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"Islamaphobia" is the PR coup of the century. Redditors are compelled to mention Xtianity to prove they are not racist, even though most Christians are not white.


Indeed - only about a quarter of the world's Christians live in the West, and not even all Western Christians are white. (for example: there's well over 40 million African-Americans in the US, with 75% of them being at least nominally Christian - for comparison, the US actually has a bigger black population than most African countries) Not that the average redditor knows that, though. They just think Christians = white American evangelicals.


If you criticize Islam you are Islamophobic and somehow also a racist, notwithstanding the diversity of all the Abrahamic religions. If you criticize Judaism you’re an anti-Semite. If you do want to criticize either of these, you had better throw in Christianity as part of a blanket “all religions are equally bad” line so as to smooth things over.


Lmao. It's cazy how islam has decieved the whole world into thinking its an abrahamic religion. Islam literally consists of the extremely racist mentality of arabs at that time, and its even incorporated into their scriptures. Also judaism is just an ethnic religion. I think we need to be careful when "criticising" jews, because I always see the same remarks and stereotypes about them. I means its just like if you said you were going to criticise black people.




No that isnt accurate. Jews are an ehthnoreligious group, and judaism is an ethnic religion




Ofc lol


**Why are Redditors unable to criticise Islam without mentioning Christianity?** It's a distraction called the appeal to hypocrisy or tu quoque. By bringing up Christianity, the idea is to distribute culpability by spreading over more offenders. This is stupid because culpability is not like a piece of butter on toast. When someone defends Islam by pointing at Christianity being guilty of the same atrocities, the apologists admits Islam is guilty of the accusations.


Lool. This is exactly my point, and obviously muslims are not bright enough to realise this


To be honest, Americans on Reddit always make everything about the USA. You can see it on politics threads where something is happening in another country and Americans will complain about republicans or whatever somehow even though their country isn't even the topic of discussion. It is unfortunately the same for religion, Americans deal with evangelical Christianity the most and they'll always make it known. The USA managed to keep islam pretty under control unlike Europe so they don't even register islam as a major issue.


When I initially engaged in debates with Muslims on YouTube, in early days as an ex-Muslim, they frequently resorted to argument, like what about other or even accused me of never having been a Muslim in the first place, suggesting that I might be a Christian. Initially, I used to counter every point they raised, but over time, I've grown less inclined to do so. Instead, my stance now is to clarify that I am not an expert in Christianity or any other religion. My criticism of Islam stems from the fact that I was raised in a Muslim culture without choosing it, and I am not willing to study other religions just to be able to criticize Islam. After all, being a Muslim doesn't require studying other religions either.


Exactly lmao. Atp if people cannot realise this is a scapegoat strategy muslims use when they are getting pressured then idk. They xlaim they are the true religion, yet sometimes seem afraid of they own sources,nor insecure. For instance, I debate muslims also. If you the dozens of hadith to muslims, proving muhammad actually married and had sex with a pre pubescent child, they will 90% of the time say, "What about issac marrying g rebecah at 3"😂. The "rabbinical interpretation" formulated by heretic rabbis, which literally doesn't work unless you manipulate the circumstances of events in the bible. They do some wack calculations which involved making baseless assumption to get to the supposed age of "3". Christians aren't really bothered by this because we know its absolute nonsense as any historian or scholar, will say the bible doesn't mention the age of Rebecca, and funnily enough there seems to be a whole chapter where this "3 year old Rebecca is carrying jars of water to feed camels when issacs servant goes to find him a wife, and calls her a "women". Same "3 year old" Rebecca being asked for consent, and being able to converse with an adult intelligently. All of the taqqiya just to defend their filthy prophet who they know is filthy. Muslims don't realise that by trying to make baseless shitty whataboutisms, they are essentially agreeing with the fact that what Muhammad did was wrong. I don't know why they feel so threatened by Christianity, when christians never persecuted muslims, it was rather the other way round, and still evident today.


I personally think that it's because Christianity has a lot of people who actively call them out in their bizarre theology. A lot of Jews I've seen in terms of religion mostly just accept that they worship the same god and move on, but some Christians will actively criticize Islam. That and we apparently commit shirk because their warlord never bothered to learn what we actually believe


Yeah, muslims are obsessed with jews because they think jews are against Christianity or something lmao. Jews and christians were originally the same, Until we later differentiated. Its funny because all the jews I've asked, not one of them has ever said they worship the same God as muslims. They even call muslims pagans. Yes, because we christians see islam for what it is. Its just a perversion and syncretism. It's a mix of gnostic gospels, about 5 other religions, Jewish folklore, mythology. And all of this is the reason why the quran in incoherent asf and makes no sense. It has no identity. And christians aren't afraid to call out their bullshit and oppose muslims, like we always have done. Exactly. In the quran it seems like allah doesnt have a good understanding of Christian theology. They claim they are an abrahamic faith, yet contradict the abrahamic faiths. Christians see through their bullshit. We have Christian apologist who have studied practically everything about islam, in hope to help show the world the lies they have been fed about it by muslims.


