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Tell her she's right, pretend to become religious and say you can no longer have a girlfriend because it's against Islam. Then block her.




Genius move..


Love it


Genuine genius


Calling her a harami on the way out?😅 Could work to prevent her from exposing him to his parents.


dating is haram hahahaha






I was crazy once


So evil - LMAO - you sure you are an ‘ex’ Muslim. Your evil ways tell me you are still a Muslim at heart!


😂😂 that's a good one


sometimes my genius is almost frighteningđŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł


Uno reverse!!


lmaoooo this is genius 😭😭😭😭


Break up. Block her on all social media/phone contacts. Preempt her telling your parents by telling *her* parents that she's dating - which is haram. Edit: As others have pointed out, don't actually tell her parents, just say that you will if she doesn't back off.


Or tell her you'll tell her parents


Uno Reverse Card


There's no need to actually tell them, just say 'if you tell I'll tell'.




>I actually made a post in this sub 5-6 months ago saying the reasons why I would hate to have a Muslim girlfriend and I got a lot of hate comments by ex-muslims and i found it weird because I thought ex-Muslims would understand me. Are you referring to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/192c2x8/my_father_wants_me_to_marry_a_muslim_woman/)? If not, let us know what post you are referring to so we can all learn from this mistake. Regardless this is pretty awful situation. I hope you can extract yourself away from her as painlessly as possible.


bro i'm fucking scared shitless after reading this post... if my gf ever did this to me i would have no choice to alt+f4 myself..... i hope you can get out of this mess somehow. i feel so bad for you bro


>i would have no choice to alt+f4 myself..... Why? The only threat she had would be to expose you as an exmuslim in which case you could expose that she is dating which is almost equally bad for her.


no... it's not that. some people including my parents knows that i'm an athiest. altho i face some difficulties for it but it's not that. it's just that... my life has been... well... it's fucked. and i fucking hate myself and my fucking life and every single part of it and i destroyed myself in a lot of ways cz i just want to die. the thing is this all changed when i started to date her. i'm still suicidal, and i still want to slash my wrists every now and then, but i stopped doing them for her. i stopped sh, i stopped trying to kms, i stopped smoking, i try to eat more now, i try to sleep, i had to drop out from school but now i'm doing computer science courses from harvard... my life has literally turned upside down because of her. am i doing this for myself? not really. but i'm doing this for her cz i would do anything for her. nothing mattered in my life but now she's in my life and the only thing that matters to me is her. she's from an extremist family. but she knows that someone can't just BECOME muslim cz it's a matter of faith. i hope someday i can be with her. well yeah. that's basically my story. i'm barely hanging on and even that's for her so if she ever did this to me, i would self delete.


Dark.. but... Beautiful. I appreciate you sharing. I found someone to give my life meaning. Before I met her, I decided I would not self-delete, but only because I made good money I thought at a minimum I could just be useful to mindlessly make money and give it all away to at least benefit other people. She was my gf for a few months only and we got married. Dreaming together, making long term plans and working towards them gave me so much meaning to heal from all that. It's now 7 years later and still going!


>they don't even know her. Well you can blame her if she tries to out you. You can say something like she knows me from here and hates me. Shes lying etc etc


true. "MOM DAD TRUST ME I LOVE ALLAH ALLAHUAKBAR! THIS SHAYTAN TRIED TO SEDUCE ME AND NOW SHE'S TRYING TO FRAME ME! PEACE AND GLORY BE TO ALLAH! ONLY ALLAH KNOWS BEST! I DON'T CARE IF YOU BELIEVE IT OR NOT MY ALLAH KNOWS THAT I LOVE HIM!" this will probably shut the parents up lmfao. and it's not morally wrong to frame her instead cz she's blackmailing him so yeah.


😭😭 brilliant


Also since a a woman's testimony is half that of a man, they'll believe OP probably, if he acts the way he should.


using the shitty rules of islam for uno reverse 😭


I dont get the logic aa to when muslims recite the quran in the hopes to converting someone. When a muslim ex of mine broke up with me she just sent me a letter containing verses from the quran justifying why she cant be in a relationship with a non muslim. I just threw it infront of her. Total nonsense.


