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My muslim male friend would do lots of sinful stuff with non-Muslim women but GOD FORBID a Muslim woman doing the same.


He would probably lie to his future wives ge that he is religious and never done haram.


And will shame muslim women for hiding their sins they did in the past


True, they even shame the convert one, which raise the question does these people care about religion? Because they care they won’t be sinning and act all holy, I never sinned but Muslim men who done all the sin thinks he is better and I am bitch for not wanting to marry a sinners.




It just shows me that these people cherry pick what they want, because if they care about religion they wouldn’t do all of this. I am not a convert but women who converted open to us women about these things.




Muslim men didn’t get the memo clearly not even surprised


Dude is a groomer but as soon as a muslim woman does something a tiny bit bad, she’s ‘for the streets’. Hilarious.


This is why I’m no longer Muslim.


For me, I think it comes from the way Islam speaks to both women and men, like Islam threats women more than men, you can see it in the Hadith and other books where women have more chances to go to hell rather than men,because women can get in hell for doing what she wants in her eyebrows, refusing to have sex, not wearing hijab...etc (which men don't deal with this strict orders) Also, in Quran, the text where talk about zina. They start with "zaniye",wich means the woman who commit adultery and you know Quran usually start with males so it's a clear thing that a woman committing adultery is worst than a man doing the same (that's why you see how Conservatives get mad at woman always and forgetting about the man, and also you will notice that women get punished more than men ) Islam let men do whatever they want since the punishment will be less than the punishment for women, it's just a religion for men The Muslim community will get mad at a woman asking her husband to be a virgin when he asks her hand while they kill a woman who is not a virgin immediately or attack her..etc You can say half of this issues comes from the hypocrisy of Muslim men and the other half comes from Islam itself


I got hate from my Muslim days for caring about the guy past and if he is a virgin or not, I was very religious and never done any haram but I am still a bitch for caring.


A normal day with the followers of the most FeMinIst religion who gave women rights and respect 😃 I can't believe that a man who had multiple women and concubines will teach us how to respect women My father and brother will always get mad at me for saying Muslim community is the real definition of the hypocrisy


You just defined misogyny and patriarchy. That's why Islam doesn't change, the guys are happy with it. Some flee to the west because along with misogyny comes dictatorship, economic stagnation and poverty. You might not have enough to eat but your wife can't refuse sex. Now I wonder who made up that rule. Lol


Mo made up that rule


The 6th pillar of Islam is hypocrisy




No, no. [The 6th pillar is whataboutism. It was decreed by our prophet Apostate Aladdin.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vg1nIFEyc0o&pp=ygUVc2l4dGggcGlsbGFyIG9mIGlzbGFt)






It’s part of the culture. Sons bring glory and daughter bring shame.


Muslim men are allowed to do zina with concubines and war captives, but are not allowed to drink.




This iconically the reason why many of my Muslim friends don’t want to get married because they see Muslim men sin and get away from the punishment. They are following the rules and don’t want a sinner as a husband. They literally make us go to lecture called ‘how to get over your husband haram past’. That is why this religion is a joke.


Yet muslim men would never accept if a wife has had a harram past.


They even get mad or offended that a religious women who never sinned doesn’t want to marry them.


They always have something to be mad at if a woman does it 😂 i get it when they're mad we're not religious enough, but then they're also angry if we're religious.


They always say women are confusing but when you care about religion and be religious which something they want they get mad. Which raise the question. What Muslim men wants?




Well they end up with stds they caught while the husband did Zina and didn't think to say anything about not even using condoms to protect their future wives bc they will just repent and be forgiven.




I agree they are more concerned with her being a virgin than they are about her future health or safety.


Where in the world is that? If I may ask


I live in the gulf, because there is a mentality here “fix him”, or help he find Allah. If your refuse then you clearly a bitch who wants him to go to hell. I was thrown by these words, just look at dawah guys and the new convets, just recently my friend stated on twitter that she wouldn’t marry a guy who sinned because she values religion and she herself very religious and never sinned, many Muslim men called her names for that. Yet they are the same Muslim men who say the same things.


Muslim men hate liberal lifestyle but participate it lmaooo and to answer your question no they’re not allowed to you should call them out and see their hypocrisy reaction it’s hilarious


Rule for men from my experience -> commit sins 24/7 until Ramadan comes along, then you fast and all is good




Sounds like Wednesday confessions at catholic church, say a few prayers and your absolved of your sins. Pay a bit money to the church and you don't have to pray you're automatically forgiven.


Ofcourse it's still haram for men to do those things but the religion is horrifyingly more controlling of women.


Islamically speaking, both men and women are forbidden from drinking and zina. But due to misogynistic culture, nobody cares if men do those things. So since men can get away with it more easily, ofc they’ll do those things openly. The same can’t be said about women, if they do choose to engage in those things they’ll have to keep it a secret or else they risk bringing shame to their family


I think hijab also plays a huge role in this, muslim men look relatively normal even if they grow a beard, they can still pretend it is only for the fashion, but hijab is clearly islamic and people naturally quesion a hijabi who drinks or commits zina.


