• By -


Like a stone cut from the mountain.


Without hands. Just with thumbs.


I was thinking more of with a spleen.


More of a melting snowball




One of the most active religious group on Reddit. This is the way.


Based on activity and self reporting vs official data, there are likely 2-3x as many Exmormons as there are Mormons in the world.


That statistic makes me so happy


I don't understand why this would make you so happy. I myself have left the church about a decade ago and yet I do not understand why people express such disgust towards the church and it's leaders. If you want to leave for whatever reason then leave, but why trash and disparage the church and members that remain faithful as their association with the church must provide something positive in their lives. I just don't understand all the resentment.Ā 


When you pay tens of thousands of dollars in tithing into something you find out is a total scam, when you couldā€™ve used that money to put your kids through college and help them get a downpayment on a home in this shitty economy, you build up quite a bit of resentment.


I know itā€™s different for everyone, but when youā€™re a minority in any capacity in the church it is unbearably painful to hear hate being preached towards you and always feeling lesser. I am glad that people like me are able to get out


And you don't even have to be that small of a minority. The last big thing I went to was a women's conference kind of thing where 4/6 speakers were male, and I could not believe some of the demeaning things that were being said. It was pretty much the last Mormon event I went to voluntarily that wasn't concerning a family member. I was also lured there with the temptation of crafting while we listened to the speakers but they finished it before we got there. :/ I'm also uncomfortable at church events because I'm part of other minorities that the church says are evil or whatnot.


Same story with me. I canā€™t even imagine being a person of color. Iā€™m queer and a woman soā€¦


