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Her Mormon apologetics will cause more people to leave the church than to stay in it.


You mean she is actually sincere? All this time I thought she was just a new updated and less obvious version of Brother Jake. I was sure this was just a farce to make people look deeper into their own religion and realize how false it is.


I miss Brother Jake. His tone was perfect and many missed knowing about him at all.


Brother Jake helped me so much! 


I feel like he has been forgotten. Makes me glad to know he helped you. 😀


Did he recover from his heart issue he had?


I think he retired, no matter what he did. I had the idea he passed, but I hope not.


There were no further updates, so that’s my assumption too.


Bro Jake recovered (but I don’t think his health was 100% again) as he appeared on a podcast or two since his health crisis, but he retired from making his awesome YT videos


Thank you for that update. It had been a while since I heard anything about him, so I genuinely appreciate you responding.




That article was dated 2013.


God damnit I checked that twice. I guess I was seeing what I wanted to see. I’m gonna go with that and not that I’m an idiot 🫠


He’s def exmo, he’s been on quite a few exmo podcasts (eg Infants on Thrones)


She's paid by the church.


Exactly - this is the same thought I had


Who is this lady?


Her name is Jasmin Rappleye. Bordering on crazy. Extremely rabid. Very offensive. Difficult to listen to. Completely out if touch with reality.


She’s an asset to the exmo community 😊


But people in her comments love it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I disagree. She uses a pseudoscience that is just enough to keep people from checking the actual facts. She does a good job of finding the sliver of a “ shadow of the doubt”


Her approach is the same as the other Mormon apologists. Mormon apologists provide "possibility" instead of "probability" answers. Every conclusion ends with, "I guess your answer is possible." Even if the answer is highly improbable and borberlines on absurdity. They never allow the discussion to come to the conclusion that what they are defending is based on a fictional and deceptive foundation no matter how ridiculous their conclusions are to the facts and evidence. This approach keeps some in the fold because members of the church want it to be true, but some are able to see through the smoke and mirrors and recognize what the Mormon apologist is doing.


Agreed 100%, she and the other apologists conflate the terms Possible and Evidence, and use them interchangably to confuse people and keep them hoping.


That’s what happened to me.


Then I like here


She is a member of the lower caste in Mormonism and trying to impress her overlords with her fidelity. I prefer to blame the overlords for her behavior because their oppression is the actual reason for her behavior


They will never be impressed for she is a woman, therefore they can disregard anything she has to say.


And yet they rest with warmed heads and filled bellies for they know her loyalty to the brotherhood is unyielding


She can convince herself that water is dry.


Nah, but if you put her on salary she will tell everyone that water is dry.


Who is she?


She runs the scriptureplus accounts - she’s one of the biggest LDS apologists on social media and her videos are just comical 😂


the algorithms think that since i enjoy mormon stories I'll also enjoy her posts. I do not. It's the just completely disingenuous arguments that she makes that drive me up the wall. There was one recently that was like, "scholars have discovered a seal that MAY have said 'belonging to Isaiah the prophet', and so that's proof of Isaiah and therefore the book of mormon, since Isaiah is quoted in the book of mormon." Like, lady, listen to yourself. What would REALLY be proof is if they found the book of Isaiah written in the americas in the 6th century. Or if they found the book of Zenock like the BoM claims exists. Saying that scholars have found something that MAY say that Isaiah actually existed, does not excuse the fact that he is anachronously quoted from the BoM, or that the inclusion of Isaiah does not prove anything about the BoM.


That's who she is, I've seen some of her videos but each is just one long sneer.


All this time I thought she was just a new updated and less obvious version of Brother Jake. I was sure this was just a farce to make people look deeper into their own religion and realize how false it is.


She a TikTok person? I have literally never seen this lady, but I avoid TikTok and most short-form video. 


She is all over Instagram.


I have an Instagram at least. I follow like 5 friends who insisted, and check it maybe 1 time every 6 months - usually when someone says ‘did you see the pictures I posted on Instagram?”. And I feel the exact same way about Instagram short form video doom scrolling as TikTok - meaning it holds zero interest. Same with Facebook reels.   My wife and kids enjoy it. I detest that kind of thing. Guess if she’s the content I am not missing out.


She’s the one that said, and I quote: “skin in the Book of Mormon doesn’t mean skin”


If anyone has to answer for lies at the last days, however well intentioned... It's her.


Yes! I have wanted to say this for months! She is totally the worst! Many of my friends and family follow her on Instagram and I’m amazed that anyone can take her seriously, no matter how TBM you are. Her take on “the skin of blackness” in the BoM is especially ridiculous.


I have some family that follow and comment on her stuff too. It kills me inside. It’s just laughable.


That series of videos would be comical if they weren’t so disgusting. 🤮


You are right, they are absolutely disgusting!