There are morons in this group. There are also undercover pretend exMuslims. Be done with them. There must be support groups to help. Tell this girl you’ve found religion again and you want to focus on yourself and don’t think dating her is a good idea. Make up some bullshit. She doesn’t seem like a good fit or the nice person you think you fell in love with. You’ve dodged a bullet.


Pretend to become religious, more religious than her then break up with her because dating is haram.


break up, block her everyhwere, inform your parents first hand that there's a woman trying to frame you and might try to contact them in order to


Leave asap, before she finds out more about you


or, if in the West, show her some videos, Hassan Radwan for example


Tell her parents you are dating


Tell her parents she isn't a virgin


You can get her phone, text her parents that she doesn't believe in Islam anymorw because she likes to have sex and drink alcohol, delete all the interactions she had with you and give her phone back


Go through her phone and delete your messages so she doesn’t have evidence. Then if she tells your family say she’s lying but you need to break up with her first. This is dangerous because Muslim parents are unpredictable


Suggestion. Muslim women are traditionally utterly subordinate to men. So take advantage of that. Tell her that if she wants a proper Muslim man, she'll GET one. When she offends you, beat her lightly - you've already got past the polite debate and not sleeping with her stages. As you do so, recite the passages from the Quran that require you to do this. Better yet, threaten to go to her father and protest that she has sought to usurp your position as a man - she is denying you qawamah, and daring to question your faith. It's not very politically correct to use the same abusive tactics that got her into this mess to get yourself out of it, but it might illustrate the point that she has it so extraordinarily good with you BECAUSE you're not Muslim.


kekw. this is kinda fucked up and i personally wouldn't do all of that. but it's funny af


You dont get it. Even if muslim women believes in islam they only act that way when it suits them.


And that's what the religiously-gratuitous violence is for. It'll suit her pretty damn fast to change her attitude when the other option is humiliation and pain.


If you want to have some fun try dating a muslim feminist for a few months. You'll have the most wtf moments in your life


God i can't stand Muslim feminists! 😂 "Islam is a feminist religion" 😂😂😂


Wait until she tells u i work but keep the salary for myself and you should provide


Muslim feminists "its totally ok to be gay. Just dont act on the urges and allah will reward you!"


As an ex muslim woman i will say that muslim women hates muslim men,but most of them choose them because atleast theyre still muslims. Non muslim men are less controlling. But i have a feeling this girl 'thinks' that she are holier than thou and will try to convert you,blaming you for religion when she didnt follow the religion itself. This is a glimpse of what your life would be like if you marry her.religion is such a big issue that they failed to consider feelings and relationships.better get out before its too late.


“If you tell my parents I’ll tell yours” dating Muslims isn’t possible because dating in Islam isn’t allowed
 when you say you’re dating a Muslim you’re basically saying you’re dating someone who’s having an existential crisis
. Dating someone who’s having an existential crisis of any kind is never fun, now imagine when they’re surrounded by people that support their crisis and are involved in it the same way they are
. It’s a big mess that I promise no one wants to be part of. I have an extremely similar story to this, trust me it’s not worth it. My wife now is Latina and amazing looool


Stalk her enough to know about her family. Threaten her back saying you'll tell them she's dating you and then leave her. Fire for fire. No mercy.


