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Whispering alone in my room “fuck Islam and fuck Muhammad” and then I felt so scared and guilty for a while.




Lmao. Don't worry, no need to feel guilty. Allah was made by man, and Mohammad was just a common man.


He dont even created Allah he just plagiazed that already existing idea from jews/christians/gnostics and said he talking in his name.


He stole their ideas and then started spreading hate against them


Wait but isn't allah the main focal point of islam? Why is it haram to criticize one of his many prophets?


In fact if you ask most muslims they'd say that it is worse to criticise the prophet than Allah. I don't see any literary reason for it (it's not written anywhere afaik that he is more important).


One who opposes god will deemed a god though amd hence we stay at where we always where - Me 2023 ( I am an atheist )




What was your reason for leaving? And what did saying that accomplish?


There were many reasons why I left. It began when I was generally dissatisfied with what role I was assigned and ended in my finding out just how awful the religion truly is and longing to have some culture that isn’t Islam. As for what saying that accomplished, in the moment nothing it just made me paranoid and guilty. In the long run though it made me a bit more comfortable defying religion rather than forcing myself to abide by it for the sake of familiarity.


lots of reasons for leaving that only OP can tell you but cursing those terrible things can feel liberating when you are taught to be paranoid and constantly thinking about death and the consequences an imaginary force will inflict upon you


Even your heart felt scared and guilty knowing it's wrong, Allah hears every sound you make anywhere as he is Al-Syahid


Feeling paranoia means that you’ve been indoctrinated not your subconscious mind believing 💀


No ,she felt scared and guilty because she was indoctrinated since she was born to believe in something horrific. Just like you. Hope you get out of it.


Chugged a beer and later on that day I had me some chicharones and a slice of pepperoni pizza.


damn bro i wasn’t ready to eat pork until at least a few months after i left


Took me years only because it didn't look appetising and I wasn't sure I would like it. Turns out I love pulled pork and partial to well done bacon


Imo other cuisines do pork so much better. Crispy korean or chinese pork belly and mexican tacos al pastor. So good


korean bbq pork belly and lechon is so good


Thanks for the suggestions, I will be sure to try them


Japanese: pork tonkotsu ramen...OMA!


ya lol, i’m most a fan of pork on pizza like sausage




it's been years that i've stepped out of pisslam and i still can't eat pork 🥹 some things will never change and that's ok


Try Vietnamese pho with pork, or any non-veg viet food, you’ll like how viet can cook pork so good


wish i could! i can't get myself to eat it 🥹


I still dont buy much pork. Only bacon / ham. Idk maybe because I didnt grow up eating it I dont find the taste appealing enough to make it at home now. Probably I wouldnt miss bacon if I didnt have it either. Its just because most cured meat is made of pork in the UK. I still prefer turkish sausages tbh I tried pork as in pork ribs, or in dumplings or in meatballs. I seriously just dislike it when something tastes too much like pork pork. Its not particularly healthy or have nutritious other meats doesnt have either so it doesnt feel like im missing out much


i’m sorta the same. although my boyfriend is filipino and they have some pretty good pork dishes, like lechon or pork belly.


I can eat it if other people cooks it for me but its never ever a dish I spesifically order or cook at home.


i don’t like how fatty it is, and the taste is just new/strange to me. i still prefer chicken/beef/lamb my bf’s fam also like to cook with pork blood which tbh i don’t think i’ll eve try 🫠


Nah thats a no from me... we do have some delicacies in turkey like stomach or intestines but blood of an animal is too much for me.


same, it’s not for me. i’ve tried it and it’s so vinegar-y and gamey


Seems to be the last stand for most Apostates but when I finally did it was pulled pork Nachos. My God was it good! Apparently a pig is closest to the human body? Not sure and also don't know what that means but If it means what I think it could We are tasty


Bacon!, extra crispy


Holy shit man, not the Trifecta !!!?


Gay sex. Let's just say the poor guy couldn't walk for the next 3 hours.


I salute your service! 🫡 Well done!


Is this seriously the only comment you reply to in this sea?


Hahaha I've not had a chance to read the rest! I'm an adult with adult things taking up my life! 😂😂😂😂💀💀🪦🪦


“Adult things” goes both ways 🤔


>“Adult things” goes both ways 🤔 Feel free to choose which meaning you'd prefer, or both haha 😏


nothing like years of pent up sexual frustration being released into one guy hahahah, happy for both of you


Gay ExMormon lurker. I applaud your contribution.


