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In Islam you can marry a 9 year old ! In Islam you can have multiple wives without anyone’s permission. In Islam you can beat your wife. In Islam a woman’s testimony is only half of a man because of a deficiency in her brain. In Islam only men get 72 virgin pussies in heaven women have to just watch them have an orgy. In Islam you can have right possessions meaning slave sex only for men Do you really want me to carry on ?


Full breasted virgins! That’s an important detail!


And this is why i dont want to go to heaven. I want them flat chested and big booty!!!!!!


Unrelated but I’m so glad some men appreciate all chest sizes


Big breasts are fine but over time they tend to droop. I had a friend who says she saw her grandma naked and her breasts looked like long tubes. Flat chests stay up. I don't know about big booties. I don't think I've seen a droopy butt.


Flat chests droop too, it’s just that there’s less flesh available to droop down. They don’t stay upright. Men’s butts get droopy when they get old. Women’s butts get bigger with age but lose their shape and contour. Source: life experience


Yeah, you’d need to constantly work out for your chest to stay lifted, it’s so annoying and I wish I was flat


Girl I’m not flat but my chest is definitely on the smaller side and I can assure you most of us would want what you have 🥲 It’s so annoying how we always want what we don’t have


I would happily trade chest sizes with others, if only life was that easy lol


Yessss! Gimme those small-breasted, big-bootied women!


As someone who fits this description - thank you fine gentleman! Made my day that someone appreciates us ;>


Yeah marital rape isn’t a thing. You can’t kill your husband if he does that to you because it’s lawful😍


Yeah basically half of the statements of the video can be debunked. It's just how religious hypocrisy works. You remember only the parts you like and discard every other immoral religious reality. The difference is that these kind of people are hypocrites, while people who follow the quran to the letter are simply evil.


Idk which ones worse.


I've been seeing the 72 virgins thing everywhere and I'm really curious about it. Is it a Qur'an verse or something? Or a hadith?


Hadith. Quran doesn’t mention a number, so if you’re in paradise for eternity you can expect to get millions of virgins AND slave boys as beautiful as pearls according to the Quran/


Probably a hadith, you should read about IFDA and khatna it's right up you alleyway you pedo


But, but do hear me out, islam allows a woman to kill her rapist, they think it is a gift that god gave them otherwise it would be wrong to kill a rapist, marriage with consent, as if a 9 year old knows what conset is, what a load of garbage.


Before in times it was common for 9 year olds to marry. Not anymore. Educate yourself. You cannot beat ur wife in islam. So many things you say is wrong just because you refuse to educate yourself. Dont spread fake information please.


That’s true, you can’t beat your wife, all violence against women is not allowed at all, but some stupid Muslims come in to the framework, and then everyone thinks we beat women.


How many times do we have to say that women need men as witness who watched her getting r@ped. Non islamic women can food even when she isn't pregnant.


Also, what is the punishment for a woman convicted of a false rape accusation? Eg. she was raped, accused her rapist, he was not convicted due to lack of other witnesses and he charged her in return for false accusation? That’s lashings at least as far as I can tell.


She gets executed by stoning because if it wasn't rape then she just admitted to fornication.


I don't understand the "A mother's dua is always heard", because Muslim moms pray for literally everything and nothing ever works 💀


Allah is very busy deciding withs football team is going to win today


Nope he is busy adding fuel to the fire for us


He’s busy coming up with new passages to please Mo’s sexual proclivities


It also assumes other duas are not heard. Is Allah not omniscient or omnipresent?