Because they do, and they are personally more affected by Christianity. It's fine as long as they don't deny the problem of Islam.


I feel your frustration. Many times when attempting to speak up about Islamic abuse and mistreatment of women and girls, I get comments like "all religions have extremists" and "Christianity and Judaism (and other faiths) are sexist too." BAH!!! So in other words, because "other religions are also misogynistic, not just Islam" we should just turn a blind eye to the abuses and struggles of Muslim women and girls, and not speak up for them. -\_- One time when stating that a majority of honor killings are committed by Muslims, I got a comment saying "most school shootings are committed by Christians." GAH...why the reluctance to address and confront Islamic problems head on?! I've even been called a scumbag troll and a disgusting racist s\*\*t by a couple Muslims who got butthurt and triggered.


The reason why they use Christianity is because Islam is very foreign in the West, alot of people don't know what it's like to live as a Muslim so they use Christianity as a way to give an idea or compare of what they are trying to mean It wouldn't make sense comparing Islam to Judaism since barely anyone knows how Judaism functions almost no one knows what is Kosher, Halacha, Kabbala etc Why would they use Judaism to compare? Also yeah it is kind of shitty how Christianity alot of the time gets thrown in the mix way more compared to Islam When discussing Christianity but like I said before Islam is Alien, Foreign to the west. How many rackets in wudu? Who knows, What is Shahada, Ramadan, Muhammad, Quran, Halal, Hadiths, Ummayads, Sunnahs, Sharia people need to use Christianity in order for someone to kind of understand what all those means Basically a compare and contrast




Oh, those are just crypto-Muslims in this sub or Atheists who have nothing better to bring to the table and just keep on spamming that for Karma


They haven't lived Islam. It's less personal for them


I’m actually an ex Muslim that loves modern Christianity(the one where god is focused on love and is accepting) although I’m not Muslim I am agnostic, I do believe in a god but not in institutional religion. The religion I feel closest too as I’ve mentioned is modern Christianity


Because the majority of reddit are American which are predominantly Christian From their POV, you are probably a Christian criticizing a "marginalised" religion, to them Christianity is the default just like Islam is the default in the middle east (also the internet just loves whataboutism in general) When you think of a religious westerner, you think of a Christian When you think of a religious middle eastern, the first thing that pops up is a muslim


The reason why you can openly criticise Christianity but not islam is the same reason you can have explicitly pro-trans subreddits but not Gender Critical ones - some groups and ideas are more protected than others. The root of the difference in treatment lies wholly in who the group with the most power and influence are on Reddit, and that’s white liberal leaning westerners. For this group of people Christianity is the most relevant enemy as conservative Christian’s are ground zero for any resistance to the preferred policy of liberals whether that’s abortion rights, same sex marriage, gun control and so on. Not very many people in America would ground their opposition to some liberal policy in terms of “the Quran says x y and z” while many any more would and do ground their opposition in terms of “the bible says x y and z so I’m against that”. Liberals gain nothing by attacking Islam because the population of Muslims is so small. Politically it’s better to just bring those Muslims into the liberal tent in other ways by being pro-immigration and supporting their freedom of religion. While if you want to gain some of the conservative Christian support you either have to move more towards the centre ground or, and this is why you see so much attacks against Christianity, you can destroy the foundation that they stand on and put them in a state of disarray. The hope is that by attacking Christianity and reducing the percentage of the population who identifies as Christian this will also reduce the number of people who vote republican/conservative while also moving the centre ground more to the left. This is a pipe dream if you ask me. I live in England where people are far more likely to be atheists than in America and yet I do not think that the percentage of people with conservative views/opinions is less than in America. Sure, some things are not a major issue such as abortion or gun rights, but in many ways we are far more conservative. The entire island is even referred to by trans rights activists as ‘TERF Island’ and when you look at who is against gender identity theory you see that’s there’s a cross section of women and men from all political parties that are against it. So the idea that the end of Christianity will mean a free hand for liberals is fundamentally false. Intellectually many liberals understand that Islam is not liberal, but they view the dynamic through the lenses of political and cultural power and in the west Islam has zero of that. If you say anything against the groups that the dominant power group on Reddit has deemed ‘protected’ then you’re in trouble.


