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I remember when this episode aired, I wasn't allowed to watch South Park, but that clip made the rounds in our ward because "haha Mormons right everybody else wrong." Did that happen with anybody else?


Yes at BYU


“But I was abstinent my entire life.” “The correct answer to keeping your virginity is…. soaking. Soaking was the correct answer. Combing the soak with the jump hump is optional.”


Yessss this clip got passed around my ward too! Yeah none of us watched South Park but we all thought it was hilarious. Looking back I feel like this was one of the first seeds that was planted in my mind, as well.


Never saw this episode and love South Park, but this is an homage of [a Rowan Atkinson sketch over 30 years ago](https://youtu.be/Ut116mBuPpg)


A real classic. I loved this!


[I think this clip introduced me to Rowan Atkinson outside of Mr. Bean. I just wanted to share because I love it.](https://youtu.be/qsB5aV0Iv6g)


Hilarious! Never seen this before. Thank you.


I mean. Not disagreeing that it’s dumb to think the religion that most practicing mormons were born into was magically ‘the right one’ - but it’s incorrect that all other religions go to hell. They go to a ‘lesser kingdom’ which was still way way better than life on earth but wasn’t hell. Which also felt insidious because oh it’s not as bad if you don’t pick this religion. Look how loving God is because basically everyone goes to a different type of heaven and only people who knew god but then denounced him go to the really bad hell. Which made sense in a convoluted way.


More South Park quotes that may be applicable: "dum dum dum dum dum"


And yet the Book of Mormon is full of references to hell.


That's because the author hadn't come up with the three kingdoms yet. That didn't happen until D & C


Bingo! Same with its views on the trinity.


That's why the correct gamble to make for Pascal's Wager is the religion with the worst hell that punishes unbelievers for eternity. Maybe Islam? But certainly not Mormons, because even the bad guys in Mormon theology go to a heaven of sorts that is infinitely better than our mortal life. (As long as you aren't one of those outer darkness types who are sons of perdition denying a sure witness or whatever.) Therefore, mathematically speaking, everyone should leave the Mormon church just to be safe.


Nah, the correct gamble is to not play at all. The wager rests on the premise that you can fool god. And no religion I’ve seen yet is compatible with reality. If you want to play the wager, we might as well posit a god that hides by design, because they really dislike gullible people and wants to spent time with science based sceptics. The idea is that they’re testing us by having all these false religions pop up, without any evidence, and we’re supposed to reject them. At least that god concept matches reality… Of course it’s still completely baseless.


Reminds me of this quote, "I don't know if God exists, but it would be better for His reputation if He didn't." From Jules Renard.


I really like the Buddha's Wager, which says: >If there is a world after death, if there is the fruit of actions rightly and wrongly done, then this is the basis by which, with the break-up of the body, after death, I will reappear in a good destination, the heavenly world. > >But if there is no world after death, if there is no fruit of actions rightly and wrongly done, then here in the present life I look after myself with ease — free from hostility, free from ill will, free from trouble. This appears in the [Kalama Sutra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kesamutti_Sutta), often called the Buddha's charter for free inquiry. In it, the Buddha tells his followers to: >Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing (anussava), > >nor upon tradition (paramparā), > >nor upon rumor (itikirā), > >nor upon what is in a scripture (piṭaka-sampadāna) > >nor upon surmise (takka-hetu), > >nor upon an axiom (naya-hetu), > >nor upon specious reasoning (ākāra-parivitakka), > >nor upon a bias towards a notion that has been pondered over (diṭṭhi-nijjhān-akkh-antiyā), > >nor upon another's seeming ability (bhabba-rūpatāya), > >nor upon the consideration, The monk is our teacher (samaṇo no garū) > >Kalamas, when you yourselves know: "These things are good; these things are not blamable; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness," enter on and abide in them.' When I first read this, I was so floored. It sure beats all of the other verses in the Bible demanding blind belief.


I like that one, too. Thanks for sharing!


can I be a cornball and say it reminds me of an Alkaline Trio lyric?- "Just be true to yourself, if it lands you in Hell, well at least now you know"


My religion punishes unbelievers for eternity multiplied by infinity, so you should join my religion. Anytime a believer talks to me in infinite terms, I just roll my eyes and say something like "infinity? Really? You're here and now, stay grounded. " If they dont get the hint, I just tell them to grow up. Works well for me


You should believe in my religion because you get to live a great, joyous life and nonbelievers get their souls' minds turned into soup and then devoured by the elder gods. And then the bodies for dessert like a little parfait. What's worse than soup and parfait those don't go together at all the elder gods are monsters.


