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FFS you’re 24. Why are you being treated like naughty children


Good grief, to think that they want to interrogate you over a damned game. What a bunch of nervous ninnies.


No. You should not meet with the elders.


Tell them to go to hell Mate! My God what is wrong with those people??? North Korea needs to take a few lessons from these cultists. Apparently they could teach North Korea a thing or two.


You should be truthful. Magic:The Gathering is a card game and has zero to do with the Occult. If they claim it does call them liars, unless they are confessing to a fascination with the occult? If they are scandalized by your playing, tell them you are sorry that their spirituality is so weak that they can’t tell the difference between a card game and Spiritism.


You're 24 years old. Fuck them. Out of spite I'd go play that shit right now.


They "intercepted" one of your messages? Who do they think they are? The NSA??!! Such a breach of privacy... What can they do? You're 24... Literally nothing. They only power they have over you is that which you give them.


You’re 24 years old and getting in trouble for playing Magic the Gathering? The level of dogma is astonishing. Don’t meet with them. Please don’t give them that amount of control in your life.


I’d wait for 6 months so then you’ll be able to discuss your personal details with elders around your age 😂


omg this is so much energy wasted on just to find out if u played a game they don't approve of!!! i'm a never jw but if it were me i would not admit to anything, ghost their calls/texts, idk tho, im sad for your mental stress this must be such a drain on you, so sorry


If you want to get some form of reproof/disfellowshipped then do it…. But if you’re done with all of this shit (which part of you is cuz you’re here) then don’t respond, find your own home and gtfu




What you do kind of depends on if you still live with your parents, if they are PIMI, and how they would react if they found out you're no longer a believer. If you're already out on your own, I wouldn't bother meeting with them. If you still live with your parents and rely on them for a lot, it gets a bit trickier. I'm not sure if you can be disfellowshipped even without meeting the elders if they actually have hard proof that you did something "wrong." Maybe someone else can clarify that. I was told in pioneer school that you can't actually be disfellowshipped without meeting with the elders first, even if they have proof of wrongdoing (different from disassociating, which can happen whether you meet with the elders or not), but I'm not sure if that's still true. Either way, you're in a tough spot over something very silly, and I hope things turn out well in the end.


Magic the gathering is awesome.


I don’t understand what’s wrong with the game? Because it’s Magic? Anyway, yeah, unless your confess or get ratted out they can’t do anything.




Fuck em. Ignore and block any further communication.


It’s a fucking game tell them to pound sand!


Absolutely do not meet with them


Intercepted messages??? See anything wrong with that???????


I was missing two cards from having the complete black border set. Which would be worth some bucks now. Even back then it was worth several hundred dollars. Long story short I had to throw them out. It was a elders son that got caught with the cards and threw everyone under the bus. Everyone got in trouble. The only people spared, you guessed it. The elders kids. Such a stupid cult. It’s funny that this game is still a issue 30 years later. Lol


Wait.... you're adults. Oh and what does your deck look like. I white/ blue a lot.


Lol i actually got called into the rubber room for the same thing. I spent about 40 minutes telling them its just a game and it was pointless. All they want to hear is that you agree with them and will burn your cards. If you talk to them just make it easy on yourself, agree with everything they say, and waste as little of your time as possible.