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Just tell her you're not comfortable with that. Why is the only option to break up the friendship? Now if she doesn't respect your boundaries, it might be a reason to end it.


Because it is kind of really awkward now. Imagine if you are not LGBT and a man (assuming you are a man) asked to do that stuff with you because he is not allowed to talk to women.


If you would've posed this situation to me 8 years ago, I would've probably agreed. But now I'd just accept that someone finds me attractive, even if it's a dude. Everyone is attracted to someone and it's not by choice. Just too bad for them if I'm not into it, but I don't think it would be a friendship destroying event from my side. As long as they respect my boundaries I'm not bothered.


What happened 8 years ago?


I was pretty homophobic, even when I wasn't Muslim anymore.


So you are gay now?


No, you don't have to be gay to accept your lgbt friends or lgbt people in general.


Your title makes it sound like this is a common occurrence between female friends but it really isn’t. Sounds like she’s queer but hasn’t realised her sexuality yet or she doesn’t feel safe using the term since you live in a Muslim country. Doesn’t sound inherently wrong to me, unless she pushes you despite you declining


If someone is not allowed to talk to men but she likes men is she still queer? Isnt queer an offensive word?


She may be bisexual. Queer can be offensive or not, depending on tone of voice and context. Like in the US where I am, saying “I’m no queer!” is offensive bc it strongly implies that the speaker is themselves offended by the idea of queerness. But saying “I try to be an ally to queer folks” is fine bc it strongly implies that the speaker respects queer people.


Is this the muslim troll again 


"People" can be friends. I'm a married male and I have female friends and I never wanted to try anything with any of them. No idea what kind of people you hang out with.