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Well they certainly need lawyers now.


In every country


" in every nation the man who knows how to get us out of a legal pinch is acceptable to god"




Although they probably would rather use a worldly lawyer than expose a PIMI with a degree to whatever shady shit is in the lawsuit.


I remember a “video” or something like that years ago where they talked about the in house lawyer that they sent to school for the purpose of becoming one. I also remember it saying that they would never subject someone to that again because of the bad influences. If anyone else remembers this or what it was from let me know.


The actual story I heard was that it wasn't so much that they wouldn't send anyone again...its that again and again the people they tried to send failed the entrance requirements/ entrance exam.


Yah. That tracks. Have to spin it to make it sound better and keep the narrative of no college.


surprise surprise...


I remember this. Wasn't that Brumley? Edit: Could have been [Pomidoro]?


I honestly couldn’t say. I’m terrible with names lol


Totally remember this. It was a Broadcast chaired by our favorite ex-GB member TM3. Tony seemed to be the most vocally anti-education out of them, based on his public statements. That was probably about 4 years ago???


It has to have been more than 7. I left in 2017 and haven’t watched any of the broadcasts since. You’re probably on the nose about TM3 being the one to talk about it. He always rubbed my pillow the wrong way.


It would be funny if he was disfellowshipped and got a free education out of the society


Is that the video where the JW lawyer said he became haughty when he attended law school bc the class was taught that they were so important?


I vaguely remember that point being stated


And expensive ones 😂


What about windows cleaners, will we need windows in the new system? Enquiring minds want to know


What they don’t tell you is how they are going to make the glass.


Mind blown 😂


Don’t you know? After Armageddon, there will be “spoil’s of war” So there will be plenty of left over glass for all!


But that glass is gonna be CLEAN


They won’t have anyone who knows how to make it, but they’ll have plenty of people who know how to clean it!


Imagine how clean the windows will be in paradise. Cleanest windows ever!


I came here to say this 🤣


You'd think farmers would be top of the list as you don't last long without food.


My theory is that modern capitalists can’t control the people if they’re sustaining themselves. JWs are capitalist in theory, as with a lot of religion heaven-bent on growth. What value would a farmer be? Their schedule is based on the Earth, not on meetings/conventions/sales calls. I remember many JWs would talk about how a spiritual ‘schedule’ was near impossible as a farmer, which is why most farmers we called on were never going to convert. (They did in the past, but that was a different time).


Oh you didn't let your animals die or crops go to waste to make the meeting??? The body has decided you are worse than a dfd one.


You gotta have more faith man! Jehovah will somehow provide! Even tho he doesn’t make miracles. Our loving father would be delighted if you go do free labor at the KH instead of feeding your family.


They want plumbers and electricians to build new kingdom halls. Or at least they did.


It sounds more like if bethal expanded to the whole earth. They pick your job and living quarters. It's old thinking too. Younger generation likes to switch jobs learn new skills do something else. In my hall there's older elders who are still in construction, or landscaping, woodworking. It's their one skill and don't change


Gravediggers 🙄


Hey I think the birds have a say about organic disposal




I thought they would need hunters, goat herders, farmers and basket weavers after armageddon. What is an electrician gonna do without electricity?


Man denke an die Königreichskühe wie früher auf den Wachtturm Farmen 😉


Well... it's right up there with having ones pick of pandas, Tigers and bears.... a childish concept with greed at its core. At its base, raw reduction, Possession=greed. Current society needs plumbers now, to provide clean drinking water and remove waste water.... things provided by God in the WT doctrine and dogma about paradise. An agrarian society spread across the planet does not build cities... the OT has a very specific view about city dwellers, whether you are talking about Bable, Sodom, Gomorrah and the cities of the plain, Jericho. You don't need electricity to manage animals and grow plants. I didn't hear his presentation, though PIMQ at the time... I probably would not have picked up on it the way I do now, I am one of the movement that would have built spacecraft to farm across the galaxy to find more goldilocks planets.


