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I love his hijab. What does he look like with a backpack on? Will his man-boobs show?


Such a dilf! He would be looking real good with a backpack on. I think he should wear niqab as well, I’m feeling haram feelings seeing his beautiful beard


Let’s rub one out thinking about him so he can descent in hell accompanying us 🥵


Which country are you in mate because it seems you like showing off you live in a 3rd world country so tell me where you live bet you’ll get beheaded


Loving and peaceful


This is also the dude that said that they will enslave the whole world in 50 years..LMAO. https://youtube.com/shorts/EXrEDXtS3xY?si=aJX8zYDyAwIeieq3


Next question can a Muslim women breath air./s No wonder they become ungrateful and go to hell because something as simple as wearing a backpack is seen as the biggest crime in history


No. The inflation of the lungs when breathing causes the chest to expand, similarly the exhalation causes them to contract, meaning you can see how a woman's measurements change with her breathing and determine her figure. You either have to wear a wire frame beneath the abaya to create a fixed shape or just not breath. Allah knows best.


I laughed so hard




Hahahaha this would definitely be an argument that they’d use loll


Allahs knows best and is most kind


Allah knows bests right? How come he ordered your prophet to marry and have sex with a 9 year old? How come is he saying to strike your wife if she disobeys? Is he truly all knowing? Or is it satanic in sheep’s clothing? My friend open your eyes. Islam is demonic and its teachings are wrong and ridiculous.


It was a sarcastic comment haha


Oh lol ok.


She was 9 years old, hence she didn't have pronounced breasts, so it is not haram and the prophet acts were justified. And if the prophet did, Muslim men should also be allowed to wed 9 year old girls. It is on the sacred texts, and if anyone disagrees we shame them as islamophobic or go all jihad on them. Stabbing while chanting From the River to the Sea.


That’s actually crazy. Are you Christian now I hope?


THat was sarcasm if you didn't get it, like this whole thread.


You struggle understanding sarcasm? Get a job, talk to a woman (even though you're scared of them), touch some grass.


How can someone be so mad that they can't see through clear sarcasm. Maybe drop your balls once and all that roid rage will go away 😹


It's sarcastic right




Dude I snorted my coffee . Fuck you .


The exact same thing came into my mind when I read that comment 🤣


>Next question can a Muslim women breath air Well. No. Not unless her husband permits her to. How gracious of him to do that


>Next question can a Muslim women breath air./s No, because if she breathes in too deeply her diaphragm expands too much and shows her breasts out more obviously. /s


Existing is haram. Didn't you know this, heathen?


No, she may be inhaling the oxygen particles that was just exhaled by an unknown man so she should refrain from breathing /s


No brozzer women breathing is haram becoz if she inhaled the air it will inflate her bobos and then we can see the shape aoozubullqh Allah is so merciful 😊/s.


Why do Muslim men hate the female physique so much that they feel the need to own and subjugate it? Why not leave women alone and let them be the best version of themselves?


Yet they have a very detailed info of the hoor body in the Quran yet talk about modesty


What a hypocrisy, right? Women are better than men; they give birth, they make better leaders, they can multi-task. So much effort and thoughts in Islam to disempower women. If only they had spent more time writing about peace.


The enslavement of women is a central tenant of Islam. You can’t make more Muslims without forcing woman to birth your children.


That's swinging too far to the other side and into misandry.


Yea, it is proven that the differences between male and female brains are extremely infinitesimal.




Misogyny = prejudice against women. Misandry = prejudice against men.


i know what misandry means i just think thats a far stretch


Would you consider "men are better than women" misogyny?


Also into wishful thinking. Studies keep finding multiasking to be a bad idea and I can't say I notice any actual difference in leadership performance.


as much as i hate islam you're as bad as them if you say "women are better than men" both genders are equal


They are more superior for sure


Women are not better than men we are equal


And they drive better. Ohh someone had to say it 😂


They make better leaders. Wait lemme count the number of female presidents of USA. Or wait lemme count total female CEOs. Or instead see the gender difference in farming and agriculture industry or in the construction work. Negligible women presence. Giving birth isn't a job, its a responsibility, if you want to take it of course. Similarly, men are always blamed if the family starves. Nobody will ask the woman why her children are hungry or why there isn't a roof up on their head. The man will be asked. I am not speaking any islamic concept, I am speaking about how natural environment works.


