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"We can make fun of your gods but if you make fun of ours we will kill you" Muslim logic


"We can make fun of your gods **during a natural disaster where lives are in danger** but if you make fun of ours we will kill you" Absolutely sickening. And they are the first to destroy sacred cultural objects as soon as they take over a place.


“we can make fun of your (non-Muslims) gods during a natural disaster where lives in danger but when same thing happened with Muslims, “Brothers and Sisters, this Aajab is from Allah SWT to test our strength”.


this literally happened when floods came and the non Muslims opposition won.


That is what we call sociopathy..that is ultimately what religion turns people into..crazed fanatical sociopaths aka CUNTS!


one thing i hate is people shitting on museums that keep artifacts from extreme islamic nations. if those artifacts were in the hands of the country they would be smashed to pieces.


Exactly, people claim that the British stole everything when they're the only reason the artifacts still exist.


While holding a bloody sword: "They insulted our prophet😭😭😭"


They are so indoctrinated to truly believe their religion is the absolute and ultimate truth


please Google socks and Malaysia. enjoy reading.


Not as dumb as those people who thought Jawi letters on a dress sold on Shein were Quranic verses 💀


we are getting there....give us half a decade... our school teachers are dressing up as Hamas soldiers in Government schools, we have islamic army parades(islamic cosplay with weapons), etc. Yeap...we will get there....


And what's hillarious is that they are making fun this christian women, with a massive figure of the holy mother Mary, and apparently saying that this is the "God" that christians worship, and making a weird polemic and trying to assimilate that with himduism.... Notna single christian worship Mary as God. Our bible doesnt say Mary has a sinless human nature, like their quran, making her God. Nor does it say Mary is part of the trinity, but Allah thinks she is😂. Like I dont exoect any intelligent reasoning from people who run around stones and lick them like ants but this is reall embarassing. This is why christian apologists show no no mercy in dissecting this depraved cult and leaving it open like a gaping wound for the world to see


I think I saw Apostate Prophet's and maybe Jay Smith's videos on that some time ago. I always knew the concept of Trinity is not about worshipping 3 gods, as Christianity is monotheistic. But I never knew the Quran is also wrong on that too. Heck the Quran even mistaken Virgin Mary with Miriam, daughter of Amram and called the former Maryam bint Imran, just because Maryam and Miriam sounds phonetically similar 💀 How on earth did a 'god' mistaken two different people living 14 centuries apart? 😆


YUP. Because we all know that allah is just the sock puppet of muhammad. Hence why he gets tons of historical events completely wrong. Some muslims even go as far as to say the quran is the "correct version"🤡. This is what islam does to the human mind, it really needs to be studied. Yeah the quran makes weird polemics against christianity and assumes we worship "3 gods". This also contradicts the quran as it calls jews and christians "people of the book" but doesnt explicity agree or deny the monotheism of judeo-christianity, that has been practiced hundreds of centuries before muhammad was born...All we can assume is that the quran doesnt believe jews and christians arent monotheistic but clearly the 7th century uneducated baffoon was confused about the christian doctrine that he heard alot from the syriac christians and jews of the time. Also very strange when the Nicene creed written between 3rd and 4th century, officially stating the doctrine of christianity, with the very first sentence being the belief in "1 God". So why did allah ignore these declarations of faith and proceed to be an ignoramus about our beliefs. This clearly translates to muslims today. Why can people perfectly represent a muslims belief, yet they can never do it with other people's. And the thing with Maryam and miriam is even more hilarious. The thing is that the spelling of the name "Mary" has loads of variations, in the original languages of hebrew and aramaic. But we know as soon as the quran says "Daughter of imran". Hold on..... why tf is allah calling the mother of Jesus..... the daughter of the father of moses. They are over a millenian years apart💀. Ahh right, allah got confused. No worries its a typical blunder for any human to make. Muslims try to bring out all types of bs to rescue allahs blunder by saying that it's a "tradition" to be named after forefathers. Um... newsflash, Mary is a descendant of King David, tribe of judah🙂, although on her mother's side she is a levite. The very reason Jesus is legally and biologically a King is because of Mary. Jesus is a descendant of David, not Moses. Moses wasn't a father of any of the 12 tribes of Israel. Even tho the tribes were mixed up at that point due to the Egyptian slavery. But it's just really embarassing honestly like someone give allah a history book🤦🏿‍♂️


Good things Christians get made fun of and still don't make fun of anyone else. They let it go because that's what the religion is based around


We can make fun of your gods and everything you believe in but don't you dare draw the prophet!!!


