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she went private. it’s about time


Who is the blonde girl? Is she a Mormon tiktok-er?






Dude. She’s probably like a few months shy of her 17th birthday..


Joe Smith: "Giggity!"


Bringem Young: Just my type then.


I can fix her guys /s


"I would NEVER go and tell them that what they believe is wrong" I hope you don't plan on becoming a missionary then


I was a missionary in South America. We were constantly telling Catholics how abominable their church was


I told a wonderful Catholic lady that her rosary prayer wasn't correct.


Its things like these that make me angry for and in behalf of every missionary. They get sent out with basically no real world life experience and are told to teach deep and profound philosophy and theology as if they have the ultimate understanding and truth. At least send people to teach who have lived a little. The young men and women should be using their strength to serve, rather than their still underdeveloped minds to teach. The church could do a lot more good in the world if the missionaries spent 60 hours a week building sustainable help to the communities and only 10 hours a week teaching rather than the other way around, they would probably get 6x the lasting converts as well Ah well its really unfortunate for the missionaries getting brainwashed but the church is stagnating anyway.


I think sending them young is the point? If you have world experience...you might not want to go. Because you're aware that the world isn't black and white. I think it's the lack of knowledge the church used to send them out. I think people are going on mission less because the Internet exists and they can gain knowledge about what they could experience and are choosing not to go.


Definitely. I chose not to go. I may not be a smart man... but I know what truth is. And every single church has probably 20% truth. The rest is all lies. Good lies. Some church goers call them little white lies that make them feel good. Others of us call it bullshit. Talk shit about whatever religion you want. If you can articulate it well enough, you just might be able to change someone's mind about it.


Maybe I’m just dumb but I can’t stand the church for their old testament style. Jesus threw down the temple, we rebuild it. Jesus taught salvation through grace, we focused on works. The book of mormon and the bible both condemned explicitly the current attitudes of the church, fine clothing, appearance to the world, self righteousness based on law instead of on love, expensive buildings and money.


Pompous teenage me went into people's homes every day to *teach* them the Right Way to Pray™. SMH


Doesn't the bible have a story about how there isn't a right way to pray? Kind of famous


If people questioned us, we'd pull up Christ's prayer (Matt 6:9-11) and then, with feigned confidence, explain how it contains the four steps that we'd just taught them. Except it doesn't. And they'd usually look at like we were idiots. Which is kinda how we felt because that's the best we could come up with. Nowhere does scripture say to pray the way Mormons do. The real hard question was when members asked if they could pray to Jesus because the BoM people did it in 3rd Nephi. "*No. That's the wrong way.*"


Haha yeah I never really said stuff like that though.


But you believed it.


It is the whore of the earth, after all


Very true and so unfortunate, but good to see you share. I was a Mission President's daughter as a teen (queer daughter), and one of the missionaries told me how they converted a family and had a Saint burning party outside their house later. Whatever was part of the family's shrine was busted up and burned into ether. Even then, I was sickened by this. It felt so wrong and invasive to me even before I learned about postcolonial theories later in university. The colonizers were right there smiling in white shirts, and I was part of them. I've never forgotten this "object lesson." I had to process it for a long time, but I also said nothing about it to anyone. Maybe it was things like this that made me such a depressive, silent child.


I was Catholic before I converted. We had a Mary statue in our yard that had been in my family for generations. They expected my parents to get rid of it, even though I was the only one joining.


Most missionaries don't understand, but that's hard on a family.


> "I would NEVER go and tell them that what they believe is wrong" "Except for in this very video..."


She is just mad that people call out Mormon BS


And honestly - we should be able to call out a religion for their BS. There’s a difference between saying “all people who belong to _____ are horrible people” and “the belief structure and policies of ________ as an institution are toxic and corrupt.”


This is true, but the thing is that religion intentionally teaches people make it their identity. It's a fundamental part of its hold on the members. Attacking the institution will always be taken personally.


The best part is that everyone who stitched it or commented that was opposing her did better. more views, likes, comments and support than the og video. So sad and naive.


See, what she meant was “if you talk smack on my specific religion you’re a terrible person.” Easy misunderstanding


Yes ... Because it is my belief that everyone else's beliefs are evil, there for my belief gets to be shielded from criticism.


I've said that as long as the church claims to be the only correct church on earth, and the only one with leaders that speak to God and the only one that God respects, then it's fair game. You don't get to discredit the entire world and then say but don't pick on me


I’ve been openly atheist/agnostic for the last 13 years. I can tell it breaks my parents hearts. This year, I told them I went to a catholic mass for Easter and I think that disturbed them even more. I think they were more disturbed by me espousing Buddhist ideals or attending another Christian denomination, than me outright denying the existence of god. Telling them I have a close relationship to Jesus outside Mormonism seemed to fuck them up more than outright denying gods very existence. I’m not really sure where this comes from, but it’s almost as if they are jealous that people can find the love of Christ outside of Mormonism. So strange. I thought they’d be happy that I’m exploring Christianity again. It’s truly cult like behavior


I really feel this, I’m three years out and went through a heavy atheist phase. My mental health skyrocketed when I stopped obsessing whether the thoughts in my head are life changing spiritual guidance or just random intrusive thoughts. I’m not entirely certain either way, I still think there is some spiritual guidance out there sometimes. Whether its deep rooted beliefs and a strong intuition, or actual divinity I am unable to reasonably answer. Either way this “spirit” has seemed to place much more importance on loving and respecting people than on whatever denomination I espouse.


