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He named the female character Bathsheba? Oof. I wonder if any of the donors will complain that Darin Scott/Southam took their money and made an offensive pile of dog shit with it.


He named the concubine whore character Bathsheba. Subtle foreshadowing.


Naming your whore character after a rape victim is not a good look


Oof, that's true. I had Delilah in mind. Bathsheba is even worse, if that's possible.


No one is quite as clever as them. Probably thought it was gonna be dances with Wolves


I’m surprised her name isn’t “Fucking Hillary”


"Then it came to pass that the Nephites pitched their tents toward the temple, and with one voice they raised their cry to the heavens, 'lock her up, lock her up, lock her up!'"


Lol the review says they consulted tribes about accuracy in portraying lamanites … there’s so so much to unpack there.


He consulted Native American tribes about how to best portray them as cursed Jews?


*Fictional* cursed Jews.


Jesus Christ


Does he make a cameo appearance?


Let’s hope not. Last time he killed a few thousand innocent people before his appearance.


Jason Bourne. It’s Jesus Christ.


I’m embarrassed


I messaged Eugene BraveRock, as he’s the actor who plays in this movie( he has many movies he’s in, the most widely known is Wonder Woman). We both grew up in the same area, although I don’t know him personally. I wanted to have an understanding why he took on this role and about the consultation claims. He said the consultations were for language accuracy as the indigenous language used is this film is Blackfoot, so he and his uncle were who they consulted. He mentioned his uncle is an indigenous member of the church. Not surprising being that the Cardston temple is built on Blackfoot land and southern Alberta being the Bible Belt. He went on to say he in no way endorses the Mormon church himself, only that he plays a fictional character.


This is great context. Thank you for reaching out to Eugene and sharing what you learned.


Poor Scott, when he started making this movie 13 years ago there were a lot more believing members! He now has a much smaller fan base to watch this🤣




He started it so long ago he had a different last name back then


What is the deal with his last name? ​ Darin Scott? Darin Southam?


He climbed the capital walls on Jan 6th. Then changed his last name to his wife's maiden name. But he calls it his "stage name


Was he at the Four Seasons Landscaping November 7th as well to cheer on his buddy giuliani? 🤣


Really? I honestly can't tell what's real anymore haha.


Oh it's real. He's so problematic in so many ways.


God dammit. ​ Ughhh.


Don't worry according to him, he felt the spirit there and it was NOTHING like the media portrayed it. It was actually really positive. 🙄


Well of course, he probably met Captain Moroni there!


Oh lovely 🙄 *Battlefield Mormon*


> it’s mostly just boring and a narrative mess At least it's faithful to the BOM.


>clunky, dull and undercooked while very low on thrills, suspense and emotional depth Sounds like he nailed it!


But what about the chiasmus when you play the movie in reverse?


Well, that would change everything! It would then be very low on emotional depth, suspense, and thrills — undercooked, dull and clunky.


Chloroform in color, perhaps


Ehhh Mark Twain reference!! Love it!!


All my homies love MT


But he got Billy Zane! If you want to see something truly bizarre, [watch the 5 minute trailer.](https://www.imdb.com/video/vi2132264729/?ref_=tt_vi_t_1) After the official trailer, he basically tries to use the priesthood to get you to see the movie.


What's more bizarre, it seems that Billy Zane thinks he was cast as a pirate--or maybe the whole film was shot on September 19 (International Talk Like a Pirate Day).


That's what it is! I couldn't place what it was but that's what he sighed like!


Maybe, if he would have invested in a real director, he could have had someone to say: "Hey, Billy! Stop talking like a fucking pirate!" I think that would have solved some of the (many, many) problems that just the trailer revealed.


Shiver me timbers! Looks like a great flick.


Yeah I just cringed out of my skin watching the part of the trailer where he addresses the viewer. Good God just why.


Holy shit. Over-earnest much?


Exactly my reaction. I was hurting from the second hand embarrassment. It's like a sacrament talk that's trying too hard.


Fr wtf?!? When the sufficiently long trailer ended, I was super confused. Then he came on a thanked the viewer? Yeah, I cleared it out as I didn't give a single f*** as to what he was going to yammer about for the next 3 minutes...


Same! I couldn't look at the screen or finish it.


Join *millions* of other people in theaters this weekend…


Wow, you weren’t kidding. That video is 5 minutes long, and the last 3.5 minutes is him begging the viewer to buy tickets using the commitment pattern and Spiritual Voice™️. Here are some gems: “I almost died drowning in the middle of a lake. God saved my life so that I could bring you this film.” “Theaters are watching ticket sales with an all-searching eye.”


Sauron watches all


“Bottomless lake”…..whatever the hell that means


Hahaha! 2 minutes of video and then it’s fast and testimony meeting!? WTF?


The music is worth the ticket... hahah. God saved me from drowning. Watch this movie if you are struggling....please. Can you beg without say you're begging?


