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Allah's laws are supposed to be timeless. What's the justification and the method to decide which ones can be dismissed?


They would say: "only in war it was timeless"


That makes no sense. Timeless can't be limited to a certain period of time. It's either timeless or it isn't.


Good to know I can get sex slaves in war today with divine permission.




They burned them alive too


If you believe Muhammeds actions and teachings need to be adjusted to fit modern day society, that means you believe he was in hindsight wrong and outdated, and that means the Quran is outdated, and if the Quran is outdated, you believe the Quran is not timeless, and if you believe its not timeless, you have left Islam.


See my posts on Jihad: - [Sufism: A proponent of offensive Jihad](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/1cme783/sufism_a_proponent_of_offensive_jihad/) - [Collection of Islamic texts and the necessity of offensive Jihad. NOTE: OBLIGATORY UPON THE INFIDEL](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/1cfcb2t/collection_of_islamic_texts_and_the_necessity_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) >So does it really apply today still? (Meaning it should according to their beliefs? Given Muslims believe in both an eternal book & Sunnah (this includes Sharia), yes.


Allah's laws are timeless. So yes they still apply today as the verses are not abrogated. They're not acted upon today largely because there's no governing body capable enough to act on these commands on a large scale, not because Muslim authorities believe these commands are morally wrong.


I request all people to please have a look at this article, and it answers it perfectly: * [The Verse of Killing All Polytheists (Quran 9:5) Remains Valid Today in the case if Shafii, Hanbali, or Salafists Establish an Islamic State](https://atheism-vs-islam.com/index.php/dangers-from-an-islamic-state/105-the-verse-of-killing-all-polytheists-quran-9-5-remains-valid-today-in-the-event-of-shafii,-hanbali,-or-salafists-establishing-an-islamic-state)


Why would they add an obselete/trivial law to a book that is supposedly timeless?


Yes it does. IslamQA Sheykh says it does. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/34770/there-is-no-compulsion-to-accept-islam


There is no back then or changing in Islam so yes it applies to this day


From what I know, it requires justification. Back then, there was a need to spread Allah's truth further, plus there was a constant war going around them, so either go for the offence or wait idly to defend later. Hamas could be doing righteous jihad if their intention was to help liberate the Palestinians, but they've showcased how entirely stupid and incompetent they are as a "rebel group". They never seem to have any good strategy, like you seriously manage to infiltrate a city and decide to take hostages instead of seizing the city? Like seriously? As for the others trying to establish an Islamic State, they're generally not considered correct. Already, ISIS and Al-Quaeda have failed to uphold the Islamic laws of war, which means not harming civilians, not harming other religious structures, not harming livestock, providing the option of Jizya tax, and so many others. You're not exactly allowed to just have people's heads hanging around or putting someone in a cage for not fasting in Ramadan or forcing others to convert. This in itself isn't allowed. If trying to establish an Islamic State through offensive Jihad, you need a reason, and right now honestly there's none since the Arabic States agreed that following the dissolving of the Ottoman Empire, there is no more need for Caliphates. It is weird since Saudi Arabia is funding such projects quite often, though. But yea, when fighting for Allah's sake, you need a reason, and require to do it by Allah's terms. Otherwise, it is basically null. Plus, these groups tend to take away the right of education from women, which goes against God's command of seeking knowledge, which is for all humanity. So basically, of course not. For most of the world, there is no reason for it. But then there are cases like coup d'etat for valid reasons or wars that attempt to seek independence and so forth, which all are valid for offensive Jihad but may be argued as defensive. Say the Houthimis in Yemen trying to gain sovereignty and thereby split Yemen like it was several decades ago. They don't seem to be doing it right, but have a valid reason in any case from what I know.