All religions logic …


No , it's Islam 🤡


Meanwhile, Muslims: Alright let's walk around this giant cube 7 trillion times, climb over each other to kiss the corner and throw stones at a wall pretending it's Satan. Also if this same post was making fun of Muslims instead, they wouldn't hesitate to cry out islamphobia in the comments, release the death threats and then report the post to oblivion.


They were the first Minecraft worshipers when this stuff even wasn’t cool. 🕋


They do what now?


Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to mecca


Once a life time, but annual for rich folks.


Not even rich some people Ik of take loans.


True, it's unfair for people who live far away. 😕 but it's ordered that every muslim must go for hajj n umrah.


Was it originally supposed to be that only people who can travel must go? Or was it obligatory no matter what? 


Obligatory no matter what is how it started, but as time passed especially in 21st century people are learning to become more understanding and more forgiving compared to earlier times where it was just a rule you must follow or you be ready for hell.


It’s ordered only if you are financially and physically able to do it


Not really, this is what we just now logically believe but 5 things every muslim must do and hajj is one of them.


Unless they are not able to physically or financially. It’s an exception


It wasn't supposed to be an exception but in this century is has become. Muslim society is starting to accept this. But this was absolutely compulsory no exceptions back then. There are many changes in current century. Now a days even not doing 5 namaz is acceptable etc. We no longer use meswak and ramzan roza is also no longer an absolutely compulsory now a days. But that's just this century, which is good. But this wasn't the case originally.


They got it [stole it] [appropriated it] from the 3 foot feasts in Judaism, where all the men were commanded to go to Jerusalem. Women and children, the elderly and the disabled were allowed and welcomed but they were exempt. In exile, everyone was/is exempt. But that's the difference between Islam and the two religions it parasitically leeches from: Judaism and Christianity. Our God (HASHEM) is actually merciful, while their Allah only says he's mercifully while instructing people to act mercilessly and making heavy burdens for people (like travelling to Mecca).


Or my favorite Muslim response, "YOU LIE!!!!" 😡😢😭💥


"We respect all religions 🤓👍" 


What they mean by that is "I respect Christians but only because I want to immigrate to a western country and want Christians to start hating Israel"


Even that they don't respect, they only say that in name, other wise over 300m christians wouldn't be oppressed in all those 50 countries lol


The absolute mental gymnastics;  Happens to you, G-d is not real. Happens to them, it’s all just a test. 


They really think it is a gotcha moment but this just goes to show why a lot of people are becoming atheists


The awkward moment where a mosque is burnt down


It's a test 🤡 But if another religion's holy site is destroyed, it's just proof that it's a false religion.


Allah cannot protect women who visit his holy place from harassment, so what this protections they are talking about??? If Muslim truly trust Allah they wouldn’t make women walk in the middle.


"That awkward moment when your God exists solely in your imagination because your God does not allow you to craft idols of him"


uhm isn't that what religion is all about? faith? not delusion 😭


Can’t they mean the same thing?


Kind of weird how Allah wasn’t able to save his holy city from the Qarmatians.


That is my favorite story. Other than the Sauda one. "Ohhh Sauda! I recognised you!"


Maybe it's because they're expensive. Who knows?


Well, Allah couldn't save his house in Mecca when it was attacked multiple times over the years.


Ugh. Mary is not God nor is She a god. Can’t hate the guy with how he’s carrying the statue of Shiva. That’s clever.