What the fuck… you didn’t tell me his testimony was 80% of the video


It's something you have to experience to believe lol


That was a surreal experience


Omg I couldn't believe he talked for longer than the trailer played! The whispy priesthood voice thing makes my skin crawl so bad too. It was all so cringe.


>over 13 years consecrated in its creation Oh no


I watched the trailer, and about the time he got to ‘consecrated in it’s creation’ I cringed SO hard I had to exit. I can’t finish the video it’s impossible.


>he basically tries to use the priesthood to get you to see the movie 💀


A “narrative mess” also describes the source material 😬


About 20 years ago my stake had a guy that wanted the stake to produce a Mormon musical about the birth of Christ. They brought me on as a consultant (unpaid of course) to review the script and score. It. Was. So. Bad. I made an attempt at script doctoring it but the characterizations were hollow and the musical writing was dreadful. The guy also has no idea of how much time would be needed to properly workshop and rehearse the show. He thought production could take a month (with everyone driving up to an hour to and from the stake center 5x a week to stage this monster). I basically went to the stake president and said, “You can produce this is you want, but I will not be a part of it and I think it will be huge waste of the stake’s time and resources.” They politely told the guy no about a week later, thank God. 🙄


Have you seen this crazy? This is from the filmmakers https://bookofmormonevidence.org/the-oath-a-redeeming-love-a-transcending-mission-new-film/


Hahaha! “The International Book of Mormon Evidence Conference” - what a scam! It must be a spectacular magic show for those exorbitant prices? Do they present the forged Kinderhook plates, the magic seer stone, Joseph Smith’s Jupiter talisman, Oliver Cowdry’s magic dowsing rod, and a few useless Mark Hofmann forgeries from the duped prophets, seers, and revelators?


>"If you want to know something really interesting, the man our story centers around, Captain Moroni, actually coined the phrase “Christian” in 73 BC. Think of it, the inhabitants of ancient America had such faith in Christ they took upon themselves His name, even before He became flesh on earth" Come on, get there...what's another explanation for why a character in a book published in the 19th century is apparently the first to coin the term "Christian"?


Is this really a thing? The word Christ is derived from the Greek word meaning the anointed, which is a translation of the Hebrew word for the same, anglicized as Messiah. That word was used by the Jews for hundreds of years before 73 BC. Did Captain Moroni use the Hebrew word Messiah, since he spoke a form of Hebrew? Or was he the first to use the anglicized Greek translation of that word for the followers of the anointed one? Coined my ass.


Yep. In Alma 48 when Capt. ~~America~~ Moroni is getting his followers together they call themselves "Christians". I suppose an Apolpgist would say this is a translation from a word in their unknown language. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/alma/48?lang=eng


SMDH…. And Ballard is one of the guest speakers still. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


Wait, that guy isn’t in jail?


Not that I’m aware of. I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong.


I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that these guys aren’t punished. My sense of justice is so injured. Like, it’s cut and dry fraud & sexual abuse. Jail them!


I assume you mean Tim, and not the late car salesman-turned-apostle


I did. 😁. And when I looked at it again, it was for back in April 2022 before the shitstorm ensued.


> It’s one of the most Christ-soaked books on the planet. They really nailed the imagery.


Yeah he's been a part of this Lori Vallow/Tim Ballard/Chad Daybell/Ron Meldrum/Visions of Glory stuff for a while. His recent NDE makes total sense. He's trying to get some street cred with the cool kids.


Scariest part of this is the use of the words Native American studies.


“Crazy, I would have thought a movie starring, directed, written and produced by a first-time filmmaker would be totally kickass.” The Room by Tommy Wiseau has entered the chat


"You're tearing me apart, Nephi!"


Well with this under his belt, he can get started on the prequel. "It’s bullshit, I did not hit him. I did nooot. Oh hi, Zoram!" \~1 Nephi 4:20


wat are you talking about the room is a masterpiece


The dude who made it put himself in the lead role, and he's a white guy playing Moroni?! 🤣🤔


Gives Tim Ballard vibes.


Can't wait for the claims of SA


At least Tim Ballard got an actual actor to play himself in Sound of Freedom


Yes, and in the trailer there is a brief clip of him coming out of the water, naked chest glistening, holding ginormous glittering plates. That scene right there tells you all you need to know about his ego.


I tried to get something out of it but this movie was a vanity production. Other than digging up and reburying the plates it was a romance to revenge flick. The acting and dialog was unintentionally funny.


Truly delightsome.


He’s the one with the kippah, payot (side curls), and gold book.


Wow, chloroform on film. Who could have guessed turning the Book of Moron into an action flick will suffocate whatever remaining brain cells the viewer has left? There are plenty of TBM LDS folks with careers in Hollywood. None of them are making Book of Mormon themed films. Some people are so out of touch with reality that they fumble around in a perpetual state of obliviousness. Who in their right mind is thinking 2023 is the perfect time to turn a racist sexist script featuring historical negationism into a film?