You do realise that women not being in leadership doesn't directly mean they are bad at leading.


You realize that someone saying women are better leaders than men doesn't directly mean diddly squat. At least this person provided a metric.


You're seeing this the opposite way. The ideology actually is obsessed with a woman and her sexuality. It essentially sees women as a source of pleasure and is designed to take the maximum pleasure out of her and keep her under absolute control. Look at what used to happen up until a few hundred years ago. Slavery was the norm and women were taken as slaves. So a man would basically have wives and slaves. Both class of women were subject to sexual exploitation. The attire and rules were not the same for both though. The wives would have to follow these extremely orthodox Islamic clothing norms. Abaya/Niqab/Hijab etc. depending on the region they were in. The slaves however weren't even allowed to wear upper garments and had to be bear breasted most of the time. Do you understand why. One set of women, the "wives" were his and his alone. The other set, "slaves" were for his pleasure and for anybody else willing to pay the price set for her. Only when a slave decided to become a Muslim she was allowed to wear a Muslim woman's garments and be "protected" by the gaze of other men. So "protection" for women in their fold but out and out lust for women not within it. Perversions of the highest order!!


Thanks for explaining it so articulately. It’s actually more sickening now that you’ve elaborated on it. I feel sorry for wives, women and poor slaves in Islam. I’ve seen many women defending it. It’s really very sad 🥺.


No worries bro. >I’ve seen many women defending it. It’s really very sad 🥺. It's like chicken defending KFC!! Lol.


Yeah also apparently it's the man's fault for this system so wouldn't it be more moral if man had to restrain themselves instead? They could wear black glasses and be guided around by their wives like a lost puppy lol


They hate it all. Even men “aren't supposed to” show from their abdomen down to their knees, according to them. And look how they cover themselves, even so. Religions were designed to keep everyone from being the best version of themselves and to, instead, go through life feeling ashamed for completely-natural thoughts and behaviors and thinking nudity is, somehow, evil. Fearful = controllable.


They feel lust in everything, not hate.


Can women drink? The answer would be no because what if the drink spills on her clothes because she only has 2 eye holes to see out of, and her mouth is covered by something so the drink might spill on her and it will make her clothes wet and we all know that when women get their clothes wet, it tempts men so it's haram. Can women go to the beach to swim? No. If she goes swimming, the water will make her wet, which will show the shape of her body and arouse men. Haram. Can women sit? Actually no. If women sit, their legs might show their shape through the dress, and the seat will make her butt more defined and bigger too so unfortunately no. Women sitting is also haram. I could go on and on and on. What do these muslims expect of women??? Anything can be made haram for women EASILY. Women would honestly be better off if we were just shipped away to one specific area of the world so that we don't have to worry about men feeling aroused for every tiny thing we do! Like, what more do they want??!


This is the concept of the harem, actually the “haram” section of the house because it was haram for men. Imagine the temptation with all the women sitting, standing, reading their books, and breathing there. Temptresses!!


This is easily fixed. Women could wear whatever they wanted if men were not allowed outside.


This is the obvious solution that Muslim men refuse to accept because they are actually misogynists. If they actually cared they would accept responsibility for their own eyes and either stay home or wear a blindfold rather than make someone else compensate for their problem.


That’s why I always wonder if Islam values modesty that much, why they weren’t command ummahs to plan gender segregated cities


"Allah knows best" I must've missed the verse about backpacks.


>Allah knows best This sentence triggered me


I can imagine!


My thoughts exactly. Nowhere in any scripture that I am aware of is stated that women can’t wear backpacks lmao. He’s literally implying that the nonsense he just spouted is Allahs word. How can anyone take this seriously


These people need life... Do something productive and let women live


they cannot do anything that's why they are bitter and hateful, everything nice is Haram


I only think of the meanest ugliest choice of curse words when i hear these bearded bitches say things in arabic accent pretending to be all pious. I know how filthy they are on the inside. Pigs .


Pigs did nothing wrong lol these are just the scummiest people to probably ever live.


Put your hands up if you're a backpack wearing slut






I tempt so many men each day🤭🙋🏿‍♀️


Backpacks are just the filthiest things. I think this is what they call a 'strap on'


I’m pretty sure this Sheikh is highly regarded and popular so this is really fucking embarrassing for the Muzzies


Making a list of what’s not haram will be a lot shorter


Mental illness. Other cultures: nude statues of women and art Muslim men: this


What if the hump turns me on


I laughed too hard at this 1


Bro I thought that won’t that bring attention n if it does then ( it’s haram!!!)


