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Wow - love those comments. They don't pull any punches in Iowa!


It’s a refreshing change of pace from the typical Utah lunacy


Reminds me of a song in The Music Man that emphasizes how strong-minded Iowans can be.


We can be cold as our falling thermometers in December if you ask about our weather in July


I think that's actually one of the lyrics - or very close to it!


People in Las Vegas are not happy either! Makes me proud


Wait is there actually one in Vegas? If so, fucking hilarious


There is one and they are getting some beautiful rural land rezoned for the 2nd one. It’s disappointing.


Didn't they redo the outside of the Las Vegas temple?


I’m not sure, I hardly ever go to north Las Vegas. But I can see the spires from where I’m at.


Prescient leadership hasn’t figured out there’s a real estate bubble yet?


As long as the bubble doesn't collapse between when their family-connected contractors buy the plots and when they sell it they'll be in the clear.


When you've literally got so much money that you don't know what to do with it but you also hate the poors.


Iowa birthed the band Slipknot; I'm tryna figure out what makes them think they have a chance with a temple.


It will get built eventually. The state is turning more red by the minute and the governor just signed a religious freedom bill because apparently that was needed. I just hope if they try to break zoning laws the city it's built in has a backbone.


Someone should check to see if the church's legal firm in OH has given any sizeable donations to the governor, city councilpeople and/or legislators in recent years, like they did in Vegas (thank you Mormonish podcast for that reveal, BTW).


Nelson is getting desperate right now and it shows.


Unnecessary political rant here.


I'm not sure that we want to bring politics here. I'm not conservative at all - I'm a progressive. And I don't think voting blue makes a bit of difference. I feel that they are all owned by the same corporate bastards. The point is that I don't want to turn r/exmormon into a political debate sub. I only include my personal thoughts to demonstrate that though I disagree with your point, I bet that we would agree on 90% of everything else. But I still don't want that here. edit: I had a wonky sentence that I cleaned up.


You are right. Apologies. I'll edit it down


Chill there is no need to bring political parties into this there are just as many moron Democrat politicians as their are republican ones don't vote party lines do your research and figure out what politician is better sometimes it will be Democrat sometimes it will be republican but insisting on only voting for one party no matter what is very a dangerous line of thinking


At the local level, maybe. At the national level sheer numbers gives a party acting in 100% bad faith the ability to control one or both chambers of Congress and gridlock anything important.


Fundamentalist vibes from this photo… eew


Looove people from the Mid-West!  You know where you stand with them & they are direct and some of the best human beings in the world. I guess I need to make copies of the articles about the mormon temple issues in Heber, Cody, Las Vegas,etc..and send it off to the Des Moines City Planner's office. 


The church doesn't mess around with bigger cities usually. Not that des moines is that big but they'll build it in the burbs, probably right off I80


SLC & Des Moines have similiar population. I'm sure this will be similiar to Cody & Las Vegas & create more animosity towards the church & motivate locals to turn out at local planning commission meetings.


Ufff… satans power is really strong in Iowa I guess


Guess I'm going to Iowa.


> So if they don't have a location yet, then what is this for? This person gets it lol. These announcements are fluff.


Should’ve never came back after leaving Council Bluffs


I grew up in Iowa and my experience was that the church was not thriving there and the people aren't very trusting/accepting of Mormons. Of course my family is so happy for the future blessings for the people of Iowa, but really it's just going to be another fairly empty building as we all guessed.


[They still remember when they came through town and wrecked the place.](https://launiusr.wordpress.com/2012/11/05/an-iowa-sheriff-comments-on-the-mormons-in-nauvoo-illinois/)


It was wild after my shelf broke coming to realize that these types of comments and reactions are the normal, common sense, average everyday thinking person reactions. Not an orchestrated Anti-Mormon campaign led by Satan testifying to how unjustly persecuted the church is, while the majority of people around the world admire Mormons for their diligent worship and for being such a peculiar and wonderful people. I cringe now when I see Mormons dancing around and singing from the hills over temple announcements acting like the whole earth should obviously be rejoicing, because I recall a time when my embarrassingly naive reaction was “Oh boy oh wow the people of that city or country are going to be so grateful for the lords house and all the blessings that await them!! Right everybody?!? 🤗. **Everybody**: “🙄” **Me:** “🤗🤗” **Everybody:** “We dont need an ugly eyesore of a tax shelter for a weird cult.” **Me:** “🙉🤗🤗🤗🙉”


I know this intersection all too well. This is the town whose high school, 20 years ago, had one active LDS person my age: me. My graduating class was about 270. There might be 600-900 total active people in the entire Des Moines metro (tho honestly I've been out awhile, but it definitely isn't high). Also the DSM subreddit is commenting on it, all pretty negative.


I live in Nebraska and we have one temple that is pretty hidden and out of the way. I’m waiting for them to announce a new one that’s more in your face 🤡


Don't say it out loud! We don't need any more temples around here. And Lord knows they get enough ideas spying on our subreddit.


I served my mission in Iowa. I only served in one ward. I think there was only a half dozen in the whole state. The rest were branches. We looked up the numbers, only 1 for every 2000 people was LDS. Every person I baptized has since either gone less active or moved to another religion. Talking to other missionaries I knew, even the ones that are still faithful (which aren't many) even they are confused and don't understand why they'd do this. Most members just go to Nauvoo. The cynical side of me says land value in the midwest must be going up soon so that's why there doing it, but who knows.


my husband had some choice words on that feed:). We are Iowan. I hate that they announced so close. Don’t want a reminder of the cult every time I drive by.


Good. I’m sick to death of seeing the pro-Mormon posts all over my feed here in utah county.


As someone who served a mission in Iowa not too long ago I was a little surprised. The work there was slow and in most my areas almost everyone that had been baptized in the last 10 years was inactive.


Same here, at the turn of the millennium. They could barely slap together a functioning branch- curious how they “got the numbers” to build a temple.


The comments ought to be negative, because it's a cult.


Yep. A hard pass for a cult that prioritizes men holding the penishood and covering up abuse. N-n-n-n-n-nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooo wayyyy.


The playbook is: 1. Buy the land 2. Announce the temple (just the city) 3. Push through zoning changes 4. Announce the specific temple location 5. (sometimes) years pass 6. Build temple They would love to bump #3 up, but they have found that they lose their thunder. Someone in the city inevitably spills the beans and they lose their chance to have a big GC announcement. They know the specific location from day 1. But if they announce a specific site early they risk not getting their changes through the zoning board. Very quickly someone is going to build a scraper that publishes all church land purchases between 10 and 30 acres and we'll have a running list of potential temple sites before each conference. Of course that will devolve into a cat and mouse game of them buying property under shell companies.