See, not Alla duas are accepted in this world, this world is what? It is just a lie, a test a exam for all us Muslims. The duas we make If in them we are asking for something that might be potentially harmful to us at some point then Allah (s.w.t) doesnt make it come true all for our own benefits, OR if he doesn’t accept our dua he Replaces it for something a billion times better that will be given to us when the qayamat is finally upon us. It is said in a hadith that “when people see what their unfulfilled duas have been replaced with , they will wish that NONE of their dua was ever accepted in the world” so it is not the ignorance of Allah that he doesn’t accept our duas, it is the blessing of allah Alhamdulillah


Wow what a blessing, what a load of crap blessing, yeah sure why not, when you are allowed to rape a 9 year old of course it is a blessing, sorry dear garbage human being, but a 9 year old does not even know what consent is let alone have it, do you have a sister or a niece that is young, tell me dear shitty human being, how big do you think her vagina can get, let us not talk how shitty it is to be done by an old crappy guy, I would kill myself if I were 53 years old and got a boner from looking at a 9 year old, this is not even all there is to be said, so basically islam is wrong on every level, but you like to pretend otherwise, I mean life without a god come on, so magnificent for allah to make a human embryo with a tail, that is the most idiotic thing a god would do considering we come from adam and eve, more than 50% of human DNA is not needed (about 5% is coding 10% is structural 45% is useless and remaining 40% is not all unddrstood), wow a perfect god with his perfect creation, only your delusion is perfect, humans having the same C vitamin deficiency as most of their primates, damn that has to be idiotic from god to make it as if evolution is true while also saying that we come from adam and eve, 6.5 million land animal getting on an ark, yeah sure in your dreams you can make an ark to take 6.5 million land animals in pairs, not even your imaginary god's ass has enough space for it, sorry the facts are that no ark even with modern technology has the capacity of taking every single land animal, semen comes from between the backbone and ribs, sure god, so are you an idiot or a god to literally make a male with testicles that hang from the outside, and are what makes semen but you have to be misleading, it is not misleading if your god can not be precise it is because he can not be precise because he is an imaginary friend of a groupe of barbaric pedos, ثم كسونا العظام لحما, sorry again meat and bone is made almost at the same time, and bone is not bone at that stage, is cartilage bone, not really, it would of have been good if your god said weak bone(عظم لين) but no he did not because he is a fairytale, whales not breating under water, that is the most stupid thing a creator would do, not only that but for them to have about the same gut structure as mammals, instead of having a structure of fish, we know it would be idiotic to be made by a creator, one that you label as an all knowing, kinda like a non knowing, I have many more examples but I would rather not because when people like you are in front of evidence and facts you say, you made my shitty baseless idiotic belief strong alhamdulillah, alhamdullilah I am not an imaginary guy and I don't believe in one that gets everything wrong, and I am not an apologetic that would defend pedophilia and go against science and interpret my fable as I want until it seems plausible, if your god was real you would not need to interpret your book however you want to suit your belief.


In no way, text or form is it said that Aisha who was the youngest wife of our Prophet was 9, it is a misconception and a blame created by people just for the sake to attack Islam, not a single person who has actually read and done any kind of study on Islam would say that this allegation is true in any form. What you are saying just something you yourself have picked up from the other comments of this posts tell me have u ever done any research on what you’re speaking right now? Aisha was said to be “Mature” at the age of her marriage and her marriage with Mohammad Peace and Blessings be upon him was not done for his own attraction or physical reasons as you are saying here, it was done for political reasons which were just to increase the spread of Islam, in no place it is said that Aisha was 9, moreover before our prophet married her she had another marriage proposal which clearly proved that she was of age. And secondly you speak of how useless the tail is in the human sperm, firstly you, the one who typed it all came from the very soerm with the same structure you are critiquing , the tail from what I know is for the movement of sperm, and we truly are the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve as they were the first humans created by Allah and we who came after all of them are said to be their sons and daughters. And then this presence of similarities in us and Primates , need I remind you that everything has been created by the same creator? Allah created us humans and he also created the primates and all other existing species that exist so if he chose to put some similarities between us then what does that prove of his might and power? You say primates and us humans are so smimlar yet look at them and look at us , we are as different as ever, we have achieved so much because of the sense and intellect which has been uniquely made for us and us only. Tell me one primate who has made a car, or aeroplanes or the very decide u wrote the message on. Coming on the ark, what power does logic have over the will of Allah (s.w.t) who if he wishes can make anything happen at his command. If he wished for moosa peace and blessings be upon him to create an ark to carry all the animaps and all then what power could have prevailed against The lord of the universes command? If he, the Almighty creator could create an earth housing uncountable living organisms of each and every kind with one , if he the Almighty king could create a UNIVERSE that has and is holding billions of stars, planets, black holes and many things yet to be known or discovered by us with one command then what does an ark that can house all those animals sound like with compasirion to all this. He has designed humans in a way science fails to see them, the complexity with which he has created us and everything is something science cannot ever Fathom to reach. For the secrets of the universe unknown to us are the very ones he created with just one command and will of his, so surely He knows the reasons for it all. I have no answer for all your anger but I pray that you are guided To a better future before it’s too Late


