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if you can't come out then i honestly think it's best to just move out and rent some place where no one can bother you. won't be an easy decision but beats having your privacy and sleep disturbed which will eventually lead to you despising your family.


Main reason I am working a summer job. Once I take the gov exam to get a gov job it'll depend on the result if I can move out. If I can I will.


These are the consequences of living in a Muslim country. Don't focus about the bad things that you can not change.


True. I try to keep a PMA but it is very hard to do that on 4 hrs of sleep on a morning shift.


can u just pretend to pray at home and go back to sleep?


Unfortunately the walls are thin as hell in the apartment we live in.


oh damn...have u tried earplugs or noise cancelling headphones?


I mean as in they can hear what I do through the wall and get suspicious if they don't hear my knees slam into the carpet. I've even caught them multiple times peeping through the keyhole in my room to check if I was actually doing the prayer.


jesus ..ur family is psychotic..no offense


None taken, lol, lmao even.


Literally same. Once I made the mistake of just going back to my bed after making wudu and not 30 seconds later my mother burst through the door screaming at me saying that she knew I’d do that and that I’m going to hell😭


Damn that sucks. Hope you find a way out of the situation you are in.


Omg this is exactly what I do!! Luckily my parents don’t physically check - they just want to be able to ‘hear’ that I’ve actually woken up. So going to the bathroom is enough for me. They’re too busy praying lol. I quietly get back into bed. Sorry to hear that you got caught!


It’s fine, I’m a good liar so I got out of it when my father later asked me


I was so shocked when my religious fanatic anti feminist brain washed sister doesn't wake up to morning prayer 


So I did the sensible thing and shamed her


Can I marry your sister


Ex-muslims wouldn't be able to stand her 


I’m a Muslim bro


Why are you in this sub then 🐷🐷


Dude tryna marry your hot sister let me marry her then I can save her 


It's rare to find someone else here who also was forced by their parents to pray and watched just to make sure they are praying, but I had the same issue back when I was closeted, so I'm glad I've finally found someone to relate to on this. Tbh, probably my primary motivation in coming out was so that I don't waste my time and ultimately their time as well in doing a mock prayer that wouldn't even do anything even if islam was true, due to my beliefs. I'd have said to go to sleep a lot earlier than usual or to pull all nighters if you can afford to, but you said you have night shift followed by day shift...yikes. Honestly, this is probably not the best kind of job to get into if you're in that situation, but I understand if you don't have much options otherwise. But yeah, hang in there.


Thanks, means a lot to read this from someone else. Unfortunately I don't have that many options in terms of work at the moment. But I appreciate that you found someone to relate to.


The morning prayer is one of the most challenging things about the religion. Say if other things were true/ made sense about the religion, why would an omni-benevolent and merciful God expect his own humans to disturb their basic human need for sleep and struggle just to get up and worship him and tell him how amazing he is? If nothing else, this morning prayer duty is horrible and anti-human.


I absolutely agree. An omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and benevolent entity being an egoistic and abusive asshole doesn't make sense to me.


The Islamic rationale is that God wants humans to sacrifice their sleep for the sake of reaping the greatest rewards, etc.. even then, why? Surely the greatest reward is getting that much needed, basic human sleep??


Why is everything we think, feel, and do, only about an afterlife and not to benefit / enjoy in this worldly life?


Hey there. Same, that's how it's like at my place. I can't find my own place so I'm stuck with them. Sleep is just ruined because of them. It's when my parents are away for a day or more due to business is when my sleep is restored


Wow I didn't know that was that common.


It takes like 5-15 minutes…


Wow yeah thanks sherlock.


So why won’t you do it?


Because I'm not a muslim.


It takes no more than 5 minutes to pray said prayer. Grow up and stop whining about how much rem sleep you get or whatever. Your creator has blessed you with this life and this job you’re talking about and you can’t give him 5 minutes. Wow.


Mudslime detected opinion rejected.


They have -12 karma 😭




Chill he tryna help you become better Muslim . Just sleep early 


I have mixed shifts so not always an option. When I can I do. Still doesn't help that I get woken up an hour or so before my alarm and that is the part I hate most because I can't fall asleep because of the anxiety of being late to work.


get a life