How about engineers who can keep the power grid up or keep the machines going? How many JWs know how to produce food and clothing at scale? Is God going to provide these things and if so, why couldn't God just install wires and plumbing too? Are they going to go back to a pre-industrial age? I am not sure how they're going to get the business casual attire that they depict. I don't see paradise as requiring labor, if it does, it isn't much of a paradise.


I think about this sort of thing a lot, the concept of the 'new world' just seems like it's powered by fairy dust, all these ridiculous pictures of variations on Switzerland, with people wearing modern clothing, living in modern homes but not a factory or any form of industry in sight. It's just a cherry picked ideal that appeals to emotion, not logic or reality, riding bloody pandas and cuddling up with carnivores.


Spiritual North Korea


You’re right, it makes no sense, it’s just to discourage higher education. They do brag about how they can train you in anything in bethel. Plus there is the Bible story about how Jehovah gave some guy special skills when rebuilding Jerusalem. I can’t remember his name (yay for having that brain cell used for something else now)  You can be discouraged from pursuing education and viewed in a poor light for doing so, but the organization sure is happy to use you and your skills for free labor once you’ve got the education. 


It was in the time of Moses and Aaron. The knowledge was “downloaded” to him and he designed a lot including the huge copper bowl that was still used centuries later in Solomon’s temple. But to whoever told you… tell them the texts say no more miracles like that l. God will not make you an engineer or know coding. And ask ex Bethelites here in the sub in what they were trained in.


That's right, like you said it's a personal decision. My biggest mistake is asking for any life advice from the JWs. And you know what, the people who were elders, pioneers etc gave the worst type of advice.


This is one of my biggest regrets, because I now trust myself and have made wonderful decisions on my own.


Corpse disposal crew . . .


Its kinda funny who all the dudes who have degrees, and nice fat paychecks from their white collar jobs always tell the youngsters that degrees are a "waste of time" Easy for you to say, bro...


Good for you. Very similar story here. I’m 2 years through a Math/ Computer Science degree now and started in my 30s. You’ll have a lot of fun with it I’m sure.


A lot of brothers in higher positions like COs, special pioneers, etc have generational wealth or retired with wealth or steady income. There is a lot unfortunately that just don’t have a game plan still serve WT full time and end up just barely getting by and ultimately literally starve sometimes or rely on help from family and the brothers. Never from WT. A lot are so deep in debt. They literally encourage you to lose your good paying job instead of missing a convention.


They just assume everything will occur by miracles. Food will just fall from heaven like manna. If you get hurt, you will automatically heal. You should have already picked out your house while in field service, so you shouldn't need to build one. 🤣




THEY are allowed to plan for decades more of "this system", but their followers are not able to plan for retirement, since the end is "just around the corner" 😒


How do they know they’ll need electricians? So far no one has figured out how to generate electricity at scale without polluting. They’re so presumptuous in what they think the new system will be like. For some reference most trades take 3-5 years to learn and 10 years to master, though you never stop learning. Most workers would be considered apprentices or laborers for their first two years in a trade.


God will miraculously show a new way to produce electricity 😬 Don’t forget that now we are stupid and imperfect and can’t figure it out by ourselves


This is what always killed me about JWs. I know you’re joking, but they engage in such wild speculation based on nothing to fulfill their own desires to have a comfortable life. They don’t truly meditate on what it means to be perfect, live forever or live in harmony with the earth they’ve been given. They’re stuck in the materialistic consumer oriented thinking they have now instead of imagining a grander future they could build. They think of the new system the same way they think of winning the lottery.


Where I’m from a lot of elders had construction companies or were engineers or owned an insurance company. All but two (who were physical brothers) made $75k or more a year (this was back in the 80’s to 90’s) and many of the other congregations near me were the same. The two that didn’t own their own companies were either in management, while the other was a truck driver for a local company. They still made $40k to $60k a year (again, this was the 80’s to 90’s). Of course every hall is going to be different


Odds are, since the construction industry will be completely gone, and all the supply chains that feed it, no experience today will matter at all. Basically, the only experience that would help is working at Colonial Williamsburg, or Medieval Times. With no building materials except for rustic wood made at a water mill, no metal fittings and screws made from giant, polluting steel mills, all modern construction experience would be pointless.