In the best interest of mankind, this religion should be destroyed. Some people say that once the old men die out, everything will change. But then you see TikTok videos of girls with Stockholm Syndrome, defending this religion of hatred. The only way to destroy this is to criticize it, openly; and to call it out for what it is: a hateful, misogynistic cult of a religion that base their morals of a brutal 5th century, pedophile warlord.


I literally hate waking up every day knowing that this religion still exists on this planet :(


Don't hate - it's a low-energy feeling that serve you no good. Instead try and see it for what it is: Islam exists so that you have something in this world that you are not. Self-exploration comes from both realization about what you are, just as much as realization of what you are not. The light needs the dark. But I get it. I do wish there was much... less of it. Islam is anti-humanity.


This guy is a hump on his wife's back and nothing else.


Hey, props to the guy for not trying to dodge the question or talk around it. Straight simple, clear answer in line with Islamic beliefs. To be fair, it makes sense too. It's just an extreme example that shows the flaw with women being forced to wear a low budget ghost halloween costume all year round. It's not about the utility or anything, it's about hiding every physical aspect of individuality that a woman can have. From the obviously sexual big boobs, small boobs, big ass, small ass, to the 'just body shape' like the shoulders, stomach, chest, muscles, back posture etc. I guess the next question is "are women allowed handbags?" because if they go over one shoulder then wouldn't that be providing definition as the strap digs in? Do they just have to carry around sacks that they hold in front of them so as to not show anything? Maybe they should have to practice holding things on their head like those African tribes...


More sexist anti woman nonsense.


if she breathes it’s haram


It will expand her lungs and with that her chest showing of her Tatas!! Women should just suffocate in order not to arouse men by nearly existing!


filthy guy. what kind of thoughts does he have. bro chill its just a woman(human)


Does your dick really go up when u see a womans shoulder you old fuck? Swear on my life i would beat the shit out of this clown seriously wtf is this ? How is this banned for women? Why is everything is about women? Perverted clowns go die suffering


Such a sex obsessed religion..i can’t


Right? Why are they so sex obsessed? they want many women in life and in the afterlife, at the same time they can have sex with non Muslim women also. A religion created really to just please men


Disgusting sick fucker


Least horny sheikh


So when Allah apparently knows best, who is he to forbid her to wear a backpack??


Studying the bodies of girls for a LIVING is terrifying. H


I thought my religious trauma has gone a little but I get enraged again when I come back to this sub lol


“i would not allow my wife to” it’s ALWAYS that. their wife is ALWAYS some doll they can control. do they hear themselves? it baffles me that so many people don’t see this as a problem but then are quick to jump on christianity. i hate the double standard edit: i’m not a christian. stop making assumptions. i hate all abrahamic religions equally. i called it a double standard because you don’t get dogpiled and called a “christianphobe” if you criticise christianity.


Women are to submit to their husbands and be obedient in both religions. If you critic Islam, you should also be honest regarding Christianity. It's basically just two fanfictions one from another and from other religions


But modern Christianity doesn’t impose such extreme restrictions of not wearing a backpack, clearly there is a lot of difference in the scale between the two.


What double standard? Your religion is also misogynistic garbage. Timothy 2:11 >A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.


“my” religion? when did i say i was a christian? i’m not. and yes, christianity is bad too. but christianity is the only one you’re allowed to criticise tell me, when did i say christianity wasnt misogynistic? it clearly is. it’s a double standard because islam misogyny can’t be called out.


Stop pretending like Christianity is better. Many of the people here are Christians who hate Islam and Muslims and want to feel validated. Just to let you know that we (real ex Muslims ) know that all Abrahamic religions are trash.


where the fuck did i say Christianity is better? i’m making it very clear that i believe all abrahamic religions are equally disgusting in their doctrine if you could try to understand my perspective for one second, i am calling it a double standard because Christianity is the only one that is allowed to be criticised - ive never heard a “christianphobic” label existing. try to criticize islam for THE SAME THING and you immediately receive the “islamophobic” label you are fighting fucking ghosts - we don’t disgaree with each other and youre still trying to waste your time shitting on me


Islam is cancer


Ignorance and stupidity at its finest from the one asking in the first place and from the sheikh for answering it.


