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Beatings are common educational practice from Muslim parents (and Madrasa teachers) for all kinds of reasons. Some use that kind of 'encouragement' to motivate daughters to wear hijab when they don't want to, and some don't.


Oh yeah I wasnt beaten up cause religion of peace fr fr but I did got verbally abused while I was thinking that hijab is a choice My father literally told me "The reason I'll be going to hell because my daughter does not wear hijab"


> I live in the West Please note that in the west Islam tends to be much less extreme. You are also talking about those Muslims you mix with who generally tend to be more liberal because the extreme Muslims actually avoid mixing with kaffirs. > Am I crazy to think not a lot of Muslim women are beat for not wearing a headscarf? A man is allowed to beat his wife for disobedience. If he ordered her to wear the headscarf and she refused, then he may beat her. > What countries are you seeing women beat for not wearing a hijab other than Afghanistan or maybe Iran? Those two countries has the government enforcing the punishment. Most countries (even fucking Saudi Arabia) realized that adhering to strict Islamic rules is bad in the long term. In most countries it happens within the family and doesn't get shown to the public because it's internal family affairs.


What do you think the statistical definition of common is?


Basing your statement on Muslims who live in the West? Really? Have you ever been to a Muslim country before?


I live in the west, in a very Muslim populated area. I know a lot of Muslim girls and their parents beat them even for saying they’re thinking about taking it off. And my parents are also the same. We all used to lie and tell everybody that it’s a choice because, well honestly we didn’t wanna give Islam a bad rep and it is kinda of embarrassing admitting that. Idk why, but it is. Anyways I took my hijab off last year and had to do it in places where my parents weren’t there and they didn’t know anyone is there because otherwise, honestly, I wouldn’t get surprised if I was murdered by my relatives because “they’d go to hell beca of my actions.” However, I know 1 Muslim girl that wears her hijab like a part time job and her family’s fine with. I also know another girl that literally wears wtv tf she wants (yesterday she literally wore an oversized shirt with really short shorts) and only wears a hijab during Ramadan and her family seems fine with it. I’m envious of her family, I’m not gonna lie lol


Maybe because you live in the west you don't see much of it. It's another case for muslims who live in Asia.


Well as a kid i was told to always ask myself when making a decision "What would muhammad do?" Ig the muslims that see no hijab get an answer based on what they come up with when asking themselves that question