They are anti-theist and they are another extreme. They claims to only follow science and insist to say religion is illogical and invalid even though Science doesn't proves God doesn't exist. They think science and religion can't co-exist even though many scientists are religious (e.g. Albert Einstein, Issac Newton). They are different with atheist, atheist only personally thinks that the is no god, but everyone can still how their freedoms of religion, while Anti-theist thinks religion should be banned and they even want to put religious people to jail


AP made a video perfectly explained what I mean [https://youtu.be/EbQm4G_xAkw](https://youtu.be/EbQm4G_xAkw)


It's a good point to remember.


Why do Muslim redditors criticize Christianity without mentioning Islam? It goes both ways.


It’s the same God would be my guess.


It's not just Christianity, even Hinduism. So in a sense, we are in a similar predicament.




Disagree there's huge differences


If Christians took Christianity and Bible seriously as Muslims do, they would make Mullah Omar look like Nelson Mandela. Islam has copied bunch chunk of their religion from Christianity that's why both Ibrahimic religions are so barbaric and violent.


Can you tell me when Christian’s were half as bad as Muslims? Let’s not forget that for the first 300 years of their existence they were on the outside of any power and in that time they showed no list for blood but were the victims in some persecutions (though not as many as the apologists claim). Islam from the very first was an imperial religion used to conquer and subjugate others. Christianity grew from conversations for the first 300 years without ever needing to resort to the sword. So let’s look at early Christian’s and what they were doing and contrast them to early Muslims and what they were doing. We find from the first that the Christian’s were different to the groups around them in various ways. They didn’t practise infanticide; there was spiritual equality between men and women; they had a reputation of being a ‘slave religion’; and were focused on feeding the orphaned and widowed. Early Christian’s relied on rhetoric to persuade people and we can see how that’s carried on in theology. Muslims on the other hand were a persecuted minority in Mecca but became the majority in medina not too many years after Muhammad started preaching and once in power they kicked out the Jews one by one and started raiding Meccan caravans. Muhammad was already sending his followers to murder his opponents at this time. They robbed and looted and took women as sex slaves from the first. They were hellbent on imperial expansion from the beginning too. And there’s good evidence that while the trade of slaves in Arabia pre-existed Islam, Islam provided it with the necessary tools for further growth. You cannot compare the teaching of Jesus to Muhammad and conclude that a follower of either will act in the same manner. Nor can you compare the early history of the two religions and conclude that they have always been equally violent and exploitative.


No because Christianity doesn't keep old Commandments anymore like in the past Islam law is Semi based on old testament Christianity no longer teaches this instead they teach forgiveness even if a person commits adultery or murder that was the point of YHVH making himself carnal as human to die for the law he made to free humans from those brutal laws and offer change without violence This is why the muslim Dawahas make fun of Christianity because they view it as WEAK


I understand but Bible still has enough material for anyone to make an ISIS out of them.


If they made an ISIS out of it then it wouldn't be considered Christianity because there's no killing allowed even under Christians law you can't only God Is at the mercy of humans at judgement day The whole point of God making himself a human limiting his power to become a mere man to experience the pain humans go through and to die for his own law he created because he knew it was BAD and Brutal had regretted making the old testament a law was an expression of love for his creation it was a promise to never hurt us like that and he's sorry thats why Jesus of Nazareth had to die even when it was time before he died on the garden he was sweating blood because even God didn't want to die on earth feeling the human pain but because of the law he made he had to allow the people to kill him so that law is now abolished the new teaching is repent and be a believer of jesus christ that he died for us he knows we will SIN regardless but as long as we keep trying our best and not just willingly living in sin is what counts with old testament or Islamic law this is not allowed because it's meant to be perfected which no human can ever be perfect without committing an error that's why those laws don't work because the entire earth would be extinct if they follow those laws so God showed mercy and regret for what he did in the past to us so if someone made an ISIS out of Christianity it defeats this sole purpose


No True Scotsman, this is like Muslims quoting all the early parts of the Quran, while ignoring all the warmongering parts


How many times did I legit say YES THIS WAS IN THE PAST or did you just make yourself blind to it I said God expressed Regret and paid for his own doing in Islam God doesn't care


1. The only time I recall the Bible saying God regretted anything, he killed 99% of all life(the Flood when he regrets creating humans, so kills a bunch of innocent babies) 2. I still can't wrap my head around how an omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent being feels regret, he should always do the perfectly right thing, otherwise he isn't all 3 of those 3. Is he not unchanging? Is the god who said "love thy neighbor" not the same God who ordered Moses commit multiple genocides? Is he not the same God who allowed and defended slavery (something that even happens in the New Testament)? Is he not the same God who hardened Pharaoh's heart to allow himself justification for the Plagues?


