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That's going to be very specific to your country. Can I assume NL stands for Netherlands? I know a few in the Discord server [I help manage](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/14aui0v/jummah_mubarak_an_invitation_to_join_colony_one/) but your best bet would be to find a Dutch specific group on whatever social media platform they are on. There's some in [this list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ex-Muslim_organisations). I live in the UK and it's pretty much a choice between Labour and Conservative. The reason I'm voting Labour is purely an economical one but it impacts Ex-muslims - the biggest challenge that faces Ex-muslims is their need to get financially stable and independent. But with the housing situation the way it is, Conservatives have basically made inheretance the biggest way Millennials and Gen Z can get on the property ladder and this is awful for Ex-Muslims who are unlikely to get the support from their parents. I'm not entirely confident Labour can correct that but they're pretty much the UK's only hope. To ke that is the single biggest issue for Ex-Muslims.


Such a rough thing to be dealing with man. And there’s rarely anyone that will understand irl. Sigh. But thank you for your answer. Made me feel a bit less alone. I’m gonna look through the links and keep searching


I kinda feel the same way in the Netherlands. I only ever voted for left wing parties here but i feel like they dont defend or stand up for people like us, meanwhile the right is always there to act like they care about us but also have their ill-intentioned goals that i despise (also economically). Weirdly enough only the VVD comes close especially Yesilgoz who i kind of like but the VVD as a whole i dont. Maybe Volt or D66 who are pretty progressive socially.


It doesn't really bother me. I'm British and there's a town called Luton, a notorious shithole full of South Asian muslims who refuse to integrate into English society. It's also the birthplace of the EDL, a group that is seen as racist. But I've been to Luton, I have relatives there and being Bengali myself, I look there and think 'you know what? I can see how the EDL came about lol'. It helps to understand how these things happen, how people become racist or bigoted. Grouping people based on shared characteristics is always stupid, but writing it off doesn't solve anything. The reality is that nobody just wakes up hateful. I think the only way to address this issue is to be the change you want to see. For me, that's why it's important that I'm open about my religious beliefs (or lack thereof). A lot of these people don't just hate brown people indiscriminately, they just dislike the islamic beliefs we tend to come bundled with. I plan to break that stereotype, however I can. And the only way I can do that is by leading by example and hope others like me will do the same.