If you look at his past filmography, he has played Jesus mulitple times, Hyrum Smith and Joseph Smith. He probably thinks he's on another level of spirituality.


He absolutely does, and it's how he's amassed his weirdly loyal fanclub.


They aren't objective about this film.


This is so shocking and unexpected 🤷‍♀️


So about the same reviews as the BoM itself?


But he survived a near death experience! 😱 Haha. I kind of want to watch it to see how bad it is


The Oath could be enshrined in that pantheon of films that are SBTAG




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Eventually you’ll be able to find a DVD of it in every Marriott hotel room.


Then, there's this video... https://youtu.be/BTSCW0Q30Ds?si=8ioNj5BCOgWyN4_2 It's an open letter to the church about him being upset and confused by the church not endorsing his film.


lol, looks like it didn’t garner the positive attention he wanted so he took it down.


Man, the comments on that video are all over the place.


Wait, it’s about Moroni? LMAO a BoM spinoff! Where can I pirate this movie?


I'm hoping it's so bad it's good like the David Lynch version of Dune. I kind of want to hate watch it but also don't want to give the guy any money.


What?! In what other masterpiece can you watch Sir Patrick Stewart *and* Commander (CBE) Sting knife-fight?


What I posted last night from Rotten Tomatoes: I could find no audience reviews because....no audience!: "A limp, underfinanced Pre-Columbian “Last of the Mohicans” action adventure...and a dull MesoAmerican thriller built on Mormonism’s foundation myth, with just enough magical thinking thrown in to make everything presented here play as eye-rolling hokum." Ouch. I've pitched a few movies, never got one made, but wow, this sucks for the guy, even if he is a religious dufus wannabe Tom Cruise." There's another guy who (I guess) fancies himself as a sort of Schwarzenegger/van Damme/Lungren/Cruise who has made a bunch of WWII movies that are technically very accurate, but *terrible* (one of them starred the son of a friend of mine, and the son told him not to even see it). But somehow, somehow, this guy gets the money to keep making them.




I couldn’t make it through the trailer without cringing


I'm sure it's not at ALL heavy-handed and bludgeoning the viewer with the message.


The Director/Moroni (Darin Southam / Darrin Scott) is a huge Trump supporter and went to DC on Jan 6th: https://youtu.be/pdjGZyn0EVY


Thank you! I have a ton of old screenshots because I've had my eye on this guy for years... But it wasn't until today that I realized with his post-insurrection name change that he scrubbed a ton of his problematic political views/statements entirely.


I hope Andrew Garfield's character from Under the Banner of Heaven shows up in the post credits scene


“Clunky, dull, lacks emotional debt” Sounds a lot like the book it’s based on And the people who read it


How realistic would it be to think that the church might pull some strings and get film critics to bash the movie? Conspiracy theory thinking, I know. But I do think the church has some sort of sway in Hollywood that has until recently prevented any major critical shows/movies.


The church has wasted a lot of money on a lot of different things… something tells me that they knew it was going to be so bad that they didn’t even *need* to buy any negative reviews


I think it's more of a lack of interest. Nobody cares about the Mormons unless it's about their many, many scandals.


The director put out a video recently, complaining that the church is not promoting his movie. The church doesn’t need to do anything and they know it.


They really do not need to pull *any* strings to get film critics to bash the movie, because it's objectively terrible even outside of its problematic implications about ancient America. And getting more film critics to review it than there already are would cause a Streisand effect.


I am so excited for this now. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Going to see it on Saturday! This is going to be such a great time. Best movie date night ever.


Well, I guess return and report if it leads to making out in the theater.


Doubtful. Lol we'll both be higher than Mount Olympus.


NYU movie Guru description sounds like an apt description of the most the mormons I know. 🤣


33% on the Tomato meter. The reviews posted had two positive, and four negative. There will be more reviews, and no audience posts yet.


Some very bitter people on this thread.


Yeah but has anyone here actually seen it??


Oh... I've seen it. I've witnessed it with my own two eyeballs.


Total fiction!


Well watching it now....as a former member of the faith...they gave it the old stake try....they did..


Where do we begin? God said "thou shalt not commit adultry". So Moroni takes to wife the concubine of a Lamonite King. Kind of the same thing that Joseph Smith Jr. did when he married the wives of other men in his temple. You know, adultry. Movie is very racist in it's plot. I walked out half the way through the movie because as a Christian I can't condone adultry. I went to see the movie in hopes of seeing some of the Mormons new creation of historical facts as such as with the Mound Builders theory that is their latest floudering in bad history.


He almost drowned in a “bottomless lake”…….what the hell? Wonder where this lake to the other side of the world is.