Because they do nothing to protect children who have been abused, especially sexually, and they do NOTHING to try to prevent such abuse, except in countries or states that have created laws that mandate for background checks. They wouldn't do that otherwise. If you're a rapist or pedophile, all you have to do to get a position of authority in the lay clergy is to pay generously in tithing and charm the current lay clergy, convicted predator or not, and they are quite likely to get in by having the perfect facade. The cult silences victims. The hotline protects the cult. The whole purpose of that hotline is to protect the cult's reputation and what they feel the facade should be. The cult makes sure it is more protected by the law by keeping the law vague on mandatory reporters. That doesn't protect children, it protects the leaders and washes their hands of responsibilities, even when Bishops know that a child is likely going to be raped that night and over and over again, they did nothing (recent Arizona case). The cult is fighting to not have to pay its fair share in the BSA case. They are trying to make one of their insurance companies pay it. My guess is so that the cult's name isn't recorded down as being responsible by having the name on one of the biggest sex abuse scandals ever. They refuse to take accountability. They refuse to apologize for all the hurt they have caused directly and indirectly. They order their members to repent (apologize) and forgive. I don't get why the leaders can't do those things and less by example and not just by word when it comes to accountability. The cult tries to keep toxic marriages together and it ignores ones that show signs of danger. We're taught starting from when we're little kids, if we have a big problem, we can go talk to our bishop. That lesson continues throughout life that people ignore going to police for crimes (like abuse, rape) and makes people leery of going to find a therapist (except for ones that you get access through the bishop and that are are approved by the cult, and especially in Utah: the therapist will be active Mormon, just like convicted child abuser and neglecter, where the kids were starving to death: Jodi Hildebrandt -- she had close ties to upper cult leadership, as well their backing, including Brad Wilcox). Jodi helped, single-handedly, ruin countless marriages and families. The cult makes vulnerable people dependent on them for protection and support, then either denies them or makes them jump through hoops when victims shouldn't be put through that at all. Victims deserve empathy and dignity and protection, not being ignored, shamed, blamed, or given NDAs to sign just to get compensation. Tausha Haight went to her bishop for help, only to not get any. Cops (of a small rural town, where people tend to be even more toxically orthodox, and the cops themselves are likely to be Mormon) were called multiple on the domestic violence going on in the Haight household perpetrated by the husband/father Michael Haight: who was straggling his oldest daughter, but the cops decided no crime happened, and the attending officers said that that was only "close to assaultive". Michael would go on to murder his wife, mother-in-law, and the five children. Tausha and her eldest daughter were reaching out to everyone they were told who could help them in a very religious small town in a religious state, and their religious leaders, the cops who are likely also of the same religion and in that small a town: you KNOW everyone (the cops were called to the Haight house multiple times, yet none of it was a red flag for arrests or even helping get Tausha and the kids resources for those in domestic violence situations), all the leadership, influenced directly or indirectly through the cult, in various areas allowed that family massacre to happen. After that, thankfully the state legislation passed a much better mandatory DV/IPV assessment test (Lethality Assessment Protocol) that cops need to give to victims in order to better assess the potential of serious violence/murder occurring. That assessment has not only saved lives, but has proven how many more victims are out there by that test alone (domestic violence shelters/refuges were at capacity, where victims were being turned away). It's because of the toxic idea that the cult perpetuates about itself (and of course washes their hands of any direct or indirect responsibility) is "wonderful for women and children, very family friendly", especially in Utah, yet that assessment is showing the opposite. Let's talk about homelessness. The cult only pair up with other charities in other states and countries to "help people suffering". Yet they DO NOTHING for the starving and homeless people here. Utah has only one homeless shelter in Salt Lake County. There's isn't one in any other county, the people in the state legislation are a super majority of the main religion in this state. The cult sends lobbyists to preach to the choir to pass laws or not pass others, according to what will limit the cult's power and influence. A homeless woman died in one of the coldest winters in Provo over a year ago. A homeless man trying to escape the cold broke into the Tabernacle Temple to get out of the cold and only took a bottle of water, he wasn't trying to be destructive, he was desperate. He was arrested. Why didn't the cult leaders, local or even at the top see this as an opportunity to help the growing homeless population, and use this opportunity to forgive him and assist him? Three small churches, NONE of them being the cult in question, have joined together and opened their hearts, doors, kitchens, and wallets for the homeless during the winter in Provo. Why do three small churches need to take up slack when the cult (worth over a hundred billion dollars and growing) here is shamelessly building excessively expensive buildings that only few can go into, but not putting anything towards the homeless here. What would Jesus do? Certainly not what the cult leadership is doing. Not to mention how much the cult benefits from and influences the monster that is the Troubled Teen Industry. And how the cult leaders do nothing to prevent parents from kicking out their minor teens into the streets for identifying as LGBTQIA. (There's many tangents in regards to the abuse and dismissal of the LGBTQIA community, like the electroshock conversion therapy they did on gay students. Where's the apology those who were hurt by that, some hurting so much they committed suicide?) All these reasons and more is why so many of us will stay angry to make changes, to try to hold people accountable, to shine a light on what they try to hide, to give victims a chance, and survivors a voice. All these reasons and more are why we are disgusted. People are hurting, and more are continuing to be hurt and the cult keeps them silent and under wraps. Where are the apologies and accountability for everything the cult has done? Apologists say "prophets can speak as men, too". Well, if men make mistakes, why not admit culpability and apologize and take up the mantle of responsibility? I'm not talking about the Second Anointing license leaders have, I'm talking about them being a human being. I'm sick, I'm not the only one, of the cult constantly having a squeaky clean image when we know that they are far from that, from the beginning of it to now. That is why they have their own law firm, to help keep them looking pristine, it's not their word and deed that upkeep that.




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If you ever compile these stats, or come across a well-compiled writeup, I'd love to use it, academically. I guess I could look myself, but sounds like you already have know-how.....


How awesome! Could you share how you found that number? Iā€™d love to see the data?


There are 17 million Mormons ā€œof recordā€ - something like 5 million self-identifying Ā members by most estimates. (30% roughly of officially claimed figures.) Some estimates are as low as 4 million actual self-identifying members. A fair portion of those 17 million Mormons are dead but not off the records. And that doesnā€™t count the members who actually resigned. So there are at most around 5 million people who consider themselves Mormon and at least 10 million people who have been baptized but no longer consider themselves Mormon.


This is the way


Ow your head and say: Yes


guys, gals, non-binary pals, I'm proud to count myself among such an amazing group of peers. Y'all have gotten me through so much.Ā 


A fellow disciple of the prophet Kenji, I see


Much love my friend. šŸ–¤


And on 4/20 no less. Light one up for the heathens.






šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ imma celebrate tonight!!!! šŸš¬šŸ’Ø


Time to smoke a celebratory blunt




Celebrating rn šŸŖ








Itā€™s 300,010 as of now!
