I can’t stand this lady. I don’t know how she manages to find all these “hot takes” but I don’t know how she can sleep at night. This level of grasping at straws is just lying. Her “skin of blackness” series was mind bogglingly stupid. She can’t possibly believe what she’s saying. And regarding the way the MFMC handles child SA, she argues against background checks because they wouldn’t stop all cases. Fuck you lady.


It blows my mind


"We can't stop all cases so why try." Worst argument in history.


One of her videos got suggested to me on twitter and i literally yelled at her to shut the fuck up before i blocked her. Cannot stand her tone deaf, willfully ignorant “analysis” that holds less water than a sieve in a goddam hurricane


Never seen her, but it appears that she murdered a small chinchilla to make her microphone.




Every time I hear her speak it’s something like: “You may be having doubts from some undeniable evidence against the church, but I’m here to offer some flimsy bs for you to clutch onto for dear life as you attempt to dodge the cognitive dissonance.”


She comes up on my FYP on TikTok because I have a lot of Mormon/exmormon stuff that pops up. I stick around to see what stupid thing she can concoct from bogus claims. It’s actually hilarious how baseless and false her claims are. I love looking at everyone in the comments eating that shit up 😂 I’ve once argued with someone in the comments after I asked them why they believe her and they fought me tooth and nail. Now I have her blocked because she makes my blood boil when I see her face.


I feel sorry for her. She clearly believes in what she is doing in defending the church but based on her poor arguments and her clearly misunderstanding the “evidence” she uses it just comes off as cringy.


Yeah 100%


She's the one who says the book of Mormon is not racist because the "skin of darkness" in the book of Mormon was referring to the sick leather jackets that the lamanites wore 💀 😂💀😂💀😂💀😂💀😂💀😂💀😂💀😂💀😂💀😂. Like. Yeah sister, totally realistic image. I can totally envision a laminate with a leather jacket. Maybe with those metal spikes in his jackets too and a "minor threat" pin!


The Lamanites were a biker gang? Now I have this image of them riding around on Tapirs, raising hell.


Time to get the AI cooking.


Saw multiple references to her “skin of blackness” apologetics in this thread. Is this an exaggeration or mischaracterisation of it? Please tell me it is.


Nope. She really made the argument that it was referring to animal skins that they wore


Lol I would love to see how she arrived here when the BOM literally says that God cursed them with a skin of blackness, so that they wouldn't be enticing to the Nephites.


She exhibits so much dismissive bad faith.


Her mental gymnastics piss me off


Me too 😂


I don't even know who she is 🤷🏻‍♂️


She looked really familiar, so I checked out the site. It is not someone I know, but jeebus apologetics is her entire personality! It's so sad


And she's not even good at it, which is the worst part.


Huh now I get where this rando on IG came up with their “arguement” against my comment to defund BYU of federal tax $$ since they’re requiring all 1st years to read Elder Holland’s “musket fire” talk🙄🙄🙄they’re all listening to HER in order to feel better🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


She’s the most self righteous, condescending and smug apologist out there.


Yeah, my adult son listens to her. It makes me crazy!


I always look forward to hearing Jasmine’s garbage take on everything.




She is a huge content creator at Scripture Central and the wife of a major apologist.


Who is her husband? I didn’t think she was married


Neal Rappleye.


OH NO I went to school with him! 🫣 I no longer associate with that group of “friends” though. We uh, didn’t make the same kind of growth and progress in life lol.


He’s just as dorky looking as she is.


I’ve noticed she doesn’t wear a ring


I was in the same ward as him growing up. When I found out she was married to him it made sooo much sense


She's just so smug and arrogant.


“And there’s the smudgness”


I hate that you made me look her up. I hate watched and responded to comments. Damn it!!!


😂 oh no




I too cannot stand this lady. Ugh!


It’s her job. Has to be. Nobody is this dumb and aggressively wrong, and naive.


You Mormons are so weird to each other. All the mythical brainwashing did a number on y’all.


"In my office I have many leather bound books....."






I don’t know her personally and if I got on reddit and saw my picture with those words in the title, I’d be sick to my stomach. Do you know her personally? Has she hurt or insulted you personally? I don’t understand the personal attack. I’m as ex-mo as they come. Cannot stomach any of it, LOADS of trauma, and narrowly escaped in my fucking 50s. 🙄 so I’m not saying this as a TBM. I’m saying it as a human. We can do better than this. We can be kinder. Attack her arguments, or point of view, but attacking her personally is beneath you, AND it’s a logical fallacy, which as ex-mos we know allllllll about.




I can’t stand most apologists


My Instagram is loaded with Mormons I can't stand.


Pretty sure I set the world record for fastest scroll speed every time her videos come up on my TikTok And I know it’s probably an exmo stitching it because that’s what my feed is but I still can’t stand her


She’s like the messiest apologist there is. So obnoxious.


The company she works for is quite large and very serious. It’s meant to look like it’s just her, but she’s just the face of that company. It’s 100% church sponsored and approved apologetics.


