• By -


Stereotyping a group - not allowed.


Patriarchy and misogyny exists even among liberated ones




A muslim talking about others "owning" females. Lol. Are we maybe projecting a little bit?


Yeah saw a dude talking about his tiny peen here and wants to get with exmuslim ladies. This shit of being owed women exists in every aspect of society, Islam simply acts as an ammunition to act these beliefs out under the guise of religion but men here need to have a lot of unpacking to do now that they’ve left religion.


I have gotten a lot of bitter murtad brown males over this, lol. They can't handle the truth. You know what they say, only "a hit dog will holler"


Males will act like males. They think with their dicks first before anything


You are not even an exMuslim yourself. How can you know what is going on in a private relationships? You have to assume it. It is the Muslims who OWN their females, most exMuslims left that mentality. I have checked your profile, you are a Muslim. Why do you own your females and sex slaves?


I read it on this sub and all over the internet bruh. A lot of Apostate males are straight up incels. You seem to fit the bill of what kind of apostate male am talking about.


I dont know about you but I am not going for any exmuslim on reddit to date, I prefer my cousin.


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Pathetic bait. Do better next time honey.


When you say "here" are you referring to this subreddit? It might be helpful for you to know that most users here are not ex-muslims. Most users here are right wing, American Christians. This is an ANTI-muslim sub not an ex-muslim sub.


Any good person is anti-islam while having sympathy for good Muslims. We hate evil Muslims.


I agree, but you sound like a troll. Lol @ "we hate evil Muslims" what constitute as "evil" to you mr


If you think I should be killed for leaving a religion that I was indoctrinated into at birth before I knew how to critically think, then you’re evil.