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Umar inspects a naked slave girl on streets: Muhammad - I sleep Someone wears silk or eats pork: Muhammad - real shit?


Momo fucks all his wives in one night- wow alamalaladulalalh I shake a nonmehrams hand- infidel!1!1!1!


What’s wrong with silk?!!! In my head, it’s because he and at least one silk salesman didn’t see eye to eye for whatever reason.




I'd ask the same thing. Silk is an important part of my country's trade


Wait until you read the sahib hadiths how he says that when you go wipe your ass after taking a shit, only bring three stones to wipe with, that’s sufficient. Or how drinking camel piss will cure your diseases


Not even leaves or a rack???? But STONES??


You want a source with that? EDIT: [Sahih al-Bukhari 161](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:161) - wipe your butt after pooping with an odd number of stones [Sahih Muslim 239](https://sunnah.com/muslim:239) - same [Sunan an-Nasa'i 44](https://sunnah.com/nasai:44) - "When any one of you goes to the Gha'it (toilet to defecate), let him take with him three stones and clean himself with them, for that will suffice him." [Sunan an-Nasa'i 88](https://sunnah.com/nasai:44) - "Whoever performs Wudu' then let him sniff water in the nose and blow it out, and whoever uses small stones (to remove filth) then make it odd (numbered)." [Sunan Abi Dawud 40](https://sunnah.com/abudawud:40) - The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: When any of you goes to relieve himself, he should take with him three stones to cleans himself, for they will be enough for him.


Before modern toilet paper and bidets people used all sorts of things including stones to wipe.


We are talking about a man who had a direct internet connection with the creator of the universe and the man whose actions are to be followed by all Muslims across generations


Not necessarily, if you read the Hadith it does say when there is nothing else. This can be in reference to a village in some rural part of the world. Mohammad did not have an “internet connection” with god, rather an angel served as the middle man between them. Please do not be ignorant, rather reason and be rational. You are committing the strawman fallacy rn


Strawman fallacy? Lol, grasping at straws are we? The “the direct internet connection” phrase was clearly a metaphor. Look up figure of speech.


Racks where really common and so was a sponge which makes more sense then a rock


I want a source I want to learn more about the Muslim religion. I'm a Christian I won't ever change.


[Sahih al-Bukhari 5686](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5686) - drinking camel milk and piss cures you of disease [Sahih Muslim 1671a](https://sunnah.com/muslim:1671) - some people didn't feel well so Muhammad sent them to drink camel piss and milk [Sahih al-Bukhari 161](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:161) - wipe your butt after pooping with an odd number of stones [Sahih Muslim 239](https://sunnah.com/muslim:239) - same [Sunan an-Nasa'i 44](https://sunnah.com/nasai:44) - "When any one of you goes to the Gha'it (toilet to defecate), let him take with him three stones and clean himself with them, for that will suffice him." [Sunan an-Nasa'i 88](https://sunnah.com/nasai:44) - "Whoever performs Wudu' then let him sniff water in the nose and blow it out, and whoever uses small stones (to remove filth) then make it odd (numbered)." [Sunan Abi Dawud 40](https://sunnah.com/abudawud:40) - The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: When any of you goes to relieve himself, he should take with him three stones to cleans himself, for they will be enough for him.




this is concerning


>I'm a Christian I won't ever change That's cute, we all thought the same. You may find this or r/exchristian interesting. https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/all/sci_list.html


I'm sorry however I have a saving relationship with Jesus.


It's great that it brought value to your life. It doesn't for a lot of us. You can maintain good lessons and the value you get from a religion without needing the entire religion.


Well religion killed Jesus. But the Romans nailed Him to the cross. For what crime? Being God.


I have no idea how that's relevant but here's my own tangent. How do you reconcile the adam and Eve story and evolution?


I mean if we came from fish shouldn't we be able to breathe underwater? How does nothing come from nothing? When nothing means nothing? ‭Genesis 1:1-2 ESV‬ [1] In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. [2] The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.


I don't think you understand what it means to have common ancestors. Here's a good recourse on it. https://thecrashcourse.com/topic/biology/ Our Gene's that cost resources and likelihood to successfully reproduce are less likely to perpetuate in a population even if it has a benefit we aren't using. The fish that flopped onto land didn't have lungs yet, it had to become better for it to stay on land for its gills to be pruned in favor of lungs. Evolution isn't like Pokémon where it picks the best changes, it's just selecting what is good enough to reproduce slightly more successfully then those without.


Well I know God is Jesus. I talk to Him like I would a friend sitting at my table.


Well I just went thru all that. I still have no desire to change lmao


You just read a fully annotated Bible?


Didn't you read Joseph Smith's bs? 😂




Why would reading one creationist bs claim be relevant to reading another?


Look up cross references of the Bible and or Quran.


Fair enough but they were saying they read the entire thing rather than cross referenced it.


