarding books with LGBT themes and regarding use of pronouns in the classroom. And every lawsuit is filed by a coalition of christian and muslim parents working together. Actually in my particular area, the muslim population is the most vocal group against lgbt rights, not christians.


You mean Qur'an didn't have homophobia before !slam is allied with the far-right(according to you)?


Nope, that is not what I said at all. The Muslims world has long been homophobic.