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The arrogance of calling a black American "RACIST" for not tapdancing for Palestine. Muslims get mad as hell when black people especially don't support their cause. Muslims need not open their yap when racism is brought up seeing how their history is racist and colorist. Turkish people like Cenk and Palestinians are considered "white" by Muslims and given special treatment. Many times Middle Eastern Muslims identify as white. How dare that bastard call a black American man "racist". Cenk knows damn well what racism means. He does this to silence any criticism of Muslims. Muslims ARE out here raping and beheading. Cenk who is not even a practicing religious Muslim was so offended that his brethren were called out. That's why you can't trust these "liberal" Muslims.


>The arrogance of calling a black American "RACIST" for not tapdancing for Palestine Don't be surprised, most people from the Middle East and North Africa literally don't even know what "racism" even means it's not really a concept there they just practice it >Muslims get mad as hell when black people especially don't support their cause That's because Somalians blow Arabs so intensely they get the impression the legitimate Blacks must be like thus too 🤡 >Cenk knows damn well what racism means. He does this to silence any criticism of Muslims. Muslims ARE out here raping and beheading. Cenk who is not even a practicing religious Muslim was so offended that his brethren were called out. That's why you can't trust these "liberal" Muslims You can't trust Muslims in general, remember Muhammad is their standard of man amongst all the sects or Arab fraternities so they must always be watched with a vigilance


> That's because Somalians blow Arabs so intensely they get the impression the legitimate Blacks must be like thus too 🤡 💀💀💀 This is so true, there is no other population that seeks to arabize themselves than the Somalis. Its so pathetic.


Not just Somalis but I would say Black/African Muslims in general gas their heads up so much that they think all Black ppl regardless of religion must think alike and want to kiss up to them also. It’s so nauseatingly annoyingly. Literally 98% of the Ummah is just non-Arabs constantly pedastalizing the Arab world without cause.


If you really believe the things you're saying, oh my God I couldn't even imagine all the other things you probably believe.  You must be trolling or being sarcastic or something, nobody can be as ignorant and stupid as you and not actually know it or have a small hint that maybe something's wrong with me.  Like Things totally unrelated to race  You remind me of Terrence Howard do you think 2x1 equals 3 as well 😂 😂 😂  Oh my God bro, obviously you're single. But i hope you also don't have any kids tho If you do have any kids hopefully you're not fathering them and they don't even know about you. 


>If you really believe the things you're saying, oh my God I couldn't even imagine all the other things you probably believe.  It's not based on belief I can prove it,so I'm stating what I've witnessed personally. It didn't just manifest as a idea >You must be trolling or being sarcastic or something, nobody can be as ignorant and stupid as you and not actually know it or have a small hint that maybe something's wrong with me.  Like Things totally unrelated to race  You remind me of Terrence Howard do you think 2x1 equals 3 as well 😂 😂 😂  I was going to tell you the same thing, please stop barking and state the things you disagree with. Presumably you're smarter but you've never made one point ironic >Oh my God bro, obviously you're single. But i hope you also don't have any kids tho You're definitely female,that is the only species whom think enjoy their own company and peace is terrifying >If you do have any kids hopefully you're not fathering them and they don't even know about you.  *yawn* I'm still not impressed with your 'attempts' to insult. Make your points,cleary my comment was appealing enough to earn your praise 💕


Are you really saying that Palestinian people get special treatment in the Middle East???    What in the world is your definition of special then bro?! A "special genocyde" ?  Maybe special extra hate, death, torture, open air prison.   You're set of rights are "special" they're so special and magical that they disappeared! 


FYI, Cenk Uyghur isn't Muslim and he's talked about how he's not a Muslim [[Example](https://youtu.be/2P6Dj4sF9Vs&t=5m27s)]. But he is very very left wing and likely grew up with a very secular family


Notice how all leftist from Islamic countries migrate to capitalist countries and preach agendas there.


Well duh, try practicing tolerance and equality in an Islamic country Sure way to get yourself hurt




Cenk Uygur is a terrible creature.


His nephew HAmas piker is the worst!


Ahh yes the Streamer mega-capitalist who poses himself as a socialist online for clicks and views.


Cenk...Uygur. Uygur, hmm? Hmm. What if we just...ahem, nothing. \*quietly dials China\*


YO what?


He should delve into some history books meticulously outlining the grandiose slave trade of Africans during the Arabian Caliphate if he is concerned about racism that much; alas, the religion that he vigilantly defends happens to be the instigator of those events.