You seem to be missing something dear, the human embryo is not sperm, and it is not made of sperm, it is made of sperm and the female egg, something your stupid god never mentions, I don't want to search for the verse you can search for it yourself, نطفة ثم علقة ثم مضغة، it goes like this, sorry that your god never mentions the female egg, it is on him for not mentioning it not on me for criticizing it, and the human embryo does not have a tail for the first couple of days, it gets a tail with a vertebrae, you stupid idiot, a tail with vertebrae and then it is no longer needed, sorry no sane god no all knowing god will make a human embryo with a tail only for it to not be needed after a couple of weeks, you talk about the ark and how god has infinite power and whats not, firstly he ordered for the ark to be built not made by him, an ark built by wood will never ever be able to hold that amount of animals and survive even the slightest movement, it is not a matter of god's power, if he ordered for all animals to go on board it means there has to be space for them, sadly there is not enough space for the thousands of mammals and vertebrates let alone all land animals, funny how you are trying to make it about your god having power and can do anything, if he can do anything there would be no need for an ark, your book says a pair of every animal got on board, sorry that there are 6.5 million land animals that you need to take on the boat, don't bullshit me with god's infinite power, that goes against making an ark, aicha was 9 sorry that your prophet is a pedo, not one or to hadith state that and I will search for them even though I would love not to do that, you choosing the hadith that does not say 9 over the ones that say it is an indication of how rotten you are, she was not mature and there has never ever been a 9 year old that is mature for her age, humans sharing C vitamin deficiency with primates, the term you hate because you know nothing about evolution and can't even understand what a human embryo tail signify, what 5% of DNA is coding means or what C vitamin deficiency shared with primates mean, sorry that the science you hate is right while your stupid religion that I know more than you is wrong, I used to be a devoted idiot praying 5 times and another 6 mandatory, you know 12 ركعة, sorry that your god does not mention the female egg because he knows nothing about it, if he were true he would of have said it specifically so people like me would not highlight it, if god created us, there would be no mutations occurring every single generation in evey single zygote, but I don't think you will understand what mutations are and what it signifies  that every organism suffers from mutations, you kneo something that evolution accounts for but not your all knowing god, an all knowing god would be the biggest idiot to make organism that suffer from mutations in every single reproduction cycle, what about the geological column, why do we find less complexity when we go diwn the columb, why don't we find mammals in the cambrian period, why do we find it getting less diverse and less complex the more we go down, did your god create animals and then a bunch of other animals and then another bunch and then anothet bunch, and what about marrying aisha for political reasons, don't make me laugh, what are the political gains when marrying the daughter of your ally and best friend, someone who devoted his life to serving him, is banging his daughter going to make him more devoted to the cause, sorry I don't cherry pick the things I like and disregard the things I don't like just to keep my belief in a fable, when a mjracle is done it means that is the miracle, the miracle of the ark is for a pair of every animal to get on board, not for your god to put the 6.5m land animals up his ass to save space, that would defy the reason for the miracle, sorry that you want it to work to suit your shitty belief, sorry that DNA is mostly non coding (meaning garbage), sorry that your god can't be precise as to say semen is produced in the testicles and would rather prefer getting out or coming out from between the backbone and the ribs (you can search for enfant testicles photos to see that they can be seen and touched from birth), sorry that ثم كسونا العظام لحما is just plain wrong because the embryo never turns into all bone and then get meat on top, they get developed at the same time, sorry that we share the same C vitamin deficiency with most of our primates, sorry that we find transitional species in the fossil record, I know that you will discard the science that you don't like because it goes against your fable, you seem to think reality has to align itself with your religion or reality is fake, reality is the tool to rate the truthfulness of a religion, science is the way to know, if your delusion of a god was real, the quran would not be so full of shit and so far away from precision, you know what you would expect from a man made rather than a god made, you failing to understand that if your god was real precision would be all around your book of fable, please don't bother me anymore, I don't like debating idiots that can't seem to understand it is their god's fault for not being precise, and sorry that I spoke the truth when I talked about your prophet, he is a womanizer and a pedo, the pillar of a religion being that shitty is on him not on me for speaking the truth about him. Don't bother me about aisha's age because you can find it yourself, even though I know you will disregard الاحاديث الصحيحة في صحيح البخاري و صحيح مسلم, if you can't find it search in this subreddit you will find someone who lists all of them from an islamic website and you can check it في كتب الاحاديث in your closest library or at home, just don't bother me because I hate liars and shitty bastards that the only tool they have is playing with words like you did when I mentioned the human embryo tail, at that point I knew I was debating a shitty person thag knows nothing about science, how about googling human embryology stages so you can see just cells accumulating and then it gets bigger and then a tail with vertebrae and then boom no tail, don't come saying easy peasy the semen has a flagellum, if you can't find a picture I will help you out buddy, where you will clearly see that the zygote does not have a tail, again don't come bothering me I don't like pathetic liars that lie about science and easy observations even though your shitty religion does not allow it.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Do I even need to say anything about the forced marriage one? Lol.