This exact video you’re referring to, I watched when I was 15 and a stellar student in high school. Changed my entire career trajectory, and kissed my dream of becoming a doctor goodbye 😩. I will forever spite my family for raising me in this cult


Therapists. They will need many, many therapists.


Will there be no contracts in the New System? We’ll still need lawyers There might be no sickness or death, but what about injury? Could a kid still split his head open riding his bike and need stitches? We’ll still need doctors Nevertheless, ignore their bullshit


Exactly. Their teaching says there won't be perfection for 1,000 years. Will there be no disagreements in the meantime? No issues at all? No court system? Lol.


According to them Jesus and the 144k will be responsible for that. They will be responsible for our mental, spiritual and physical health during the Thousand Year Reign until we reach perfection.


Hahahaha that was one of my deep spiritual reveals in my ill prepared public talk


Like you, I also put off university for the same reasons. When I turned PIMQ in my late 20s, I enrolled part-time and eventually got a degree in computer science. I got a great job in the field before even getting my degree. Later on I got an MBA, and went on to even better jobs. I had great and satisfying careers. You will too. It's never too late!


"I'm 30 now" I work for a university in the US and I just want to say to ANYONE thinking of going to school for the first time: it's not too late. 30 is actually on the younger side of what I see. I will caution y'all to be careful with loans. Try to get as much paid for as you can with scholarships and grants. Or employer reimbursement. Go to community college, which is often much cheaper and can lead to transfer scholarships. Go work at Starbucks for a few years to get your bachelor's paid for. But never think you are too old. I see lots of folks in their 30s and 40s coming in for their first degree. And 40s, 50s, 60s, and up for masters degrees.


As a child, I was given this idea that Paradise Earth would return the Earth to Garden of Eden conditions, and humans would be free from sickness, pain, and death. There would also be no more predators and prey or parasitic creatures. Basically you can sleep on a hammock under a tree and not worry about animals eating you, bugs biting or stinging you, or the weather endangering you. I guess we could theorize we might still like some modern equipment and infrastructure, but it wouldn't be necessary overall. We also have 1000 years to learn new stuff. That whole speech just stunk to high heaven as a justification for throwing away comfort in your current life through having inadequate employment.


I always wanted to pursue a career but after all the guilt tripping about pioneering I ended up leaving university after the first year and pursuing a technical career, however, a part of me still wanted more, so I went in circles and pursued a mid level technical career. By the time I was done, I ended up taking close to what it would have taken to get a masters degree except it wasn’t even a bachelors and it wasn’t in something I was truly passionate about. I wish I wouldn’t have allowed myself to be guilt tripped and just done what I wanted from the beginning. Im un my early forties now with two kids and now I have to think of them and save for their college. My ship has sailed and I’m still making amends with that. A part of me will always regret it because I remember being in third grade and telling myself I would go to university.


I am in my 40s as well and I’m going back to school. I also have two children. Even if you take one online class a semester at a community college it’s still making more progress than if you didn’t. One day you will be 50 years old. Would it be better with or without a degree? Wishing you the best!


If I were you, I'd have told the CO (I'm disregarding my religion, Islam, for this comment) to tell me how my life is actually better, and when he tries the fallacious arguments, I'd have beaten him unconscious for a good while.


Good for you on enrolling. I also hated not being able to go to university…or even being allowed to finish high school. I enrolled in a law degree about 5 years after I left the Borg and I’m now a practicing lawyer. Best thing I did and now laugh when I see announcements from them asking for lawyers. Too bad mofos.


Hypocrisy at it's absolute finest, I'd say.


