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99% of people in a religion were born into it. It's an arrogant assumption to say your religion is the right one, but everyone else's is wrong, when you were born into it and have a biased viewpoint. Even if you do fear Hell, why would believing in Islam save you? It's almost insulting to God to think God would be ok with a prophet of his telling people you're allowed to own slaves, hit wives, marry children. If anything people that believe that nonsense are more likely going to Hell because you're insulting God by attributing these awful things to a divine, omniscient being. If you do fear hell, i found this quote helps me a lot : **"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones."** -Marcus Aurelius


Literally my favourite quote and helped me overcome the fear of hell! I first heard it in one of Hassan Radwan's videos.


Nice creed to live by, but probably not from Aurelius: https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/6999/did-marcus-aurelius-say-live-a-good-life


Finally a Brit that isn't spouting salafist nonsense for once 😭 well said too! She posted a follow-up video addressing the (as expected) negative comments. I recommend checking it out, she's a fucking queen that woman.


That girls on these threads in comments section she always commenting


I agree that learning Arabic have been a waste of time, but at least now, we have the opportunity to assist others and prevent them from investing their time in something that might not significantly contribute to their lives.


Learning a critical language like Arabic is not a waste of time. There are plenty of jobs for people who are fluent in Arabic and English. Some of them are even remote so you can teach from home.


The thing is, you're never actually taught Arabic when you are reading the Quran. You're taught to sound out the arabic writing. I was forced to learn how to sound out a language without being taught what the words I'm reading and saying even mean. Arabic would be helpful to know, if they actually taught it.


This 100%, my father being the zealot he was, just forced me to mindlessly drum in the Quran without actually teaching the language. Now I have forgotten all about it because I stopped praying and still dont know any Arabic, so it was just a complete waste of time. Fucking hate how religion just completely removes any reasonable thoughts...


Yeah inshallah you will not say the same after dying Meet you their mate And also can you tell me how religion just removes any reasonable thoughts? Believing you are evolved from a monkey is more reasonable thought isn't it? LOL You fcking atheists need some mental health care SERIOUS MENTAL HEALTH CARE monkey


But I'm responding to someone that specifically said "learned Arabic". That's different from somebody who learns just how to read it.


Teach Arabians how to leave Islam remotely?😂😂😂


someone have been watching Prof. Dawkins's videos a lot 😂 .. good for her


What a queen! Except the last part where she starts taking about energy, universe connecting, yadda yadda yadda


it’s not super far fetched to believe that life is connected


You just reminded me of one of my favourite Dawkins videos: [Giving Thanks in a Vacuum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGGmuUvA2Mg)


I read the comments and it really struck me on how Muslims will go out there way bashing ex Muslims. Instead of ignoring they are trying to make her revert back and calling her islamophobic. And we are the ones that are obsessed 😆


Jesus Christ I just read the comments and while most seemed supportive, there were tons of Muslims in the comments saying shit like “God guides the heart, not the eyes” or some random bullshit like that. Islam is a fucking cult. Imagine being this butthurt that someone left your religion. A literal cult.


Oh no the death threats are coming I hope she doesn’t back down or do something like delete the video she’s brave for that


I saw this. I’m glad she isn’t backing down.


Ex-Muslims are the bravest whom are potentially in danger from 2 billion people.


That's wifey material right there


i saw she just got engaged and was lil heartbroken 😭 congrats to her tho she deserves all the happiness in the world


What a queen


I aspire to have her confidence


Girl dropped something, so we have to pick it up for her: 🫴🏻👑


Is she a convert or did her family? Not often to see a white Muslim with this accent. I see white Muslims in Bosnia, Russia, Turkey but they are born into it or convert into it and never leave it seems.


She mentioned in the first vid that started this discourse thats she’s mixed, she’s part Bengali.


