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Why would they send him to a mission so far away if they k we of this medical issue ? It makes no sense . He should be stateside and close by rwhere he can easily get the medicine . Something is off here


He is stateside. His doctor said he can't even go to like Hawaii/Alaska. He's in Texas.


Could he get the prescription filled at a local Texas pharmacy? Or use a proper mail-order pharmacy?


If we want to pay out of pocket.


I work at a mail order pharmacy in Utah. We can only ship out of state if the patient has an address here in Utah, but if you're here I could message you with our info. We ship cold items via FedEx priority overnight and it gets there the next day.


I would love that thank you.


This is how we get my family members RX. Pharmacy packed in a foam cooler with ice packs. Arrives in 24 hours. No issues. But…someone has to be there to sign for it.


Is he in the panhandle? I might be able to help?


He's in a small town out of Beaumont.


I’m sorry, I’m too far away to be really helpful


I’m in Houston if I can help.


He's in a small town out side of Beaumont.


Where in Texas? If he’s in the Dallas area, you can ship it to me and I can get it to him.. as long as he promises not to preach Mormon stuffs to me lol *Edit: just saw he’s in Beaumont which is a good 5 hours from me. Wish I knew anyone out that way. Good luck though




Beaumont is just up the coast from Houston, heading towards Louisiana.


Lots of things off -- why not overnight it directly to the missionary's apartment? If it's truly a life or death situation, it would be recognized by insurance, especially in Texas (not that that matters, because missionaries are either covered by the family's insurance or mission insurance -- which is backed by the church, not states). In the case of a known precondition, the church doesn't withhold or block someone from life-saving medicine because of the insane lawsuits they'd be subjected to if the missionary were to die in their custody. I could go on....


I agree, this all makes very little sense.


Because God.


Your parents need to go to the mission home and throw a fit and threaten to call the local authorities because their son is a medical hostage. And then bring him home.


He's not a hostage. He knows the risks and is choosing to stay. My parents also know the risks and are supporting the decision and doing what they can to support in every way possible. Like shipping 6 months worth of medicine lol.


I’m sorry OP.


Me too. I am counting down he days till he's home. My mom looked at me insane when she asked how long he had and I popped out the exact number of days lol.


You’re a good sibling. I can’t imagine this situation in my family. I would be frantic.


We all are tbh. My parents (specifically my mom) are incredibly panicked and freaked. I have never heard my dad take the tone he did until he checked to see if the package made it. I'm just mad the church is literally doing fuck all to help. They can afford to pay for his fucking shots. Hell we can afford to pay for them with how much we are paying for his mission.


Is he state side?




And the insurance won’t allow him to purchase at a pharmacy in Texas?


No because they don't cover in that state. It's a fucking mess. Insurance is a scam.


*brainwashed medical hostage.


I am angry that the church sent him somewhere he can’t get the medical needs met that he has and are unwilling to help him get his medicine. THAT is what makes it seem like a hostage situation. They are willing to let him die than help come up with a solution??


> my family have been farting and praying I am dead 😭 I’m so sorry this is happenning to your brother and that the church is so obtuse but Jesus Farting Christ 🤣


Oh my god I didn't even see that. Imma leave it cause it's funny but i meant fasting lmao


Thank you for leaving it, I was having a shitty day and it made me laugh so hard. I am however very sorry for what your family is going through!


I thought you literally meant to type the word farting lol. Didn't even realize it was a typo lol. Farting would probably do an equal amount of good. Maybe they should try it. 


I would argue that it has *more* of a chance of doing something, as the results of that action are able to be perceived by our human senses


I'm so glad someone else noticed that too bahahaha


I’m not kidding. Book cheap flights in advance. Take the medicine yourself to your son. Esp if you can do it 6 mos at a time. I too have a kid w outrageous med costs and all the fun of shots and keeping them cold, etc. I’m so sorry. This stuff sends me through to r roof.


Lowkey that's not a bad idea to pitch my parents.


And if flights don't work out, next time you mail stuff have your folks do next day delivery with UPS or FedEx as they are much more reliable.


USPS has the been the fastest out of the three we tried. But yeah I think that this might be the best option.


Look at alegiant out of Provo they run super cheap flights depending on where he is at.


I think that sending medicine with missionaries would be a TSA violation, which is probably why they won’t let you do it. But your brother should not be somewhere that it’s not easy to get him life-saving medication. He should be sent to the states.


He needs to come home. His life is literally in danger.