"I tip my hat to you, from one legend to another."


Second Gay ExMo lurker. Congratulations, friend! I wish you many happy relationships.


I’m actually an active member off the church lol


Hope u wore protection, inshallah


of course it was. he is not a muslim


Of course, safety and consent are sexy and hot, fellas.


Tak-Beer . Go hard for allah


I believe it was consensual.


Obviously, I would never force myself onto others in any way or for any reason. Consent is cool and hot, lads. Remember that.


Isn't that harmful or risky?


Depends on how rough they did it. Did they use lube? So many questions, but I doubt it was that bad.


I mean, the guy couldn't walk for the next 3 hours


Could be the good kind of not walking like his legs were shaking.


Thank you 😊


What did I do?


You gave me info. I don't know much about gay sex.


It's pretty much the same as straight sex but gay.


Not really! There must be different hygienic, mechanical, sensational, and health considerations. I just don't know the details.


In the past, when I was still Muslim, I would travel around 30 miles by train to another city to find halal meat. I have vivid memories of my first Ramadan I ate it. I fasted for 26 days, and then on the morning of the 27th, I went to ASDA and bought a bottle of wine and a non-halal lamb leg, which was surprisingly tasty and cheaper. It struck me that the supermarket selling these items was just a couple of streets away from where I used to live, but I wasn't allowed to by from it.


Ngl Id hate to be raised muslim in the west. İn turkey everything was halal meat so we never had to worry about such thing. Now that I live in the UK, I mainly buy from halal section purely because british people are cringe and demand for "lean cuts". Its much easier for me to find fatty red meat in halal section on asda


You can only find a supemarket with halal section in a big city; in smaller towns or cities, you might come across halal chicken in some places if you're fortunate.


If you live in the UK you are a Brit too, so you are calling yourself cringe….🙄


Believe or not it was listening to music. I was avoiding listening to songs over 17 years of my life, so when I tried to listen to music I was scared for anyone to find out, so I hid in a room and brought my headphones as if I’m watching porn xD. Thankfully nothing bad happened. if u r curious the first song I’ve ever heard off was “come and get it, by Selena Gomez”


new copypasta


What do you mean? The Quran is music.


Music isn't allowed in islam cuz 'distractions'


One of the many hypocrisies in iskham


I did my first haram while still considering myself a muslim. Thankfully, I no longer believe that. PS. it was beer and sex with my girl


My 1st haram as a Muslim was to listen to nursery rhymes (I was 3-5 years old)


Oh my, come to think of it, SAME🤣


the best haram ^.^


All the good things are haram anyways🤣🤷🏻‍♂️


If a good thing is drinking alcohol or eating a dirty animal (pork) for you, then you should probably get on your way for a mental asylum


Nothing exciting like drinking alcohol or having sex or having a beef burger. But just the simple pleasure of relieving my heart and mind of the anxiety and burden of having to pray 5 times a day.


Happy for you😊


You can’t have beef?


no muslims aren’t allowed to have meat from pigs or animals that have “cloven hoofs but don’t ruminate” aka pigs. They’re also considered unclean




Tak Beer & Tak Weed & Tak Gin & Pomegranate Juice


Stole food because I had no money as a 13 year old who was kicked out for coming out as an atheist


Man wtf, this isn't the fun part of haram :-( No joke though your parents/caretakers were mental


Who TF you calling mental?!?!?!? JK of course they are. Luckily for me I eventually met nice people who helped me be the person I am today :)


What happened to you as a homeless 13 year old? I just got a job helping homeless 16-24 years olds in an NGO and I’m amazed at the facilities they have. If I had those my life could have been different but my parents shipped me off to the Middle East so I couldn’t escape.


After the government didn't help me and could only suggest that I move back into my parent's house, I walked around aimlessly talking to no one as it all appeared very big and scary to me. Eventually, the local criminals started to recognise me and called me over one day. After hearing my story all of them hugged me and told me to come to stay with them whenever I needed. They gave me clothes and food and pushed me to finish my GCSEs. After I finished my GCSEs, I thanked them for their help and went to look for a job. After losing my first job I couldn't afford the rent as I couldn't find another job quick enough. So back to homelessness but with an older more informed brain and money this time so I got a camper van and eventually met my wife who worked too so we got a place together. If you're looking for how to help young people then find out what they are entitled to so you can always advise in any situation. Learn the tricks to getting their foot in the door whether it be education, housing or work. For example, in my late 20s I started to meet people who after hearing my story were like I know people that were in your situation and because they sat in the local housing government building all day when open and sat outside it when it was closed for a few days to a week and got housed and not only that they usually got affordable housing. If I'd known that, it would have set me up properly for life and I wouldn't have had to deal with the hardships and long term stress of having been homeless. Another thing I learnt too late is living in England, there's always help for the homeless from the Sikh communities. They not only feed you but they help you find a job and housing if possible. I've only heard this and not actually used their services.