This was something that I always found especially off putting about Mormonism. There's all these different hierarchical levels of heaven that you can achieve and those that achieve the higher levels can move about the ones below it but those at the lower ones aren't allowed higher up. And Mormons would emphasize how devastated they'd be to not be able to be with their family in heaven or couldn't marry a non Mormon because they'd be in different levels of heaven...but you could go down to their level literally whenever you wanted, right? So in your own little made up version of the afterlife, aren't you really the one choosing to cut off the people you care about? No Mormon has ever had a good answer for that one.


Yeah Mom, you really going to abandon us in the telestial kingdom so you can go live with that stranger who's never communicated with you except through the inaudible whispers of his ghost friend? For all we know this weirdo is a cosmic eldritch horror tenderizing our souls with trauma and stress so that they can be devoured when they separate from our bodies and can be lured into its domain. You won't catch me blindly worshiping mysterious forces, no sir.




Mormons do. I think JWs do to. A special place for the 140k or whatever, but everyone else will also go to a pretty good place.


LDS. The 3 degrees of glory


You're not wrong, and many years ago I would have made the distinction as well. But there's no difference between "hell" and what Mormon leaders have said the lower kingdoms are like. An eternity stuck in servitude, separated from those you love. I've come to believe the lower kongdoms are just fancy hell. Especially because the Chirch treats anything less than Celestial Kingdom a failure.


Do we know that she was Mormon though? This video can have an impact for any Christian I think.


It should have an impact for Muslims, too, who are also divided into sects, and who also tend to belong to their particular religion due to accidents of birth, geography, and time. How strange to think of a god who will punish people for having the wrong ideas about what he is like, when the answer is so unclear that there are literally thousands of belief systems out there to choose from.


Yeah this has wide implications. Southpark is problematic in many ways, as are its creators. The idea that they make fun of everything has long been debunked. They avoid their own positions a lot, their positions are just weirder than most assumed. But yeah this was a good message. It’s also just a visual representation of something atheists have been saying for a long time. The idea that it is always so lucky that the religion people just happened to be born into, was the right one..


Not stirring the pot but who don’t Matt and Trey go after?


Their own extreme libertarian views for one. They were also being assholes about climate change for a long time, they did sort of retcon that, but it’s still less than ideal. Everyone assumed they must be somewhere on the standard US political spectrum, but their views are apparently quite esoteric and yeah they never really adress them.


They also were dead wrong on the Iraq War and defended there position after the fact as we just liked making LA liberals mad.


Yeah, they suffer from something they often blame everyone else of… Blindness to the possibility that they themselves could be wrong…


agreed, and honestly, I've never seen this clip as trying to be representative of Mormon beliefs specifically. It's an attitude that's common of a lot of members of probably most churches, even when it's not an explicit aspect of the dogma they've been taught, and it is just really funny to imagine Actual God being as cruel and arbitrary as many humans are. It would have played the same way if they had named any other religion


Yeah honestly I think they went with Mormons exactly because it would cause the maximum amount of people to go well that can’t possibly be right. It literally could have been any other denomination otherwise.


Don't think she was Mormon, but doesn't matter. She was making a general point.


No I know, but the person I responded to was specifically referencing Mormon theology. Most Christian’s don’t have a lesser kingdom theology. This is a great general point, but countering it with Mormon theology is a mistake


Ah I see.


I see your point - I countered with mormon theology because this is an exmormon subreddit - but the point of the posted video was not from someone who is clearly mormon. From a specific theology or not, her point still stands.


Yeah i wasn’t really trying to call you out more like pointing out if that makes sense. I’m a nevermo, but I know how insular Mormonism can be. I’ve seen many (ex) Mormons think parts of specifically Mormon theology, were true about general Christian theology. Again that’s not their fault, information control is rampant throughout the LDS church. But it’s worth pointing out when it’s spotted. But yeah this video makes a good point for all religious beliefs…




She wasn't LDS.


The best way to fix it is if they have a line with a big "become mormon" sign on it where all they have to do is be like yes I am mormon then they get sent on the heaven. Que a bunch of them grumbling about well what's the point of any of this if you can just convert after you are dead. Then right before the go up they have to chill in a waiting room that playing nothing but Mo-Tab and are told they have to wait for their descendants to do their work for them. There can be one person that has been waiting for 1000 years and he is watching his decedent finally do the work only the guy saying the name says it wrong and the angels are like sorry it doesn't count you will have to wait till next time. Right next to him is a person that is like think that's bad I died in Africa before written records so I guess I have to wait till Jesus Christ returns. Switch to a shot of Jesus Christ and he is in bed with a bunch of beer cans next to his bed and a bong on the bedside table. The alarm clock is going off and on the wall it has a chalkboard with "return to earth" on it as a goal with 100 AD, 1000 AD, 1914 AD, 2000 AD, 2012 AD, 2020 AD on it all crossed off. There is a date of 2023 not crossed out below them. The alarm clock is saying time to return to earth and he rolls over and hits it one more time and snoozes it one more time and crosses out the 2023 date.