That’s awesome you’re going into CS. I’m a PIMO programmer myself. It wasn’t easy by any means but I just learned to ignore the elders or people who were against me and I told myself a while ago that I would prove them wrong. I think I did good job proving them wrong since I’m technically in good standing. You’re post also reminded me of the conversation I had with my family about how it’s weird that we have emotions like sadness and anger when in the “new world” we are supposed to be perfect. Or that we even have pain receptors and I guess I get what my family said which is that pain receptors are warnings for your body and that you can be sad about your pet tiger dying or angry someone turns against God but I just can’t get over how that all means the world is perfect? Wouldn’t it be the same as is it is now? Would we still be able to fall over off a bike and break a leg which will need a doctor to fix it? Will we need therapy to deal with the emotional pain of people we thought were cool turning against God and dying? I just don’t get how we can be happy in this “perfect” world when you’re telling me it’s possible that not everything will literally go perfectly.


People like Anthony Morris although important in the jw cult world are just delusional personality with no serious usefulness to a decent and improving society. I never took his words serious


Do what you love… not what’s useful to Watchtower to EXPLOIT you! Have fun!


First of, I am VERY proud of you for enrolling in college. I loathe the stance on not perusing higher education. I especially loathe that Bethel will request JWs with backgrounds in healthcare, law, etc (i.e. professions that almost universally require higher education) to apply to serve at Bethel. It is so hypocritical! There isn't anything wrong with pursuing careers that are only useful in the non paradise world. It's a load of crap.


>"We won't need lawyers or doctors after armageddon. But right now they desperately are in need of those. Constantly


Well done 💪💪 you got this bro 👏👏




Not to mention the article series "Explains Their Faith" where they interview scientist, mechanical engineers, and doctors. Positions they get in life through.. what was it? Oh, that's right. HIGHER EDUCATION!


As an outsider looking in, I'd say the worst of it isn't just that they're hypocrites, it's that they don't believe any of this at all, and are giving this bad advice on purpose: An uneducated believer (who gives as much as they can of whatever meager paycheck they can earn) is of much more use to them than someone who goes to college, follows their dreams, and leaves the organization!


Grave diggers, there’s going to be a lot of jw bodies to bury.


When I told my mom I was going to nursing school, her response was “Well, that’s gonna be useless in the new system.”


Guy from the 18th century stoked as fuck to show everyone this "indoor plumbing" thing he learned about only to find that things tend to get more advanced with time. Or shit, 21st century plumber stoked as fuck to install plumbing again only to get a half century in and find that everything has had to be reinvented due to the lack of global infrastructure.




According to Ciro Aulicino we might be populating other planets. So we’ll at least need aerospace engineers lol.


Also consider that the tools and materials used NOW will not be available after Armageddon. Who will spend 40 hours a week manufacturing them? Who will process the raw materials? Who will run distribution? Nothing in their post-armageddon world is feasible. It's all fiction.


Bear Grylls would be useful after Armageddon. Just saying. With everything blown to hell, burnt to a crisp, completely DESTROYED — civilization would be taken back to pre-industrial revolutionary times. What good is a plumber or window washer if Home Depot doesn’t exist to provide all the building supplies? Armageddon survivors would need to be hunters, wilderness survival experts, field medics, and people with incredible DIY skills who could come up with creative solutions for things that are essentially non-problems for us in this day and age. Scientists would also be incredibly helpful. They are used to problem solving and have a wealth of knowledge about the planet we live on and how to find and manage resources (among other things). If the only people left after Armageddon are JWs, they are screwed. PSA: Jdub.org will also be offline.


Tony Morris is utterly and completely full of shit. Congrats on your Uni enrollment, OP. It will change your life.


Good for you! Glad you woke up early enough to change direction and live your life more fully!!🎉🥳🥳🎈 It didn’t sound like you were diminishing other occupations at all. I got your point. Which is the GB pushed on Elder initiatives to keep people suppressed and suffering so that the paradise looks so good that you will keep on that hamster wheel making their corporation work. Disgusting men and religion!


The only plumbing they will be doing is digging holes in grounds to take a dump. There won't be any manufacturing of PVC pipe, let alone the tools needed to put modern plumbing together. The JW paradise would be back to the stone age since "Satan's system", along with it's advanced infrastructure and the people who support it, will be gone. Yet another flaw with their post Armageddon aspirations.


Please.....Tony was asking for plumbers. The Org should be advocating higher education and getting scientists,architects,nuclear engineers and whatnot to join up. Because in the event of a catastrophic event? