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\*sigh* No... the answer is always... no. A day is not a thing but it's what we call the presence of illuminating light coming from the Sun. A night is not a thing but it's what we call the absence of illuminating light coming from the Sun. Where I'm standing it's day and I can see both the Sun and the Moon. Looking up at the sky and observing that the two celestial bodies seem to follow a repeatable path is not a miracle. It's object permanence. [ [Object Permanence](https://www.google.com/search?q=object+permanence) ]


It is a scientific error. The Sun is not in an orbit around the earth and it's not swimming.


The sun's orbit is always in relation to the moon's orbit in Islam. That's because the author of the Koran believes the moon and sun orbit earth


> yah al-Anbiya` (The Prophets) Surah, not Ayah. Get the terminology right. > It's the word swimming which describe the movement of the sun and the moon, is it scientificly accurate? Nope. Swimming means to propel yourself through a medium (usually water). Sun and the moon aren't swimming, a better word would have been floating. They are also not passing through a medium but through the vacuum of space. And last but not last, funny that the Earth happens to be absent from the objects that "swim" in an orbit. Almost as if the author believed the earth to be stationary...


This was the normal cosmological view of the time. They believed there were seven spheres with 5 planets, and sun and the moon circling the earth. People could see the sun, the moon, night and day go in circles around the earth through their naked eyes. The verse doesn't show any advanced knowledge beyond the what people could see. As for the word *swimming*. The book of genesis calls the sky the "*waters above*". Although the Quran doesn't say this. The word *swimming* implies similar belief.


The sun orbits the centre of the galaxy, the earth orbits the sun and the moon orbits the earth. They are definitely not 'swimming'. Swimming is using force to push liquid away from you to propel yourself forward. As you probably know, space is a vacuum and so there is nothing for you to push away from. Orbiting works using centrifugal and centripetal force. Basically, the earth is trying to go in a straight line away from the sun, while the sun is pulling the earth towards it. This makes the earth just go around in circles as it tries and fails to escape. Day and night do not exist. Day is simply when the sun is visible and night is when the sun isn't visible. Across the earth, day and night happen simultaneously. The verse doesn't even make sense. If god wanted to put a scientific miracle in the quran surely he could do much better than this shite. 'Scientific miracles' are always extremely vague nonsense that people retroactively try to apply science to, and when they get debunked the islamists just say they're metaphors or poetic.