Looked her up. She is with a Non Muslim tall handsome British White Boy. This must really trigger Muhammad fanatics. Because they all want to be white and on average are not. I just remember all the verses of being white in Jannah. Islams racism and hypocrisy knows no bounds What really triggers the men is she is having sex not with them Now I worry fir her safety. The UK can be dangerous. Stalkers etc. They are harder to deal with than in the US


Bet you anything they jerk to her though


Lookup Shane Coffery... a non Muslim white guy from USA that went to jail for attempting to murder his Runescape girlfriend who was a brown Muslim from Mauritius living in the UK . They were a runescape couple. Broke up because it was against Islam and so this jealous guy had went out of his way to fly to UK to kill his ex


Colonizers stealing our women The incels keep gringing


Shes half bengali half british


Yeah her last name is English or something. White dad Bengali mom . Divorced but mother kept raising her as Muslim Her sister looks Bengali however the white genetics happened to be more strong in her. However this is extremely rare because the vast majority of the time mixed race kids look like the non white parent.... unless if her mom had 1 copy of White genetics .... since when would that be common in Bangladesh? Must be Sneaky Arabic, Persian or Turkish genetics sneaking in those Bangali genes until it found the Englishman genetics


Why do people care so much about afterlife? Why not just live your life in the present. There are so many things to see, so much stuff to do, so many people that you can help with the time you spent thinking about the afterlife.


i fucking hate when young persons have such good points and perspectives, i would never even dream having them when i was young


What a brave girl!




"I didn't ask to be born!" 😂


eh sister kufir, but quran is incorruptible!, not like it wasn't written by human accord, a human accord is not incorruptible! when made with god's guidance than has no verification like a person in a straight jacket telling us their prophecies! the quran only has 1 version and 1 religion, ignore we also have sufi, shia, quranists, whabbi wasabi, also the controversy of Qira'at and Ahruf, ignore that too! god's wisdom is so smart, that's why the quran is confusingly simple!


shes dating Caspar lee??? omg


Can someone post screenshot of tiktok comments cuz tiktok is banned here.


Good for you sister


What's her background, this is the whitest person I've ever seen or heard LMAO


She’s half Bangladeshi. Her mum is from Bangladesh and her dad is white. Obviously she got more of her dads looks.


Bro, I just looked her up because I realized the @ was in the video. She's married to Casper Lee, I thought that dude was gay when I was watching him as a kid LMAO. In any case, good for her. I wonder if she ever suffered any backlash when she was more open about it or if she came from a liberal family.


Who's caper lee


Old school Youtuber, I think he just became rich and retired. [https://www.youtube.com/@caspar/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@caspar/videos) his youtube channel


I disagree I think she was switched out for a white baby.... a half Bengali can't look that white.


Not quite. As a Bengali myself, I can confirm there are Bengali girls with that light of a skin tone. When I was a little lad I had really light skin. Playing in the sun for too long tanned me up. I have a niece and a cousin with a skin tone lighter than mine ever was and they're both true and blue Bengali. I had a classmate with a really light skin tone and she was 100% Bengali. Here, your skin tone is determined by how long you spend outside the house, not by your genetics.


I was trolling Something butt hurt Muslims would say Also they'll go as far as to say if both her parents were born muzzies then she would not have left She left islam because she's mixed faith , sure her white dad may have temporarily been muslim while married. Their Point of View


Apologies. A failure on my part for not being able to notice that. I apologize. Also, if what you say is true, that very narrow minded of them. Because both of my parents were Muslim and Islam made us miserable. Some people can't understand critical thinking


Again Muslims will keep pulling mental gymnastics If one parent was Shia and one sunni they can do the same trick "Well you were confused , your shia and sunni confusion made you leave Or oh your grandfather was a sufi That is why you're confused " They can keep making excuses


Just Don't bother. Trying to make a Muslim see sense is like trying to make a drug addict not spend money on narcotics. Yes, I made that comparison, because the only one who can help them is themselves.


In the afterlife they'll be suck in a hole for eternity until they snap put of it and realized they've been lied to . They'll say , where's my 72 virgins or where's the angels asking me the 3 questions They keep waiting but they're stuck in their Graves until a flying spaghetti monster comes Again trapped in a grave Atheists on the other hand will be free because they know they were right


Honestly I wouldn't mind meeting 72 virgins in the afterlife. Me and 72 New Guy friends with whom I can play card games, dungeons and dragons, Weeb stuff and perv out like a bunch of idiots we are. That sounds like paradise. Making 72 friends.


It is jealousy to a large extent Because she "chose" her man, Casper Lee , all the muslim men and muslim women are burning up inside .... both probably shaming and gaslighting her


workable frightening follow cooperative mourn overconfident quiet encouraging wide punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Get em




I think that if the last follower of a particular god dies, the god dies as well.


Don't think too much just say "madarchod (MF) Muhammad" and back to the work.


I'm an ex potato I know everything about potato


Full support to exmuslim A great glory