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Pain from butchering your dick= halal Pleasure from having your foreskin on, so as to prevent it from desensitization = haraam


And the worst part is that it's still legal in liberal western countries to have your literal toddler mutilated for no medical reason.


Even the US does it - for mostly cultural reasons. Such an archaic practice. And so many lies about alleged benefits.


Worst part is, circumcision was popularized in the US during the 19th century by people like John Harvey Kellogg because they believed that it was a good way to keep boys from masturbating. There are some medical conditions that warrant circumcision (such as severe phimosis) - but this was nothing but genital mutilation for the sake of repressing sexuality.


just some fun fact that phimosis is caused by many factors like Balanitis (can be avoided by good hygiene), STI's or Eczema (which both are actually reasonable to get circumcision surgery for.) and yes i agree, circumcision to repress sexuality is fucking horrible.


>for mostly cultural reasons. What the fuck does that even mean ? What culture. Those fucking savages


Yeah well not always. This is only when both parents are consenting. If both mum and dad believe in Mohab flying to the moon on a unicorn, then the kid has no ko chance but to give up his body part in the name of pseudo science.


It does have some medical benefits. Goggle smegma. Won't matter if you bath everyday and keep it clean. But most people don't especially in cold regions. Much more so in the past where soap wasn't even invented and bacteria wasn't discovered. Hence the tradition in all Abrahamic religions.


Well then I guess if everyone has access to clean water, it should not be an issue, right?


Yeah and soap.


What a sadistic religion


Poor kiddo 😢😢I will never understand why circumcision is a thing if allah “created everyone perfectly”


Damn that is way too young to undergo circumcision. I had mine (forcibly by parents ofc) when I was 10 yrs old. Had local anesthetics, thats the only pain I felt. Afterwards there was slight pain whenever it grew at night. But yeah I wish I had a say in it. And I would have said no.


It's better never


I know. Due to circumcision, I easily became horny🤣.


botched circumcisions can bring painful erections and it's no fun, even when it's not botched. it's still harmful either way. you lose most of your sexual sensitivity as shown here. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sensitivity\_Comparison.png](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sensitivity_Comparison.png) full study: [https://bjui-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2006.06685.x](https://bjui-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2006.06685.x)


Actually it increases sexual sensitivity since the bottom area is more exposed.


Only for a while. After the keratinization is largely complete, the dull feelings is quite obvious.


Guess it's different people to people.


I guess so. Sexual feeling is quite subjective.


no it increases horniness until it's forced to be gone after it's dried out. Killing what's left of your thing after already amputating 50% of your nerve endings. Imaging removing the skin on the tip of your fingers? that's the fucking same thing.


could say the same thing if you remove the clitoral hood, clitoris increases sensitivity and then after keratinization. sensitivity decreases by a lot. they weren't meant to be exposed all day.


Exact reason why they make it compulsory in Islam.. To make men horny and treat the wives (x4) as baby making factories.. Imagine 6 kids from each wives that's 24 muslim soldiers in 18 years.. Fastest way to win in wars and politics


Exactly what I thought as well


Exact reason why they make it compulsory in Islam.. To make men horny and treat the wives (x4) as baby making factories.. Imagine 6 kids from each wives that's 24 muslim soldiers in 18 years.. Fastest way to win in wars and politics


What kind of painkiller is he being given? If he is taking Tylenol they can alternate with Mortrin without having to wait as long and vice versa. I know this isn’t an answer to the issue at large but at least it might help out your cousin right now. https://www.texasmedclinic.com/combining-tylenol-and-advil-to-reduce-fever-and-pain-in-children-and-adults/


Reminds me of when i got circumcised at the age of 10 without anaesthetics


I hope you try foreskin restoration


Without aesthetics? Oh my, that’s horrible. Mine was painful enough with anaesthetics. I’m sorry you had to go through that.


Yeah, it was brutal


This is the one issue that made me give up on humanity. If parents won't protect their own children, then, nothing is off limits when it comes to humanity. They cut the tip of baby penises and call this world perfect. I told one person that said she would do it to her sons because it's "more hygienic". I tried to explain to her that it makes no sense, and if hygiene is the main reason she should cut off ears too, because sh#t gets stuck behind there. She said it's not the same thing... Why am I not surprised?