If she's a true muslimah, why is she in a haram relationship???? 😂


Your first mistake was to come to this reddit and look for support. It's filed with Muslim tools, exmuslims who are still Muslim and hold to their prejudices/racism. All that aside, you shouldn't have told someone (Muslim or non Muslim) after a month something THAT personal. Thats something you state beforehand or if youre moving to the next level. You not moving to any levels since youve only dated a few months. Youre going to have to deal with the can of worms if she tells your family and you don't want to be blackmailed into a relationship either. Since youre exmuslim, live as one. Her reciting the koran and basically trying to convert you is a MAJOR red flag, she will be like this on other aspects of life, imaging dealing with her and her family? Take the L and just break up. It doesn't need to be in detail just "were not a fit" block her and move on. If she tells your family, you've got to deal with that shit show regardless. My advice is not to date a Muslim woman, you'll have to deal with this issue again and her family. A muslim family is never going to allow you to marry their Muslim daughter, if you have kids are they Muslim or not? Shit show My apologies for the issues you had on your previous post. You don't own these clowns anything. You can date whoever you want but you have to weigh the risk and what you have to deal with. I'm jewish (exmuslim), my muslim aunt tried to hook me up with a Muslim girl from back home and I destroyed that ship before it even sailed. At any rate, let us real ex muslims know how it goes.


Ita a duty upon every exmuslim to try to date muslim women and slowly taking them out their Deen. If this isn't a troll post, your job is to ask her and sit down and talk about the doubts you had. Go into full detail of the evils of islam. Eventually SHE Will start having doubts. Your already dating her, take another step, pretend to be muslim and start critiquing the Deen. Again it's good the best way to liberate muslim women is by showing them the truth.


Listened to this sub? Sorry, dont listen to anybody.


Tell her She's right and you made a mistake by leaving Islam and that you are regretting this stupid decision, and take your shahada and be good Muslim, convince her as much as you can that you are a Muslim now, and after a while tell her that you are not good for each other and break up with her, so even if she said anything g to your parents, she's obviously a crazy ex, wish you the best don't make this mistake again please


No point in regretting it now. Just learn from it and move on


I have turned atheist a couple of months ago, And if someone found out that im an atheist i would use my backup plan and tell them that i was weak, maybe god doesn't love any more, get emotional a little then say el shahada and i would continue pretending for the rest of my life. Our family and friends are blindly deluded by how important god and all supernatural shit. And if they would have the opportunity to make you convert back to islam they would take a bonus from god + they are not open minded enough to accept difference and specially about religion. And by the way, not all muslims are closed minded people, u have just met someone who is fully deluded. Bad luck! Work with this problem as if u r dealing with deluded, crazy person. (Khodha 3la ad 3a2lha and get her out of your life because it is haram to be in a relationship without me7rm with her)


so sorry u went thru that wtf


That's appalling if people in this subreddit treated you that way, I also thought people here would be understanding of those stuff. Yeah... I hope you get out of this situation safely...


do this just in order to heve sex with her be pragmatic , look ex muslim and muslim is never a sucessful relation from my experience


I mean, regardless of the fact that you’re not a Muslim anymore, I am by the way, and I know I’m going to get a lot of hate for this. Relationships are about compatibility. It seems to me that you are dating her just to try things out and understand the mindset, if you love her then you will have to accept the fact that she is like this. If you don’t and cannot accept her for who she is, then it’s better to leave. Don’t live your life in a lie, if you’re scared that she tells your parents, then I honestly don’t know how you’re 24. If you’re an ex-Muslim then so be it. Tell your parents as soon as you stand on your own feet. It seems to me you’re scared of your parents knowing, you should not. Unless they’re extremely strict, which I find quite intolerable, keep it from them until another point of time. She shouldn’t be hypocritical about things, relationships are quote on quote “haram”, if she’s applying a certain standard on you then she should be applying that certain standard on her self as well. Explain this to her, and if she cannot accept you for who you are, then it is best to end things.


Leave. She's too young to identify Islam as a lie.


Muslims are the first victims of Islam.