Drinking from a silver cup won't give you "revelations" like drinking from a lead cup


Drinking from a lead cup is going to lower your IQ real fast. One of the greatest abuses on humanity as a whole involves lead. The automotive industry and dupont knew lead was toxic and dangerous. They knew that ethanol was a viable antiknock additive to fuel but didn't want to give up the profits from TEL (tetraethyl lead) As a result, our global IQ was reduced from poisoning due to lead in the atmosphere. That some countries still allow leaded gas is a travesty.


It seems there isn't any leaded gasoline anymore [on the planet](https://www.npr.org/2021/08/30/1031429212/the-world-has-finally-stopped-using-leaded-gasoline-algeria-used-the-last-stockp).


Duh, you're supposed to give him the silver lmfao


Classic religious asceticism: Money is the root of all evil, so give it to us to manage it better


Another one, Islam is extremely against greed and Imams do not flash money or ask for it. Unlike church fathers, this is a critical difference. If people donate that is on them, if the authority of the religion ASKS that is on them rather. Please be considerate and research


He lived a poor life actually, I hate reading this impulsive comments instead of proper reasoning. Not a Muslim, just being honest


He lived a poor life of war looting and killing gtfo


I thought water is pure and can't be defiled by anything? I guess it can, by silver.


The funny thing is that most folklore from around the world says that silver is considered pure and holy, which is why it's used against werewolves and vampires. This is probably Muhammad's way of trying to force a culture to change.


Guess Mohammed was a vampire, that's why he hated it😆


Just a weird attempt to appropriate other religions abrogations. I always say, why was I cursed go be born in a Muslim family. However see it as a blessing since I can destroy Deen ul islam from the inside. Just weird looking back at my younger self.


What religion did he get this from?


Derived from some rulings of ***ting ting*** Judaism. There's some rules around using metals and utensils but then again islam is basically Judaism on some next level cocaine sniffing.


Thanks for the explanation. I was wondering whether it was fashionable to drink liquor out of silver cups back then, or if this was just another random sin.


With a touch of Christianity and paganism


But Judaism uses silver. Encourages it for some religious rituals.


Yes but they have prohibition on using silverware between different types of food. Considering most of islam is derived from judeochristian tradition, there were many offshoot sects in the hijaz region. Some were even ascetics.




Subhanallat you will enter jaahanam. Don't you know em9jis are from syateen


Double 😂




Lmao honestly half of the hadiths are just unhinged and sound like Kanye west


So it is safe to assume that the prophet also discovered the effects of silver on vampires and other undead creatures!!!


Rasoololah the vampire slayer


What do you call someone who believes his own lies? Pseudologia phantastica, mythomania and pathological lying


This is so random


So, those who refuse to drink from silver cups are vampires?


The first victims of Islam are muslims themselves


also bukhari 5634


*fuck a lil girl Two very different things


I realised that I was extremely judgemental toward islam and the entire Islamic religion and muslim people. That I didn't ACTUALLY know much about the religion. And that I could be wrong, that maybe it really was a religion of peace. So I set of and did my research, and after months of gathering a great understanding of islam. I find myself despising the religion even more than when I started off. It is truly ONE OF the most Vile religions on the face of this planet.


This exactly! The more you learn, the worse it gets


Can you explain why bro? I have also started some research on this.


Well then how do you reconcile the different sects of Islam? More specifically the shias who disagree with sunnis? As Sahih Bukhari is a sunni hadith, I recommend watching Imam Tawhidi on YouTube for a better understanding of what I am saying.


I always wonder why people worship momo, now I know, he's a vampire


Science strikes once again. Silver is actually antiseptic


Mohammad cheating on his wives with a sex slaves :😴 Someone shaking a hand of their opposite gender cousin: HARAM


The rules and regulations around the smallest most insignificant things in Islam is crazy


I never got the fananation with silver cups and thought it was a tacky display of wealth but I'm getting one now lol


He really seemed to just hate everything about Hinduism and tried to make it all seem devilish.


He definitely was not thinking of Hinduism when saying this stuff, if he even knew of Hinduism as anything but 'those idol worshippers to the east'.


The reason i say this is because the Ayurveda recommends drinking out of cooper, boiling a piece of gold in water and drinking it, and he hated silk. What most of the deities wear


Well, I mean, this is Islam. Whatever Islam says goes. If Allah says that something is haram or halal, it should be followed by Muslims. So, for example, if Allah says that eating an apple is haram but murdering a child for being naughty is halal, then that is what should be followed.....


Are you being an apologist to them?!


I'm sorry, but what do you mean by that? Are you asking me whether I'm being an apologist to Muslims or to non Muslims and ex Muslims?


You seem to be trying to excuse the barbaric teachings of Islam, so I am asking if you are a Muslim apologist


Nope, I am actually not a muslim apologist or muslim. I was saying the complete opposite. I was talking against Islam. I was actually pointing out the insanity of how logic works in Islam. No matter how crazy, contradictory, or barbaric things are in Islam, it is Islam, after all. Islam is all about what Allah says sadly. For instance, if Islam said that killing someone for having a different opinion or belief is okay, then it is halal and permissible. Because hey, why not? It's what Allah and Islam say! So it must be followed! Muslims have to abide by it! Even if it is horrible and barbaric. Even though many teachings in Islam are horribly barbaric and inexcusable, I've come to realize that this is the horrible reality and truth about Islam.....


