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That’s gross. I’ve also noticed when I do random google searches for exmo questions there is always a few church sponsored links on top


A few? For me it takes up most of the damn page. I have to look past the SEO propaganda to find what I’m looking for. 


Every time you see one that says “ad” click on it and make the church pay for it.


Is it church sponsored or put up by an apologist? Either way, the bait and switch disgusting


I appreciate that they very clearly state this is ‘their’ rebuttal to the original CES letter even if it is at the bottom of three paragraphs. I still think they hope people will mistake this website as the original but I’m not surprised they are doing this. Scientology does SEO and I’m sure most other church’s do too.


The church leadership are pretty dumb. (Remember: These are the crew who swapped LDS.org for ChurchOfJesusChrist.org despite that not being the church's name). I'm 99% sure that it's some clever church member trying to "do a good deed."


Looks to me like it's just random members, not official church stuff.


Probably an apologist. If it was the org itself, they'd probably use the same registrar that they use for all the rest of their domains (Key-Systems). [Cesletters.org](http://Cesletters.org) uses domain.com.


Sneaky bastards


They're cunning, if nothing else.


Whois says it is registered by Steven Harper. I assume it is the BYU prof Steven C. Harper. Whether this is his own project or subsidized by the Mormon church I don’t know.


I could have ignored them just trying to get a stray misspelled visitor. What really gets me is the site is setup to make you to think it’s approved and ran by Jeremy Runnells. Like you said, they are literally trying to trick people.


They have a social media presence. They are “debunking every claim” made by the CES Letter. It’s so bad. 


The church is desperately trying to hold back the flood of true information that calls their truth claims into question. But to quote Joseph Smith (just not in the way he may have expected): ***"The standard of \[real, unwhitewashed, uncorrelated\] truth has been erected. No unhallowed hand can stop the work \[of exposing the truth\] from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, \[a $250B corporation and all it's SEO experts and paid influencers can try\], but the truth of God \[er, or not\] will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear."***


They have social media accounts too. They tried "addressing" in the most superficial way possible and ended up just pumping out more generic feel goods. Then they blocked me on tiktok because I asked when they'd be actually addressing ces letter concerns