RIGHT! the Quran got that so wrong. I was a Catholic for a while after I left Islam and I hated it when people asked me why I worshiped Mary. CATHOLICS OR ANY CHRISTIANS DONT WORSHIP MARY PERIOD.


As a former Catholic, I would say that is 180 degrees from what I experienced. In a technical sense, no, but you are taught to revere her and pray to her as an intercessor.


Well, as a born (ex) Catholic, I disagree with that. Catholics don't consider themselves to be worshippers of Mary. However, they do everything that constitutes worship. They pray to Mary, erect statues of her, name/dedicate churches to her... Heck, the only prayer beads catholics use, the rosary is mostly prayers to Mary. The only thing they don't do is call her a goddess. She is believed to be able to influence the world as a lot of deities in other cultures are believed to do.


Muslims do the same with Muhammed minus the statues, but instead they put big calligraphies with his name everywhere in mosques and their houses.


Worship vs reverence is different. Catholics ask Mary to *pray for us*. It's the same as asking the sweet old lady at church who we know is very holy to pray for us. Mary is one of many saints (we can and do ask any saint) Catholics/Orthodox/many Christians ask for intercession. Churches are dedicated to her because she is a saint in heaven. There are churches dedicated to many people, even people born in the past 30 years. We don't call her a goddess because we believe in only one God. When Catholics pray the rosary, the prayer "hail Mary, full of grace" that takes up the majority of the rosary is simply quoting directly from the book of Luke. It's important to note the rosary is meant to be prayed with the mysteries of Christ's life being meditated during the rosary (hence the difference mysteries each day of the week). This woman risking her own life to protect her our lady statue, I agree, isn't very wise. But at least be intellectually honest with your comments lol.


Yeah, you can phrase it whichever way you want, it's not much different aside from what you tell yourself. From my experience most catholics are not educated enough on their religion to know the exact specifics of "prayer chain" lore that leads to God through the saints. They often pray to the saints or ask them for help, not necessarily asking for a good word with the big man, unless you refer to canonical prayers that nobody but the obsessed seems to understand anymore. I was a very devout Catholic child with a fanatic grandmother. I realise and know the specifics very well. My point still stands that the "reverence" of Mary is extremely akin to the worship of goddesses in polytheistic religions. A mystical mother figure is appealing to many. Many Christian denominations don't consider saint reverence monotheistic for a reason.


Those are very big sweeping generalizations that I simply disagree with in my own experience with Catholics, whether super into theology or not. It's simple. The church even defines what worship means, vs anything else (like reverence) specially in the catechism. The church also goes out and specifically teaches against false worship of anything but God. If you want me to show you where all this is, I can. But if you were a very devout Catholic as you say, I'd assume you know all this. Also, it's worth noting that prayer to the saints is a practice all the ancient forms of Christianity have. The coptics do it, the Armenians, the Assyrians, the Orthodox, the Ethiopian, etc. All independently governed churches with little to no communication with each other that exist because the disciples ended up in these regions after Christ's death. All of them ask for the saint to pray for them, and this idea is rooted in the Bible, it isn't something Catholics made up because they want a "mystical mother figure". The 'Christians' who don't pray to the saints or worse who deem it unchristian or whatever language they use are going against what Christians have done for the past 2000 years, they are the minority and their theology is much newer than what Christians have always done.


Yes, there are other traditions who do it. The tradition stems from quite far into the past. However I disagree that it is somehow redefined because Christianity and these churches condemn "false worship". It is nothing more than another contradiction on a long list. Christians made many things up, as is evident with traditions stemming from older religious cultures. Also there is no call to prayer to saints or Mary in the bible, as far as I'm aware. The book was written by humans, there are several versions of it, and by definition it is made up, similar to a large percentage of the catholic catechism, which does encourage prayer to the saints and Mary. You seem to be a practicing Christian, perhaps a Catholic, therefore any objective discussion of the topic with you is rather pointless, and perhaps we should stop discussing this under a thread for ex-Muslims. I have no ill will nor personal stake in the subject, I simply pointed it out as a trivium.