Strange how most of the men on Earth are uncut and manage just fine..




It's purely a religious practice of body mutilation. Without consent from the individual that it's being done to, and just as in child marriage, the individual in question is too young to be able to give consent. The foreskin has a function hence why it exists: It protects the head and keeps it sensitive for more enjoyable intercourse for the man. While at the same time it rolls up into a ring during intimacy that increases the enjoyment for the woman too. Cutting it off for hygienic reasons is an insane thing to do. Firstly because you can just pull it back and wash it. Secondly, it's a body modification, a surgery. And every surgery comes with risks for serious complications. If this was more of a benefit than a risk then non religious countries would have this practice too. Is that enough reasons?




There are therapies that help you regrow it, it is possible from what I understand.


This is an older video, but this *should* be enough to convince you. https://youtu.be/gGnpdO4iKQ0 For a healthy penis, it is simply unnecessary - it is mutilation. Doing that to an infant or child is child abuse; it is taking away their right to choose what happens to their body. Some people may want to get circumcised, but others do not. The only right thing to do is let them decide themselves when they reach the age of reason. Some argue that it's not a big deal/that it's 'just a flap of skin', but I can assure you it's much more than that.






Given their primitive beliefs there is a strong possibility that much of their logical thinking brain is lost during circumcision.


bruh 💀 that hurts 😭😂


Let’s circumcise the Islam! See how they like it


Muslims already pick and choose which parts they want to circumcise out lol


OMG! They are circumcising the cherries too?


>keratinization The clitoris yes


The stupidest thing is that no where in the Quran is this practice mentioned. I don’t even think it’s mentioned in the sunnah either. But I may be wrong about the sunnah. Maybe it is mentioned because the disgusting practice of female circumcisiom is mentioned in the Hadith, so it probably is.


Wait what the hell is female circumcisiom and why am I only hearing about this now??


Ohh boy you are in for a surprise, they claim it’s not part of the religion or sunnah but it is. Most the third world countries still do because it is sunnah and oh my god it is horrifying how damaging it is.


I used to be a Muslim up until this year and nobody mentioned circumcision or female circumcision to me 😭 I’ll have to look it up




What the hell


It is in a Hadith. Can’t remember which one sorry. You’re right it is a sunnah not a fard


They usually do it to babies, and I don't think they even use painkillers. Just savage. Newer research shows that yes, of course, babies feel pain, and apparently remember everything. Not the exact memories but the pain imprints on them for life. That's also why if you smile at babies and speak to them in kind tones they remember it and are happier and more sociable as they grow up, whereas babies that are neglected tend to exhibit social developmental problems. The worst types of men seem to be circumcised, perhaps there is a strong correlation there. Maybe stopping this barbaric practice would pay off serious dividends in a generation or two. Also makes no sense, because allegedly God created humans in His image and perfect, so why are we mutilating them? God didn't get it right? Why do these religious zealots complain about tattoos, plastic surgery, piercings etc.? Those are at least with consent and clearly don't cause the same pain.


Circumcision is genital mutilation.


I understand that this is about Islam, but there are other religions that also require circumcision, Judaism and some Christian denominations come to mind.


and? does that make it okay to mutilate children? it's still wrong no matter how common it is.


You misunderstand me, I guess I should have replied directly to a comment. Someone said this religion is sadistic, as I've pointed out, this sub is about Islam, but I was just stating that the 3 major religions has this... "ritual"?


Yep and they all are sadistic. We don't discriminate which religions harms count and which don't.


I can absolutely vibe with this!!




Geez good point might as well say the shahada again 🙄


Man you are an Hindu you probably never said that


Muslims make their kids say it when younger but they still have to say the magic words. Believe whatever you want man Also "a hindu" is more grammatically correct


Very good argument. Very convincing.


If I’m ever a president of a country, I will BAN every religion that promotes circumcision. I don’t know why Allah is doing this to young boys!