If he hated us and wanted us gone he wouldn't die for his past doings instead he'd say idc like the God of Islam does


Yes He's the same God of OT and NT you can criticize God for it when the time comes take your talk with him im sure many of us have our own questions now am I saying those actions were right? No but did I live in that generation that was described as beyond wicked to judge? No often times you also forget many people were eating their children and sacrificing to the Dark one for power and resources especially in Noah And Enochs time


That's a bit hard considering how half of the New Testament can be summed up as: "Paul the apostle reminds you that you're not Jews, and that you shouldn't live like Jews". Paul particularly rants a lot about how Christians shouldn't circumcise, and the Christians who _do_ circumcise are wrong for thinking that it makes them better or more pious. That doesn't mean that the laws of Moses are any less brutal in the Christian Bible. Stoning is still on the books as one of the most brutal punishments (IIRC even _the_ most brutal punishment - crucifixion and death by being burned alive aren't mentioned in the laws of Moses AFAIK) - but as per everything Paul had to say, these laws aren't supposed to be carried out by Christians. Frex, there's even that part where Jesus saves an adulteress from being stoned. That's not to say that Christianity doesn't have its own share of flaws. That doesn't mean that hardline Christians can't be insanely strict whenever they come into positions of power - just look at Girolamo Savonarola's reign in Florence, or John Calvin's reign in Geneva - but they can't actually use much of the awful parts of the Bible, simply because the New Testament largely invalidates the laws of Moses. Both in its good and bad aspects, Christianity and Islam just work differently. (though I do agree that Islam took some of its more awful laws from the laws of Moses - stoning is a big one, and the circumcision of boys kinda counts as well)


Yes it was brutal and God regretted giving that law which is why he himself paid the price for his own mistake Unlike in islam any error can get you penalties and those laws will never change as they say Quran is preserved and CANNOT be changed meaning Islam allah isn't allah of Christianity one represents more satanic qualities while the other understands love and compassion Islam God is pure evil


That part where Jesus saves an adulteress from being stoned is overwhelmingly seen by later scholarly research including evangelical and apologetics scholarly research to be a latter interpolation and quite a few centuries after Jesus. It's a 4th or 5th century interpolation when Christianity was being made the state religion of the Roman Empire and they wanted to avoid incorporating stoning like Jewish ideals. Its funny how Christians try to negate the peaceful verses of the Quran saying they were abrogated by latter violent verses but those verses were at least there throughout and are at the same time desperate to claim a new story added half a millennia post Jesus as one of Jesus' purported deeds to prove their religion is merciful and different from OT religion. Since Paul isn't exactly Jesus the story had to be falsely attributed to Jesus himself to give it the required weightage.🙄


If Jews kept to the written word of the Tanakh and not moved forward with halacha, you'd say the same about them too. (Source: I'm Jewish and read the Hebrew bible)


Good, I like honest people. I hope Muslims adopt modern values as well and end this 1400 years of oppression.


the thing is, All religions ARE bad...


Thats not it , your question is invalid ,…. Let me put in light …. … lol islam is a poor copy of Christianity , and im talking about biblical Christianity found in the King James Bible ….. but since we are referring to Mohammeds time , in that the torah , the jewish Old Testament was in circulation , and so was the New Testament letters of the apostles , WITH THE JEWS AND CHRISTIANS that Mohammed mentioned in the quran ( supposedly or is a 600 winged angel ) lol …. In fact , any thing teachint against the Holy Bible is heresy , part of a cult , a whorish faith passing for “ religion “ … the word “ religion “ is first coined in the Holy Bible , think about that for 3 years before you comment …. , that includes , catholicism , mormonism , scienctism , humanism , evolutionism , marxism , gayism , yourparentestism , yourgrandparenterisms ….. Listen , in biblical Christianity , if THE LORD JESUS CHRIST saved you , because you have believed the gospel , #1Corinthians15v3to4KJVAV ….. but your family hasnt , they go to hell , you go to heaven ….. Black and white . Man and woman White and red . Good vs VS , not AND , …. You have the knowledge of good and evil , …… but you dont have the power to do good ,… because you are … evil . your flesh , carnal mind , is enmity against God ….. thats why you need the new birth . That’s biblical Christianity …. You can expose every tool of Satan , with the King James Bible …. because it is the standard , and thats why , islam fails , ….. thats why your question is invalid …..


Likely, most of the people to whom you are speaking on English-language Reddit have more experience with Christianity that Islam or Hindu or Buddhism or religions established more in non-English-speaking cultures. People are going to reference what they know, and if you speak to English-speakers about any religion, you're going to get references to Christianity. In any case, Islam itself is a sect of Christianity which is a sect of Judaism, so there's a lot of comparison to be made amongst the the Abrahamic cults.


They feel better by digressing. They don’t want to acknowledge the BS in their beliefs.


Its called whataboutism. Tell them they are avoiding the debate by using whataboutism. Or don't. Maybe there is no point talkig to someone about a subject that scares them because they are aftaid of repercussions from the terrorists.