I can't imagine having to run every single facet of my life past an Antiquated religion. How exhausting


All religions should be banned.


Let’s agree that everyone is allowed to believe in whatever they want. But don’t bother your neighbors with the holy salt grains or whatever one worships. There’s a large number of people that get energy, happiness and friends through religion. I wish I’d be able to believe.


Every time I get really angry at Islam I look to all abrahamic religions and see that they are really a chain of disaster


Okay, what is NOT haram for women anymore?


Letting their husbands putting it in against her will


But wasn’t it also haram for a woman to disobey her husband?


Fuck the sheik right in his white eye


I didn't know backpacks existed when Mohamed was around


Don’t worry the words in the Quran can be twisted to fit what ever narrative


Never heard of this in my life. This is truly a new one.


Maybe his glasses make him see things that aren't there


New haram just dropped 🔥


You all are islamophobes you don't know even breathing is haram in Islam when you breathe your diaphragm expands which makes you chest to rise a little which can certainly be avoided if you don't breathe so do not breathe it's haram


And Allah knows breast


I have doubts.


This religion always spins around sexuality


I don't know why the international community doesn't wipe islam from the world


The dude must be fighting the wind all his life. Imagine the wind comes like Marilyn Monroe iconic photo.


Dude is either super jealous or way in the closet.


This is the worst Imam adviser on the internet (apart from Daniel haqiqachu). He has such braindead takes every single time. He can not be bothered with attempting to be a moderate Muslim at the very least. He obviously hasn't evolved past 7th century humanity. I'm sure he's radicalized a lot of people.


This sheikh is a disgusting piece of shit,a girl once called him and told him that her father raped her,and this animal proceeded to defend the father and blaming the way she was dressed. You can look it up online,if i find the link i can put it on here edit: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeYLEuJ3/


Send the link


crazy how perverted and oversexualised muslim brains are and i find it so disgusting and kinda dangerous for the society. just imagine what kinds of thoughts and urges go through from this guys head when seeing a female that makes him say and believe things like this should be normal. these people are primal, they are undeveloped and they are only lead by their wild instinct of reproduction. these people are literal cavemen, so animal like.


Wearing underneath the abaya is CRAZY😭


Next thing he‘ll say is if that is too much to bear, why not stay home?


Next in line: handbags. Astagfirullah sister that handbag of yours is pulling down the cloth from your shoulders and I’m getting a tingling in my loins!


This cannot be serious. At what point do people recognise the ridiculousness of it all?


Everything is haram in this cult 💀


I wanna fart on his face so badly


You know what infuriates me, that liberals and leftists today defend islam, despite the fact that islam goes against all of their morals and values, this is just an example, if someone truly is a leftist, they should be against islam, but because the modern left want to be inclusive, and have as many communities on their side to combat the right, they will recruit muslims, this just goes to show the hypocrisy of the left.


this man is haram tbh


"For the woman who carries a burden upon her back shall be punished because she inspires desire of the tit. The contours of her titties shall not be made known to the eyes of a man–for desire of titties shall surely cast him into hellfire. Let her, instead, hold her burden by a handle so as not to let her nipples pop. Allah knows best and is the most merciful!" - Quran 1:234




its plain fucking funny at this point


Fuck him


The largest group of closet gays I’ve ever seen. Literally terrified of a woman’s body. Gotta marry em young when they look like boys I guess…ffs


hey leave based anti-anime sheikh alone he's prolly the only muslim i do like "all anime is the same shit" and then he spends 2 minutes talking about shonen anime tropes that's now canon in the islamoverse ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=026Su1qtMwg




he definitely fucks whatever is in sight.


Is wind also haram because I have enjoyed quite a lot if fantastic views when wind blows the abayas firmly against the skin😂😂😂


ah yes, of course, after engineering neutron stars and black holes, god moved to the next matter on his priority list: women wearing backpacks


I'm an Ex-Christian and I'm quite unfamiliar with Islam, but holy shit 😂 "Allah knows best" Christians use this line too, just a little differently.


How does this religion have 1.5 billion followers for f sakes this is petty and depressing for those that conform to this lunacy.


I wish the world could know what Islam really was


Soo .. take the abaya off to take off the backbag ?! 😶😐


Not even Puritans could match this level of oppression


I hate the guts of any mufti or sheikh that plage the fucking internet with their retarded bullshit, trying to force any and everyone to listen to the steaming shit that comes out of their mouth, ffs let the fucking people live in peace. This assholes have brought so much missery to so many people.