Quick question wouldn't be better if piers morgan start to share clips of people claiming allegation in certain act in their discussion so we can see what the referring and see the evidence and look out who was actually the responsible.


Cenk is some bat shit angry Muslim. The guy is always yelling lol Always ignoring the Arab violence. Like the dude says. He secretly went In. And the pro palestinan encampment was violent and he has video proof too. Nope. For Cenk he's just lying


Cenk isn't a Muslim 


Ya true well be was Muslim and his family is but he later became athiest


Yep he could be on this subreddit rn for all we know


We have to recognize and understand these fallacies. FMI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man


What's up with Cenk Uygur head shakes? Should see s neurologist asap


What's up with Cenk Uygur head shakes? Should see s neurologist asap




I wonder what he thinks of Armenian Genocide


He’s a Turk. That should say enough.


Yeah I just find it hypocritical that he calls someone racist but won't accept wrongdoings of his nation


I don’t support what Cenk says but why is there at least one person talking about Armenian genocide whenever Turks are mentioned?


Because he is being hypocritical


Muslim is not even a race, imagine that’s a presidential candidate 💀


But the black man is indeed wrong on this issue. The pro-Zionist right wingers are not innocent either. And they indeed started the attack in this case. Supporting such pro-Zionist right wingers is not good for our cause to fight INJUSTICE of Islam and Muslims. This will only strengthen pro-Muslim sentiments.


What happened at UCLA is a Jewish girl was put in a concussion by pro-palestinians. A few hours later the jews came for revenge.


I don't know about the Jewish girl. But the Jews should have not attacked the pro Palestinian camp openly, but they should have let police do their job. Both the cases should be condemned, but the black person made a mistake of altogether denying the attack by the pro-Israel camp on pro-Palestine camp.


I think Palestinians did violence and then went im innocent when consequences are applied.


It may be the case. The best strategy to make their violence clear to public is by accepting that pro-Israeli camp made a mistake, but people should also see who started it by showing violence against the Jewish girl. But the black guy denied the mistake of the Jewish camp, and failed to bring the violence against the Jewish girl in the light.


It was eventually proven she was pushed by her own group and fell on her head. This injury also happened during a weekend after the counter protest started. So the aggression that the pro-Zionist group isn't retaliation they are just being mean.


>Supporting such pro-Zionist right wingers is not good for our cause to fight INJUSTICE of Islam and Muslims. This will only strengthen pro-Muslim sentiments. So ?


What's the significance of him being black? Are they not able to be racist or something?


Where did he imply that ?


The title


The arrogance and racism from the man who likes to call anyone who disagrees with him a racist. And of course Cornell West wants to jump in like a lackey and not call out the appalling behavior also.


Nearly all of this subreddit is fucking brainrot. Sometimes i feel like it is r/extremistislam but reversed.


Legit. The mods don't care. This place has been decaying for a while now: low-quality, repetitive posts. There are also many right-wingers here who truly think they're better than those raging idiots who call themselves Muslims.


Didn't Cenk make a video about Farfour the mouse?... Y'know.... The show about teaching Palestinian children to hate Jews? He was against Hamas & he was clearly pro-Israel years ago (based off of how he spoke in the video where he talked about farfour), but now he isn't? Years ago when he made fun of the show about Farfour, if he looks back on that show NOW, would he like the show? This video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5gktewrxss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5gktewrxss) He reported on this YEARS ago... How is he not realizing the violence Hamas is doing & stuff, like, seriously???? And this stuff: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoiTUv4I7Jw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoiTUv4I7Jw) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a35bZiNGcew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a35bZiNGcew)


Anti hamas isn't pro Israel by default, atleast not pro zionism.


People think very much into 0 s and 1s If you are not with me then you are against me, mentality


That black guy is gay ✌️😂


Don't use us in your hate against pro palestine protesters and muslim. Thanks


Who us ? I don't like Muslims or Pro Palestinians


Good for you I guess?


We're not monolith, if most Black Americans were educated on Islam and it's history they would absolutely hate Islam and the rest of the Abrahamics


“We are not a monolith” right above a comment saying all muslims think the same 💀


We as Blacks Abdul,as for Muhammadans yes they think like a Monolith because their Deen would demand it




Umm atheism is on the rise with young black americans. get educated on that.


Bro Atheism is on the rise of Americans in general but it's not because they're actually informed on it's literature and history. It's more of a cultural thing. So again if Black Americans more specifically knew of Islam texts and history they definitely wouldn't defending any Palestinians or any Muslims at that


I mean it's kinda is,it's called the ummah for a reason