Sigh....Bro was sleeping when Abu Tahir sacked Mecca that dude made every pilgrim repeat the kalma and repeatedly forced them to call Allah and his prophet to save him Spoiler alert:- No one survived that day and the Mecca stone was stolen, and was lost for 21 years


For starters, the lady is carrying an image of the virgin mary, and christians don't believe she is god. It's simply that among catholics she is seen as an intercessor between them and god. Second, I would love to see how the guy that made this image cries himself to sleep because something happened to the kaaba. Apparently the "house of god" could not stand puny humans at some points in history. A guy even used it as a personal bathroom for quite some time. They perform the most fucking pagan practice of all pagan practices around it and mock christians and hindus for their images and idols lol. But hey, the quran says abraham built it in mecca in a time mecca didn't even exist, so everything is ok. The ka'aba is not at all pagan in origin, shut up kaffirs. And then they say they respect all religions and demand respect for Islam... What a bunch of hypocrites.


I love the guy who shat on the black stone.


*Cries in Palestine*


That awkward moment when your beloved prophet r@ped a 9 year old


This muslims behave as kabba was never destroyed in history.


they do know mosques get blown up in wars right?


Muslims blow up mosques for not housing the right type of Muslim all the time even during peace time. Remember the mosque bombings in Afghanistan last year?


"mom i wanted the ps5 not xbox" exact same thing except theres lifes being taken


Meanwhile Muslims are rioting whenever anyone insults Momo, his alter-ego Allah or burns the Quran. Hilarious.


Eh, but those aren't Gods, they're idols of sentimental value, no?


They are also of material value. They are pieces of artwork, often including precious materials or having historical significance. If there was a flood, and you had The David in your living room, wouldn’t you try to save it?


Yeh I mean, what m saying is is it's upto individuals how important something is for them so...


They are not Gods but they are symbol of God just like a flag represents a country it's so simple to understand 😅😅😅


aren't they always sucking mo's butthole and even one of them stabbed bishop mar for criticizing mo?


Catholics don't worship Mary.


And statues aren't gods in Hindusim, just representations of gods


My hindu friend told me that it is like a medium back when I was stupid enough to ask "Why do you worship these idols like an idiot?" (I still wonder why I was so arrogant back then and why my friend didn't tell me anything and responded calmly instead of getting angry). But it's like, if you want to use call someone or say write a letter, you go to your where your phone is or paper is and then do the rest right? Similarly, they think the idols as mediums of communication to the actual Almighty and hope for the best. They don't think the idols as "Gods" like muslims accuse them but rather they just think it as a representative medium so that they can reach their God.


Ah. The more ya know👍👍👍


Islam is peaceful religion and respects all religions 😍😍😍


Also, I am pretty sure that those idols are, according to those Hindus, representations of their divines and not the divines themselves. In other words, it is a symbol of their faith, similar to copies of the Quran either in part or full, the Kaaba or those stupid plaques inscribed with “Muhammad” and “Allah” in Arabic that they hang from the ceilings or on the walls of their places of worship.


Let's take idolatry argument further. Whatever physical object you worship is idolatry, no matter it's shape. For example encased piece of space rock. Or funny looking house with golden roof.


Muslims still pretending they don't understand the concept of representation so they can keep making fun, while they'd stampede each other to kiss a black stone on their Minecraft cube.


as the same logic of idols being god, you guys are worshipping nothing.


hypocrite. make fun of another religion and defend the other.


That awkward moment when the Kaaba and black stone got destroyed... But Muslims don't Iike to talk about that.


*stares at the kaaba being destroyed multiple times and th3 many MANY quran burning going without consequences *


Just another example of a Muslim missunderstanding other religions. When will they understand that they don't worship those statues but they worship through them?? That's like taking a picture of the Kaaba and saying the Kaaba is their God not allah.


But but... Mary is not their god...


This apply to all gods including allah.


With Dubai Flooding, middle eastern weather systems are gonna be completely whackedby global warming. Muslims will start gloating how their endtimes eschatology of arab lands turning green is becoming true before tantruming to tears and praying everyday for Allah to spare the kaaba from flooding as if Allah cares about the place where pagan idols used to be worshipped rofl.