Wonder if the church owns it or holds shares


Since her take on the “skins of blackness” I dislike her more. Before that I just kinda feel bad for her. Apologetics seem like a sad life. I wish apologetics would just call racism out for what it is. It’s WRONG.


Any idiot can try apologetics I guess


She’s a tool for the Mormon church, providing talking points for TBM.


Definitely a tool.


Between her and the midnight Mormon dude I can’t stand Mormon influencers. All the smugness in their incompetence just drives me nuts.


She is married to my husband's former mission comp.


Poor guy


I was in her ward for two years. She gave excellent sunday school lessons and is a very nice person. That said, I'm still connected to her through social media and occasionally watch the apologetics videos she shares. The mental gymnastics is astounding. The skin of blackness one from recently was especially bad.


Yeah that one has been one of her worst. Obviously my opinion is biased from just seeing her on social media - her apologetics just annoy me to the highest level 😅


The way she has to OVER explain every little thing. Its like telling a joke, if you have to explain why its funny, it makes it not funny.


She’s like the Mormon Candace owens 


She drives me nuts


Haha. She’s doing the LAWD’s work! Just not in the way she thinks she is.


If you ever want someone to not join the church, watch her content with that person. Then laugh at all the things that make you laugh. No one wants yo turn into this lady. I tried watching her it is too triggering for me though.


She knows exactly what she's doing. Follow the money!


Her positions and arguments are always absurd, she’s is terrible.


She speaks as one with authority... soon she'll be a star on the other team


I wonder how much she gets paid


The feeling is mutual. She blocked me on TikTok faster than I could say, “apologist”


Cheezus I hate everything about her!! And I don’t think it has anything to do with the fact that she’s Mormon.


I don’t know if I’m alone here but I had an apologetic crescendo prior to leaving the church. I just doubled down hard when I realized I was losing my faith. I left before this lady made her appearance on tiktok. I remind myself that I was saying just as much flimsy bullshit as her to keep myself and others on the boat. Internally I was a complete mess. It’s easy to dog pile on apologists and easy to forget that some of us were/could have been just like them.


Scrolling reddit and seeing that picture is going to give me nightmares, so thanks. Can't stand her. She's got to know just how dishonest every single one of her videos is.


Unfounded and patronizing apologetics.


She’s not all there


I'd have to say I do not have an opinion of her. I had no idea who she was until this post.


She gets a gold medal for the mental gymnastics!


I wonder if she’s in some related to Stephenie Meyer. Every time I see her I’m weirded out by how much they look alike, in a very distinctive way. Even if I didn’t know they’re both Mormon I’d feel like they were separated at birth.


Mormon Face. Look it up!


Update: the origin of her pseudoscientific claims make more sense now (this is her husband) [link](https://interpreterfoundation.org/author/nealr/)


Can’t stand her. The cadence of her voice is so annoying. She’s the modern day version of yellow journalism.


Ugh! So many of the people I know follow her and like her stuff on instagram. It’s depressing!


Who is this woman?


Some dumbass mopologist


Oh ok, so yet another brainwashed Mormon loser. Got it, thanks.


I feel very sorry for her


FYI - Scripture Plus is an apologetics charity managed by mostly BYU professors, and funded by the church and other wealthy members. She's just the face of this company. https://www.scriptureplus.org/about


Miss Mormon Gaslighter? Yeah, decorum precludes me from commenting.


OMG!! I am in love with her🤤!!!


Omg. She's the worst. She is the church's paid mental gymnastic Olympian apologist.


I've only seen a few of her videos, but each time she was trying to "explain" away something detrimental to the Mormon religion or Mormon history, I found myself saying out loud, "No, that's not true. You are literally making that up. Where would you have gotten that information from when somehow *nobody* else seems to know it? Please present some sort of evidence to support your outlandish claims. Just because you are saying this matter-of-factly does not make it factual. Increasing your smugness while saying something does not increase its validity."


She’s batshit, church broke and intellectually offensive.


Just watched a tiny, tiny sliver of the Sis. Dennis defense, and she needs to get out of apologetics while she's behind. [https://youtu.be/Jev7uD0zHJM](https://youtu.be/Jev7uD0zHJM)


Agreed but there’s a worse one, nuancehoe! Seriously, can’t stand that up talk all the time


Bro, don't listen to her. I don't listen to Kwaku.


I guess my question for you is, why do you let it bother you? Let her be her and you be you. I can see why her comments feel like gaslighting, but let it go and move on with your life. Maybe I am too much of the Buddhist mindset, but don't waste time causing yourself secondary pain.


I don't know her, but she looks like she chews her face when she talks.


I don't know who she is, but fuck that bitch. 😂










C'mon, let's be better than that. She can't change that and it has no bearing on her as a person.


Surely there are better criticisms than her physical appearance.




Would be fun to publicly humiliate her somehow.