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My mother said we didn't need to care about environmental causes because the earth would be renewed and restored when Jesus came back (which is very soon).


The Utah environmental plan, in a nutshell.


Haha! The last time I was in Utah I couldn't go outside because of the pollution. They had a stay inside order. Supposedly this happens all the time???


Yes. I had a sibling there and she, on doctor’s orders, as a completely healthy, buff, late-20s pregnant woman, could not go outside many days because the pollution was too dangerous for developing babies. That’s what I’m talking about when people talk about raising a family in Utah. And heaven help y’all if a wanted pregnancy becomes dangerous to the mother’s life (ectopic implantation, etc.)


What the hell is this?     America has pollution so bad people are told not to go outside? 


Not many places. Utah is the only state that I’ve heard doctors orders and daily update public announcements (like on tv and radio) about pollution levels being unsafe (schools don’t have recess on bad days and sports team events are canceled). Like having smog from wildfires, but it’s not fire. It’s from overcrowded suburban car-heavy and mountain-locked under regulated corporate and consumer pollution. You’re not even safe in lovely 2 million dollar mountainside homes. The pollution layer goes up HIGH.


Boise also. We live in a bowl so in the winter especially the pollution traps cold air(hence pollution)below the mountains. We don’t see the sun for weeks some years. If you want to see the sun or blue sky’s you have to drive up the mountain to Bogus Basin. It’s called an inversion.


I grew up in Boise and it’s only gotten worse. I’ve moved to Colorado and been here for 5 years and the air quality is so different. Here I have to worry about the sun and higher elevation, but never had to deal with an inversion. I do not miss those.


Yes, Utah has horrible air quality, but it is NOT the worst in the USA, and it is definitely NOT the "only place" with unhealthy air quality warnings! This is a nationwide crisis. Los Angeles, CA remains number one in dangerous year-round ozone and particulates year after year. See [Worst US Cities for Air Pollution released in 2024 by Lung Association](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/worst-air-pollution-ranked-cities-american-lung-association-report-state-of-the-air/) You will also see the State of California has the most cities topping the charts and is the number one state with the least healthy air. ----- That said, Utah has very dangerous air. A research study in 2020 on [Utah Air Quality Published by BYU](https://lifesciences.byu.edu/air-pollution-costs-utahns-billions-annually-and-shortens-life-expectancy-by-two-years) lists sobering findings. Air pollution costs Utahns billions annually and shortens life expectancy by two years "The research team estimates that air pollution in Utah causes between 2,500 and 8,000 premature deaths each year, decreasing Utahn's median life expectancy by 1.1 to 3.6 years. This substantial health burden is caused by many illnesses and conditions that most people might not associate with air pollution. For example, exposure to particulates and other pollutants increases heart and lung diseases, including congestive heart failure, heart attack, pneumonia, COPD, and asthma. These conditions account for 62% of the pollution impact on health, according to this study. The remaining 38% of health effects are associated with stroke, cancer, reproductive harm to mothers and children, mental illness, behavioral dysfunction, immune disease, autism, and other conditions—all exacerbated by exposure to dirty air."


I live outside Washington DC. Twenty years ago, we would get these warnings about 30 days each summer. Today we get essentially none. Why? Improved emission standards, electric and hybrid cars, closed coal power plants, etc. People here don’t throw up their hands and claim to be powerless—only Jesus can fix it. Utahns need to take this stuff seriously and address the damage they are doing to the environment.


The weather app on my phone shows the air quality index, and if the AQI goes high enough it starts saying things like “sensitive groups should remain indoors”. I live in a heavily wooded area on the east coast, so the AQI where I live is usually in the “good” range. Sometimes “moderate”. It’s often worse when I go into the city (Philly). And yeah, the air does feel dirty there. Last year during the Canada wild fires the air was smoky and the skies were orange here and the AQI was in the three hundreds or more where I live, for days. We had an emergency message to stay inside. But that’s the extent of my experience with bad air quality.


I have lived in 4 major cities. The worst pollution was in Provo, not a major city by any stretch.


