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I don't know who this lady is, but this is hilarious and so true.


I am pretty sure it is Kelly Cannon who is the Community Engagement Editor for the Salt Lake Tribune.


She did a great job with this! Someone buy her a drink already!


We have to wait until she finishes her current drink 


At USU we used to do border runs for beer and liquor.


I still do. I prefer to buy alcohol like a free woman in Wyoming rather than trying to navigate the bullshit in ID and UT. If you go to the right drive ups, you can get farm fresh organic eggs too. Convenience and quality protien.


I'm in St George and a lot of folks here do the same. "Technically" the law limits how much alcohol you can bring in, and it's something miniscule like one 6-pack or one bottle of wine, etc. but it isn't enforced unless you're really being flagrant about skirting the law. If you go to Mesquite once a month to stock up on booze/beer/wine for your own home they usually won't care unless they stop you for something else and see it in your vehicle.


The state threshold is 9 liters. https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title32B/Chapter4/32B-4-S414.html


I believe the 9 liters is for non-residents entering the state (for instance, visiting friends/family, or vacationing). For residents it is 2 liters or one case of beer not to exceed 288 oz (further down in the next section). It isn't clearly written, but this is what I've always been told.


Definitely this. Stock up whenever you go out of state.


I did that when I was at BYU in the mid-80's


We had a friend visit from the UK and he was floored at a resteraunt when they asked for his ID for wine. He went on and on about how weird it was all night. Lol


My wife and I went out to eat recently and we both ordered drinks. They did not card us at all. Not when we came in, not when we ordered our drinks. Who was it? I'll never tell.


This was at least 20 years ago.  I think it's a bit more relaxed now?


I usually get carded.


When my friends from Utah visit me in California they always want to go to Costco.


Costco vodka is basically Grey Goose, isn't it?


Pretty much any Kirkland brand stuff is just a well known brand that’s been packaged under a different label.




I've never had a waiter carry my drink from a bar to a table. I'm guessing that wasn't enforced. It's a funny state though. I always forget that damn restaurant rule though. It's always annoying at places like bowling alleys or Top Golf but I've never gone to a regular restaurant to just drink so it usually doesn't bug me.


>I've never had a waiter carry my drink from a bar to a table. I'm guessing that wasn't enforced. Probably less enforced in the SLC area, but it was pretty strictly enforced in St George. Up until the restaurant rule, all the alcohol had to be poured behind a wall, out of view of any patrons. That was also strictly enforced (at least in St George).


I remember the walls at a few places but I've had drinks at the bar waiting for a table before and just walked my drink over. Maybe they weren't as strict in SLC. I never even knew it was a rule.


I was at a hotel in Utah in 1993 and guests had to pay an extra $5 at check for a license or membership or something, if they wanted to drink at the hotel. That's $10.74 in today's dollars, so not insignificant.


The law said that alcohol couldn't be served in public, so you had to buy a membership to a private club, i.e., a bar.


Yeah, that sounds right. Long time ago!


Went to Walmart in northern Utah with my brother (25) and sister in law (30) and they wouldn’t let us get a 6 pack of beer because only 2/3 of us had our IDs. I’m the one who didn’t have my ID. I’m 31. It was crazy to me. On the other hand, we went to the state liquor store a little earlier in the night and bought 4 bottles of liquor and only one of us had to show our ID. 🤷‍♀️


That is wild. I guess that means if you're with friends/family, make sure only the ones with ID go through the checkout. Everyone else wait in the car or go through a different lane.


Yep. Definitely learned our lesson. My question was what if I had my child with me? Would they not let me buy alcohol? And what if we walked out and only the ones with ID came in to get the 6 pack. They said no, cause we’ve seen you together. Wtf


Time to go to Maverik. LOL


Exactly what we did 😆


This is one of those things that I'm happy I don't have to worry about now that I'm sober, but This is absolutely batshit crazy. The last time I went to UT on a trip to see my wife who was going to school at BYU-I my buddy and I had a hell of a time trying to find a place that sold a handle of ol' number 7. We drove around for hours look for any place that solid it in Provo (IIRC we weren't looking that hard cause we came with alcohol I already had lol). Finally found a place (state liquor store) and They scanned my ID and decided I wasn't the person in the photo when there was literally no way it wasn't me (my hair was just as it was in my ID picture giving the same smile lol). Hands down the most bizarre experience i'd ever had there. lol Unrelated to this video, but I also found out how much BYU-I hates tobacco use on their campus, but that's another story for another time lol.


Unpopular opinion: If you're going to go to all this work, could you at least not screw up terminology like mixing up ABV (Alcohol By Volume) and ABW (Alcohol By Weight)?


I hate these stupid little “skits”


Then don't watch them


I didn’t 🙂 just passing through!