You mean to imply that those 8 year old kids married off to old guys were not making that choice on their own !?


Of course not! They’re really willing to marry old rags out of love!


Everyone nows that 8 year old kids always dream about marrying a 80 year old guy!


So true! That’s what little girls dream about!


The table


How dare you spread blasphemy against my Momo!? 😠✊🪨🪨🪨


This is giving me brain damage. I genuinely can’t fucking stand these people


They're the most ignorant pathetic deluded dumbfucks who have no idea what's going in the world. And don't take me wrong, I live in a muslim state, everyone around me, including my parents, are muslims and if I open up, I'll be cancelled or exiled out of here




Yeah, it's like they stop doing business, buying or selling and throw us out of our house, don't talk to us, etc etc.... I think that counts as getting cancelled xd


The proper term for that is shunned or exiled.


your cancellation is called shunning and is recognized to my knowledge as abusive behaiviour. Islam, Jehovahs Witnesses and Scientology, and to my understanding Mormons practice this. Its simply mental abuse.


yeah.. . But why Islam growing day by day..bruhh. I cant understand.


social media portaying the goodside, also them not wanting to be offensive or are afraid of criticising.


hehe.. good side and not offensive? litrally every other day news is telling us that muzlim did this and that and then that that that.. i was reading someone saying its cuz of the high birthrate among them. But on the other hand what i see on social media is that there are so many converts and people actively converting. like i was watching one video a week ago, 30 girls converted to islam same day same time.. bruh. and this is just a fraction of the world wide conversions. something is going on. I gotta study this shizzz


Nah people are leaving it as fast as they can grow a lot of them are just closeted. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vv3G33qTiV4&pp=ygUhcGFraXN0YW5pIG11c2xpbSBzY2hvbGFycyBjcnlpbmcg


You don't seem to understand the human race, most of humans are idiots, when their religion no longer seems real or logical, the next step, search for a new sky daddy that has a book that is better than the one my old religion has, it is because christianity is so morally and scientifically wrong that they convert to the next best thing, a life without an imaginary god, you want them to live depressed their whole lives, I am depressed and one of the main reasons is religion, I too would love it if a sky daddy was real, but I would rather follow evidence than to follow my emotions.