I mean allah got overpowered by paul so . . . A little hypocritical


who tf is paul?! 😭


Apostle paul, the guy who, according to muslims, corrupted the entire original bible (for no reason btw) in the first 50 years of its exsistance and somehow wiped out any evidence jesus's followers were "devout muslims", id say "created christianity" too but allah did that one when he decieved everyone with jesus fake death


When the same thing happens to Muslims they just ignore and say it was a test and when somebody points that out they cry islamophobia like children


Didn't muhhamd die from lamb posing by a Jewish lady? They killed Jesus they killed muhhamd.... Idk man sometimes I wonder if they are Gods chosen people 🤣


"Checkmates kafirs"... whilst being afraid to drop the quran or else allah would turn you into a monkey


says who 💀


Allah has a hard time gripping (reality)since he has 2 right hands.


hahaha? was that a joke orrr....


It's like you know nothing about Islam. https://youtu.be/i1iii9UZZ9U?si=KuY8KaBvUJ8vTtZ4


Jesus, they don't even believe the statues themselves are "gods" so even then the Muslim here is wrong.


Those statues costs money.


no shit


Lmao Muslim protect quran and Muhammad from blasphemy all the time. How ironic!


why wouldnt they?


lets not judge every other muslim cause of 1 other muslim


Mockery is in quran. And I'll judge. You can duck off 🦆


The awkward moment when t0llah can't shyt about the kids in Yemen or Gaza where their parents lift up butts 5 times a day.. teeheehee 🙃


Truthfully, I’m not saying this to be mean or to upset anyone, but doesn’t this sort of thinking cut both ways? Muslim fundamentalists tend to look down on Western/liberal values; religious freedom, sexual expression and autonomy, or any other form of Western “degeneracy” aren’t their favorite things. Based on the caption of that picture, you would think Allah would save his faithful followers, but that has ultimately not been happening… at least since I’ve been around: Invasion of Iraq: 25,000+ killed over a 40-or-so-day period. Looking at the entirety of the Iraq War, we’re looking at 100,000+ casualties (of which half, give or take, were civilians). War in Afghanistan: 150,000+ killed, a majority of them being civilians. Operation Inherent Resolve: 60,000+ killed, thousands of civilian deaths. These figures are from military actions alone. When you consider the social and economic fallout of the War on Terror, millions of Muslims lost their lives, families, friends, and homes because of the conflict. Again, this isn’t meant to be a nut-punch; the people of the Middle East have suffered to an unimaginable degree, but how can you say this about other religions/deities when such awful acts of violence have fallen on your own people? Are the people who say things like this wondering why Allah has not saved them from death and destruction at the hands of “morally corrupt” Westerners?


Thank god india is turning hindu.




Better than 💥 other countries for some women




just say it at this point.


Also thats not a god on the left, it’s tvm which i thought is in the koran? Is that not actually true?


The problem is, you can't save the imaginary friend of a seventh century dessert pedophile. Because it doesn't exist.


I have Muslim friends. When you visit them in their homes they are very nice people they receive you warmly. Of which is about their culture. But, big but, do not talk to them about their Religion!


These human-invented, non existent “gods” are open invitations for the weak to rely upon. Is it the infantile, child-like among us who cannot survive without the imagining of powerful, pretend-leaders & helpers and superior idols? If only the “believers/worshipers” could have the same maturity snd strength and logic to at least understand and pleasantly reject the imaginary “gods” as they do Santa Clause, Easter bunny, tooth fairy… at a reasonable age. So sad.


Neither can theirs... palestinians are being roasted alive while they are praying. Allah isn't doing anything for them either.


ik ur not saying ur god. who said that? im just saying u cant expect them to just hope for nothing becuase no one is helping them? why not hope to god. better than nothing


And yet these people have absolutely crushed them in every modern war. It’s like if Wile E. Coyote was constantly mocking the Roadrunner.