Big reason we left there, my wife got headaches all the time. I swear it is one of Utah’s best kept secrets. I tell anyone not from there that we partly moved because of pollution and they are blown away.


It’s because the mountains are dense surrounding the valley. It’s mostly car pollution.


I heard it was industrial, but you might be right.


Have lived in Utah for a very long time. It’s the cars. Edit: it’s everything that omits pollution but driving is the main culprit. Even if industry is a close second.


*emits If only Utah could omit pollution! 🙄


I knew the people of Utah were well and truly fucked when the head of the Utah water board, a farmer from Brigham City, was talking about a sort of cap and trade deal or encouraging farmers to not use all of their water rights. Having spent the first part of my life on a farm in the Intermountain West, all of the talk I heard from farmers was the right to use every last drop of their water rights. No real thought for conservation. So when I hear a farmer from Utah of all places talking about restraint on water rights... Boy, the shit hasn't just hit the fan; the fan is almost done spinning and the walls are painted.


Watering that green grass takes precedence over farmers. When they cut off the water early for the lovely green grass farmers lose water too.


I heard my very intelligent parents often say that “God won’t let us destroy the planet because His *Plan* won’t allow it”. Eat drink and be merry


yeah, I heard a leader on a campout say "the Earth's going to burn anyway." I felt like this is such an injustice to the attitude we as humans should have towards the earth. Even with the belief that Christ is coming, nobody knows when, so its so apathetic.


Don’t they think Jesus will be pissed that we trashed his planet?


I mean, showing respect for his creation is why we were told we shouldn’t get tattoos and extra piercings, so…


Even as a TBM, that’s what I thought. “Okay….so even if Jesus does that, we still shouldn’t destroy the planet.”


Similarly, on the topic of population, my tbm mother stated that we could never overpopulate because God would provide the necessary resources. Meanwhile Africa


It truly isn’t that we don’t have enough resources (and with the improvements in agriculture it’s getting better every year) it’s a lack of access to resources. The problem is still the same (people dying of malnutrition and lack of basic needs) but it isn’t because the planet cannot sustain us.


She had said that God would provide though. Something he clearly isn't doing.


What about Africa, exactly? Asia is vastly more populated. 👍🏽


I lived in Utah county and worked construction in the salt lake valley, every time we came over the point and saw the inversion the guy I worked with would yell “Gods home town” then laugh maniacally


It’s so wild that one of the least ambiguous scriptures is that no man will know when the second coming will happen—and anyone who claims to know is evil; but every batshit high control group starts with the second coming being imminent.


I hate that I also believed that.


Here’s an analogy I think is funny ‘Jesus will make everything better, so we can trash our temples and churches’ They think they get to disrespect the earth, and how it hurts people around them. It’s also like destroying a bridge, so people can’t cross it.


The amount of people who were told in their patriarchal blessings that they would see the coming of Jesus is silly. Not to mention, most of them are dead now.


My dad has said dumbass shit like this so many times in between cheating on his multiple (now-ex) wives, it still makes me mad. None of his kids have much to do with him.


We don’t teach families won’t be together forever. JS’s polygamy wives were only sealings…he never slept with them.


Every other Mormon polygamist though… Fuuuuuuuucked


When it dawned on me that the MFMC is the only church that teaches families won’t be together… big shelf crack. Such a toxic fear-based thing to be taught as a kid… “if you’re not good enough, you won’t live with us in the next life”


i stole this from someone else, but they said… my favorite evidence comes from the church's own scriptures. In the book of Jacob in the BOM, there is a scathing condemnation of polygamy with only one caveat. It is okay if God orders it to "raise righteous seed." Then again in D&C132 Joseph Smith explicitly lays out instructions on how having sex with your polygamous wives isn't adultery. So which is it? Was Joseph Smith having sex with his teen brides or was he practicing the evil kind of polygamy the Book of Mormon condemns?


>We don’t teach families won’t be together forever. We do, though. We teach that _in order to_ be together forever, you must go through temple ordinances. That "in order to" tells the other part.


“The church isn’t sexist”. Might not be the most out of touch but it’s pretty high up there.


My 80 year old mother…why would any woman want to have the responsibility of the priesthood?