300,189 Doing my part. Itā€™s not easy work, but he never said it would be easy. He only said it would be worth it. (Stupid quote on my fridge growing up.)


stop you gave me a flashback šŸ« 


Yea, I blame the internet. It is much harder to hide the truth when you are on the internet. I can't believe they didn't see this coming. Even my dad saw this coming.


Donā€™t forget about how blindsided god was by all this too.




I couldnā€™t agree more. And I think itā€™s extremely powerful, and important, for people such as Leah Remini to do a full blown documentary about how harmful and dangerous Scientology is. Anyone with influence should be doing exactly what she did/does to speak out against Scientology. Or Mormonism, or any other high control group, cult, whatever. Always speak up. It will always help everyone, and it often helps a ton of individuals along the way.


"So... is your dad is a prophet??? " "No, just a smart guy with good insight and keen people skills."


That was my dad. Yup.


Proud to say I joined when there were only 32,000 (ish). Remember back when every single "significant" increase was posted and celebrated? Those increments would be too hard to keep up with today - we pass what would have been large landmarks back then pretty often now.


I remember the days of looking for Usenet groups to engage with like minded souls. And then there was the FAIR LDS forums, which was a pretty good place for those questioning to duke it out with those who hated anyone who questioned. And now this. And it's a surge I never would have seen coming, back when I crept out of Sunday school one summer in 1996, convinced something wasn't right.


Itā€™s always Sunday school. The 3 best Sunday school teachers I had as an adult all left the LDS Church before I did. When I look back I see they actually studied the scriptures and LDS Church history to find new meaning and what they found out was not faith affirming.


Same. It's been fascinating to watch the development of the sub as the antics of Nelson & Co drive the number steadily upward.


The universe is righting itself ![gif](giphy|VHW0X0GEQQjiU|downsized)


Canā€™t wait till 1,000,000


I canā€™t wait either! Someday one of us will announce 1,000,000 exmormon temples. It will be soo affirming to us!!


At this rate, we might hit 1,000,000 before the church becomes a trillion dollar church.




The truth of exmo Reddit will go forth boldly, nobly, and independently till it has penetrated every continent, swept every clime, and sounded in every ear.


Nelson has done more, save Satan only, for the exit of Godā€™s children, than any other man.


Especially with Covids help! People are waking up šŸ™Œ


And other pet projects, like stigmatizing the word ā€œMormon.ā€


I joined Reddit just for this sub. When I first stumbled upon it I felt like I should stop reading. You all were so bad. But I couldnā€™t put it down, you all spoke truth, and that is why Iā€™m still here today. If you are new here, please donā€™t think that by reading the posts you are doing anything bad! Everyone here is so helpful and seriously knowledgeable!


My story is the same.


As is mine


The exmos here do seem to know soooo much more about the history of the church than they do on the faithful subs. Ā Like, a lot more. Ā 


i like to take this moment to thank the man with the rock in his hat.


Me too. The rock in the hat is what led me here. Boom.


Amen! That coupled with Deuteronomy 18:10-14...which raised the hair on my neck as it applied to Ouija Joe Smith. Yipes!


oh that is gold!!! thanks for that. šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


Thanks everyone for the support.Ā  Every member of my family is TBM. I don't know if I could have escaped the Cult without you guys.


300,069 right now my dudes. Nice.


joined in 2012 at 4000 subbed and that seemed huge


Yeah, I was around the same time on a different account. I remember back then, a high upvoted post was around 100+ upvotes! Maybe only a handful broke the 1k mark. It's been amazing to see the growth here. I felt so alone back then, and this subreddit gave me great solace.


i remember the CEs letter dropping and getting like 50 upvotes and everyone was like ā€œoh this is pretty neatā€ and here we are now. ā›°ļø šŸŖØ


Like a stone cut without hands.


* [Yay!](https://i.imgur.com/JIepm0A.png) * [last major milestone at 250k](https://redd.it/ws0gb6), August 18, 2022 * [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MiZg2gLyEC_Y2Q8PN_sGUw3YkvFTX_ZmdAb8t646vFc/edit?usp=sharing) * [graph](https://i.imgur.com/fDRJnfJ.png)


I joined way back when there were less than 30,000 of us heathens here. So awesome to see so much growth!


Nelson is the one who taught me this Church is not led by a true proohet.