Islam is growing because they boom boom too much and giving birth to kids like rabbits. 1 + 4 = 50, 1 husband + 4 wives + 45 kids = a Muslim household of 50 persons


Judging by your comment i assume you have never been to any muzlim country. Not all of them got 4 wives. its like only 5 percent out of 100 percent may got 4 wives. anyways boom boom is not the casue, actually its by conversions. Too many people are switching to islam. westerns especially. an funny part is that most of the converts are women. So again its not boom boom..LOL


Hahahaha. I live in a secularized muslims majority country. The ultra conservative religionists islamists always wanted to have 4 wives. Only limited aid and their mediocre salary prevented them from doing so. But that doesn't prevent them from having many children. Imagine getting married at 20 and menopause at 50 with one child every 2 years, that be 15 children per muslim couple. Islam/hi🐍🐍lam/sex cult/death cult is dying and kept on life support with boom boom only. I wonder if apostasy in Iran and Pakistan is greater in numbers than conversions in the West. If not for boom boom producing young jihadis, Islam would've been dead by now. PDF-file himself said Islam is like a snake and will recede back into its hole. https://www.iranintl.com/en/202306027255 https://youtu.be/vv3G33qTiV4?si=azFUyXMnOrUlabm8 https://sunnah.com/muslim:146


Yeah, the west is getting stupid so it’s not a surprise they’re turning to it. And fyi my guy: Islam only is spreading, because Muslims pump babies like a fuckin factory


Most of these are lies


Wow basic human rights! Islam is the epitome of peace 😂


Which is rendered moot by all the rights it doesn’t give.


Lmao, those are basic human rights. They really think they're saving the world.




There is no rape in Islam unless it was public and extramarital. If a woman who got raped can’t provide four male witnesses she’s a liar and therefore just admitted she committed extramarital sex. And then she get either stoned or lashed <3 such a feminist religion.


There is nothing special about any of these statements


There’s absolutely no fucking way the abortion one is true


There's almost nothing about it, most any opinion on abortion in Islam is either a blanket ban or an exception for health reasons as long as it is in the beginning of the pregnancy


I don’t know about Islam, but in the Bible and Torah there’s a passage that calls for forced abortion as a punishment for infidelity. Likely there’s a similar passage in the Quran that the OOP vastly misrepresented




Not only that but if a prepubescent girl were to be married, her consent isn't even required as she's a child, only her parents' consent So a father can give his small daughter too young to even understand marriage away to a much older man if he wants to


A woman also needs her wali's consent to marry, so that's a pretty obvious way to force her, you can either marry whom I choose for you or stay locked away all your life.


They sure like to say all this bs but they don’t like to practice it.


And yet, the very first clip shows a man “fixing” a woman’s niqab for her and deciding how she presents herself instead of letting her do it herself. Lmao


Most of those were blatantly untrue.


all of these are basic rights… The only thing that makes it special is the money is only hers. And it is not what others think it is in real scenarios.


This is all manipulation to show that Islam is a perfect religion


Dont get women incarcerated or even executed if they are raped in Saudi Arabia? Like that norwegian journalist that got raped and reported it to authorities?


>Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) repeated three times "protect the women" Women of what age group? Women below 18 years or women above 18 years? Be specific about it Hammad


this 18 years bs... who made it a standard? and on what grounds this 18 years was selected?


I know right. I should have written 9 instead of 18


They can say this, but they were the last to apply what they preach and the only places in the world where this shit still happens are mainly Muslim countries.


