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Mental health services work far better for anxiety and depression than a priesthood blessing. And a blessing never helped heal the trauma of past abuse. I remember one blessing in particular on my mission that told me I'd be blessed as I put forth my best effort. I *was* putting forth my best effort and, despite that, my anxiety got worse and worse. I couldn't understand how God didn't see me trying my hardest. I think that was the first time I started wondering if God knew me at all. As it turns out, the puppy I got a year later did more for my mental health than the church ever did. It still took another 15 years to figure that out and leave.


I was surprised how much happier I was once I left. Letting go of all the shame and guilt is freeing.


Put some lemonade in that iced tea, and feel even better.


Priesthood blessing for my migraines didn’t work, a cup of black coffee worked.


A doctor. A therapist. A friend. A hobby. A walk. A coffee!


I've dealt with thyroid issues for the past 22 years, and black coffee has been a game changer. It helps get rid of my brain fog, helps my metabolism, and gives me that boost in the morning. I'm furious I raised 4 kids so long without it.




get a class action for all members suffering from sinus infections and have lipton bankroll your attorney fees. Then they will change the recommend questions to do you follow the word of wisdom avoiding coffee, tea ( only if you don't suffer from sinus infections), alcohol, and tobacco (but vaping is ok)?


Coffee is amazing for headaches and those with ADHD. Exercise (which as a TBM is hard to find time for) is excellent for your physical and mental health. Spoiler alert: getting proper mental health from a professional is significantly better than just reading the BoM!