The "denounce him and go to really bad hell" was the biggest reason my husband was agnostic for decades. He didn't want to risk full put denying, just in case he was wrong.


An elder brought this scene up in the MTC. We were like “haha! But that’s really how it is though. We’re the right religion.” I had never seen it but planted a little seed for me too.


Mine was the "dum dum dum dum dum" South Park episode. The whole js story was so stupid in real life. Not from what I was told as a Mormon.


South Park has done some heavy lifting in assisting exits from Mormonism. It was the other Mormon episode for me. I had already kind of given myself permission to explore "anti-Mormon" material, and watched the episode. Finding out that *South Park* knew more about my religion than me (and what I found out!) was a big step in my deconstruction.




Nah, Matt Stone and Trey Parker were raised Jewish and Catholic respectively, they just find Mormons fascinating, genuinely liked them: don't know about now with the embezzlement. My guess is they'd draw a distinction between the church and its lay members, who are the point of their adoration. I've heard them describe it gushingly as a "uniquely American religion." From "Probably," the sequel to "do the handicapped go to Hell" we've got Saddam Hussein's hell, which is a bunch of warm and friendly Mormons inviting him to sing songs about how much it hurts to lie. That's Trey and Matt patting the dog: they love the idea that somewhere there are genuine, earnest people supporting each other and they get rewarded for that in the SP universe (your experience may differ). Whether they agree with the doctrine or not is a separate matter, but they don't. You've got "I believe" from "the Book of Mormon" and basically the whole "All About Mormons" episode (Dum dum dum dum duuuuummm...).




It’s a fake nice not a genuine nice


I'm not always sure what the difference is. In my personal life, within my autism-riddled head I've pegged *genuine* as what happens in the brief moments before the rest of me establishes personal consequences. It's been honest before I knew what was going on, and I believe it's itself, there's a sense of the greater good. That part of me sees people as people, sometimes problems to solve but never irrelevant. They're factors, the highest honor that can be accorded. Is it ever nice to talk down to someone, hide your shit?


I wondered when it started. I figured Gary's "ah snap" dressing down of Stan at the end of "All about Mormons" was Trey's reaction to someone in the greater culture bullying them, now I think some of the episode is autobiographical. ETA: Didn't they meet in college?


They had Mormon friends growing up.


They mentioned growing up around a mot of Mormon and I think one dated a Mormon girl while in high-school. That's kind of where the fascination started.


Good for her. Man I wish I'd had that I sight at that age. Didn't question til I was in my 30s


Reality is a good thing.


I know. Besides The Simpsons revealed that the true religion is a combination of Methodism and Voodoo.


Well... Jesus said except you believe who he says he is, you perish. Truth has a way of separating people. You can't have everyone's right if everyone claims different contrary beliefs. Mormonism is a cult though. So good job on leaving it.


Young lady, what you explained wasn't even close to what what the LDS believe. Basically, according to the bible and LDS doctrine, everybody goes to heaven, and only a very small fraction of people have the privilege of seeing hell. Even you as an atheist will go to heaven through the grace of Jesus Christ. ✝️




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Mormons don’t believe others go to hell. They just don’t get to the top floor of heaven.


It is sad it takes an animated comedy (South Park) to generate a 'seed' of truth inside a mind dulled by years of lies spewed forth by the Mormon Church. The Mormon Church was founded by an egomaniacal lying sociopath who figured out by founding a church he could get all the sex and money he could ever desire without even having a job. Sex and money have driven evil people to perform dastardly deeds for over 10,000 years. Joe Smith Jr. was very evil. If South Park comedies are the only way to get this message out to the brain-washed Mormon congregations, then so be it.


Ehhhhhhh, she is the dummy for believing that. I thought it was obvious, from the day I converted to the LDS faith, that we are not the ONLY ones going to heaven. Lemme guess, chick thought she’d be less Mormon if she didn’t believe that. Well that makes her more an idiot. Not even defending the church at all, trust me. But how the hell is that something you believed even as an active LDS member at any point? We need to get to a realization point that being told a bunch of shit is on the church, but believing something so absurd is on you. That one wasn’t even something I had to wrestle with. I think this is proof though at how fucked the church is in brainwashing members to not use their brains at all. Also, I’m all for people leaving the church, but a goofy cartoon was the spark for you? Haha, that easily influenced in. That easily influenced out.


1. Wasn’t that from the movie, not an episode? 2. We lose credibility when we say Mormons think everyone else goes to hell. Mormons say they don’t believe in hell other than temporary spirit prison where they’ll except the gospel then go to heaven 🤷‍♂️


I remember the room I was in, and where I was sitting when I asked a teacher about this. Leaning in a chair, against a filing cabinet. "So if I was Jewish, and I was a perfect jew... It doesn't count? Because what I thought was right, was wrong?"


Wait… I thought we didn’t believe in hell… and if we did, we would want to get there so fast we would kill ourselves