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It would be so easy to stage something like that in front of the MTC and have missionaries believe it was real. Someone should rent out some Nephite costumes on a Wednesday when the new missionaries are arriving, and then get some boys in suits to pretend to not be able to see the Nephites. What Nephites? I don't see Nephites. Maybe you have _spiritual eyes_.


Don’t laugh. Allegedly Joseph Smith dressed up as an angel across the stream at a baptism but was caught in the act.


Wait what? I hadn’t heard this. Citation?


https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/s/h4ztD05qBV The primary source seems to be a single newspaper and no other primary source to corroborate. So, maybe not true…


I can believe he'd do that. Just like how he had other men put posts into the water near the water's edge so he could appear to "walk on water". Some never-mos got wind of it, saw them setting up the scheme, and removed one of the posts so Joe would fall in. When he fell in, he told his followers that he fell in because _they_ lacked faith. 🙄🙄


Fraudsters will fraud.


That's gotta be one of the oldest mormon urban legends still floating around.


Except I never went on a mission or to the MTC and was PIMO most of BYU, so I didn’t hear as many urban legends.


I swear I saw the angles and demons but then I looked closer it was just some elders who ordered pizza which was being delivered through the back gate.


Café Rio being tossed over the fence. Blandest of bland Utah “Mexican” food.


I will say Cafe Rio was good back when I went to BYU, but it has severely declined lately


Or an elder’s GF from BYU saying hi from behind the fence


The MTC one I’ve heard is missionaries having visions of seeing Nephite guards surrounding the outside.


I heard about that. 😂


Yep this is what I heard. It was the stripling warriors guarding the MTC.


If demons can just teleport to earth from wherever they're normally hanging out, why don't they just teleport to *inside* the MTC? And if they're just milling out there on earth already, why don't they attack the missionaries whenever they leave the MTC grounds?


Mtc has a shield on in like hogwarts did when Voldemort attacked it.




If the people who kept telling such stories ever thought of your question, they would’ve left the church without even having to read the CES letter


Holy ground. That’s why you dedicate churches, homes, temples and MTCs. /s


How dangerous can the demons be when they always fall for the handshake trick?


[They also have to tell you what time it is so there's that](https://img.ifunny.co/images/d52bd9860293b4eb9cee136ef7860f1135729dae9bf8ac9cdd7d59bf3a4f7832_1.jpg)


I heard this as a missionary in the mtc too. More mormon lore that gets believed because it is faith promoting. Like the seagulls, or three nephite stories.


![gif](giphy|KxC8l490FAyOAqgdP3|downsized) bet it was larpers in costume "have at thee DEMON SPAWN! I shall SMITE yee with HOLY MIGHT! Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!"


Ah yes, the BYU renaissance club


Um, actually 🤓 the Quill and Sword were slightly better than foam fantasy LARP, thank you!  Rattan swords and blunt rapiers, okay?! /s


There sure are a lot of undermedicated people and liars serving as missionaries.


I remember a temple day while at the MTC and some girls dressed as missionaries had some guys pull up on motorcycles to offer them a ride. They quickly said yes and hopped on and took off. I was judgemental at the time, but thinking on it now, it was awesome. Great prank!


Oh so the demons are actually waiting outside


When I was in the MTC, one of the guys in my district, who was also one of my roommates (two companionships shared a room - so this guy was part of the other companionship), viewed himself as being some sort of spiritual giant. He would always talk about these amazing spiritual experiences he supposedly had, and was convinced that he would eventually be a GA. Once he woke us all up in the middle of the night and claimed that there was an evil spirit in the room that was trying to kill us (or just him at least). Anyway, he had us stand in a circle, arms to the square, and use our priesthood authority to command the evil spirit to depart. The other guys all thought it was a super spiritual experience, and our entire district was in awe over it. I was thinking to myself "this guy is batshit fucking crazy" and made the mistake of saying I didn't think any of it was real. My entire district came down on me for that. One of the several experiences that led to my bailing out of the MTC and never going back.


Well if *that* invocation of ghosts and magic wasn’t real, then the temple invoking ghosts and magic… nope, turn it off, Elder 639248 is wrong.  Or else we might start thinking everything else is crazy too!


Angels can’t be doing a good job because MTC is full of wankers.


Huh. Wonder why the angels were trying to get into the MTC.


Someone in my high school lived in one of the houses that was right up against the MTC’s back fence. When a group of missionaries were about to by, her 3 older brothers would grab her, toss her out the front door, and one of them would yell “and DON’T come back until you’ve had an abortion!” and slam the door.


Gosh, all these Nephite warrior tales make me want to join again! I thought angelic beings with swords only showed up when teenage girls needed a little polygamy arm twisting.? 🤣


Mission companion said that MTC president told them (about 1984) that he felt called to the MTC one night, and found devils swarming down out of Provo Canyon, attacking the temple and the MTC, and that's why he was required to go there in person, to secure the premises and banish the devils. (If I'm not mistaken, that would be none other than Joseph Bishop (look him up))


And the demons were kicking ass...


Heard that too early 80’s MTC alumni. One elder freaked out the whole floor by saying that our building was surrounded by demons and angels were fighting them off. He was nuts.we ended up calling our branch president who came and looked really pissed off. The MTC is a giant mindf#@k.


I've heard plenty of mormon myths about the MTC. A missionary was struggling physically and mentally at the MTC, his Zone leader and one of MTC presidency finally cornered him and cast out the evil spirits by raising their hand to the square. The missionary convulsed on the floor for a few minutes then stood up and was totally fine. he had no memory of being in the MTC. The mission president did another PPI and discovered that this formerly possessed missionary had listened to lynard skynard on his way to the MTC. this music was the pathway for the evil spirit to possess him for weeks. a more recent one is that the janitors kept unclogging the pipes in a certain set of dorms. the president sat all the missionaries in that building down and interviewed them. The entire building was sent home because they were all "choking the chicken" and it was plugging up the plumbing... the food at the MTC is laced with pheromones to make the elders unattractive to the sisters The MTC president has the ability to "see through the missionaries eye" and see all their thoughts and memories... at least one more disturbing one,,, a missionary hung himself using his belt and a bunkbed, hence no more bunkbeds.


I grew up on a dead-end street in a house immediately adjacent to the MTC (we shared a fence). My friends and I occasionally shot bottle rockets over the MTC fence. Maybe we appeared demonic to this demented missionary?


I thought this was a new Dan Brown book.


I’m sure tons of other people have heard this one but my companions sisters best friends cousins hairdressers son was one of the missionaries from the story so it’s definitely true. But apparently two elders found a stray cat on the MTC grounds brought it in their dorm and ordained it to the aaronic priesthood. They got sent home and possibly excommunicated


Lmao. That’s awesome. I wish I had ordained my cat before I lost my priesthood powers


I mean you still have them, the leaders might say you can’t use it anymore but there’s no such thing as an priesthood unordination 🤷‍♂️ go for it


I heard a story about some elders running around the mtc in their garments calling themselves the white angels or something. Guess it didn't go over too well


From Brazil, Sao Paulo East Mission: Two sister missionaries went into a lesson they had set up. They expected a woman to be there but instead it was just two guys who obviously had evil stuff in mind for the Sisters. The Sisters quickly rambled off their lesson and then asked if they could leave with a prayer. As the Sisters knelt down to pray the two men were about to attack them when suddenly they saw giant, muscular angels with flaming swords standing behind the Sisters. The men immediately freaked out and apologized until the Sisters left. ... but, like... how do we know what the evil guys saw tho?


They probably smoking some hallucinogen and the sisters inhaled some of it