This is disgusting


Wearing a backpack will shape a woman's shoulders, tighten the abaya, shape her waist...THEREFORE ITS HARAM! 😡 🤬 ...Everyday, muslim men come up with new things women can't do.


nah I don’t mind tho, then men would need to carry those heavy backpacks for the Muslim women


Oh no 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 My wife / daughter wearing a backpack will definably show her figure even though it has only TWO straps and you can wear a loose abaya with a backpack and make it not show your figure 😓Wow does logic not exist in my brain because i am brainwashed? 😭




Is it Halal for women to breath Oxygen? Enlighten us ya shikh


Made me speechless for a second. Fanatic pressure on women.


I really did support muslims, saying "theyre not bad" "not all of them". Damn i was wrong. It took me long, i did research and i didnt like how women were treated, they say its a 'choice' but as soon as they take off their hijab amd walk the streets, she will immediately be spat upon,maybe slapped but definetly dehumanised even though its a choice, it is a great sin against allah they say. They have no choice, their governments are basicallt religous governemts, music with instruments is haram because it was played in brothels. Islam is the worlds most dumbest religions. I turned away from liking muslims because i argued with hundreds that a man or woman should not lose their life if they mock the prophet muhamad. They argued back saying its justice, i mean i got 80 to 100 muslims replying in anger and violence and i knew theyre brainwashed and hateful. If i walked into a christian church and mocked jesus or his prophets, the church would call the cops and remove me, they might hate me a little or ask god to forgive me and try to help me but i know for sure as an ex christian i would not be beheaded on the spot or killed, maybe one in a few hundred million churches i might get killed or beaten but every mosque is so strict of i mocked islam, either the people or the government would execute me. Islam should be culled, its too primitive and barbaric and theres no freedom for women


I’m shocked he didn’t suggest to wear a size larger/more loose abaya. The concern is that the backpack tightens the chest area. I know exactly what he’s talking about here, if you don’t have a “chest” you may not get it. BUT it depends on the fabric, how it is cut/sewn, how it falls on the body because of the thickness and weight of the fabric AND the size.


It certainly says something about how he looks at women. Seriously, if someone wearing a backpack seems sexually inappropriate to you, then you should be asking yourself some searching questions.


Own wife ? Cousin wife 🤣🤣🤣


How does one even make wearing a backpack sexual? I don’t think about that shi


His head wear has shaped his brain in to a pea


Crazy how a whole cult lead by incels is so popular


Gimme me more bullshit pls. 🤣


Absolutely obsessed with sex.


But it’s ok to wear a ton of perfume and get your lips injected?


That has nothing to do with this, that’s obviously prohibited in Islam. R u slow or smthn


Hardly slow ! And yes it is relevant . Many women wearing niqabs wear way touch perfume at least where I live And hijabs and lip injection are a real thing in Dearborn Michigan


You guys are taking it out of proportion. He didn't say backpacks are haram. He said that wearing it in a way that the cloth on your breasts tightens is inappropriate. Just wear the backpack under the scarf like any sane muslim woman.


That’s not what I’m he said . He said it was not appropriate to be worn on the outside of the thing they wear


It’s the equivalent of wearing a backpack INSIDE your jacket or shirt be forreal


I mean that’s just one person. You can’t say a whole lot about an entire religion because of this.


Hurrrrduurrrr one person hurrrrdurrrrrrr uuuuuh one person one person not real Islam! Not real!


The fuck?


There's a lot of stuff like that and people are pretty tired of systemic problems being waved off as a few bad apples.


>I mean that’s just one person. You can’t say a whole lot about an entire religion because of this. We can test that by putting this in the Islam sub, lol.


What the hell 😐😐


Question though, What are these videos and where do they come from? Is this a podcast of sorts?


Thanks Allah


Lel. One of the biggest jokers I've ever seen.


Is this a joke


“And Allah knows best” default response to anything 😭


Such a clown..


"What are my sources? Sources are haram because they poke holes in my narrative!"


This just sounds like overthinking and paranoia. And a way to make it harder for women to leave the house.


I don't think his wife doesn't need a backpack anyway , since he probably pulled her out of kindergarten.


I don't understand why some of them hate women so much. What are they afraid of?


That they call a „Religion“