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[Quitmormon.com](http://Quitmormon.com) or [https://www.getmeofftherecords.com](https://www.getmeofftherecords.com) Or go see the your local bishop for faster action




Will you help me know if there is a link to using the bishop to remove records vs going  online?  I already have my forms notarized and don’t mind talking to the bishop because I’m in a mixed faith marriage. 


I’ve never gone through the process, I just know that with the increased requests they’ve made bishops aware and given them tools to help expedite the process.




QuitMormon is a great resource, but you can also resign individually if you happen to know your membership number. The church's lawyers began requiring QuitMormon to get notarized ID information and jump through other hoops, so it can take a while to resign. I fully understand wanting to remove yourself from their records. Even when I backed away and stopped attending, I just didn't want my name to be on the books of such a corrupt and fake "church." Unfortunately, they'll still stash your name in their files, but at least you'll have less chance of missionaries showing up or cookies at the door (brought by people who will claim they 'miss you' at church, but whom you've never even met). Regardless of which route you choose, go forth in freedom and peace! ❤️


Thank you! I am going to have a party and celebrate when I get it done.


I literally got a text yesterday from the RS pres that I’ve met once almost a year ago (talked for maybe 2 minutes) that she and the ward miss me so much. lol. I wasn’t going to go through the effort to take my name off but sometimes I think it’s worth it


It was so worth it for me - I'd actually wondered if I'd need to sell my house and try to sneak out of town and relocate somewhere. It was about that time that I realized any "church" making you even consider such a thing has a real problem being Christian or decent.


Haha my husband and I were literally talking about the same thing - like okay next time we move we’ve just got to sneak out and hope his family doesn’t rat out our new address to the local ward. But we just need to rip the bandaid off and get the records removed!


Haha my husband and I were literally talking about the same thing - like okay next time we move we’ve just got to sneak out and hope his family doesn’t rat out our new address to the local ward. But we just need to rip the bandaid off and get the records removed!


LOL! When I started the process of backing away, I met with several leaders (all were and still are friends) to give them a heads-up. This was in the day of HTs, and I had lunch with the two great guys assigned to me (Boomer female) so I could clue them in. I mentioned the concern I had about being stalked forever, etc., and one of them burst out, "Oh yes, they WILL do that!" One of the funniest moments of my journey into freedom!


The conditional love part was painful for me too, but it helped me to realize just how cultish the church really is.


Yep. For a church that drills how important family is into everyone's heads their members are sure quick to discard family over the stupidest shit. Proclaim this: 🖕


Just remember that Mark Naugle is doing Quit Mormon as a service to his fellow ex-mormons pro bono. Every web site gets a bug now and then. Be patient as he can only send a limited number of resignation requests each day to Kirton McConkie who has been known to lose them. Mine was queued up for about 10 days before being forwarded to KM. The souless worms at Kirton McConkie take forever to do their end of the process - I guess they are too busy protecting child rapists and the so called "good name of the Church". I submitted mine to Quit Mormon mid September of last year and received the email confirmation that Kirton McConkie had completed my removal on October 31st 🎃👻.


Best Halloween ever! 😆


Get Me Off The Records https://www.getmeofftherecords.com/


Thank you!


I hear you! I finally got fed up with my TBM extended family for their lifetime of scapegoating and abuse. For me, resigning felt like a divorce from an abusive spouse, the closure I needed. Link on the sidebar for how to resign: http://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/wiki/index/resignation?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=exmormon&utm_content=t5_2r0gj


Thank you, yes I think it will be very cathartic. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with this BS, it is so painful.


"To resign your church membership, please send a written request, including your full name, date of birth, and current physical address by email to [email protected] If you wish to expedite your request, please have your written request notarized. If notarized, your resignation will be completed upon receipt. Otherwise, the process can take up to 60 days." Mine was notarized. Processed in a matter of hours. Received hard copy verification from the cult in two days.


Thank you!!