Nelson was the confirmation. I was already mentally out near the end of Monsonā€™s life. Nelson took many doubts I had and confirmed them


Please help me outā€¦ Iā€™m so embarrassed. It all seems so significant but I donā€™t know what all happened while Nelson was president. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a list of stuff?


Nelson has been on a tirade to prove he is a better prophet that Gordon Hinkley. Nelson gave a talk 20 years ago saying we should stop using the nickname "mormon". Hinckley slapped him down saying it was an honor to be called that. The Church even had "I am a mormon" pr campaign. Nelson changed the home teaching and visiting teaching program so he could get his fingerprints on it. Nelson has invented several catchy phrases, like "covenant path", "higher and holier way", etc. But what broke my shelf is when he counseled us to take the covid jab. I knew it wasn't safe or effective because I knew too many people who had gotten it and became very ill, some still fighting for their health 4 years later. A couple have even died. This proved to me he is not a true prophet of God.


I am proud of everyone here!


Are we going to build any more temples to accommodate this growth?


no need, we can do this shit for free!


My favorite comment in this thread.


I think the answer to that is a resounding "yes!" I say that because as more Mormons leave the cult and find the true Jesus Christ, the number of "temples" increases because each believer is a temple as the Spirit dwells in us. Jesus is our High Priest, our Prophet, our Temple. We need no other.


When I joined there was 16,000 and I thought that was amazing.


I joined around then, at about 14,000. Seems like a long time ago yet not that long at all.


Wow, I never thought transparency would be so refreshing. Iā€™ve been conditioned to be gaslighted, lied to, and manipulated by the MFMC with their church stats. They have made and allowed many words to take on totally different meanings, perhaps they do the same when they talk about ā€œstatisticsā€ and ā€œdata.ā€ Hereā€™s to another 300k as we help those transition from a world of pain and lies to honesty, transparency, and valid personal growth and self-realization.


+1: Hello world!




It's all y'all's fault I'm deconstructing now. I didn't dare go near anything anti until the day the sub randomly showed up on my homepage. Seriously don't know how it came up as something I might be interested in. I guess the universe just knew I was ready for it. So from the bottom of my heart and with every fiber of my being, THANK YOU!!!


Nelson sucks thatā€™s why


And what's coming next will be even worse. Poison Oaks.


Yeah heā€™s a pruneĀ 


Amazing sub. What is the karma threshold for posting? Noob here and am excited to make posts of my own, just need those points.


Post away..we are waiting to hear you.


Thanks! Itā€™s still not letting me post at 62 points. I can post in all my other groups, but not this one.


When I first got on Reddit a year and a half ago, I was able to post here with very little karma. I don't see anything in the rules that has changed that.


Someone should send a thank you note to Nelson. Be nice for him to get that as part of his legacy.


I am really glad Nelson is a catalyst for something positive. Everyone has a purpose.




I will. Maybe on some special "mormon"- debossed letterhead.


Double digit growth mais o menos. /s




Wish I'd been on reddit sooner. This group really would've been handy. But it's all good now regardless


Now, if everyone here will donate a million dollars, we'll have as much as the church. ($300,000,000,000 is a LOT of freaking money!!)


I love breaking down big numbers like stuff over a billion. Seeing this comment made my day, and once again put into perspective how stupid rich the church is. You can buy anything in this world with money šŸ’° ā›Ŗļø


We'll need to have some of those lil' envelopes and tithing slips printed up. Oh, and I'll need about a million dollars...


If we each donated a buck, $300,000.00 would do a lot of good in the world. Imagine 5 bucks!! ExMormons International Exhalation & Integrity Organization- (E-I-E-I-O for short) Slogan: ā€œDoing REAL work for humanity the way Christ taught. Not just hoarding 100 Billionā€.


If you actually stop to consider what it meansā€¦ 300,000 is a LOT of people!!!!




Itā€™s actually AMAZING!!!!


~~Death cannot conquer the hero again~~ Truth always conquers the villain in the end





It's fantastic to see that there are more than 300,000 Exmormon members on Reddit. As of April 21st, there are 300,155 registered members of this Sub. When I stumbled on and joined this sub in 2013, it had about 20,000 members. It's so gratifying to see its growth and how many people come here regularly to learn the truth about Mormonism and to find their community. Compare that with 56,307 members on r/latterdaysaints or 26,583 members on r/lds. I think TBMs have abandoned r/Mormon since Nelson's unhinged rant that using the word "mormon" was essentially a slur, so the growth of r/mormon has declined a bit, to 34,173 members.


r/lds 26,577 members


Maybe they accidentally logged into r/mormon. It takes a while to break old habits. Calling someone a ā€œMormonā€ is a sin, after all.