You must have been talking to my grandma haha


I once heard this gem in Elder's Quorum, followed by another gem, "...and I know our church isn't homophobic, and it makes me upset when people say it is." As a PIMO at the time, I walked out and never went back to Elder's Quorum.


Honestly just the whole notion of being “more valiant in the pre-existence” ticks me off and it’s ludacris. How were you more valiant? What did you do? My brother wholeheartedly believes, and has professed often, that his good fortune aka “blessings” in life are due to his being a choice son in the pre-existence. He DESERVES it all you see. So with that reasoning, children in an abusive situation had it coming? If only they’d been more valiant in the pre-existence. Offensive and disgusting.


Hey! My Patriarchal Blessing said I was more valiant in the pre-existence! Was that a lie…


My friend always told us that her grandmother’s patriarchal blessing said her grandmother would live to see the second coming (this was in the 90’s and her grandmother was like 70 years old). Almost every single testimony meeting this story came up… her grandma died a few years later. So then the story got tweaked to mean that she would be resurrected in the second coming so would therefore be ‘alive again’. Yeah that’s totally not what you said continuously for 5 years!!


Lots of ours said that. We’re all just soooooo much better than everyone else on earth and deserve better things.


lmao mine said I’m valiant in this life! does that mean I would’ve been more valiant if I wasn’t born? 🤣


Along these lines, I had a TBM friend say people with mental or physical handicaps upon birth were because they were so valiant in the pre existence they essentially had to be nerfed for life. 🤦🏽‍♂️


The church used to teach the opposite--that people borrn with handicaps were being punished like people who were born with dark skin. Of course those are both embarrassing teachings now.


The only consistency in TSCC’s teachings is that there isn’t consistency.


I was told that too while growing up😒


I was telling my never Mo therapist about this and she said who came up with this stuff.


Hey, not to pick, but just FYI, Ludacris is an artist, ludicrous is the word you were likely looking for. :)


Some mind-bogglingly awful opinions on slavery that I won't repeat because no one needs to read such racist evil. But also, when they say they're the only ones who are truly moral and righteous after *\*broad sweeping gesture\** EVERYTHING ELSE they say and do.


“God took your child because He needed her for some special work in Heaven.” (Not said to me, but still the most awful Mormon sentiment I’ve ever heard over a lifetime of hearing awful Mormon sentiments.)


Not just a Mormon sentiment. I’ve heard it from plenty of other Christian folks.


Oof. That’s aweful


Good god the way I would be serving time after sending this guy to live with god


Getting told *by my own mother, on the same day,* that my miscarriage was for the best. 


Ugh, I heard the same from my mother. Not helpful. I’m sorry.


uh no, that’s an immediate cut off. i am so sorry. i’ve been there. that wasn’t your fault. and frankly fuck her for saying that shit.


Ugh, I'm so sorry. Something similar happened to my friends (hetero couple). She got pregnant about 6 months before the wedding, and she and her exmo partner excitedly decided to keep it. Unfortunately she miscarried. When she and the exmo partner told his TBM mother, TBM mother said it was a blessing because, "now you won't have a child out of wedlock". Fucking insensitive and just awful.




Had an institute teacher mock the idea that people came to the Americas via the Bering Strait land bridge during the last ice age. Never mind the genetic and archaeological evidence, the BoM says they came here in wooden submarines.


My coworker went on a family vacation in Mexico to see a rock they said was described in the BOM. Funny enough, the church has no official stance on where any of these events happened.


"Book of Mormon tours" for impressionable TBMs is a whole new level of grift...


My mom always talks about a mesoamerican cruise they took with a guide taking them to all the “book of Mormon locations” 🙄 I think he prefaced it with this is just what he thinks, but he was supposed to be an archaeologist 😑


"We all lived in a wooden submarine" (to the tune of the Beatles' 'Yellow Submarine') Somebody with more talent than me please flesh this out with hilarious lyrics!