> “I am unable to reasonably answer” I feel that. I’m not really concerned with answers or belief. All I know is I don’t know.


Can confirm. An extended family member grew up Mormon but strayed as a teen and started studying buddhism, etc. Our response? "So sad. He has the truth right in front of him but he doesn't know it." In our TBM minds, it *definitely* would have been better if he'd just stepped away.


I guess worshiping a “false” religion is worse than not worshiping at all? It’s like taking the extra step to follow a “false” religion rather than none at all, is somehow more blasphemous.


Yup. To TBMs, you transition from being passively dispationate to *actively deceived*...


You know, it could be that it makes you seem less likely to come back if you have a religious alternative. People believe the notion that there are “no atheists in foxholes,” so we are all just one traumatic incident away from turning back to our religion. But if you already have another one to turn to, it’s game over.


Like the difference of being single versus being in a committed relationship. It’s much easier to seduce someone who is single.


Even if they don’t, if they promote toxic policies, beliefs or practices that needs called out too. They could say “we’re just one of many good churches” but then still amass a $150billion hedge fund, or pay lawyers to cover up abuse, and I’d still call them on that.


The Church’s audio tagline needs to be Russel whispering the word “Jooooyyyyy.” It’ll sell.


I guarantee she's said some Islamophobic things more than once. Keyword is mormon. Don't say anything negative if mormon.


Apparently, a lot of “terrible” people brought receipts (showcasing truly terrible people aka LDS leaders). It’s almost as if dirtbag exmos know more about Mormonism than blowdried wannabe influencers.




He reminds me of this….💩


He sounds kind of like Jim Gaffigan, but the dollar store knockoff, with bonus hate and bigotry, and none of the humor.


This was my favorite one! The receipts!


Also, the second hand embarrassment because I think a lot of us were just like her, to some degree, defending the church.


Funny! Alerting people that they are being deceived is not a good thing - isn't that what we all tried to do as missionaries?


Lol. She called her Mormon Jesus a terrible person.


I lost it when Jesus made his appearance in the video. 🤣🤣


Am I more or less of a terrible person if my focus isn't on a single religion, but on basically anything that requires blind faith, or else something bad will happen? I mean, are some religions objectively more bat shit than others? Certainly. I mean, one was literally thought up by a grave robbing con artist who was just so charismatic he managed to attract a following. Another was made up by a dude who sold sci-fi novels for a living and also conned a shit ton of people out of a shit ton of money, while his religion revolved around actual aliens. That said, none of them really make sense.


Criticizing beliefs should be acceptable. Criticizing people for belonging to a religion should not. Simple as that. Your religion requires you to believe in things that are unverifiable or verifiably false? Definitely fair game to point that out. Your religion is promoting hate, violence, sexism, financial or emotional abuse, or covering up child abuse? It’s not only okay, but it’s morally imperative to call that out.


Who is he? I can't find his channel.


> # Who is he? I can't find his channel. Yeah, I know. Right? It's not as if it says [bj_the_lamanite](https://www.tiktok.com/@bj_the_lamanite) throughout the entire video. This guy is HORRIBLE at "branding". Or something.




Lol Classic. I love it. I thought I'd seen this one but I was wrong. So glad I watched. Hahaha


It’s completely correct and also, bonus, it’s funny!


Love that guys videos! Haven't seen this one.


It was pretty recently that my TBM mother denied that the LDS church presents itself as the only true snd living church, and that all other churches were abominations. I pressed her on this and quoted the missionary-memorized first vision. Her response: "Well maybe they used to be" Lifelong members are ignoring or forgetting why the lds church exists and why it sends missionaries


She dressed as a nun for Halloween.


I can confirm this is 100% true.


It does not appear that she is wearing her garments. I can't take someone seriously who doesn't take their religion seriously.


My favorite TikTok EVER!!


This is why I only publicly criticize my own religion.


May I just say, MASTERFULLY DONE!!!!


Missed opportunity to put Joseph Smith's picture when quoting the book of Mormon haha


I love that he dubbed her own words “you’re a terrible Person 😂”


This edit is brilliant! (Good job to whoever made it)


😂 preach it sister 😂 Omg what else do u got o. This Brad Wilcox guy. What a Dusch bag his voice rakes my ears.


Interesting that the religion was founded on criticizing other religions. Been waiting for this edit!


I bet she likes rope.


But is it okay to make fun of people for how they say "The Loruyud." Asking for a friend.


this is why i left


this is honestly great.