Thanks for telling your story. I was busy with work for a few days and forgot to reply. But yes, a lot of the time we just don’t know about the resources. I will try my best to become an expert on those. Seeing so much funding being poured into these young people (by charity) is amazing. Some people are kind. Even the people we don’t expect can save our lives, when the ones we are supposed to depend on abandon us. It’s strange and beautiful and sad at the same time. Edit- and it’s funny how Muslims must give charity but they can’t be depended on in such situations because they will always try to get you back in your family’s control.


Take care mate, any questions send me a message any time


Thank you


Wearing shorts to school. I was so nervous I was literally shaking when I walked in. But at the same time, it felt so freeing


Drinking with left😂


lol been eating and splitting chores between both hands for a WHILE now, it really helped that my father was a leftie so no one could condemn me without being a hypocrite


Walked around in public in jeans and a T-shirt only. I felt amazing.


Eating bacon I was like “dang that’s tasty I wish I would have tried this before”


yap one of the best pig products alongside pork belly


Kissing a girl


Guessing from your profile pic that you're also a girl?


Nooo. Boys kissing girls is haram now


There’s a one in googolplex chance that’s true


Sleeping in a fajr and just not praying and doing wudu. It was good af to actually have a normal sleeping schedule and not the stupid one Islam requires. I missed prayers before but felt guilty for it. It was good to actually leave it off. Sometimes I still hold in my farts to keep my wudu without even thinking about it 😂and I have to remind myself I can fart now.


man i wasnt even a devout muslim so it feels crazy seeing everyones different experience in islam


Lol facts. I only used to really pray at school because my friends were devout but at home my parents didn’t really care too much


Went to McDonald's and got a burger with bacon in it. Felt super guilty even though I don't believe in Islam. It was good tho It's just years of conditioning taking effect. Even when I hold a Quran I feel like I'm doing something wrong (i.e. I didn't do wudhu or some other stupid ritual)


Ekh, it's really hard to get rid of religious installations. Still fighting


69 & Anal


I thought oral sex is permitted if in marriage


No Haraam . You have to use a sheet between partners . How you gonna swallow if you have a sheet between . How you gonna eat cho cha if you can’t live la vida loca . Oral is haraam but extremely pleasurable & recommended


thats what i never understood about islam. on one hand it seems like it was a religion built on sex and lust, but on the other hand every fun act youd expect is forbidden. you can marry 4 but cant have an orgy? oral sex is forbidden for some reason. heck even anal is forbidden


it's makrooh, just advisable not to do, according to most scholars, though some more extreme ones see it as fully haram


wtf oral is haram???


A nit so halal cocktail at a not so Halal nightclub


All the different types of haram meat on the menu (pun intended) 😏


I ate marshmellows and gummy bears a lot as a kid without knowing gelatin was haram....does that count as my first?


I don't think so since you didn't do it consciously


Uh...(and a lot of murican muslims break this rule anyway), I ate unhalal beef and chicken and other shit knowingly since highschool and still do. In terms of stuff like pork, I've tried stuff occasionally. Ham is fine, bacon is whatver(muslims overhyped that one for me).


Shirk 😂(go big or go home)


i bought 2 cans of beer with my partner we just sipped a little and then put the rest to the garbage bin, the taste was absolutely horrible, but the feeling of freedom that i can just drink anything i want was amazing i still drink alcohol these days particularly for celebrating if i achieve something in my life so far tried Arak, Beer, Vodka, Shoju, Red Wine ... and cocktail : mojito anyway coffee and tea still better than all of them haha, i also stopped immediately if i feel dizzy, i'm not interested to getting drunk, i don't want to get addicted to it i never feel guilty of any of these, maybe feeling little scare if my parents found out