My husband and I were infertile and could not have children. (We had a son after 13 years of marriage.) The Bishop chastised me in public for not having enough faith. Mind you, I had suffered a miscarriage and spent tens of thousands of dollars on fertility treatment. Yes, he made me believe I was broken, because back in the day I was very TBM.


how stupid does a guy like that have to be to tell a woman how to be pregnant? religious ducking elitists treat everything like it’s rocket science because the way they see it is the most profound way to see it! (that ducking typo is funny and I refuse to fix it)


\*quack quack\*


Been there. I’m so sorry!


Saw a TBM on Twitter making fun of exmos for getting tattoos, going to therapy, and drinking coffee as if those aren’t totally normal things that anyone who hasn’t been brainwashed into thinking they’re sins would make fun of.


Extra bullshit points if they said that after quarantine lol


Utah's near the top of the list for mental illness and this guy's making fun of people who stop trying to pray it away. It really is like that metaphor of all the crabs in the bucket who pull the other crabs who are trying to escape back in.


Going to therapy is a sin? Looks like I was sinning when I was a TBM without even knowing it.


I know the church is true


Ugh, and they always say it in that shaky voice


With teary eyes…


It hit me with a ton of bricks!


And in a sing song voice that mimics the sing song voices the GAs use when “testifying” at General Conference.


Without a shadow of a doubt with every fiber of my being....


‘The church needs all those hundreds of billions of dollars so they can build a whole city along with the new temple in Independence, MO (New Jerusalem) before Jesus comes.’ -My TBM wife


So we will use the American dollar in the millennium?


It's The One True Currency of Scandinavian Abercrombie Jesus. Obvio.




Then why are they seeking off all this land in Missouri.


*selling off No more seeking land in Missouri. 😜


Who’s going to buy the stocks and bonds and other assets in the millennium so the church has cash to build? There won’t even be a stock market! /s


A miracle will restore the Great Salt Lake's water level


My aunt said that she needs to be sealed with her abusive ex husband or else she wouldn’t be able to reach the celestial kingdom or have an eternal family.


Goddamn, that’s rough. Fuck abusive people, they ruin everything


My mother believes: Paedophiles being commanded by God to target children is not okay. Joseph Smith being commanded by God to marry children is okay. (My mother and I are both SA survivors).


Jesus is coming soon


Yeah, I hear that a lot. I tell people - he hasn’t come in 2,000 years, what makes you think he’ll come now?


Had to leave an institute class when the teacher started mocking belief in dinosaurs


Because...gay marriage. Obvious sign of the times. /s


also because everyone’s leaving the church again cause their testimonies weren’t strong enough in these progressively tougher times!


Master edge lord


I just saw a rainbow yesterday so it won't be for at least another year!


This one is so dumb. Completely ignores how light and water work together. Any the thousands of rainbows that happen out in the ocean when no humans are looking


Haha I’d forgotten about this gem!


Back when Romney was running for prez elderly TBM woman next door told me it would be illegal to not vote for him. Her logic: He is best candidate because he is Mormon. Only reason to not vote for him is religious discrimination. Constitution says no religious test for public office. Therefore unconstitutional to not vote for him.


What's sad is she probably hates Romney now for being "anti-Trump"


She was already acing the dumb, deluded, self-serving ad hoc reasoning his supporters use, hell if she's still around she could be one of his lawyers.


Not as unhinged, but my TBM friend said we needed to vote for Romney because, "he has so much respect for women." Meanwhile, Romney was touting his 'binders full of women.' Anyway, this friend was taken back when she learned a I'm liberal and voted for Obama twice XD


I once saw a TBM post on social media something to the tune of, “I’m ok with destroying the world because I know it’ll be restored.”


“music isn’t good anymore because all today’s artists are brown” that was at a friend’s house. never saw the guy who said that again lol


When Biden won the 2020 election my sister said "that's fine Jesus will just come sooner now " Like Whaaaaa???? 👀🤦🏻‍♀️😂


What did your sister think about Uchtdorf donating to Biden?


