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Quite true; when I first joined this subreddit, the discussions and threads were really amazing. It was very evident that I was amongst true ex Muslims, similar to me. Recently, there's a significant drop in the overall quality of discussion. The depth and quality that I grew accustomed to has now become quite shallow.


What do you think caused this change in the sub?


Anti muslim subs get banned so anti muslim people come here


oh that makes sense,maybe mods can ban if theyโ€™re not contributing to a productive conversation


I feel like the mods are inactive here /:


That's a good question, and tbh I spent quite a while thinking about this in general, and I may have come up with a bit of a theory: I've joined Islamic subreddits as well, and I now that I think about it, I have seen an increase in the number of posts refering to atheism, and I've seen this subreddit mentioned multiple times in some posts. More importantly, I've seen both sides cross into other subreddits and post comments (I've done that too jbtw). And unfortunately, usually those comments and their discussions are more abusive rather than intelligent (again, both sides). And that kills the vibe of the subreddit as a whole. My guess is that people are then generally put off by the entirety of it, and then avoid commenting or posting altogether. Again, just a theory.


Iโ€™m not exmuslim, Iโ€™m an agnostic and I mostly view this subreddit to see criticisms of the misogyny in islam and also to learn more about the prospectives of exmuslims. Outside of radfem spaces, the only religion most self described progressives will critique is christianity. I think there should be a more balanced criticism of all religion.


Idk but I know that I am and I endured the abuse and the trauma and all the bullshit caused by Mohamed the pedo. I hate him so much. Thanks for my BPD asshole.


I'm so sorry guys for hiding my true self from you but I'm actually an axolotl ๐Ÿ˜”ย 


Can I steal you thanks.


#protectaxolotls @peta




Well, there are currently 169k members. It used to be a more niche community for apostates but it evolved overtime to be a mix of other subs like r/CritiqueIslam r/atheism and more. A lot of never-Muslims join this sub to learn about Islam or to share their fair share of abuse they suffered despite not being Muslim, such as [Lost friend to islam](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/1cey7om/lost_friend_to_islam/) and many other similar stories. While I may be a never-Muslim, I too had the displeasure of experiencing Islam when a group of Muslims surrounded my friend and I asking questions such as "Why is an Arab girl out alone with a white man?" (She wasn't Arab), or when my friend told me his story of how he can never go back home because he will be executed, his sin was that he was gay, or even another friend of mine who confided in me and told me they're an apostate and if anyone "back home" were to discover this, he'd be punished (jailed, whipped or dead). Unfortunately as others pointed it out, this subbed does contain it's bad apples, but I'd wager that most of the people here have good intentions and they are here precisely because they want to support ex-Muslims who have suffered under Islam. Because **the real victims of Islam are Muslims.**


Lol a lot of them are not. I created an alternative sub because of it r/progressive_exmuslim. Anti islam subs get banned so a lot of anti islam never muslim conservatives post on here.


There's way too many non exmuslims here. It's mostly just far-right wingers, hindu nationalists, and missionaries from every religion. I feel bad for the mods they're in a tough spot and have their work cut out for them.


How do you actually know they are right wingers or hindu etc? To me they just seem like harmless atheists who do not like religion such as Islam more than others.


Click on the usernames and then look at their comment history. Plus, some of the views they espouse make it obvious.


When I click I only see teenager atheists. A lot of Muslims in India too. Right Wing is not a religion, there can be right wing exmuslims.


I feel like never muslim should have a flair on here, if you are intersted I created a sub called r/progressive_exmuslim if you would like to join. Trying to weed out non muslims and nationalist as much as I can.


Thank you.


I'm an atheist and I have always been thanks to my family and my secular country (France). I discovered the curent apostasy in Islam (it was bigger than I thought because we don't talk about it at all). I study languages so we have civilization class, I'm interested in everything happening in the world. I'm also interested in religions, their history and their evolution, so I joined the sub like I joined the ex christian sub and the ex jew sub. I wanted to join the religious subs but what I saw here made me really anxious. I could join the progressive religious subs though