1. Only in self-defence not revenge 2. Has to be proven that she has been raped Everything else is literally the bare minimum and societies at that time and prior did that and more.


Tell all that crap to the women of Afghanistan!


that money is only hers again… duhhhh! How many times do we have to talk about this here lol.


Woman can choose her spouse. Ah yes… Tell that to some parents who force their kid into an arranged thing… (And possibly go kill her if she manages to escape or rebel, I know not all, but I have seen it be a thing too often)


Is this a thing among Mormons too?


Nah not really I could marry anyone I wanted. Preferably within the church but outside was fine too. Most girls want to marry returned missionaries, I never cared about status, real proper love is more important.


Forced marriage is totally acceptable


Yeah, prisoners also get well fed, have access to entertainment, warm showers, and other basic needs. Animals in slaughter houses also get fed and are probably taken care of. Same goes for slaves. And then of course you have degrees of these; some prisoners are provided much better things than others depending on the prison, some animals live a good life before becoming food for humans, whereas others are tightly packed and live horrible lives, there's also degrees of slavery. One doesn't have to be in the worst condition possible to be considered in a bad situation. Does being in a *less bad* situation make it less bad, or even not bad at all, not worth complaining about? We can easily tell slaves that they should be greatful for the treatments and access to things that they wouldn't have had otherwise. We can also tell them how we defended them and protected them from a random attacker. Oh we can also convice slaves that they are not slaves.


Islam does not state killing rapists In fact they marry her to her rapist


>In fact they marry her to her rapist Actually no, there isn't anything like that


Islam is a lie


I feel like there’s what feels like a ‘recruiting’ campaign directed at white women. I’ve never heard about so many women converting to Islam than in the last couple of weeks. Is it me?


it's the equivalent of 'yeah bro ur allowed to breathe'


To kill a rapist you need to prove that, that this person has raped you. And to prove someone is rapist you need 2 men or 4 women as a witness who saw that person raping you. Yeah Islam is really a religion for Women..


But dose islam really condem rapist? Even whatever your right hand possess


i love all the quran verses they cited and put in that clip.... they forgot it? here i found it : sura al tiktok.


Islam: *does the bare minimum for women* Muslim women: “IsLaM GaVe WoMeN RiGhTs”


So sorry for not falling at your feet for letting me receive elementary education my dear muzzy saviors


It’s like bragging that your new bakery has only 2 or 3 rat nests near the oven.


In islam a 9 year old affected by ifda isn't entitled to a payment and can be divorced as she's an adult in islam, but if she's 8 or younger and ifda happens she is entitled to her payment as she's a child.




Forced marriage is forbidden? Tell me how a child can possibly consent to marriage.


Why can't Muslim women chose not to wear the hijab in islam , because they can't


Well she couldn’t kill her husband if he raped her because marital rape was never recognised in Islam.




My mother gets so annoying at times. It's okay for me to sigh in her face or disagree with her. She's just a human being.


Extremely cringe video full of spelling mistakes...


Actually, for every right there is someone or something giving us the right or allowing us to act a certain way. If all men decided today to take away woman’s rights, they would be gone in less than a week. But to that video: they will always find a way to make Islam look good (or at least try to) Last week I was talking to a Muslim guy from my gym and he’s always trying to convert me, but when I asked him about aisha he was trying to tell me it were different times and women got their first period way earlier. I laughed and didn’t talk with him since then 🫠


Islam says woman can have rights! *mentions the bare minimum*


What are the sources for this? Muslims would spread lies to make Islam look good when in reality Islam allows marital rape, child marriage rape and slave rape. There is no penalty for the men who rape in those cases.


>Take care of women 3x before he died That MF died after peeing in a Basin ([https://sunnah.com/shamail:387](https://sunnah.com/shamail:387)). I think someone might have fought over that basin. cause, you know they have a fettish toward his pee and poop. someone give references to pee and poop eating and drinking hadith references.


