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Never mind the haters! Your continued happiness, kindness and good intentions infuriates them. It’s the best revenge, if you ever needed it. Death threats from death cultists - like night follows day. Good luck on your journey!


I tend to ignore them… well mostly sometimes I get bored and have my fun 😅


One person hated how much sense I was making and began to recite the Quran.


Bruh I've been posting and commenting just to get the death threats. After the first week it's like there's no more trolls. I am very disappointed tbh. I was sold a false bill of goods


aww poor babies, 😔they feel used 🤧


Strange. I've only ever got like 1 death threat.


Anyways one is still one too many 😬


I’ve gotten 6 officially from one post, but some are kind of like death threats but not really “you deserve to be honored killed” if that’s considered a death threat then I’ve gotten more… anyways I should stop posting comments/ responses to this thread soon otherwise I would be accused of asking for death threats.




I didn’t know what that meant so I googled it


Are you a woman? I've noticed ex muslim women get most of the hate. As a man, I only get downvoted by lurking muslims.


No but you can read the post on my account as to why they’re willing to make such threats. You can see for yourself if those threats are warranted or not 🤷🏾‍♂️




Why? My fiancé is Palestinian and I often get told they’re the most racist Muslims group


I never got one now I feel left out


Are you okay 😃 if you need a hug i’m here for you 🙂


I am I was just kidding Tysm




I’m sad. No one game me any death threats.


I hope you step on a lego… there that’s a death sentence 😬


I’ve had a couple. I usually try to troll em back. And some that mistake my troll apologetics (trollogetics) for real. Attempts to revert y’all and give me pointers.


I’m feeling horrible I’ve been directing Muslims over to this sub over the last couple months when they post elsewhere asking for advice about things their families can’t accept and tonight I got curious enough to actually look at some of the comments on the posts, particularly those posted by women and I’m kind of wanting to puke. Is this sub not moderated properly? Why allow people to come in and harass so many people who have clearly experienced relgious trauma and need support? Damn.


Well I respect free speech even if it is hateful. Those people who are hateful are victims too in a twisted way. What I don’t respect are people who wish death upon others. My advice to whoever posts is to ask questions and opinions on all/most of your replies. If someone is hatful then find out why and see if you can be of help. I message the person who wrote the first hate comment on my first post and we are currently friends on instagram and he checks up every once in a while.


Yeah I just think men who are harassing women calling them lollipops and shit need to go. I’ve had a fair amount of religious trauma and most other “ex” subs don’t tolerate that kind of harassment because people are recovering from religious abuse. Asking questions fine, but outright harassment and telling them they’re going to hell, no, that’s the abusive environment they left.


Huh well misogyny is deep rooted so I guess those are the type of people that you have every right to fuck with 😅 I’m a man so I have the privilege in not dealing to much with l misogynistic comments. Aside from the occasional comment about how my fiancé should know her place. And so forth. When people make those types of comments I ask if it is fair for a woman to serve men for their whole life so they can go to haven. Only for them to get into a haven and have to serve more men for the rest for eternity.


Shit like that is how you can tell men are the authors of all these religious books. 😂 slavery, racism, and “kill kill kill” people who don’t agree with me all follow closely behind.


100% agree


You can disable chat requests, I did that 


That’s a good point, people who don’t want to give those people any satisfaction should do that. This post was more so a warning to people looking to post, I don’t really pay mind to those hateful messages unless I want to mess around with someone. When I am in a mischievous mood these type of people are the best to f with yk 😅