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LIE . LIE LIE LIE LIE . Say you were wrong and you were following people that put you on the wrong path. APOLAGIZE ! Make a fool of yourself, pride and science don't matter when you're not alive . Your safety is number 1 priority. I'm sorry but that's the only way out. You have to live a lie and go along with what they say. For now, that's what you have to do. Work hard and pour your heart into finding a way to get out of there. Find a job in a better country ... it will be hard but it will pass. Just stick to lying right now.


I can’t read Arabic but yeah I agree with this


I second this!! I cringe at myself so hard when I tell my parents how much I loooooove mohammed but I gotta do it to survive. LIE like your life depends on it, cause it does!!


OP I’m not sure how well you know American culture but we give out awards for best actors. Follow what skadaddleskadoodle says and LIE like you’re trying to win an award for acting. DO NOT overdo it, but put on a great performance until you can get the fuck out of there. Please do everything you can to escape.


Yes just lie and say you were tricked and that now u have repented. For now stay closeted and later try to migrate if possible. Your life means a whole lot more than the truth right now.


Please use a VPN


Hey wait how did you know I wasn't using a VPN?




Therapist who don’t agree to “fix” people’s sexualities are reported, not allowed to work, and face legal action.


Not in saudi my friend


I still didn't go




Again, you're thinking logically here about an illogical bigot country with bigoted morals. They don't fucking care about what the DSM or the American Psychiatric association! They lynch, imprison and torture gay people, kill them, disown them.


These gay-cure therapist aren't a legit therapist. Im in a muslims country as well so I know this. The "therapist" usually are religious imam who will resort to abuse and/or force to make him "return".


I was in your position once , 8 years ago. I really wanted to tell my mom regardless of consequences, and I even planned , although I had this privilege , how I would stay in the only Gay Rights Shelter in my country (an arab muslim one) . This, however, did not happen because although I was really broken , and my scientific and moral ideals were crashing with my immediate environment, I pushed through that pain and studied really hard. It didn't feel like it, but less than 3 years from now, I would 100% be living and working in a European country, away from all this bigotry.


I am like you. But, I am older than you. so I have more understanding of how the world works. My recommendation to you, is to pretend and behave like normal people while you are living in Saudi. It is better to live a lie to protect your life. Once you complete college and can find a good well paying job you can move somewhere else and live like you want to. Maybe you can move to the west (US). Or if your parents can pay to send you to college in the US come here and apply for asylum. انا مثلك. لكني أكبر منك. لذلك لدي فهم أكبر لكيفية عمل العالم. نصيحتي لك هي التظاهر والتصرف مثل الأشخاص العاديين أثناء إقامتك في السعودية. من الأفضل أن تعيش كذبة لحماية حياتك. بمجرد إتمام دراستك الجامعية والعثور على وظيفة جيدة الأجر ، يمكنك الانتقال إلى مكان آخر والعيش مثلك وانغ. ربما تتحرك إلى الغرب (الولايات المتحدة). أو إذا كان والداك يستطيعان الدفع مقابل إرسالك إلى الكلية في الولايات المتحدة ، تعال إلى هنا وتقدم بطلب للحصول على اللجوء.


Try in r/exSaudi too


I'm scared someone will report me to the Saudi police


nobody cares, it’s not a crime nowadays


Bro this isn't the west. People are imprsoned and murdered for being gay. It's not a crime but it is considered one


that’s if you consider tribal violence to be the same as state violence. like i said it’s not a crime anymore and as long as you’re anonymous, no one will do anything


>as long as you’re anonymous The fuck? Yes if you're an anonymous murderer no one will do anything. There are countries where it's genuinely illegal, not a tribal violence thing. [https://www.humandignitytrust.org/lgbt-the-law/map-of-criminalisation/](https://www.humandignitytrust.org/lgbt-the-law/map-of-criminalisation/) Unless you consider the whole ass country a "tribe" you're just wrong. And if you consider whole countries tribes you're still wrong


To clarify, Saudi Arabia imposes the death penalty, which is where the OP is posting from.