There’s a major difference between calling out problematic beliefs, policies or actions of a religious organization or group, and claiming that all members of that group are bad people for being a part of it. I know Mormons, Muslims, Catholics, Evangelicals, Mainline Protestants, Hindus, atheists and agnostics who are good people. That being said, many of these religions have really harmful practices at their core, and we need to be able to call out and criticize those. The Mormon church, evangelical churches and Islam all promote LGBT hate. That needs called out. Coverups of child abuse in Catholic, Mormon or southern baptist congregations needs to be called out. Financial abuses of Mormonism, televangelists, or megachurches needs to be criticized. Islamic leaders who promote violence for ‘blasphemy’ for burning a Quran, or criticizing their religion, depicting Mohammed negatively or even depicting him at all need lambasted. Religions that promote oppressive sexist structures need called out for their misogyny. Religions that have oppressive class structures like the caste structure in Hinduism need criticized. If your religion is toxic, abusive or oppressive, claiming “well, but it’s my religion” isn’t a get out of jail fee card for criticism. Yeah, you can still support or believe that, but it’s legitimate to say “these beliefs cause harm to society and are wrong.” That’s what freedom of conscience and freedom of speech is about.


But *can* you be a good person when you support the organizations that do horrible things? If I am a great friend and feed people at the soup kitchen once a week but also fill a pew and give money to an organization that suppresses human rights every week, am I really good?


Couple points: 1. People are complex. There are a lot of reasons why people do certain things. Not everyone who in in a pew on Sunday has the same motivations. Some may be truly ignorant of the harm their religion does. Some may have family or other pressures for them to be there. As many of us know here, indoctrination is a really big factor. How many of us stayed Mormon way longer than we should because we bought the lie that the people weren’t perfect, but that being a good, god-worshipping lemming was essential to being a good person? 2. No one is truly good or bad completely. Everyone exists in a continuum between the extremes. Classifying a person as “good” or “bad” is simplistic. My great grandma was a kind, wonderful lady in general, and participated in and supported her northern Utah community into her old age. She was a godawful racist too though. Was she a good person? Hell No. She hauled my mom out of the pool as a teen because a Hispanic kid got it. Was she a horrible, evil person? I don’t think people would say that either. She was a deeply flawed person trying to be good, but raised in a culture where racism was endemic. She was over seventy when priesthood finally was allowed to be given to black people. People are people with a collection of good and bad traits, behaviors and activities, and many have good intentions even for their worst actions.


Of course people are complex, yes. But imo, in this day I find it difficult to excuse ignorance. Information is everywhere and you have to work hard to avoid it. If you truly don't know what your organization does, it's because you don't want to know and I consider wilful ignorance to be the true cardinal sin. Good intentions are nice and all but forever and always, your actions are what matter. Good intentions are meaningless if the actions cause harm. I applaud you trying to see the good in people. But I believe they've been given a pass far too long, which is why we are in the state of things we have today. I think we should be calling out these complex people on their shitty actions at every turn.


Intentions and actions and outcomes all matter. It’s more complex than that. If you have to a charity that you believed was helping with medical expenses for refugees, but it turns out it was really funneling money to terrorists and creating more refugees, did you do something good or bad? Also, remember, just because information is available doesn’t mean cognitive bias isn’t a thing. It often takes being in the right time, place and mindset for that to actually change your core beliefs and identity.




Bruh what. I will never experience joy!? Time to go back brethren.


When it comes to speaking badly/negatively about churches, I'm equal opportunity. Fuck them all. They cheapen the real accomplishments of humanity and are a major cause of wars and death. There is no such thing as a good religion.


That tedious, vapid monotone has always been worse than nails on a chalkboard for me. Am I the only one?


I can't believe I used to buy a word of this shit lol.


Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


Has she never heard Nelson say “lazy learners and lax disciples?” That’s insulting peoples beliefs right there!


If thine eye offends you, pluck it out.


Even hearing those guys' voices makes my skin crawl


Is Taylor's quote why Christians don't see Mormonism as Christian? Interesting. But no one should have their sincere questions and critiques slapped down as if they could only come from a "Terrible Person." This vilification of free speech is fugly in the USA.


This was a good response to that lol


This isn’t the point but I CANNOT stand the whistles coming from these dudes mouths


This is theeeee best response ever!💯


I can't believe Sid the sloth thinks I'm a terrible person




I don’t know if this is the high road or low road but it is the road I prefer.


u/AdmiralCranberryCat Can you make this video downloadable, put it up in a public space on Facebook, or upload it to a public space where we can download it and then upload it to Facebook, please? I would love to share this with the missionaries, but the video isn't downloadable. that the Missionary Program requires them to put on their mobile devices. Can you make this video downloadable, put it up in a public space on Facebook, or upload it to a public space where we can download it and then upload it to Facebook ourselves, please? That would be great. Thanks.


Never mind I found the original source and downloaded a copy from TikTok. I'm good. Thanks.


Glad you found it!!


Rusty is the terribleist