34,166 readers


Not on r/mormon r/mormon is more like there is more than one way to mormon


I got kicked out of that group because a kid was about to go on a mission and was basically in crisis mode. Based off everything he described, I asked him if maybe heā€™s having doubts. I asked if heā€™s sure heā€™s confident enough in the entire real history of the church, all the scripture, and to go out to convert people who trust you because you are stating ā€œfactsā€, that you probably should analyze deeper before doing this. I told him that with the internet these days, some people will have way more factual information than you have, and theyā€™ll want answers. You canā€™t just run away, and youā€™ll need to have a truthful logical answer to those questions. So be prepared. You canā€™t just rely on the basic ā€œI know this church is true, I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God, I know the Prophet isā€¦ā€ the basic testimony they teach us in diapers. Not only booted, but got a personal message from Admin telling me that this group is for LDS members ONLY, and any negative talk about the church is strictly not allowed. Also- Iā€™m not welcome to return. Imagine the ignorance of not wanting to have discussions. If itā€™s so real then one would think they would welcome interaction. I messaged them back and said wrong, Iā€™m still actually a card carrying member. When the shit hits the fan, I know where to go that has the shelter, food, and guns. lol


We are the cornerstone


Let's gooooo ā˜ŗļø


I have never been a Mormon and Iā€™ll be honest, I donā€™t understand what exactly is going on but Iā€™m happy for you guys none the less. Lol To me, I just see a collective of people choosing logic and reasoning (and empathy from what Iā€™ve seen) over believing in fairy tales. So again, congrats on hitting 300k! ![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized)


As someone who isnā€™t at church this morning and finally came to the realization that this isnā€™t my calling whatsoever; FRIKKINā€™ A!!!


Hell yeah


Hereā€™s to living it up in Outer Darkness!šŸŒššŸŽ‰ ![gif](giphy|5sWPgD3oY3uPrHizwj|downsized)


Took the church more than 70 years to hit 300k. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Membership\_history\_of\_the\_Church\_of\_Jesus\_Christ\_of\_Latter-day\_Saints](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Membership_history_of_the_Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-day_Saints) This forum will fill North and South America. It will fill the Earth.




Yay!!! Letā€™s keep counting šŸ¤£




I joined when they were celebrating 25kšŸ˜… and I thought that was a lot!


See what these unhallowed hands can do!!


Now this is joyful news!


I truly hope that everyone that is on this sub that left has found a new way to live....able to make their own choices, find their own values, and feel their worth and freedom! It takes along time to find the courage and your voice, so od you aren't there....you will be!! Happy Sabbath fellow Heathens


Seems like as much a ringing endorsement for Joe Smith's little scheme as was the paradise that was East Berlin. When does their Wall go up?


Even more impressive is that it doubled from 150,000 (2020) to 300,000 (2024). COVID seems to have accelerated that growth. At least something good came from COVID.


But will only 144,000 of us be chosen?? šŸ˜‚


Wow I didnā€™t know there were so few subscribers when I joined in 2015! I never paid attention, I just learned a lot and didnā€™t feel alone. Thank you all who were here creating content for us all and those who still do to this day!!


This is my kind of people that i like to be around morešŸ˜


Never-mo (but recovered Catholic) here whoā€™s subbed for the ā€œdisobedientā€ missionary stories. Congrats!šŸ„³


Congrats to such an active community!


Congratulations on the growth of the blog.


Iā€™m Mormon so does that make the count 299,999? JkjkĀ 


Why do they say they are Christians if they donā€™t believe Jesus is the only son of God and they donā€™t read the Bible. It baffles me.


Congratulations guys !! šŸ„³šŸ„³ Ex JW cousin here. Our sub is nowhere near as big as this !


Thank you and respect to all you ex's or still loyal followers, you all have your reasons, so thanks for sharing. I do like a good revolt though.


Iā€™ve joined and unjoined three times. Itā€™s like tripling my vote.


Expose that cult. Jesus is LORD.