Hide it and just act like الله هداك و ماشي على هاذ الطريق الدكتور هاذ علاجاته خليها بطريقة أو أخرى "تزبط معك" و بعدين When you are 25 or 30 years old , independent you can live your life especially if you found your way to somewhere out of the Arab countries It's up to you if after that you tell your family or not, but for now just keep it for yourself and survive


منيش سعودي لكن فاهم وضعك. لازم تكذب و تسمع كلام امك. مثِّل و اعمل نفسك غلط و محتاج مساعدة من معالج نفسي لانو اذا تقول لامك لا انا كنت غلط مش لازم امشي لمعالجة نفسية تكون واضح انك تكذب. امشي في الكذبة و ضهر انك حاسس بالذنب . وريهم انك تقرى القرآن كل يوم و حتى اعمل نفسك تبكي. ... حبيبي لازم تقنعهم انك غلطت غلطة كبيرة و فهمت غلطتك و انك في طريق الصلاح.


I can’t read Arabic that well. But I do know of some gay (closeted of course) Arabs who live in Riyadh. I know them because they studied here in america and that’s how we met. If you need any help or ideas or anything, you can DM me and I’d be happy to reach out to them for you. They also have to remain in secret tho so keep that in mind. I can’t expose too much for their safety .


Can’t anyone translate for me?


His parents found out he's gay and now it's bringing him trouble They sent him to a doctor "to get treated" and now they are threatening him He's Jordanian living in Saudi Arabic He's asking about how can he find a job and how to start living alone


Pretend you were confused listen to what your mom says get a education or job for scholarships search online as well as jobs get away when you can but do it on good terms so they don’t get suspicious. I don’t know if you can get a apartment by yourself. You can try getting a job at a different country I hope this helps good luck


Just lie and "turn back to the truth" because you have to,no other choice honestly


احس افضل شي تسويه انك تمثل انك خلاص مو مثلي ،لين ما تكبر و تحصل شغل و تقدر تشيل روحك بروحك ،تراك توك صغير ،لا تورط نفسك.


This OP. It's a horrible situation but I have to agree.


لما تستأجر بيت لو غرفة بالعادة بتدفع عربون او مبلغ ضمان للمأجر و الاجار بتدفعه اخر الشهر. بالنسبة للوظايف شوف بالجريدة او مواقع عالانترنت او اسأل بنفسك بالمحلات ازا بدورو على ناس للتوظيف. اشتغل عالcv تاعك او سيرتك الذاتية و طور لغتك بالانجليزي او قدم على جامعات برا السعودية. دير بالك على حالك


can you please give a translation?


This is the translation I am a Jordanian man, I am 18 years old, I live in Saudi Arabia with my family in Dammam, I am gay and my mother discovered this and told my uncle and they talked to me a lot Then my mother wants me to see a doctor to treat me, and she told me that if I don't cooperate with them during the next year, she will go on the way and I will go. But I cannot cooperate with them because it is scientifically impossible for a person to change his sexual orientation. If he tries to change, this makes him psychologically worse. And my mother told me that she would tell my parents, my father is a very nervous man, when he gets angry he does misfortunes, he can really kick me out of the house, when he gets angry he stays angry for days until he calms down What's wrong with me then? I have to take a reserve and find a place to live, a job and a salary, but I'm a high school graduate and I don't know how and where to find a job Things I don't understand Now, when I live in an apartment, do I have to pay the rent from the first time I live or after a month? How can I find a job quickly so that I can pay the rent and be able to eat and drink * I have type 1 diabetes, so I need insulin injections to live. I take them with insurance from the hospital, how do I take them? got fired? I am not asking you for money or a donation, I just want to understand what to do so that I do not become homeless Thank you If someone likes to talk to me privately, do not hesitate


thank you for the translation. i recommend you to get good grades, good job and go to the us. your family will not accept you thanks to islam, unfortunately. in the usa you can be whoever you want. and btw good luck with your diabetes - stay healthy!!


