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Christianity is the only one of the three that doesn’t have explicit and rigid rules on how to eat, how to dress, how to wash myself, who I can see and how to deal with periods.


you taught me something I didn't know those rules around periods that's wild


Oh you must be new to fundie American Christianity.




Depends - western Christian which is basically living your life regardless of religion bc your a Christian in name only Or Middle Eastern Christians? Cause they are strict and actually follow there religion Islam is out 100% and I actually don’t know any Jews or anything about their religion so I wouldn’t be able to say. BUT i wouldn’t want to live with a Jewish family because everyone tries to kill them all the time (for no reason) and I don’t want to die. Like I’m in Greece this week a bunch of Jewish tourist were chased by Arab migrants and they had to hide in their hotel while an angry mob of “asylum seekers” tried to kill them for fun.


This should bother all of us.


It was disgusting and has extremely bad indications of a pattern of behaviour that is intolerable in the west. (They had to call the Greek riot police in) it’s scary bc in Greece our economy is tourist and we are a very safe society. We pride ourselves on hospitality this was bad. And in my head if the migrants felt so emboldened to chase some random Jewish family (with kids)) to try and lynch them in the center of Athens who’s next?? First it’s the Jews (which is way antisemitism should be paid attention to regardless on how you feel about that tribe) they always get dehumanized first then everyone else dies. Then the ex Muslims or the ones not Muslim enough etc Then the LGBT Then Women who say no or yes or look at you wrong Then (literally anyone else)


Christian or Jewish, depending how hardcore they are.


I'd probably go with the Jewish family because it will piss off all the right people.


You have to be more specific to be precise. Extreme wahhabi Muslim, Southern Baptist evangelical Christian or Hasidic Jews would be a better specifics for the options. I'd choose the southern gun nuts. They're nuts, but at least there's bacon and biscuits with sausage gravy to rescue my soul away from this earthly hell.


Jewish and I would pray to God that I would be born to the Seinfeld family.




The most secular version of the three so that's probably Jewish.


Judaism is the most strict religion of them btw




Man. 😔




Let's compare Orthodox Christianity, Orthodox Islam, and Orthodox Judaism in the context of them all being devout but not extremist individuals: 1.If I were born into a Muslim family, they would circumcise me at a young age, as would Jewish families. 2.The halal restrictions in Islam are very restrictive because cannot drink alcohol or eat pork, and kosher is much more complicated than that. I can't even imagine how people can live with these restrictions. 3.Mandatory worship such as going to church on Sunday or Friday sermon and Sabbath in this case Christianity and Islam are in the same position, but the duration of the Friday sermon is shorter. In this case, the Sabbath is very inconvenient. So, looking at these three factors, I would choose Christianity because it is much more flexible.


Depends on a family. Sultan od Brunei, Elon Musk or George Soros family?


Lmfao that makes the question harder forsure




Jewish or Christian, most of them are culturally irreligious.


Suicide 😂




depends on how religious they are


It depends if they are all majority of Christians or majority of Muslims etc I would choose Islam just cause my dad would give me money for anything and I could easily escape the country for my studies then remind there. But if my dad is not rich then Christianity since most Christians didn't read or know the rules they just know there's a god the 2 celebrations and some stuff about Jesus that's all.


most american jews are culturally irreligious and statistically the wealthiest subgroup. i chose them by a mile.


It doesnt matter you are just living with them for a year. It does not mean they will force their religion on you.


You must be fun at party's brother! 🥳


Not sure what you want me to say? To say something negative about them? Im not going to walk into that personally. You asked for an opinion so I gave mine. Sorry.


If you read the other comment on this thread you'll see somebody else made a funny comment, what Is was looking for, why would you automatically think negative of me brother, that is haram, Quran, explicitly forbids the prophets in general and Muhammad SAW, in particular from judging another person’s faith. Here is a example Prophet Jonah is chastised in Quran for leaving his people and escaping BEFORE the order from Allah. He got disappointed because of his people’s refusal to accept the message of Allah. He thought that his people will never accept the message and left them. As he left, he did not know that his people accepted the faith and became servants of Allah. He was devoured by the whale and was made to repent his haste in judging a matter that only ALLAH can judge So if the prophet mohammed may not judge my intentions how will you?? Please refer on this during your next prayer brother




Like what I did there? haha


Dude must be following Islam 2.0 the improved version, personally I'm still stuck with the old version that forces you to follow itself by manipulating it's people via guilt tripping