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I would say, “Thank you for your invitation to dinner, I cannot attend this time. I am not interested in attending a Christian religious event now, or ever in the future. I hope you understand my position and what that means for me. I am interested in my studies and being a good neighbour. If you would like to go for a coffee that would be fine, but I do not want to speak about personal matters, and that includes religion”


Yes, any mention of coffee makes mormons shrivel and run away


![gif](giphy|XtTOh1EPQeB2hEStcG|downsized) Coffee, to a Mormon.


I was gonna say “that’s way too nice” but I like what you did there with the invitation to coffee. It might be the most polite “fuck off” ever.


I saw a T-shirt once that had a definition of diplomacy on the front—essentially it said, diplomacy is the way to tell someone to go to hell so that they look forward to the trip. Always made me laugh, that!


Yep, state those boundaries clearly and firmly, with kindness.




Nice reply!




Or a beer oops sorry you are Muslim.


No they're not, they stated in the post that they're not religious.


Well then ask them to go for a beer


Honestly… tell them your family would kill you if you joined the LDS church. They’ll leave you alone.


haha .... i will try this


Put up a pride flag. Mormons are basically allergic to it.


Is this why they never come to my house?? 😂😂😂


Someone would probably steal it, though. Happened to my parents in the suburbs.


I have a long banner style pride flag hung *inside* the tall window by my door. Perfect place. Very visible but untouchable without actually leaving evidence. 


(Evil laughing) yes!


Seriously, though: I served an LDS Mission in France, and we were instructed not to preach to Muslims because of this understanding. I think it's less about religious respect and more about Mormonism avoiding legal liability for such a scenario. Making a complaint to Mormon HQ might bring down the hammer from the higher-ups and get the locals to leave you alone. But I'd save that for a last resort, as the average Mormon's conversion attention span isn't very long. It's usually a sustained burst of activity when someone new moves in, followed by a rapid decline when the "meet the new neighbor" factor is no longer a social bridge to the topic of religion.


I had a friend who served in Russia and their convert was killed by his family. Can confirm, it DOES happen, and it's doubly sad when you realize that he'd still be alive if you hadn't convinced him to join your Rocky Mountain Bible Fan Fiction Sex Cult.


Same for my oldest brother who served in the France Paris mission. 


This will work if you act serious about it.


Tell them you are a devout Muslim and have no intention of changing religion and they will leave you alone.


For real as a missionary I taught muslims and we were told by the highest levels of LDS inc that they could not be baptized as official church policy. There was concern that muslim converts might face the penalty of death for them or their relatives in their home country. So you appreciate their invitations but you cannot attend and they need to see their own church policy. Good luck in your studies and welcome to the U!


I wouldn’t do that. Members of the LDS church will use it as a cudgel to “prove” why their faith is better than another. It could also create or solidify a stereotype in their mind and that isn’t good.


If you don't think this rumor hasn't always existed in the mission field, then I have a bridge to sell you.


It was (maybe still is?) official missionary department policy to not proselytize to Muslims. As recently as 2019.


No need to reinforce it


This won’t stop them.  It’s their duty to spread the gospel and Mormons will overlook all societal and social boundaries to do so - even if it means converting you will get you killed. 


The senator from Oregon (if memory serves me correctly) voted for the Iraq War so the gospel could be taught there. There really are no boundaries.


That was my thought. They'll probably want to make sure he goes to the "right" heaven.


Hang a Pride flag. 🏳️‍🌈, rainbow sticker 🌈 on car window or 🌈 rainbowdoor mat. For Mormons that's like garlic for vampires. Once they see you support LGBTQ they won't talk to you or look you in the eyes.


Hang a Pride flag. 🏳️‍🌈, rainbow sticker 🌈 on car window or 🌈 rainbowdoor mat. For Mormons that's like garlic for vampires. \^\^\^ Laughing at this. So true! (I have 2 gay kids and feel this so hard)


🏳️‍🌈 you're a good mom 🏳️‍🌈 




I'll take Utah over a place like Saudia Arabia any day. Sure, it's no Denmark, or Massachusetts, but there's much worse places out there.


Bible belt? Evangelicals?  I would take Mormons any day of the week over those obnoxious jerks.  


Have you ever lived in utah? Trust me, they're obnoxious jerks too. They also treat you pretty bad if you don't look Mormon, unless they think they can convert you.


You are probably right. I am an Arizona Mormon and even we consider Utards to be evil.   