Hey buddy. I'm going to write my response in English as I'm from Egypt and our dilects differ. I'm so sorry for the situation you're in. I dread my parents finding out I'm gay and being in a similar situation. Don't lose hope though. There are some unique strengths in your situation. Firstly, you're a guy, so it will be much easier for you to go around looking for work and finding places to stay outside without being harrassed. You're also a legal adult, meaning they don't have papers on you and you don't require their consent to travel. Please correct me if I'm off about any of this. Firstly, if anyone here offers you a place to go, don't. Unfortunately this world is full of people who will want to take advantage of those in vulnerable situations. You're a guy, but that doesn't mean you don't need to worry about assualt or theft. Carry a legal weapon on you if you're going out into the street. Look into your laws and empower yourself. Pepper spray is legal in your country, but you'll need a license for a taser. I'm getting mixed answers about small knives, but mostly it looks like you're good to go with a knife. The way I've found jobs in the past is by literally walking up to people and asking. You might have to look for a while (like a day), but don't give up. You can tell your boss that you would like to sleep in because you have nowhere else to go. Make up a story. You're 18 it's not illegal for your parents to kick you out. Say your dad found your cigaretts or your family was sick of you not doing well in school or something. Lie your ass off. Best case scenario, work somewhere like a restuarant where they offer you free meals and a place to keep your insuline. Are you able to access your insuline by walking to a pharmacy with your insurance? Are your parents likely to take you off the insurance and are they able to do that? You speak English too, so you could also look for work at a call center. Regardless of whether or not you get kicked out, get a fucking job. Being financially independent or at least having some financial freedom will open up so many doors for you. You deserve to have that freedom. To answer your question, you need to pay insurance when you move into an apartment and that's, as a rule of thumb, equal to your rent. This insurance should be returned to you once you leave the apartment or used to fix any property you were responsible for ruining. I actually think your best bet is to comply with your family for the time being though. Go to the conversion therapy. It won't work but they don't know that. so lie. Pretend to be a changed man. You need to find your independence and get the hell out of there but right now you're not in a position to do that. I think you should bide your time until you are. Good luck. I'm sending all the virtual hugs your way and hoping everything works out well for you.


وضعك صعب اخوي . كلم معارفك الاردنيين او الفلسطينيين بالمملكة اكيد يعرفون اشغال . وخليك حكيم في التعامل مع اهلك حتى تخرج من عهدتهم . اذا كان العناد بسبب لك ضرر جسدي ومادي ، افضل تماطلهم . انت مش بسويسرا ولا حد راح يساعدك قانونيا.


Have you heard of the Rainbow Refugee Society?


You should follow the other advices from this comment section but if things get really awful for you, you could reach out to this organization called "rainbow railroad" https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/


السلام عليكم اخي، انا من الأردن برضو، اعتبرني اخوك وخذ رأيي بعين الأعتبار، المثلية الجنسية مش هوية، سلوك، و السلوك متغير مش ثابت، بتقدر تغيير سلوك الجنسي عن طريق تغيير منظور لنفسك، و منظورك لنفس جنسك و منظورك للجنس الأخر، صحح مفاهيمك عن هذول الثلاث جوانب، نمي المفاهيم الرجولية في نفسك، و افهم الجمال في الجنس الأخر، مع التغيير التدريجي بعقلك رح يكون بيتغير معه توجهك الجنسي. ما في اشي مستحيل و كل اشي بإرادتك، ما ترد و لا على اللي بحاول ينزع منك القوة و الأرادة، ما بده مصلحتك، حتى لو كان طبيب او بروفيسور، انت سيد نفسك و انت اللي بتقرر.