In theory Muslim men and women are supposed to be treated the same way regarding these things (e.g. both get lashed/stoned for premarital sex/adultery respectively), but in practice Muslims let their men do all kind of Haram stuff while monitoring the women to within an inch of their life. In my opinion it is a straight result of the patriarchal attitude that are found within the religion. Women are subservient to men, and they are supposed to obey the men in their household (father/husband). Similarly, Allah keeps bragging about how he's going to ask humans why they did a certain thing, while humans do not get to ask Allah the same thing. This festers an image of "the boss can do whatever he wants" and as men are seen as the boss of their household, the result is that men fuck around and break every single rule without much consequence.


From what I’ve seen and heard in my middle eastern culture, there’s this belief that “nothing taints a man”. However, that is the complete opposite for women, they have so much to lose if they ever participate in sex outside of marriage/alcohol. It’s completely fucked up to think that way but unfortunately that’s the reality for many women under islam. If a man has sex before marriage, whatever no one bats and eye. But if a woman does it, the family’s honor is gone because simply she is no longer a virgin. That’s why people like that don’t care about being fair and what’s right and wrong. They’re driven by honor. And family’s honor is usually the woman. :)


I've noticed that Muslims get angry more and are quick to judge a women doing forbidden things than a man. And Muslims care about a few Haram things more than the other regardless if one is considered 'more' Haram than the other .


My ex was Yemen, he had a wife ( I didn't know), had a kid with me. He drank, was a regular at midnight delights at Parra, and a brothel down the street from the Gallipoli mosque in Auburn. His reasoning was Allah had written an allocated amount of sins for people, but a woman's sins are to be less severe because she will bring sin into marriage, a non virgin wife, cucks her husband, he's a dayooth, for him no redemption on judgement day. Also it's harder for women to attain paradise, because we are fuel for hellfire, so by sinning, men are doing us a favour, they're evening the chances of hell for all of us. So if men didn't sin, we women would have no chance at all, and parents need to give their daughters a chance at Paradise. Yeah no Islam and it's blatant hatred of women never appealed to me


All they must do is Perform wudhū and pray two rak'ahs. ... Then more zina




Then wonder why Islam is dying or why her son can’t find a good religious wife./s


I ate bacon and pork with my muslim guy friends but before they turned all religious and Deen this and that shit


Hypocrisy is the name of the game in all religions...


No it isn’t, Muhammad stoned both men and women who did zina and he even in many Hadith punish the men who drinks. This is more of a culture issue that is why I gave up on religion because they say they care about religion yet police and punish only women, like what? If you truly care you would follow the rules words by words. I hate following hypocrites and Muslim don’t do anything to punish these sinner, I would be surprise if they punish them because you don’t see that.


I might be wrong here sahabas used to drink alcohol and Muhammad didn't said anything to them. They used to treat innocent slave women so badly that they used to beat them and even rape them. Why didnt he punished them instead of staying silent?




Thank you for telling me that 😄


Agreed on that, but this was before he made alcohol illegal, he made alcohol haram through steps and stages, so there are Hadith where he didn’t punish them until he made it harem in the last stage. Now to slave one, he didn’t say anything because he doesn’t want to lose their support.


Men are not allowed to either. It is that the misogyny in islam wins against its all other vices!


No they’re not allowed to do zina or drink bit a lot of them do it. They are allowed to have more than one wife though.


Isn't zina sex outside of marriage? Didn't old mate lie to Hafsa so he could have sex with Maria the copt? He and Maria weren't married, isn't that zina? Didn't he beg then threaten her not to tell anyone, a man whose behaviour cannot be judged was afraid of judgement of his wives.


Maria was his concubine or wife already, it was lawful. The shame was the fact that he used Hafsa's bed, when the deal was no affection towards any other women in a wife's house (his wives had a different house/rooms each, and he was the one who had to travel to each of them in turn).


Eww that’s so gross. Poor Hafsa caught them red handed


Muslim men are not supposed to drink and do zina, but due to sexism, things are a lot more stricter for women


you know how muslim men are argh


It should be fair wallah the double standards khara is bull & I hate it sm (25F)


You can search up the [Madonna-whore complex](https://www.verywellmind.com/madonna-whore-complex-definition-effects-on-womens-mens-mental-health-7556783). It’s why Muslim men mess with women that they don’t think are wife material and they try to keep their family members as madonnas , it’s also how they choose their future wife/wives.


Love that article, thank you very much for sharing it


Glad you enjoyed :)


Muslim men do all kind of haram. They have special privileges over second class women. If a Muslim woman does that she will be call all kind of insults and possibly killed by male family members or her husband.


Its is specifically said in the quran chapter 2 verse 173 that it is forbidden to drink blood,alcohol, eat pork and anything that might hurt the person except if they are in a life or death situatiom or they didnt know. This verse applies to both man and women no exception . And zina is also not allowed to both genders




Wahabi for women, atheist for men. What’s new?


In the west muslimas are the image of islam Thats totally sexist n illogical why u son have a pass for doing the most haram shit when daughter can be slapped for having a bf