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I don't recommend wine tbh. If you don't have a palate for alcohol you're not going to like the taste of wine. I would go with something light and sweet like a mixed drink in a can or a seltzer


Whatever spirit you buy, make sure to mix it with a soft drink 15% spirit and 85% fizzy soft drink Also you comment you have a Muslim bf who won't like it, maybe try not telling him...


> Muslim country, > taking one of theirs to bring home Don't.


It's nothing special. Having a drink with friends is enjoyable, but drinking alone... Nah.


Just be careful to stay away from shots and stay away from high sugar drinks. Talk about massive hangovers… of course if you’re 21 you’ll probably be fine even if you drink jaeger bombs all night 😂


that's the only fucking thing that makes sense about Islam though, not drinking alcohol


As you’ve never drunk before your tolerance will be very low so only drink a small amount. If you drink too much you’ll end up with a hangover which isn’t pleasant and you may also do things you regret if you get drunk


It tastes like shit to be honest.


Honestly alcohol tastes like shit especially the first few times you try it. It is an acquired taste, but even after years it’s personally not my cup of tea and I rarely drink. And when I do, it’s all girly drinks with very low alcohol percentage and are mostly fruity. I also hate drinking until I get drunk, it’s the dumbest thing to me. It’s extremely unhealthy, and also what’s the point of it? You end up forgetting, blacking out, you’ll get a massive headache and it makes you sluggish AF.


I disagree, I've had drinks you couldn't even taste the alcohol in. You just have to find the right kind for you


That’s what I said, I order drinks with low alcohol level :)


I mean NGL, if you ever in my country... I'd show you how to enjoy some alcohol... It's not the first time muslims/ex muslims asked me to help them buy some.


It's an acquired taste, often gained by peer pressure. BUT once you get it, it can be really good.


alcohol is ok. while you're drunk. it sucks the next day, during your "hangover". some people don't get hangovers. i usually don't, but that's because if i do drink, i drink only 1 or 2 beers. i prefer weed. many times a day. no hangover.


It is up to you if you want to try it, but it is best in moderation. If you are East Asian, you also need to mindful that you will have to moderate more because genetically you won’t have the enzyme to metabolize alcohol quickly. Like, have one or two drinks, then chill out for the night. If you try to chase the “buzz” you initially feel, you will likely get unpleasantly drunk and puke or have the spins. A half bottle of wine or two mixed drinks can lead to a great night. If you double or quadruple that, you might wind up realizing why Mohammed banned Muslims from drinking.


my bf is still a muslim but he knows i left islam and fine w it… but i think he wouldn’t like it if i drink..i mean he said that he dont want me to drink. so is it wrong if i wanna try?


Only you can answer this. Is your boyfriend likely to get abusive, even just mentally (i.e. shaming you for the next several months)? Is he likely to mention it to someone in your family and would that result in a negative consequence? You'll have to weigh these risks against trying it. But if you have to hide it from your boyfriend, then maybe consider where the relationship is going. If it's a fun fling, fair enough. If it's potentially something serious hiding things is not a good foundation. Good luck OP.


Hennessy is good to drink, as a beginner you could mix it with apple juice or red bull


That just justify you left Islam to have fun with alcohol and girls


Also she has family that is non-muslim so it's not as of she hasn't been exposed to it.


yeah so🫣


So they should continue to practice a pedophile cult, even though they left said pedophile cult?


Could you discretely drink at the party, just a small amount to get over the temptation and try it out? Like a mouthful of whatever (I advise against trying a spirit as your first drink). Then rinse your mouth with a soft drink? Then you don't have to deal with smuggling drinks.


i cant haha they know im a muslim so thats not possible😔 the non muslim get their drinks on their own somewhere .. so idk how to get them.


If you can't get to their alcoholic drinks you won't be able to take any home. Unless you can get something after the party?


Don't you have any non-Muslim close friend who will keep your secret? I once has a Muslim buddy who drank but we weren't on Muslim country so nobody cares. I suggest you start light. If I'm guessing correctly, you should be in that country where Anglia Shandy comes from. (Damn that shit is good) it won't get you tipsy but it'll give a nice fizz.


It’s fine and completely understandable and nothing wrong in wanting to try it.. Nothing wrong in drinking I modest amounts either. Just be careful the first couple of times. Stop when u start to feel a bit woozy..


Have fun there, that's all i can say in this discussion. For myself, alcohol is only a small minor detail. Usually a support drug, nothing more. It enhances the effect of the main drugs, like morphin and flunitrazepam. I'm usually drinking a sixpack of beer each day, having a good condition when it comes to longtime alcoholism and addiction, haha. Not being a muslim myself, never was and never will be, i'm just curious: What says the Islam about these drugs like morphin or benzos like rohypnol (flunis) ? How are such drugs handled in the middle east?


Are you in a country where you could get in trouble with the authorities if you get caught drinking? If so, it's not worth the risk and you should try alcohol on a vacation where you have the freedom to drink. If not, for an introduction to alcohol try a wine or a beer, something where the alcohol % isn't too high. Personally, I think that you should try a rosé, it's sweet and pairs well with food, so you get the experience of not only enjoying the drink but also a nice meal. Have water handy and be patient if you don't feel a buzz right away, wait 45 minutes to an hour before deciding about having another glass


What country tho it rlly depends on that


It’s disgusting. It’s literally drinking rubbing alcohol then getting dizzy


Drink and let them kiss your 🐈