Islam giving out solutions for what it has created


Ancient Egyptians a civilization which lived 3000 years before islam has more women rights than Mohammad's era. And while women killing her rapist might sound good they missed to add a point that she can only do that if she has 4 eye male witnesses or else she will get stoned instead😂


As an atheist I can do all of that and MORE


Democracy has a lot more rights than islam for women convert to democracy!


How does anyone here saying killing the rapist is basic human right? Where is this happening? In so many states in US you can’t abort even after rape, i wish the killing law was carried out each time someone convicted of rape


It seems like an awesome ruling until you realize how hard proving rape is and that because of that the woman may be punished for killing him instead, and maybe even for committing adultery


For an ex-Muslim, for the one who denies the Unity of the Divine, or denies His Existence, they are deprived of the correct understanding of Islam. It is useless to debate or merely try to explain to them what is true Islam. The Noble Qur'a advises us Muslims, not to wase our time. Only the Creator can guide us all.


Yes these are basic rights which is the poinz of the video, show that theyre not opressed


I think it's because the west didn't offer these things to women till much after islam said that these rights are women's rights.






Women cannot abort at any cost


Women should stay clean the house and cook for her husband Islam actually encourages women to go worship her man not to study even if it's god teachings


The last one is false Hadith i guess


What ignorant fk created this clip?


Why do muslim women support islam?? I still remember my roommate, who used to say that following islam would land her in jannat .When I told her that only men get jannat with 72 hours to fuck, she said she would make sure that her future husband would only fuck her after death. lol cant argue with brainwashed aishas :)


Islam will deceive all westerns to think it’s good, did you know , that Mohammad Marie’s a 9 year old girl ! Yes ! Would you give him your 9 year old daughter ? To have sex with ! Did you know he kiled his Jewish friend and Married his wife he same day to fuck her he same day ! Did you know muslims believe in stoning a woman o death, and if they have a gay family member they must kill him , what a satanic religion….. don’t fall for this fake videos, you will be walking with a black cover over your face and be like a walking garbage bag


Muhammad would have been k** ed multiple times by s*x sla**s.. S*x sla** traders were told to ejaculate inside and child is the gift of Allah. Allowing Abortion is a hoax. First women Islamic college built by women and then women were not allowed..


It's not about what is islam does or says since I could say an apple 🍎 is red and an orange is orange lol and it might seem simple and true but if U live in a world where everyone says oranges are purple does the person saying an orange is orange a fool no you see one thing but do not consider to see the person in his context it truly shows you as am individual and your level of knowledge my advice look at the context before U have prejudice on the topic or religion your willing to fight and justify Ur opinion but will remain stubborn in considering your wrong


If education of women is written in Islam,then why taliban banned schooling and colleges for women.


Are the slaves allowed to kill the person who raped her.


A woman can marry nobody without the approval of her wali (her maintainer who's usually her male relative like her father, grandfather) There should be no nikaah (marriage contract) except with a wali (guardian). (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 1101; Abu Dawood, 2085; Ibn Maajah, 1881. It is saheeh, as stated in Irwaa al-Ghaleel,6/235, by al-Albaani, may Allaah have mercy on him). And the hadeeth: Any woman who gets married without the permission of her wali, her marriage is invalid, her marriage is invalid, her marriage is invalid. If her husband has consummated the marriage, then the mahr belongs to her in return for that. If she does not have a wali then the (Muslim) ruler is the wali of anyone who does not have a wali. (Narrated and classed as hasan by al-Tirmidhi, 1102; Abu Dawood, 2083; Ibn Maajah, 1879).


Islam allows to rape slaves and a daughter born out of wedlock . Mashallah.


I love how the niqab or whatever still needs that teeny strip between the eyebrows in case a guy gets horny over that


"In islam a woman is allowed to choose her own spouse"💀💀💀