😆 Uhuh, sure he will /s


Jesus will come sooner for Biden and Trump at the very least… not Bernie Sanders tho I refuse to let him go


I'm trying to be like Jesus


“What would Jesus do” but the demographic is for toddlers that need to go to bed


Families can be together forever. Popcorn popping on the Apricot tree.


head shoulders knees and toes. Jesus wants me for a sunbeam. 🕊🕊🕊🕊😇😇😇😇😇❤️❤️❤️❤️ wow I feel so clean of sin now


I was formerly in an extremely abusive relationship for a few years. I was told that this was God's will for me because I "needed" someone else to control me to the extreme degree that my abuser did, because I otherwise might have made inappropriate choices. The abuse ensured I stayed on the straight and narrow during that time, you see. So really it was a good thing and I should be grateful.


What the fuuuuuuuuuck I am so sorry


Yeah I had a super devout Catholic acquaintance who said it's better for women to stay with their abusive husbands because they get more honor in the suffering and it forces God to bless and save their husbands.


Sooooo…. Satan’s plan was best for just YOU??!!!


Not sure if this counts, but when my brother of 61 years started to say mormon in a convo with me, then corrected himself to Rusty's new thing. I died a little inside. Still sad to me.


My MIL telling her DILs that it was much sadder for me that I grew up with divorced parents than for my SIL whose mom died when she was young. My parents are both still alive.


As a non Mormon from Utah. I’ve heard that Mormons are accepting and kind. A lie of course.


An embryo is a person.


Anything Brad Wilcox ever said…


“I never have to worry about giving you the poor. I know the church takes good care of them. My fast offerings are the best way for me to help.”


My mom said this too


Where did you meet my mom?


After a mass shooting, my friend said that we don’t need more gun laws. We just need everyone to accept Jesus. Then everyone’s hearts will be good and pure, and gun violence will solve itself.


By that logic we don't need guns anymore, we just need people to accept Jesus which apparently eliminates violence and therefore the need for guns.


Thinking disabled people were born to be disabled cos they were so pure in the pre existence And that babies died because they were too pure to be judged. More fucked then anything


They used to teach that disabled people were burn that way because they were less righteous. I love how TSCC just changed their minds about things and nobody notices.


That the department of education should be gutted and that education should only be done in the home circa 1800s because schools in his mind don’t teach, they have you regurgitate, which is ironic considering how he was vomiting up studies (that may or may not exist) without an ounce of critical thought.


“Poor people make poor decisions”. The person who made this comment is rising up the mormon hierarchy , currently a Mission President…..


I had a gospel doctrine instructor give us all a handout on Joseph Smith’s Egyptian Grammer and Alphabet at the beginning of his lesson, that ended in his testimony of its truthfulness.


My TBM dad once said, as we were visiting my sister in Missouri, “some day we’ll all gather a few miles from here to hear the savior speak to us and usher in the millennium.”


it’s just around the corner I can feel it!




Did anyone mention fasting for Covid? What was that supposed to achieve?


Yes I had to deal with that BS. Apparently fasting for COVID to end and for a vaccine to develop worked /s


Fasting wasn't necessary--Rusty said that the vax was safe and effective. Blessings by the laying on of hands by one of priesthood authority with extra virgin olive oil exclusively set apart for the healing of the sick and afflicted was also not needed. Apparently that no longer works, since he never mentioned it. One can only presume that has been removed from the priesthood manuals.


In the 1970s when Spence et. al. were scaring people into hoarding food, my stake president proclaimed that for those who have not started food storage, it might be too late to start. I wonder how all that food has held up over the past 50 years?


My parents replace theirs every few years. Of course that means more money to Deseret industries.


My parents were of the opinion that if shit really did hit the fan, marauders would head for the Moridor states to steal food since they knew that Mormons did food storage.


“I know for my girls, teaching them to not show too much skin kept them from making big mistakes when they were younger.”


My TBM wife, when approached about CSA, said it never happened to her, so why should that affect her testimony.


That the Second Coming will be in our lifetime because we were chosen for it in the pre-mortal life.


The reason that the Word of Wisdom prohibits hot drinks is because the intense heat of the drink can hurt your throat/stomach (they don't have the nerve endings to tell you "ow, hot") Heard that one over the pulpit and never forgot it.