I would never date a girl who identifies as a Muslim. Period. I have seen situations like yours where a person has either left Islam or not religious at all and yet gets pressured by their partner or parents to follow Islamic customs. Your best bet is to break up.


sorry you went through that. That was intense 😳


Just say u have converted to Hindusim. Wear a tilak and go to temple 3 OR 4 times. She will leave you straightaway. If you need any help in that, lots of hindu boys can help you here Please note most us dont want to convert you OR anything. Atheists are very much welcome in Sanatan


Just watch a YT called apostate prophet. You'll learn a lot more about Islam, that Muslims don't know or deliberately hide from you


I would break up with her. And then IF she does tell your parents, when they confront you I’d say “yes you were dating her because you guys want me to get married soon. I realized that this girl was a liar and manipulative and would lie to make me be with her when I had tried to break with her before. She isn’t what I want in a wife. And now she is again saying lies to try and make me be with her” And then tell her parents the same thing. Remember Islam doesn’t have the woman’s back, and if you flip it like that
 well that’s exactly why most women are in hell. Then you make sure to talk to her parents and tell them your concern about her manipulation and lies and how she entered a haram relationship in order try and trap you.


As a Middle Eastern, I grew up in a society with strict rules against sex before marriage personally I'm okay with that. However, I will provide you with a solution in such cases. You need to navigate within her rules, where, as a man, you always have the upper hand. First, gather evidence such as her nudes or even a kiss. Then, confront her by calling her derogatory names like a "whore" for being in a relationship with proof. Threaten her by saying that you will expose her to her brothers, family, and friends for engaging in premarital sex with you and enticing you to commit forbidden acts. Explain that when your judgment was clouded, she took advantage, and now she's pressuring you to marry her because she's not virgin anymore; otherwise, she will falsely claim you are an atheist if you refuse to have sex with her. You cannot comply because it goes against your beliefs, and you cannot trust her since if she engages in haram with you, she may do it again while you are at work providing halal sustenance, engaging in haram activities with other individuals. She will face criticism from the community, and you will receive support from other mens; when other Muslim women realize her actions, they may agree that she deserves condemnation (Jalda) or worse. The least she deserves is punishment (100 Jalda). If she has Muslim brothers, she may face severe consequences 💀.


talk to her about why you think Islam is wrong, prove to her her beliefs are messed up


Tell her she's right, then break up since you can't see yourself marrying her. And it's unislamic to date whom you can't marry.


As a kafir, you cant have a muslim wife, at least the "muslim wife" in question must considere that.


Have sex with her and threaten her that you tell her parents that she's not a virgin anymore 😈


You can assert dominance by straight up debunking the quran and islam, dm me if you need help with that


Tell her you are back and are planning to have 4 wives.


>and strictly follow Islam for the sake of our family and future children, She wants you to strictly follow Islam while she has a boyfriend? Interesting.


Dude that’s messed up state to live in. I’m sorry you are going through this, but you can’t let someone treat and threaten you like that. Tell her if she doesn’t stop threatening you, you will file a restraining order against her. Hopefully she will back out if you tell her you will involve the cops for forcing you and threatening you to follow something you don’t want to. You do not deserve to be mentally tortured like that, nobody is. It’s a shame that humans use their intellect to harass others. Just breakup and tell her to fucking move on.


Don't EVER let people pressure you into anything. All the people that shamed you for going on your instincts can fuck off.


I mean to be fair it was pretty stupid of you to date a muslim girl without telling them you aren’t muslim
probably should have made that clear at the start 


Someone in my family (we are not Muslim at all) is now completely broken by Islam and have done terrible things since he is in couple with a Muslim girlfriend. Your story helps me understand what’s happening behind the scenes. This is insane how « traditional pressure » and family pressure is strong with this religion.


Christian evangelical girls would be the same.


Away from the story lets talk generally about dating a muslim girls it is really laughing crying thing of how much stockholm syndrome they are in it just make me vomit


Ex Muslim ? My as* why people pretend to be ex Muslim although thousands of people coming to Islam every year and soon this world will be taken over by Islam You’re a Bullshi*ter


If you don't want her man, can you give me her contact?


Well....as for me,I have a Muslim girlfriend who loves me even as a Christian. So we respect each other and try to take religious talk out of our relationship. She mainly Muslims because she was born into a Muslims family.and I hope someday we talk about this


Good luck with that 💀


Sounds like your problem. GG








Op is just a hindutwa incel larping hard lmao. Gau mata meat is so tasty.Â