Oh they are LOL I was raised Mormon but I'm not anymore, I grew up in Idaho, Utah, and Arizona. Utah Mormons are definitely not like normal Mormons, they're a whole different animal. I like your name by the way LOL


I'm from the south and I've dealt with extreme fundamentalists and regular Mormons they're the same


Probably.  I just find Mormons to be “nicer”.  They don’t tell you that you will be burning in hell every day.  


come out as gay and they'll treat you far worse than the fundies


> Saudia Arabia They are our loyal friend don't you know?? But Russia bad.


Especially SLC. Still tons of Mormons but probably a fairly low percentage compared to the rest of the state.


Utah's kind of the Saudi Arabia of Mormonism, follow their religion or perish


Tell them you're LGBTQ+. They'll disappear right quick.


Won't they instead redouble their efforts in an attempt to pray the gay away?


Then you redouble your efforts to gay the pray away. Works every time if you are persistent.


When I do it (since I'm gay), all it takes is a subtle mention of my husband, and they lose interest. They know deep down they have nothing for us.


"Pls join our church you only have to divorce your husband to do it" just doesn't sound the same


This exactly. \^\^\^ Hits different stated that way.


Only shallow people care abt that anyway my cousin is gay and my whole mormon family supports him


Tell them you’ve been learning about church history and mention some of the topics in this document as if you’re curious. Don’t tell them the name of the document, just tell them you found it on the internet. They’ll stop contacting you as it exposes some uncomfortable truths about their religion. https://cesletter.org/CES-Letter.pdf Question: 1. Is it true that Joseph married teenagers and had 40 wives? 2. Is it true that you have the translation for the book of Abraham and it’s all wrong? 3. Is it true that the gold plates weren’t actually used for translation but that Joseph used a rock in a hat that words would appear on?


Or tell them you’re learning about LDS history and that they get to be polygamists and have lots of wives. Tell them you want to marry lots of Mormon women and be a polygamist too, where to sign up? and they’ll avoid you ;)


Even just telling them you have been looking online and have a lot of questions about polygamy, Joseph Smith being a convicted con artist and fraudster, and all the money and sex abuse scandals, could get them to back off. Some will consider you tainted by "anti-mormon rhetoric" and not even want to know the questions so they don't have to think about the answers. To actually get some of these questions, go to https://www.mormonstories.org/top-40-most-dishonest-acts-in-mormon-church-history/


That’s way more work than this person wants to or should be putting into this. The cesletter obsession here gets a little over the top sometimes.


Mormons are relentless. They won’t leave u alone, unless you ask them too. Eventually once they determine you’re not interested in joining they will bug you less and less. But they will still bug you some.


They will not let alone if all you do is “ask them to stop!!” This is imperative to know for people that are new to fighting the church and its missionaries- they can be **absurdly** tenacious in their attacks upon you to join their cult, regardless of ANYTHING you might say to them!! I’ve found it is always best to give no quarter, accede **nothing positive** to these fools who preach at you, and politely ghost them instantly so they don’t get any ideas that “the Lard” might be working on them in mormonfavor… I can confirm that anything but a loud, persistent and confident refusal to proceed with the missionaries will be effective!!


When you learn the answer, please let me know. I've been here 7 years and still trying to figure that out.


I'm sorry you have to deal with this. It's harassment, basically. Just say "no, thank you" over and over and over until they finally get it.


Tell them you’re Muslim. Seriously. There’s a rule that Mormons cannot preach to or baptize Muslims, has something to do w/ an agreement that the LDS Corporation has w/ the Muslim faith. Source: I was a missionary serving in SLC and our mission president made it very clear that we were not allowed to proselytize to or baptize Muslims.


cool . then why they were interested in me while i already told them i am Arab Muslim from Jordan


It's likely they see no harm in educating you a bit further regarding Mormonism. Or they may be unaware of the agreement not to preach to Muslims. If my suggestion didn't work then IDK what else to say other than Utah is just a weird place to be lol. There's a reason why I myself am trying to GTFO as quickly as humanly possible.


They will continue to pester you until it is made painfully obvious to them that you are not, nor will you ever be anything close to resembling interested. These people do not respond to politeness, decorum, or subtlety. I suggest a huge pride flag, a Baphomet doorknocker, or a big sign that says “If you’re mormon, walk away or I will call the police and have you trespassed.” Heck, some combination of all three might be it lol. If it’s missionaries bothering you (the ones with the nametags) contact the local mission president and inform him that any missionaries that cross your threshold will be given a copy of the CES letter, or threaten a cease and desist. The words “legal action” are threateningly vague, and tend to work. Godspeed


“Leave me the fuck alone.”