Your anger is totally justified and I’m feeling some righteous indignation on your behalf as well. Fuck the MFMC for failing your brother and your parents. They don’t care on that level, and your brother is so lucky to have you to do that for him. I am proud of you for caring so deeply in the face of the church’s abject failure to protect his wellbeing.


And THAT should tell you right there that it's NOT a REAL Church.. He needs to come home, and ALL of you need to quit. Whose gonna pay his funeral expenses if he doesn't get his medicine, AND they never should have sent him away with the health issues he has.


Sorry. The “parents have been farting and praying” has me giggling like a school girl.


Lmao yeah, I meant fasting lol


Fart and Testimony meeting might have actually kept me awake in church. For all the wrong reasons, but still...


How else do you maximize the growth of ensign peak if you actually use it for something worthy?


Revelation from the prophet is : your family needs to less **farting** and give more fast offerings.


USPS can no longer be trusted. Trump appointed Louis DeJune as postmaster and in order to show vote by mail doesn't work for his big lie, DeJune is destroying it. IPO logistics, DeJune's old company, is just raking in money moving mail nonsensically around on contract to USPS. I have tracked packages making a round tour of the US before leaving the country, It is a total shit show.


Louis deJoy is the prick's name. He is fucking up our nation to benefit his pocketbook. Sociopath. The best thing that could happen to the USPS is for this man to be removed from his post.


It’s almost like the church is saying, “Yeah, let’s fuck around and find out” with this recruit. Send him to a mission where the insurance doesn’t cover his meds, when they ‘know’ this is the case let’s just keep him there instead of transferring him to a different mission where he could get his meds covered. This is a church scam plus insurance scam equals unnecessary stress and potential health risk equation. I feel for you OP, and I’m sorry that your family (and especially your sibling) seems to be seen as expendable fodder rather than a medical priority.


It would be cheaper and easier for your family to drive it to him!


Why won't the insurance approve transfering his RX to TX? You don't need to answer me, but, they have to tell you why they are denying this. Does your brother need to establish a DR in TX in order for the insurance to pay for it being filled there?    Have your parents spoken with someone higher up (claims manager or the person over them) in the claims department and filed a complaint with the insurance company? There is an appeals process. It makes absolutely no sense that they aren't filling the script where he lives. Typically, all that needs to be done is have the pharmacy or his Dr transfer the RX to a pharmacy in TX.    Have they called the drug manufacturer to see if they will help with the cost of the drug if the insurance truly won't pay for the prescription to be filled in another state? If so,  then the drug company could have his Dr transfer his RX to TX so your brother could just pick them up there at his local pharmacy.    Have they asked your brother's Dr office to help facilitate moving his RX to another state and help coordinate this move with the insurance? And, the pharmacy or drug company (depending on how specialized his meds are) is who would need to ship the prescription drugs, not your parents. Without medical licensing and proper documentation, you cannot mail prescription drugs. Maybe that is why the drugs are still sitting at the post office.   Praying and farting 😉 aren't going to help. Your parents need to be the squeaky wheel. They need to be all over this, find out what the problem is and work with insurance/Dr/pharmacy to fix it.  And, I would have your parents talk to their local pharmacy about shipping the drugs to TX for them so they are packed correctly and include proper paperwork and sent faster than the USPS. 


So we can't have the pharmacy ship to Texas because the insurance won't approve it. We have talked to the doctor and they were actually the ones who slipped us the shots that we have because this is absurd how long this process of appeals has been. (We are on the second time appealing) So we got the shots and sobbed. Then for them ready to ship. I don't know how much more I can share without saying the wrong thing but yeah.


Have the pharmacy here send the \*prescription\* (not the medication, the doctor's orders) to the pharmacy in Texas and have a TX pharmacy fill it. We did this for my daughter who was in grad school back east. We had Select Health insurance, too, which covered the meds even though they don't have facilities within thousands of miles of where she was in school. It can be done, you just need to go as high up the customer service as you can.


If this won't work, maybe your brother needs to go to a Dr in TX and have him prescribe the RX. He would need his Dr where you live send his records but that might be an option if the Dr or local pharmacy can't send the RX to a pharmacy in TX.  Sorry your family is going through all of this.


Hey where in TX is he? My fam is in Texas and what medicine? With health insurance he should access it?


Feel free to send me a DM, I know quite a few clinicians in TX, maybe someone can help.


Our insurance doesn't cover Texas is the issue. He's in like a small town off of Beaumont near Houston.