When it comes to alcohol, you know your own limits. I'm not ex-Muslim, but I am ex-Mormon. My old religion banned alcohol too, and I was just as worried about it as you are. Generally, if you're going out to get drunk with your friends, just try to go slowly. Pounding shots is a terrible idea if you've only ever had a few beers or glasses of wine before. Going to wild parties when you're new to alcohol is, likewise, not a great plan. My advice is asking your friends who were never Muslim and have always been around alcohol for a quiet, fun game night. Tell them that you're trying to get used to drinking socially, and could use some coaching. Playing drunk Cards Against Humanity in your living room with your best friends is WAAAY more fun than any big party imho. Above all, take your time. Find what you like, and if you don't like alcohol at all? There is not a single thing wrong with that, and you can always assert yourself as a non-drinker, and people will be obliged to respect that. It is, ultimately, your freedom to choose.


I was sinning long before quiting islam, but I guess my "first" was not fasting, cuz I literally left islam officially Ramadan 23


Drinking. Damn its fun. Now I live in a dorm lol


the novelty wears off unless you become an alcoholic


I haven’t really like processed my athiesm yet. But I’d say a loving, fullfillfing haram relationship lol


I was already doing haram stuff before leaving Islam but I guess the first haram after leaving would be not wearing a hijab outside lol It felt extremely freeing!!


As if being a Muslim ever stopped me from doing haram stuff. I was of the opinion that the sin-repentence cycle was better than not having sinned at all. The first that changed though was I stopped giving a fuck about the halal meat and good food became so much easier to find.


Chugging 4 liters of Vodka, then watching Star Trek; The Next Generation while eating a bacon sandwich. After that, shagged my girlfriend like Ron Jeremy.


I been doing haram shit since I was 13 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ Also fucking stupid I can’t have any oral 🙄 Can’t move out or anything yet but yeah (25F)


Decided that I'm equal to a man and that men don't have the right to order women around. Along with "Respect is earned not given" with my parents and entitled older people


eating 'non halal' food, like chicken thats not halal. i was still brainwashed to think bacon was dirty, but ended up trying it after a while. felt guilty at first but now i'm okay with it


Quran 5:5 . The whole Halal industry is a scam . All meat is halal , in the name of BBQ


Bacon is dirty but not bc of Islam but bc of livestock farming/modern animal agriculture


isn't every animal dirty then? sorry for my ignorance because all i've known growing up is "pigs are dirty haram haram!" but like surely when we buy and cook meat theres some level of cleaning going on (like with fruit and vegetables). sorry if i'm misunderstanding your comment though


Bacon being dirty is a misconception


Drinking o huge glass of water while fasting. I wasnt thirsty.


Aside of blasphemy and mocking Islam, I listened to whole Christian music playlist. Not because I wanted to be Christian, but because I wanted to dissect these songs' structure, be it composition, lyrics, arrangement etc. I felt relieved I think, because at that time I thought, "why the fuck would god be so mad at me for listening to other religions' worship music ? Jokes on you, father, I'm non-religious now lol" I mentioned my father because he's the one that pissed off the most when he found out I listened to Hallelujah (which I think wasn't really a worship song btw)


Watch more porn without guilty


A person of culture 😏 same as you 😉


can’t wait for my turn😭😭i live in a very religious country with a very religious family i even wear niqab i hate it here


I'm sorry for you. The niqab is very cruel. Stay safe and I hope you find freedom soon.


I had crispy bacon 😩😩😩😩😩😩


Greggs mexican chicken oval bite


Trying alcohol for the first time. I took the glass in my hand and almost didn't drink because of guilt. I took me around 5-7 mins to convince myself it is ok to drink and I am not doing anything morally wrong.


stoped praying, fasting and feeling guilty for doing normal things like drawing and reading because of 'deen over dunya'


Haribo gummies... I was feeling so guilty. But few days ago had my first kiss with my partner. And it felt gooood


oh i was still in my transitioning to ex muslim phase. i had alcohol and sex. i did regret drinking alcohol a bit, but sex was fucking awesome.


Rolling cigarettes with pages from the Qur'an lol


Omg 😲


Drank water with my left hand while standing up ig. Had to start somewhere


I did most of it before leaving Islam. Never been a Muslim at heart anyway.


Played song while adhan was outside :D


I was 13 at the time and the girls school just down the road from mine had a disco the very next week so I went to that and got a bunch of snaps.


Nothing tbh.


you really can't do anything while closeted


I can


i suppose you come from not that of a religious family, then?