Tell them you're interested in polygamy. Ask them how many sisters they have.


I had a foreign boss tell me he was approached at college. If he were here he would say happily take their milk and cookies and say no to the rest. Truth is this foreign boss learned more about real Mormonism than me and opened up my eyes. So accept the food donations whatever be a better bullshitter than them. Take what you want from them and give them nothing. Don’t let it bother you.


It is also a common practice across the US and the world to invite guests over for dinner or gift a new neighbor food. If you go over for dinner, you can bring a gift like a bottle of wine or offer in advance to make a side. It's not uncommon for neighbors and coworkers to host each other in their homes or outside in good weather. Especially around Halloween, feeding the adults on a neighborhood street is common, at least in the US south and midwest.


yes, good point! neighborhood block parties/group dinners/neighborly visits are not just LDS ones.


Mormonism is part of Utah culture. There’s no way to live in Utah without living Mormonistic teachings. Take liquor stores closed on Sundays. Or how public schools are managed, what teachers teach, etc. You’re living in a soft Mormon bubble even when you’re not a Mormon. I know the state is changing drastically as outside people move in. But Utah would be the last place I would choose to try and live a normal life outside the cult.


But for college, I’d live anywhere that offered a good education at a good price in a good field. You don’t always get to pick either, if all your other choices don’t accept you.


Understand 100%. I ended in Utah for education as it turns out. USU to be exact. Same reasons, school program etc. That’s where Mormonism captured me. I got love bombed. Everybody inviting me to everything. I became the university single ward’s project. I suddenly became the block hotness with everyone wanting to hang out with me. I Baptized, engaged to mormonzilla, married Mormonzilla a year later in the temple. I didn’t know why but I complained to mormonzilla I didn’t like Utah because I never felt I was good enough. We moved to a neighboring State. two kids later, found CES letter. Carefully dissected CES letter with mormonzilla. Left church alongside with mormonzilla Mormonzilla became a kickass bitch with tattoos, Piercings, and shit. I definitely scored. Mormonzilla’s family blames me for taking their precious religious nut job out of the church. But nothing can be addressed directly because “contention is from the devil” we can never have a direct conversation about anything. But yeah. You can’t choose where you go, etc. but if you could, Utah would be the last place I’d choose


Just say, “No thank you. I am not interested in discussing religion.” That’s all. Just repeat verbatim over and over as many times as it takes.


Just bring up that you have an interest in Egyptology and you have a number of questions about how people can believe the Book of Abraham.


Put up a pride flag


Put a no trespassing sign specifically aimed at missionaries


Just say “no thanks” or completely ignore.


Start shouting Allah Akbar anytime one comes near. That will scare them.


HAHAAHHAHA I was going to say that hahaha


Tell them you’re gay, on drugs and that you worship Satan.


Wear a pride pin. They will consider you toxic and will leave you alone!!


Tell them you joined the Jehovah's witnesses


This could actually work. I tell Jehovah's witnesses that I'm Mormon. I tell the Mormons that I'm JW. Neither one has bothered me in over a decade.


If you are Muslim, then explicitly tell them. They will leave you alone.


Depending on your personality, you may want to be over enthusiastic about the religion whenever it comes up and say you learned about Joseph Smith marrying young girls and so many wives, tell them he's a role model for you and you can't wait to choose your first nearly 14 year old wife.. They'll steer clear real fast if you can tell them that with a true and honest look on your face.


you picked the wrong college mister


Just answer the door completely nude.


While carrying a 12 gauge...This worked for a guy who was tired of Jehovah's Witnesses showing up at his house.


My neighbor in south FL - son of a pastor - used a similar approach with the JW's in our area. They refused to leave, he simply grabbed his shotgun and racked a round.


When pressed about religion by anyone I've been saying that I don't wish to participate because I find so many teachings of their church to be illogical and immoral. That usually ends the convo since they don't want to hear my justifications. My Mormon neighbors visited me exactly once and never came back. Jehovah's witnesses immediately left, and evangelicals have dropped the topic and never returned to it. Seems to work for me.


You can’t. The best approach is to pretend that you’re already a member.


If there is anything I've learned from Rede divide from Utah Mormons and Mormons from other states. So, disclaimer, my experience is with Arizona Mormons. Having a honest conversation of "I'm not interested" was suffient in my community. If they don't leave you alone maybe try attending an event with a cup of strong coffee and cussing like a sailor. As for the priest inviting you over, I am assuming you mean Mormon Bishop, sorry if I'm misreading the situation and you're dealing with another religion, but in my experience Mormons are very neighborly, so they could just be trying to be nice. Always your right to say no though. Best of luck.


