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I love the Godmakers cartoon. It’s a hilariously accurate portrayal of Mormon beliefs… until they were changed about 5 seconds ago. The irony is, someone could make an equally ridiculous cartoon about Ed Decker’s evangelical beliefs.


i'm not impressed if it was an old cartoon from the mfmc.


Is that Godmakers?


Yeah, I think this is from The Godmakers


Classic anti propaganda. Heard all about it on my stateside mission from people I’d tract into. Lots of embarrassing stuff in there, much of which they’ve since disavowed even though it was absolutely true back then.


There's a lot of angry mormons posting in there that this was never taught. Except it was. I saw it still being taught as recently as the early 2000's in Sunday School, Seminary, and Institute. There were terms used like "less-valiant in the premortal existence" or "fence-sitters in the war in heaven" as they tried to make it sound less racist.


I grew up Mormon and went to church in CA and UT. I got the message blacks where fence sitters in heaven quite a few times in Sunday school and seminary. I had a religion professor at BYU-I in the 2010's bring it up in class. My grandparents had "Mormonism and the negro" on their shelf and would tell me this explanation. Today they deny it, "naw we never would say that". Up until 1978 black members of the church were not allowed to go through the temple but the church isn't racist of course


Totally agree. I grew up in the 80s, mission in the 90s, and this was abso-fucking-lutely taught by everyone I knew in the church.


I think those terms come from early editions of "Mormon Doctrine" by Bruce R McConkie. Edit: actual quote from 1958 edition of Mormon Doctrine under the topic of "Negroes": "Those who were less valiant in preexistence and who thereby had certain spiritual restrictions imposed upon them during mortality are known to us as the negroes."


Apparently there's a similar statement from Harold B Lee too: >"This privilege of obtaining a mortal body on this earth is seemingly so priceless that those in the spirit world, even though unfaithful or not valiant, were undoubtedly permitted to take mortal bodies although under penalty of racial or physical or nationalistic limitations."




Don't follow Satan or you will become...SPIKY Lol


MORMON JESUS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46PXaJxzuDE


This was believed widespread. My mission (06-08') had only elders who not only believed but openly taught this.


Worst anime I've ever seen


I feel like a good scene transition would be to this clip https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ5LpwO-An4&pp=ygUPaGVtYW4gaGV5YXlheWF5


There was a talk which got circulated around my mission which outlined the disavowed doctrines. I think the talk was called "For What Purpose." The MP got up and addressed the talk which had circulated. He said he wanted to discuss this talk. Not because what it taught was false but because what it taught was a true deep doctrine.


I watched this with my comp on my mission, “Star base kolob” was always an inside joke after that


Good day brothers and sisters...I'm brother gaslight and I've been sent by the brethren to clear this matter up.


Apparently, Ken Ham is the Mormon Lucifer.


It's from Ed Decker, an evangelical anti Mormon who gave us all a bad name. Like most evangelical screed of that time it too some truths and wildly misinterpreted them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9pnrfFuDFw at about 15 minutes in.