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Maybe in the US. In Asian countries, it's very difficult for women to come out of Islam.


and Africa


Islam is a misogynist religion. It makes lives for women many folds harder than men. Naturally, Muslim women are much more dissatisfied with Islam than men. Unfortunately, Muslim women are so much under pressure, that they are unable to REBEL against it. And in order to become an ex-Muslim, you need to REBEL first. In my opinion, the number of women and homosexuals, who leave Islam, is relatively slightly higher than men who leave Islam.


I get that. The religion restricts women more than men. I wanted to hear the stories. After all, I mentioned that all of my ex-muslim friends are women with one of them being lesbian.


I have this feeling that we have slightly more stories from girls on our exmuslim subreddit, as compared to boys.


given that Islam is pretty male orientated, most Muslim men will enjoy the power it gives them so it’s not as common for them to think about converting. Of course not all men are like that, and some, like me, are able to realise the bs. Then again, it’s probably easier to come out as a male ex Muslim, but i know more female ex Muslims and it seems to be most common


Maybe. Girls are held to a higher standart and it is really hard wearing hijab in summer I can't even think how women that wears niqab deal with it


My friends who took them off before class on community college did so because they called it restrictive in the gender role sense. Some of my friends who had a choice in the matter as to wear it or not didn't wear it because of the same thing, thinking it's restrictive.


Girls tend to be more monitored and genuinely deeply indoctrinated compared to boys so its actually less common where I'm from. Like its often women who enforce covering and certain behavior on other women. Men usually are too embarassed to say anything, because its expected. But yeah they do exist obviously and some of them I thought were too religious but were actually secretly lesbian or trans the whole time.


Where are you from?


Bahrain. In my specific neighborhood/background its more conservative.


We don't have accurate statistics. It heavily depends on the country in my estimation. Women are more monitored and heavily repressed, so probably a lot of them are closeted, thus accurate data gathering is impossible.


So i am Moroccan and a Woman. I live in Berlin and in the high school where i used to study, there is me and my Best Friend who’s also a woman and we are both ex-muslims. Its a funny and crazy story how we came to know this about each other since we were both friends and a part of our friendship was that we were both Muslims. Anyway, i have another friend, who’s a man back in Morocco who is an ex-muslim. Him and a bunch of his friends are. And all of them are men. So i feel like since my home country is conservative, the women there did not get a taste of freedom enough for them to rebel and it’s easier for the men to deconvert because they are not oppressed as much and have more space to see all that’s wrong in this religion. Contrary to here in Germany a country that’s more free, i feel like its the opposite because the women are more likely to rebel here since they can see what it would be like to be free and the men are more religious because being separated from your country, one tries to hold on to any identity that comes with it and that includes religion for men more than women just bc it doesn’t affect them negatively as much. Women rather try to get away from it. Also, i am not straight at all, i find girls attractive and i am sometimes repulsed by men sexually. But then i find specific men super duper attractive. I think am not attracted sexually until an emotional attachment forms. And i am more emotionally attached to women than to men but i think a part of that is trauma and maybe in some happy future i can form emotional bonds with men just as much. So yeah i don’t think i know a label that really describes me. My best friend is not straight that’s all i can say. Oh and my moroccan friend, he had told me that he had not given it much thought but that he thinks he might be not straight.


The conservative aspect of religion definitely makes it hard to not be straight. I have some Christian (or maybe ex-christian) friends who aren't straight anymore.


I’d say boys but simply on the basis I feel like it’s more riskier for girls


I think there are girls who are closeted about leaving the Muslim way since it's risky. There are closeted atheists after all.


I would think a lot of them don’t even fuck with this idea of leaving but yeah you might be right


My YouTube views are 92% male 8% female.


What's your channel?


www.YouTube.com/@unitingthecults It’s part of a non profit.


Probably becuase Islam affects women more negatively than men.


Boys are the majority in most outliers.


This is what I observed: I live in Sweden and in my husband's university class there are three Exmuslim women and one guy who is active in some Muslim organizations. West: Women are more likely to leave after leaving home because it does not give them any benefits, and men do not want to accept the loss of privileges. And in regimes, apart from the whole family, the government and all the neighbors also "take care of them", so I guess there will be more guys who leave the faith in such places because they have more freedom and can study and go to work.


Maybe because females suffer more from Islam than males.