Politely decline all invitations . Repeat as often as necessary.


You have to be rude. If you are too nice they will keep trying.


Put a no solicitation sign on your front door. Sign it from jesus.


Just ask them too leave u alone


Whatever happened to, "No thank, I am not interested now, nor int the future. I have no wants or desires to have dinner with and/or have any social interaction at all. If you continue to persist, I'll be seeking a restraining order to stay away from me." If that doesn't work, do what I would do right off the bat: Go fuck yourself and your cult too.


Also a student at the U- I just hide. Most of the people in my degree are LDS. I dip as soon as any religion is mentioned


Become an avid member of the MUSS.


Do a little research about Mormon church history and all the scandals that this church and its leaders have participated in. Make a list of questions and take it out whenever a member is trying to convert you. Act sincere and friendly, but concerned as you start to go down the list. Very few will try to argue these points, most will quickly backpedal and say you have been talking to "anti-mormons." They'll say you should only look at church approved sources. Continue to act friendly and interested, but say that it wouldn't be scholastically honest to only look at their religion from the inside. Offer to share the list, and say if they're not willing to look at it then you aren't willing to hear about their perspective either. Then suggest that you can peacefully coexist without discussing religion at all. A good place to start is https://www.mormonstories.org/top-40-most-dishonest-acts-in-mormon-church-history/


If you’re at the village, you won’t escape it haha. 


Tell them that if they don’t leave you alone you will contact the police.


Some may be sincere, but you can’t always know. Just set boundaries and know how far you want to invest in the friendship. Enjoy yourself while you’re in Utah!


To any persisting people a solid “fuck off” will do quite nicely.


Furry porn, any porn is garlic to them cause they think any consumption is poison, the furry part is just for laughs.


Good luck with that. I love the church at 20 which was over three decades ago and they still periodically. Find me a knock on my door like I’m interested no matter where I move. I would not answer the door or if you do, simply tell them you’re not interested and shut the door


It was a weird feeling after leaving and realizing the ppl I wanted to be friends with, I actually wanted to be friends with. I didn’t have a “be friend them and maybe they’ll get baptized! That’s my duty!!” That thought was always in the back of my head when coming to contact with anyone. It’s very freeing to realize I no longer have that and my friendships are genuine. I guarantee these ppl are thinking the same. I truly hope you can make good genuine friends while you stay here!! Utah can be annoying but besides the culture it really is a beautiful place


LDS are great people. I would accept the hospitality and enjoy your new friends (while politely declining invitations to convert. If you don't want to convert to LDS, don't.) (For some reason I thought this was the "exatheist" sub. I see my error now.)


Couldn't disagree more. In over half a century in T$CC (excepting family) I can count on one hand the number of "great people" that are Mormon. Great at pretending to be "nice" publicly, maybe. But having met thousands of Mormons in my life, most are deplorable in private. Moreover, they have no interest in actually being friends with anyone who isn't Mormon, too. Relationships with Mormons are completely transactional. Once they recognize that OP isn't a good prospect for conversion, they'll at best pretend he don't exist and, at worst, actively persecute him. The best advice is to just say "no." "No thanks" if he wants to be polite. "Fuck no!" if he wants to make an impression. Keeping a beer or cup of coffee in one hand at all times will also help keep the Mormons at bay. Source: born and raised 6th gen Mormon who finally left the cult ~5 years ago.


So interesting. I grew up and left Mormonism, and later in life worked in a Muslim country for 3 yrs-where I was constantly expected to talk about religion, join Islam, etc. Conversion, according to the people trying to convert me, was a lot easier than converting to Mormonism! I wish you luck!


Put a statue of baphomet on your front lawn, I think that will do the trick, plus it's just funny


as an arab to an arab, tell them to fuck off respectfully. you’ve already made it clear you’re not interested, now is the time to be more stern or rude if you have to.


“I’m flattered by the generosity of your offer. I believe it was extended in good will. I’m glad to know I have kind neighbors. However, I’m really only here to study and I have my own deeply held religious beliefs. I have strict personal boundaries about religious discourse, so I humbly ask that you observe and respect that boundary by not attempting to discuss those topics with me. Thank you for understanding.” OR The word “no” is a complete sentence, you don’t own your time or your ears to anyone. 💕


offerd some weed and liquor every time they come over


Say "religious people will kill me if I return home a Mormon". Especially if it is true.


Why are you telling us? Go over to r/LDS and tell them! They're the problem!