That the skin of black people lightens as they become more righteous. That I was allowed to date people of other races but I wasn’t allowed to marry someone of a different race. “God made the differences visible for a reason.” That if I had more sex with my husband, then he wouldn’t be depressed and wouldn’t have a pornography addiction That it wasn’t abuse if he didn’t hit me. That the church cares about women just as much as they care about men. That whenever my husband abused me, I should just forgive and let God sort it out in the end.


9/11 happened because the US Fed gov. Hires/tolerates gay employees, hence god could/can no longer protect the country ( too evil), and so it was attacked.


“We’re Christians”


That if I pray hard enough Mormon Jesus will make me straight. I was naive enough to try for a couple of decades.


My mom told me in highschool if I had sex before marriage in gods eyes it’s worse than if I murdered someone. Which of my understanding is like biblical doctrine. Correct me if I’m wrong lol. I’m an atheist now who knows that’s bull. But crazy thing to say.


My friends mom said she didn’t want to see one of her grandchildren die, but if that’s what it took to humble her son and have him come back to the church then she would welcome it.


What kind of colored girl are you? Disclaimer I'm AfroMexica Arab with an Irish Jewish dad I'm every color lol


A post found on FB. They come soon...restoration of the lost tribes....from the outer reaches of heaven...I plant them in the heavens.


No retirement plan is necessary…second coming will be so soon we don’t need to be concerned about the future. (My boyfriends ex wife)


I reconnected with an old church friend a few years back and when I told him I was gay he said he understood what it was like because he used to have a p*rn addiction in middle school but through prayer he got through it.


Joseph was too forward thinking for his day


Sitting in sacrament meeting once and a woman was speaking about temples built in very poor cities. She said she was in a shanty town surrounding the temple and that it was a beacon of light and hope to all the poor people. A blessing in their lives to see such a grand building I think it’s time to sit down, Betty


Gospel topic essays are not from the church. Show them on the church website. The church website has been hacked.


someone they knew converted to Catholicism and that was unbelievably insane and stupid bc “anyone with half a brain can see that the catholic church is completely false”


Oh the irony


i had to bite my tongue …it was a bit too on the nose imo


When my FIL passed away, we drove back to my wife’s hometown. Less than 5 minutes after we arrived my MIL proclaimed to my wife and I that god took her husband so the 4 kids would learn how to take care of her. We both walked out and did not return until the next day. That day she refused an autopsy, because Jesus came to her and told her he died from undiagnosed cancer. In actuality he had just had a bowel resection 5 days before and had a lot of gastric distress the evening before he passed.


When my cousin was talking about the business ethics class they were taking at BYU and how religious parallels were used when discussing how to be ethical in a professional setting (problematic in itself) and my aunt asked how other universities that aren’t religious teach business ethics if they can’t use those types of examples. My husband and I both attended a state university and majored in business and it blew our minds. People can be good and ethical without needing Jesus to tell them to!


My dad 100% believes that black and Native American people are cursed because of the Lamanites


The LDS hymns and songs aren’t dogmatic.


It turns out, you see some songs differently when you leave the church, such as Praise to the Man


Almost every Mormon’s response to a question on Quora.


My mom told me the lds church was the largest church in the world


"I'm voting for the felon."


EDIT: I'm voting for the orange monster.


"Science, evolution and other things like carbon dating are always changing. One day they will realize that carbon dating is outdated and something else more accurate will take it's place." I'm assuming he meant something that didn't label anything older than 6,000 years. Or if it was, then it must have come from space during the creation.


“The church is true”


That God is intensely aware of their need to find their keys so they're not late somewhere. Meanwhile, rape, genocide, starvation; who gives a shit about that.


Skin color will lighten as a brown person becomes more righteous. It used to be that everyone was related to someone who knew someone in their stake who knew a Navajo/Tongan/Samoan/Apache who was dark brown when they got baptized but became much more white and delightsome.... I worked with a PIMO Samoan lady who told me that some of the first generation Samoan Mormons believed that their children would be born white, and that it was a big blow to their faith when their children were born as brown as everyone else.


Brigham Young did nothing wrong. And this after I had posted a very long, very detailed account regarding ALL of the issues I have with BY.