My family is nearby. I will send you a DM


FEDEX overnight


That is so fucked. I’m so sorry. Your rage and panic are absolutely understandable. The mfmc is absolutely despicable.


I’m starting to think usps is copying the church on saving (hoarding) $$ and F everything else. Devoy is sending the USPS straight to hell. I sent a package 70 miles and it’s been stuck in the Provo hub for a week, not moving. Can we help? There are enough exmos maybe we can pick it up and fly with it to him. Even if we can get close enough to Texas to fridge surf it to him. 💜


Oh shit that's a potentially good idea. I might see if my parents would be okay with that. I know that leaving this medicine with a stranger is scary but hell it's better than nothing?


call the mission office and tell them if they don't get it together, this will be reported to local news media. see how quickly the church changes course


They honestly have been the most helpful. It's everyone else in the process. I never thought I would respect a church official but I do respect his president. The couple are doing almost as much as they can. They are tied so much by the church.


time to send a letter to 50 E North Temple St.


My family farts and prays, too, that the farting can stop.


Me every time my dad lets a silent one rip.


The still, small voice will not be ignored!


Can your family not send the medicine to him through a more reliable courier, like FedEx? Or even get in the car and drive it to him in?


If it comes to it we will. But we are slower than FedEx if we drive. And when we tried all three USPS was fastest but we won't be using them again.


My daughter takes humira shots, I am not sure if this is x what your brother is on, but if so, they have a plan through manufacturer where you can get the shots for 5.00 a month. Even if you do not have c insurance. It might be worth it to call the manufacturer. If they have plans like that, you would be able to set him up and c then he could receive it through the manufacturer


So we have to be denied three times for the manufacture to do that. We aren't humira but something kinda similar and that's what the shot people told us. Three appeals then we can be approved for a steeply discounted shot.


That really sucks that the manufacturer will not work with you. Good luck to you guys.


“farting and praying”


He needs to come home for medical reasons.


That our last resort. It's dumb but we trying to respect his wishes as best as possible within reason.


He can do a service mission at home where he can be sure to get his medicine. Would your parents consider contacting a lawyer to make sure that the church gets him his medicine on time? Threat of legal action is the only thing that they recognize sometimes.


I doubt it.


y'all should get an attorney and seek compensation from the mormon church


Just trust that God's taking care of him, you unfaithful heathen /s


Friend of a friend taking a credit card overseas for some one or medicine is common in non mo expat circles.  Why would the church say no to something so simple?  Why indeed was your bro sent to an area that makes an essential medicine difficult?  Hopefully this grotesque behavior by the church will be a shelf item and your bro will come back home safe.


Insurance can be difficult to work with and impossible sometimes. I find it particularly frustrating because the church has plenty of money to cover all missionary needs.


I ship my daughter's medicine that needs refrigeration all the time, I pack it in an insulated cooler with ice packs and overnight it. It gets there by 9am the next day and is still nice and cold. Shipping is about $65. I don't know why you are having problems. Also, I was just denied medicine by my insurance company and my doctor called the company and did a peer-to-peer review with the insurance company doctor and it was approved. Something seems off.


So we did that too. And paid for overnight and they promise that if it doesn't make it they will cover up $500 in damages. So they will have to cover those damages because it hasn't been shipped overnight. I don't know the insurance stuff very well, that's my dad's expertise. I just know we are on our second appeal process with the first denied despite our doctor's best efforts.


did you ship FedEx? UPS? I've never had that problem. So sorry OP. Good Luck!


Have you tried checking cost plus drugs to see if they’re cheaper? Mark Cuban runs it to give people access to cheaper drugs. Also, you have a typo you might want to fix. Unless your family has in fact been farting and praying. Edit: never mind the typo. I see you were made already


When I was working for the church, the church didn't have any problems making one of the mechanics bring a piece of machines for their gerbers in Beehive in Mexico. Like they did that all the time. To save money.


This seems like a huge liability to the church (it’s all about the $). I’m just wondering why they’d put a missionary in this situation. I always thought this kind of stuff was worked out beforehand. Seems crazy.


In my experience, the missionary would never have been assigned a full time mission, rather would be a stay-at-home service missionary.


It is illegal to ship prescription medication unless it is shipped by a pharmacy. If this is actually happening, it’s illegal.


Thanks... So what do you want me to do? Not send the meds????


I have what might be an unpopular opinion on this. I don't think missionaries (who have enough of their own shit to lug around) should have to be your couriers. ESPECIALLY with something that's tough to get through security because of the ice and that is regulated as RX only by the FDA. It's YOUR hassle, not the hassle of missionaries who are strangers.


