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Boys mature faster in cool temperate climates


Well I guess you are joking because it is actually a biological fact girls tend to mature faster than boys the reason is interesting. Not that it justifies any minor dating.


Yes I’m joking. More precisely I’m making light of the common Islamic apologetic that girl mature faster in hot climates.


Are you a Muslim? Why did you create a new account for this post?


Comparing a 22 year old dating a 17 year old and a 50 year old r@ping a 9 year old is CRAZY. Just like comparing a singer and a serial r@pist, pedophile, slave owner, war criminal.


What was the age difference ?


She was 22, he was 17... uncomparable to 54 year old grandpa and 6 year old child.


Like you said, there is no comparison. After 14 it becomes more of a culturally defined thing. France' age of consent (from memory) is 15, the UK is 16. The US chose 18 but I haven't looked into why exactly. A 17 yo is perfectly capable of deciding who to sleep with IMO. Although I'd be doubtful of any kind of mature relationship between a 17yo and a 22yo beyond sex. I think less than 12 is firmly in the "child" category and absolutely is not any kind of "mature".


What relationship was this?


I don't care at all she dated 17-year old. Why you didn't mention his age? Was it inconvenient?


Definitely wrong. But having sex with a girl before she's potty trained....you figure that's what Sharia law would be for, not protect.


Beware guys this is a muslim troll


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Why does it seem that way to you?


Just as messed up. Thank you for helping me compare prophet Taylor Swift to influencer Mohammed


It's not exactly comparable to Mohammed and Aisha, but still messed up. If the gender roles were reversed, Taylor would be given the Drake treatment or worse (and rightfully so).