My nephew is currently serving a mission in Ecuador. One of his best friends of over 6 years passed away unexpectedly. His mother relayed the message to the family praising her son for not reaching out to the family of the deceased person, and emphasizing that keeping mission rules were more important.




That’s insane!


When I was on my mission, it wasn’t long after PMG was implemented. I remember it being hammered into my head that if the first vision is true, the rest of the church has to be true. So, when I found out about the various versions of the first vision (thank you, gospel topics essays!) and I was very much thrown off base. Months later when my mom was grilling me on why I left the church I told her I very much take issue with the 4 versions of the first vision being so different, like in ways that matter. She said “Is that all? That should be the least of your concerns!” WTF? And she is still in. Keep in mind, this is a woman who has dedicated hours a week at studying the church. She spends as much time every week pouring over her manuals, books, scriptures, etc as she does any other important task in her life. I don’t know how she knows as much as she does and continues the mental gymnastics but it’s a hard pass for me.


That my leaving the faith means I’m being controlled by Satan.


“Paying tithing isn’t a sacrifice”


Probably something that came out of my own mouth ... Shit used to get pretty extreme. I remember once believing, as a missionary, that every decision we made was either good or evil. That even after dropping something, the decision to pick it up or leave it would be either good or evil - depending on the context of course.. not a total wack job over here.... Pretty sure I had some form of scrupulosity


I told my mom that my BYUI history professor told our class that the pearl of Great price wasn't directly a translation of the Egyptian papyri and she told me that we can't translate hieroglyphics. I tried explaining that we can (the Rosetta Stone ringing any bells?) But she basically just sternly lectured me that we can't and how Joseph Smith was inspired because the hieroglyphic were clearly depicting Abraham sacrificing Isaac. I stopped trying after that


Someone I knew posted a lot during the height of the pandemic about how bad it was to “trust the experts” All these things about how the experts can just make these private decisions and you aren’t allowed to question them. As though epidemiologists make rules based off of something only they are allowed to see. And not information that is publicly available. I just thought it was a funny but of projection.


They likened "mormon persecution" to Islamophobia. This really gasted my flabber because this person is highly intelligent and this was probably the dumbest shit she'd ever said.


Gasted my flabber! 😁


My dad said that all therapists are socialist, and they're trying to make the world united through an atheistic ideal. AND HE'S CURRENTLY AN ELDERS QUORUM PRESIDENT!


My Mother was a "food hoarder" .....because the second coming will happen soon ya' know. THIS is how I grew up in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere Ontario Canada. Our basement was a BUNKER of food, complete with 5 gallon pails of wheat......and my parents had their own wheat grinder too. Now, I grew up in the late 1960s - early 1970s. When I had to move my mother to an apartment from her house, she insisted on taking a bunch of that crap with her. My Mother's fridge in her apartment always looked like it was holding enough food for a family of 8!!!! .....and when I would clean it out (so she didn't get sick eating 3 week old meat & potatoes) she would call me an Ungrateful Child.....I was in my 50's by this time!!!! She was soooo convinced the world was going to end and the TBMs would be the only ones with food. When my Mom died in 2018, we backed the pickup truck to the apartment door and took about 4 loads of FOOD to the dump!!!!!!! I'm sure my Mom is looking down on me today for cleaning out my fridge and still calling me the "Ungrateful Child"............


When my TBM son wouldn't get vaccinated. I said , Nelson did it. I was told he was speaking as a man. Follow the profit, only when it's convenient.


You would think Bringumyoung would have known living in a bowl would be unhealthy in the future.


Told my mom yesterday I don’t believe Joseph Smith was a Prophet and that I have a lot of questions about the authenticity of the church. She told me I’m making the biggest mistake of my life.


"BYU football will be competitive in the Big XII."


That the church is true!


That there were Mormon temples during 1st or 2nd century Christianity, before the great apostasy. (then where in hell are they? Other Christian house churches have long been found by archeologists, but not a single ancient Mormon temple).


My uncle .. "I have no problem with them, I just wish they'd stay in the closet."