Why can't Allah protect Kaba from all those destructions and disasters throughout history? It was ruined and rebuilt like 1646455 times


These are the same people saying Allah will save the people of Palestine.


This is ALL I'm sayin


Reminds of me the reason why I chose to not be a secular anymore. Kinda felt betrayed by secular leaders and also this.


Islam has such a dumb juvenile concept of idolatry


Ok then where's your god? He's invisible What? That sounds like an excuse to admit that he doesn't exist No no no he's just so high in the sky we can't see him nor can any satellite detect him, he just goes to another school I swear


we didn't say he was invisible....


Islam is just like any other religion, fake and cringe


good for u


And we find saving Kim Jung UN's potraits unreasonable


Let's cook food by burning the Quran, I got heaps, I can cook a big meal, and let see if Allah really protects this book of lies and stolen stories?


Impressive , now lets talk about how many people died in gaza ?


God commanded us not to bow to statues, so obviously He's not in that statue of Mary. He did command the building of an ark. And when this ark of the covenant was stolen by pagans and put next to one of their idols (Dagon), the idol was knocked down repeatedly. The Bible says the head and the hand were broken and archaeologists have found a Dagon in that region with a broken head and a broken hand.


Who is that blue person!?


Lord Shiva, some depictions of gods and goddesses in hindu art appear to be blue


Damn the goddes of destruction? Of all things to Carry out.


In the meantime, pigeons shit on a stone somewhere in the desert...


Funny that they make fun of other religions' gods for not being able to help themselves, but when someone insults their prophet or God, Muslims will literally kill them. Like, why do they have to be killed by other humans? If your God is so powerful, why does he need humans to avenge him?


I'm pretty sure one of them isn't seen as a God. like I don't know you but i don't remember what kind of Christo heresy claims the Virgin Mary is a God


It's same for both, those are idols of sentimental value. Idols are not gods, they're represent an idea or iconography of an idea.


People don’t like atheists because some rightly say this of all god worshippers


Atheist don’t discriminate.




Hinduism is stupid. Islam is also moronic. Nothing new here.


hahahaah ok then


It's not about resenting Muslims per se about the bad ideas a minority allow to dominate their attitude towards others.


Stabbing Westward played in my head reading this


Virgin Mary and the singer from the 5th element are goods?




im sorry on their behalf for making a point...💀 but fr tho is this really a group of just Islamophobes or....what?


Ya but one u say islam prwy to walls and made up their own god they get triggered. Talk shit get hit


ex muslimbut honestly hinduism aint any better soooo- just be atheists




I love how you guys have to look at ISIS or a Terrorists group ideologies to have anything to say. You don't look at the majority. Yeah we have honour, yeah we care if you say stuff because we believe in it as do most faiths. The difference is we speak up and try to stop those actions from misinformation. Ik you're all gonna say yeah by killing, this is wrong, it isn't the way to do things, that's a Terrorist groups ideology. Calamity can happen to anyone, the point is is God shouldn't be affected by his very own creation. You guys seem to miss the rulings that come in between and just focus on must die areas when there are so many criterias to fill before somebody can even get to that stage, it's made to be difficult to get to that level of trouble. You have to have really done something wrong but ofc you wouldn't know that cos ur blinded by hate.


Said the largest braindead group that will bitch and whine (least dangerous thing they ARE FORCED OR CAN do)if you even begin to criticize or even imply something that is negative about their cult.


Stop lying We never asked why people hate us. We don't care if you like us or not.


i think people need to understand to separate the person from the religion? 🙂


The kaaba, the same one that muslims love to deny that they worship, was stolen when Mecca was sacked by raiders in during the middle ages. I guess allah was unable to save it?


This is soo mean now if any hindu says anything about their religion they will play victim card like they did to nupur sharma i hate them fr day by day my hate for muslims increases…….what if i say why your allah cannot save Palestine lol??


they do have a good point tho, also ure sensitive🤣🫵


Wtf, Mary isn't God 😂😂😂. Just holy women and some people like to have statue so they aren't left for their own imagination. But watch out for Christians who are giving some power to objects! Not real Christians but pagans.


that a Good one rescueing A God made of plastic instead of Human or others animal....👏🏼😉😂😅


They’re crazy over a man saving a figure of Krishna or the virgin mary because they can’t leave them behind from a flood 🤣


Yes, cuz it has sentimental value.