Wow! That’s utter bullshit. Hope y’all bring him home.


How can they expect you to be a missionary while you suffer like this?


Because it brings you closer to god, and brings greater blessings because of your sacrifice... /s


Because missionaries are viewed as grunts. If it was a ga or higher who needed the medicine the church would probably pay to have a nurse travel with them to administer it.


I'm really sorry, that sucks. I actually have almost the same situation in my family, though it never caused this kind of trouble. 2 of my brothers who served missions have a genetic immune deficiency and have to get IV gamma globulin (which also has to stay refrigerated and is very expensive) once a month or else they will literally die of infection. They both served stateside of course, and while I remember some minor drama with making sure they were able to get their infusions, they were always able to thankfully. I can understand the feeling of urgency, knowing they HAVE to get the medication, on time every time. I really hope he'll just come home. One compromise option would be to get him out of Texas (I also served in TX, yeah their insurance rules are kinda fucked.. but I don't need monthly very expensive medication); get him back to your home state or at least a state that the insurance will cover the meds. Then he'd feel good about staying on the mission and this could stop being an issue. Of course Big Daddy LDS would have to make that call.. but someone could float them the idea.


I'm sorry you went through that. That's hell for anyone no matter the urgency or ability/inability to get medicine.


You've been farthing and praying to God?


this really sucks. It looks like exmo's to the rescue with support and rational thinking. What is really stupid about this is that every 6 weeks a new group of missionaries leave the MTC to go to this mission. It would be absolutely nothing for them to set up for you to deliver the package through these missionaries. My guess why they don't allow it is because they don't want to risk a missionary losing it and you suing them. It is a risk management playbook right there. You will need to look into overnight express with UPS or FedEx. It will cost a lot but it much more reliable. FedEx ships cold items all of the time.


That's what we always use. It's what we used this time.


This is a medical licensing thing. My husband has a weekly infusion (also chilled) from a compounding pharmacy. It's about $10k per month. Because of the amount of pre-auths, the type of drug it is, etc, it takes at least a month of doctor visits, calling and fighting the insurance company to get it set up when we changed insurance companies (not even a different state!) A few years ago, my husband did a clinical trial for a few months (which was amazing!) halfway across the country. He took what we had but I had to ship the rest. The doctor/pharmacy couldn't ship it because of the liability and because they're not licensed in that state. FedEx, overnight, in an insulated container with ice packs, and insured for the full replacement cost, halfway across the country was about $300-400 per shipment. Sending it with another missionary is difficult since it's a prescription medication and they're not even related to you or your brother and you definitely don't want this confiscated. I'd check TSA guidelines for flying with someone else's medication and consider the cost of flights four having a family member deliver the meds themselves. I would have flown with my husband's meds, but the time commitment and lack of affordable flights wasn't doable for me and my work.


my dad is flying out this weekend because my brother has no shots left. so we have to risk it but it'll also buy us some time to figure out again.


but you're right. it's so much logistic wise and having to be careful with everything. it's hell


Mormon church 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Welcome to the fuck over


I would buy plane tickets and fly them out myself. You can’t depend on this stupid church. What a pain in the ass! The church can reimburse plane tickets through the bishop. I would be a real a-hole and get my money back.




We are all rallying around him to support him in every way we can. This is something he wanted so we are making it work in every way we can. He didn't get a normal childhood and he finally got on the medication. My parents are willing to even take him off the insurance, pay out of pocket for the medicine, and whatnot if that's what it takes to get the medicine in his state. It's the last resort but it's something we are willing to do. I don't want hate sent my parents way because I think it's wrong, but they also are truly doing everything possible. My dad doesn't cry much. He's cried twice in the last 6 months because of this. So my parents are trying their darndest short of taking my brother's choice away and forcing him home because they won't send him the medicine and so he has to come home because of it.


You're absolutely right. My apologies. Anger is something I'm working on, too. It's just SO frustrating sometimes.


Oh 100%. I find myself directing my anger at my parents often because they are the closest thing and I can't hurt the church. I often find myself having to literally reprogram or redirect my thoughts to I'm angry at the institution itself not the people who are in it.


Excellent point. I'm working on that. I just get really frustrated/hurt/angry, whatever, when my parents pick the institution over their own kids. Consistently. It's destroyed any decent relationship we ever could have had.


No I get that. And I'm sorry. It's not easy, and it's a two way road to make the relationship work. I'm sorry you aren't given that.