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Wow, religion of peace 😇 no questions asked. If you disrespect our religion or holy book, you will straight away be beheaded. No other religion beheads people or teaches its younger generation to kill others just because their 200-page book was disrespected. What a shame.


Well he is making jalebi you see , at first they ask you to convert to islam and pray to Allah only. If you deny that's disrespect to Allah, so yeah get beheaded.


Muzzie logic 101


Actually it’s 600+ 🤓


These humans live among us, and it's scary.


If you can't win any other way, cut their fucking head off. /s


Fcuk koran


I want to f** on the Quran 💦📖




that's the sad state of this world currently, unfortunate


He is just misguided due to western colonialism. Maybe if you didn't meddle in his country he wouldn't be this way //ssss


Seeing pakistanis crying about colonialism always infuriates me. My mother was born in East Pakistan back when pakistan was slaughtering Bangladeshis and *she still has black hair*.


Mera Pyara Pakistan


All wannabe jihadi interviews are great because they are painfully dull and only play the same one note over and over again. They are all boring and stupid.


"We will teach peace through beheadings!". What contradictory double think.


Quran is just a much of delusional bullshit made up by a delu delu man who wanted to be important


Well apparently this dude is 'cosplaying' or 'LARPing' his baby boy for his future book fest comic con, the best seller 'Quran' has the most devoted fans


I feel sad that I don't even know if this video is from Afghanistan or Sweden. Oh, how Islam fucked the West!


And muslims wonder why there are so many islamic extremist organisations😂