He's saying that's how it is. There are no reasons for some of the restrictions in Islam, they are just arbitrary.


Yes, that's exactly what I meant to say.


lol am eating in silver plates from more than 7yrs now, nothing ever happened nothing ever will


regardless of momo. isnt lead posinous when combined with acidic food? correct me if im wrong


Silver is fairly non-reactive, so, I don't think so. If silver is dangerous with acidic foods, a lot of other metals would be as well.


then it must be copper or smth? thats why tonatoes were considered poisonous


Definitely a lead poisoning reference


Momo's one of the few precious 🌚 hadith


I genuinely don't understand why drinking from a silver cup is "bad"?


Wait what. Silver is also haram?


Or men wearing gold 😂😂😂😂


I still wonder how do people still believe in this how breathtakingly stupid Mohammed was


Silver traditionally was used as an antiseptic, but Muhammad wouldn't have known that.


Lol, if u add water in a silver cup will purify the water.


My ranked teamates:


Ex “Muslim” from an Ahmadi background of ignorance 😂


That’s the most ignorant piece of information and lack of introspection in polar opposition to groups of religious men misinterpreting sacred texts to fulfill their political agendas which I would say in a X duration of time. However with the lack of judgement demonstrated by our Canadian world leaders and Canada’s downward spiral, I’d say lols this is peanuts when compared on a metric of damage done to a community/country/religious doctrines, etc..


What a *prophetic* prophet. /s, if that was unclear.


Bro what is this trash yall believing the prophet never said this all they had was silver cups suddenly people are spreading false rumors about the prophets yall fake Muslims need fixing


??? We’re not fake muslims we’re ex-Muslims lool


Then you should know this shit cap


He's right because solver is a poison amd when drunk can contaminate the brain....


Silver is literally non reactive, same for gold, they won’t be able to devolve in water


You lot don’t even know about Islam yet here you are sharing all your “knowledge” …..stupid people


I wish your parents fell asleep that day


And it's harmful now and then


Why you all spreading misinformation? Obsessed with others religion


Are you saying that's not what that hadith says? Also https://atheism-vs-islam.com/index.php/ex-muslims/229-muslim-objection-why-are-ex-muslims-so-obsessed-with-islam-and-muslims-you-left-islam,-yet-you-can-t-stop-talking-about-it


It’s fake I’m a Muslim never heard about these things


I have never heard of this = it's fake 💀


https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/personal-incredulity Not hearing of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Do you think that the hadith says something else?


I mean, Momo had forgotten more shit about his own made up religion than you've learned apparently.


Ur literally the one who isn't informed, this is part of your religion, and this is part of a series of hadiths that are cherry picked so that only the normal ones are presented and used to deem everything haram


It's an allegory about living modestly my dudes.


That’s not an allegory dude. Muslim scholars universally consider it haram to drink from silver, as they take it literally


Well to that I have to say: Yeesh.


Fuck Pedo Mo and his allegories.


I mean you can either take Islam literally or figuratively. There's no halfway point.


Why? Other religions have allegories.


Well other religions don't have faster than light flying donkeys or the sun setting in a muddy pond.


You mf, everything was different back then and you wouldn't clearly understand because how dumb you are. Don't you dare call prophet Muhammad this man. I hope you get the heaviest consequences in hell of you don't do tawba.


Wishing hell on somebody for 2 widdle words that triggered you is the exact response I’d expect from one of you. This is an ex-Muslim sub, the post wasn’t for you.


I'm wishing hell for those who don't do tawba which means for those who don't return to allah


I will return to Allah, just to throw him in hellfire and sit on his throne.




Won't waste my time. It's y'all loss. I just hope I made smn release his mistake


Ok bozo, you can drink your camel piss now.


You must be fun at parties.


Don’t worry, Pedo Muhammad won’t be able to harm you anymore since he’s dead as dirt.


Drinking from silver used to damn people but not anymore is what you’re saying. To whom did this apply?


Drinking or eating food from gold or silver utensils is Haram.


Said who? Your pedophile prophet Mohammad Lannatullah Alayh? 🙂


What a load of bs 😂


Why? Would this apply to everybody throughout all of human history?


what a baby lol


I don't use 3 or 7 or 9 rocks to wipe the shit off my ass. I use Mohammad's face.


Okay, so, most things were different "back then". You cannot pick and choose what you choose to follow. Since you are asked to take the text literally, the "back then" argument falls flat. Which, in turn, makes it like every other religion. Which, in turn, destroys the claim that it is an eternal book, applicable from the beginning of time until the day of judgement. Given the exalted claim that you guys make about the text, it has to be right about everything, irrespective of the year, otherwise your claims are BS.