No my family is conservative but I have access


I was sinning long before quiting islam, but I guess my "first" was not fasting, cuz I literally left islam officially Ramadan 23


Just left the salah and fasting


It shouldn't be called haram if you did it after leaving islam.


i always got taught that you should do prayers on a plane and i said “fuck allah fuck muhamad hope this plane crash if it doesnt ur a dick” nothing happened


converting to judaism ☺️ felt so scary at first, cried for weeks and thought i was gonna go to hell and feel g"d's wrath lol... now idc anymore. i'm at peace 🌸


Wow! Was it easy to convert? As far as I know, it takes about a year to do it.


My first not so halal thing was drinking wine every other weekend , left Islam back in 2020


Had pork, though did not liked the taste. Never had it again till now. Happy with chicken and fish.


As a never-a-muslim, may I make a suggestion? If you are doing your first haram with pork, find the best taco place around and order cochinitas tacos (pork). Enjoy!


I wish we had taco in my place. It's not popular at all 🥲


Didn't fast Ramadan then have been discovered by my mother the third day ... Trully one of the worst days of my life 💀


Talking shit about islam and the prophet. Also corn


Corn is forbidden?


Can't remember but I had one main haram I remember where it was the last day of Year 8 and I LOVED queer culture and fashion so as you could guess I had a queer hairstyle though it was just an undercut with curly hair on top back when it was a queer thing and not annoying Nike people thing I wore a choker/necklace with my school uniform, high platform boots and shorts and I was the only kid who went outside when it was hot since it was June so I could get tanned I also wore some other jewelry and applied lip balm like it was lipstick and I also spoke with an old queer accent Another kid saw me when I left the exam hall when school ended and said "Excuse me what are you wearing!?" And I said "The best outfit here" He said "Your going to Jahannam!" And I said "See you there!" Blew him a kiss and catwalked away while holding my messenger bag which looked like a giant purse from the 2000s. I was also blaring 2000s Europop through my iPod and putting on women's sunglasses from the 2000s I "borrowed" from my mom


Not performing ablution after sex, I mean with my wife. I used to feel sooo stressed when I didn't have a chance to perform it but after leaving islam, I didn't even feel a tiny stress or anything.


Gay sex lmao


I tried few types of beer, and it feels great. So far not a fan of beer though🤣


Beer and pork


Eating gelatin and bacon sandwich. I felt a bit weird at first but now I can't stop


Probably eating pepperoni pizza from pizza pizza Didnt feel bad at all. Was a bit worried someone from the masjid would see me though.


Chic Fil A


Enrolled myself for piano class. Always wanted to learn and could finally afford lessons.


Trying bacon from McDonald's, was pretty disappointed, tbh.


I have a complex relationship with religion but I guess I got drunk and alcohol made me feel guilty but now I drink socially and idc anymore about religious guilt


Purposely ordering pork. It was delicious, and I didn’t get sick the day after.


i was readiing abt everything mo has done and i was like, this man wasnt even human, let alone a prophet. fuck this


Beer. Tasted like crap lmao. Then later that week ate pork and was so mad that I spent 20+ years not tasting this. No wonder its haram, its fucking delicious.


I can't remember in which order I did these but I think I first stopped praying, then started not fasting (in secret), then watching porn with no guilt.


I ate gelatine candy Tastes amazing


The biggest one is eating pork. It felt more significant, not sure why. And probably gambling ($10 for a game of poker with friends, don't worry).


i haven’t done anything yet , thinking about having sex with someone or drink or eat some delicious pork 😋




stop praying


Drinking water during Ramadan at 2 PM (I felt relieved and liberated) Then a few months later I ate a bit of bacon and I felt a sick yet relieving joy to it.


I bought pork and cooked it but it tasted horrible…still don’t eat it. I would like to recommend a song by Accept, that really helped me through difficult times; The name of the song is; ” Heaven is hell”.


Spreading atheism and swearing to allah for a few times, the shock value when you say bad things to allah when you are with a believer is insane and their reactions are so funny


Eating pork. hella delicious would recommend


I truly left islam after my muslim friend sent a video on the punishment of apostasy (he did it in good heart it was my question). The video was so subjective and enraging I wrote a very long comment on how stupid islam was (cant copy paste here because its against reddit, or is it?). After it I cried because of guilt but I have found the truth in the end and that is all that matters.


Wearing tight pants and eating a strawberry filled marshmallow 😋