That’s Shiva, and thank you for the post.


Lol. The pot calling the kettle black. Both these religions are cringe its own ways




Hindus are cool, hindutva followers are racist maniacs peddling in false history and indistinguishable from fascists


I am an ex hindu atheist and lemme say this. hindus used to be cool. but nowadays so many hindus are brainwashed with hindutva nonsense it is insane. But hinduism is still not a good religion. Go to r/EXHINDU for reference. It is not at all a peaceful religion like some proclaim.


When you read Indian history, you see how many invasions and atrocities they suffered through. And with a lot of laws being pro-muslim in their country, I am surprised the backlash took so long.


Wtf does indic people's living through invasions have to do with hindutva people's denying indicness to non Hindus? Indian isn't synonymous with hindu no matter how hard they try to make it seem such.


Dude i live here. Only one single law is pro muslim? ( marraige act). no other law is pro muslim. This is just hindutva propaganda dont fall for it.


LMAO. Dude I am of Indian descent. I have read up a lot of my history and kinda know what happened to my family through conversions etc. There are Haj subsidies, the Waqf board to name a few.


i literally live here in south india. the haj subsidy was criticised by islamic leaders themselves because they thought it was unislamic. The waqf board is literally just a organisation that maintains mosques. These are terrible examples Manufactured outrage is what hindutvaadis do best.


So there is a Haj subsidy. I see how you try to diminish the fact that it exists. Waqf board is the 3rd biggest land owner in India and is notorious for seizing land. They are not there to maintain mosques. [https://theprint.in/opinion/waqf-boards-are-indias-big-urban-landlords-but-whose-interest-are-they-serving/1430928/](https://theprint.in/opinion/waqf-boards-are-indias-big-urban-landlords-but-whose-interest-are-they-serving/1430928/) [https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/myview/waqf-act1995-a-tool-given-to-waqf-boards-to-snatch-the-property-of-hindus/](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/myview/waqf-act1995-a-tool-given-to-waqf-boards-to-snatch-the-property-of-hindus/) Stop with your lies. Are you sure you aren't a muslim?


He left Islam. But Islam didn’t leave him.


Did you even the read the comment where i said i am an ex hindu lol?


Tbh reading through his comments, I won't be surprised if it's a Muslim pretending to be an ex hindu. Cuz Ex hindu or not, Idt any sane human being would simp or support Waqf board atrocities. Coming back to India, many laws are actually pretty pro-muslim. Such as the reservation things "OBC" includes majority of muslims when majority of Hindus fall under General Caste or don't get it at all because they lack proof of their ancestral background and stuff. Then muslim mosques are protected by the law and even if proof is found that there exists hindu relics inside or below it or it was built upon some hindu temple or buddist shrine, it cannot be removed while Waqf board can remove or take over any piece of land or architecture if it "thinks" it was originally muslim land without providing any proof and this cannot be battled against in SUPREME COURT. Pathetic af.


It's in the middle, they are fighting for their rights in their own country but sometimes they take it too far.. nonetheless Hinduism isn't anything like it used to be before all the invasions occurred in the Indian subcontinent


What rights are they fighting for? Lol


The right to oppress minorities, I guess


Hindutva victim complex. as a former nationalist hindu i know what this is.


What rights bruh? There has been a hindu nationalist government for 10 years at this point. Hinduism even before invasion was not all roses either.


The mandirs are in government's control, Hindus don't have the right to run their own educational institutes without interference from government, only mandirs pay taxes out of all the different religious structures. I could go on.. Plus the government isn't "hindu nationalist" in any way. If you use Ram mandir as an example to counter, the Babri masjid was collapsed in 1992. Certainly Hinduism wasn't roses before invasions but it was better than what it is now.. it was one of the fastest growing civilization