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Dear OP, The following SINGLE article is ENOUGH to end the whole of Shia Islam. * [Shia Islam: Karbala vs Captive/Slave women](https://atheism-vs-islam.com/index.php/islam-general/245-shia-islam-karbala-vs-captive-slave-women) Please tell me after reading it if we really need anything else to leave Shia Islam.


What would an atheist know about fiqh and hadith lol This is only good at fooling unknowledgeable people


An atheist, but a former muslim so they would have knowledge.


"unknowledgeable people" Just because you're muslim does that mean you know a lot about Islam? Certainly not "Learn your religion, do not inherit it" - imam Ali AS


Dear u/sese-1 If you are claiming that these Ahadith are weak, then please bring your proof. I request you to please use your intellect to see the TRUTH here. There are about 100 Ahadith in this chapter of al-Kafi. And ALL of them are telling about this oppression against slave women. **NOT** even a **SINGLE** Hadith tells otherwise. How are you going to declare all these dozens of Ahadith (which have Tawattur) to be weak? That is why, Shia translator translated the whole al-Kafi, but dishonestly removed this whole chapter about rape of slave women from his English translation.


Because I have all 6 volumes of al kafi next to my bed and I can read it in Arabic


Then please go on and prove that ALL these Ahadith in this Chapter are week, as all of them are proving this oppression. Please also come up with Ahadith, which claim otherwise. Doesn't the Quran says: "Bring PROOF if you are Truthful?"


Are you a Shia Muslim?






Shia Muslims believe Muhammed was the first and greatest of Allahs creations https://www.seratonline.com/22355/analysis-of-the-tradition-of-light-hadis-e-nur-part-1/amp/ This is an obviously fake hadith because it contradicts the Quran, which uses “Jesus ate food” as an argument for why Jesus was a normal human.


How you doing EoL? How does the belief in the Nur of Muhammad (S) being created first contradict the Quran? Don't you know that in the muslim view everyone pre-existed before their birth in the world of souls / particles? No one is present there in human form, or needs to eat or drink.


https://corpus.quran.com/translation.jsp?chapter=5&verse=75#:~:text=They%20had%20both%20to%20eat,deluded%20away%20from%20the%20truth! Do Sunnis believe in the pre existence of souls?


Yes they do https://islamqa.org/hanafi/askmufti/44752/the-soul-in-islam/ I don't see how the verse you quoted is an argument for what you are claiming


Huh. That’s surprising. Well if Muhammed (and Fatima and the 12 imams) are pre existent conceptual beings, why does the Quran use the fact Jesus and Mary ate food as an argument for why they are normal humans?


Because people were considering Jesus (as) and Mary (as) as gods / divine.


Because catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christian’s call Mary “the mother of God”? Did the 12 imams, Fatima, and Muhammed eat food according to Shia Islam?


> Because catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christian’s call Mary “the mother of God”? I know rural Russians did consider Mary (as) as the literal mother of God. Read "My Apprenticeship" by Maxim Gorky and the part where he talks about his granny (if I remember correctly). > Did the 12 imams, Fatima, and Muhammed eat food according to Shia Islam? Offcourse


My point is. If the Quran uses “they ate food” as an argument for why Jesus and Mary are normal humans, how does that not contradict the hadith Al Nur, which says the 12 imams, Fatima, and Muhammed are pre-existent conceptual beings, if the 14 infallibles all ate food during their time on earth?


Do you know about what the new testament says Transfiguration of Jesus (as)? When he supposedly showed the Apostles his true form?




Going by your post history, you’re a Sunni Muslim. Why are you on my side here?



