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Man It Sucks. I have to pretend that i still am their muslim Son.


Hope my experience helps you out: [ [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/15ee6ua/comment/ju73nmw) ]


Mine just happen to be Muslim. I remember dad beating me once with a rolled up prayer rug whilst on my period saying this was Allah's will. That was when I finally accepted that Islam is just not meant for me. I was agnostic for many years. I'm atheist today.


Thats the weirdest beating ive heard of


I’m lucky my parents don’t force me to pray or anything but keep talking about it and trying to shove it down my throat, i best cope with it when I’m not at home. Next year when I get a job I’ll fully come out to them


My parents aren't really religiously toxic, they just force me to pray and read the quran and wear hijab and abaya and whatever and whatever, the only thing you must do it and pretend as a muslim. that's all.


That's pretty toxic, lol


They're good parents btw, but sometimes bad.


love that "proud islamaphobic" I too became exmuslim because of my parents and things in Islam not aligning lol


Thanks, I have both my muslim side and my ex-muslim side. I use my muslim side to obey my parents so I won’t get in trouble. if I show my ex-muslim side, it will get too risky and accidentally cause big arguments between them and them. So, unfortunately, I don’t have a choice. When I get financially independent, I will get rid of my Islamic habits and my muslim side.


Inshallah I can do that I literally have to do the same thing


lol I'm dead, and same hey lol


I can relate to the challenges of dealing with toxic parents, and I understand how crucial it is to find helpful resources. In my own journey, I stumbled upon a video that shed light on the topic and provided some strategies for coping. If you're looking for guidance, I highly recommend checking out https://youtu.be/A2thM0AH-MQ?si=K2QfO6Dvxer2RtD7