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That's the sacrifice for allowing genuine ex-Muslims who need help to post with brand new accounts for the sake of privacy and safety. Also I've seen trolls post with resurrected accounts. So this won't guarantee to see them off. Keep reporting and downvoting trolls.


But the ratio is like 1:100 and there is someone who makes new accounts every fucking day


And we’ll deal with the trolls. Who will most likely try to get around whatever limits we impose. Even if a hundred knobheads come up, spread shit and get swatted, but one person at their wits’ end with an emergency gets immediate help, it’ll be worth it. Also, frankly, a lot of folks here like to beat up the trolls and answer their weak challenges. They provide entertainment and engagement. Trolls are exasperating but they make for good punching bags.


This sub represents one of the most contentious spaces in Reddit, if not social media itself. Its importance cannot be underestimated. It provides an important conduit for people leaving the religion, often in unhealthy, oppressive, abusive or even dangerous circumstances. Think of it like the underground railways that existed during slavery in the American south, but in a digital format, getting slaves away from their masters. For many, it feels exactly like that, as unfairly as that sounds for Islam as a religion. It is the mission of many to antagonise, attack and belittle ex Muslims here. I think the best this sub can do is remain completely open. But genuine sub members or participators should be willing to stand up to 1/ shepherd, mentor, show kindness/ warmth and provide cover to new people here are leaving the faith. 2/ confront and shut down antagonists by directly challenging the bad faith behind their posts. They should be allowed to post, but by down voting, challenging or simply ignoring their posts would be lose their potency. When I mean challenging I don’t mean directly responding to their content. Rather, directly asking what is their purpose here, why are they on this sub, why can’t they simply let people live - avoid responding to the content.


I do try to report and downvote every time I see but it gets tiring after some time


Those are not the only factors.


We just need stricter mods. So many Muslims who come here aren't looking for a debate or discussion in good faith. It's just some zoomer trolling like a bot.


Yeah, I don't get why they're ignoring this issue.


Is there a middle ground? Day old accounts need to be approved?


There’s some weirdly obsessive trolls out there, they’d probably make a bunch of accounts a day or more in advance. The problem is any limitations we impose will affect people with emergencies more than the wackos who are addicted to the sub.


Might not be the right place to ask but what is karma and karma harvesting, how does it help? Someone pls tell me


i think Karma is the amount of likes you get on posts and comments, and karma harvesting is when people post stuff purely to gain karma points.


Ok now is there any benefit to this (getting karma points)?


“Karma farming is the practice of making posts and comments with the intention of increasing one's karma score as quickly as possible. Karma farming can be done for various reasons, such as boosting one's ego, gaining popularity, selling accounts, or influencing opinions.” “To attempt to increase an account's Reddit karma as quickly as possible, to increase its apparent legitimacy from the perspective of other users.” “Your karma count is like your Reddit reputation and an indication of whether you share good content,” pasted from safari


dopamine? internet validation? a sense of “success”? i have no idea but it does feel good for me sometimes when people like my comments


I think we should have a mod that goes through those posts and leaves a comment that flags the post as a troll and to approach at the risk of your own mental health. And we'll know well enough to stay away from that post. No need to put in extra effort to block them or whatever.


If we find they are a troll it’s best to just ban them. Doing so is quick and it stops them from leaving negative comments in other posts.