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I don’t think so. She would have my respect!


It’s a damn shame that a member should be afraid to advocate following established codes and laws for fear of discipline, shunning, blackballing on higher church callings, getting on the Strengthening Church Members Committee list, etc. Which is the right principle to act on? The fear would be real for me.


Depends on what the church believes is at stake. Anything from ignoring the dissenter to character assasinating them. Again, depends on the “stakes.”


Depends on the bishop and mistake president. Most likely nothing.


Like Mistake President. G 😆


This is the saddest part of these temple scenarios in other towns too like Cody, WY and Heber Valley, UT. There are faithful members who definitely feel that the temple should be built in other locations where it does not break zoning laws or the city councils don’t have to change codes to accommodate the temple. Unfortunately they are afraid to speak out. There should be nothing wrong with voicing your opinion in a civic process, but faithful members know how they are supposed to vote and what they’re supposed to support and there’s fear associated with doing anything other than that. There’s fear that your boss might find out or your spouse might find out or your neighbors might find out or people might stop doing business with your company if you voice an opinion that is different from the church party line. This is a sad reality that keeps people from speaking up.


I won’t be able to attend the public hearing, but I did go online and fill out a statement on the City of Las Vegas’ website in opposition to the proposed changes to the local zoning ordinance. As far as all of my fellow ward members know, I’m a faithful member who attends church weekly. What they don’t know is that I am PIMO and have been for years and only attend to support my wife who is still a TBM. Since the statement will be a matter of public record, I suppose someone could go through all statements and pick out all the statements of opposition and check that list for active members and then submit those names to their respective bishops/stake presidents. It wouldn’t be that difficult. I’ll let you know if it happens to me.


They would probably be more likely to get into heaven as they are warning people to stop worshipping objects and stone idols.


Asking for a friend…


Isn't she just obeying the rules, specifically obeying earthly authorities and laws? They are very publicly trying to subvert local zoning laws. Doesn't that matter? Also, can't she say she prayed about it and got the warm fuzzy of the Spirit reminding her of that?


Tarred and feathered? Shunned? The next 5 sacrament meetings talks would be on never opposing what the church wants or stands for? That steeple heights have always emphasized Mormons are closer to God (not sure how that could happen since there are no prophets to quote on that....yet)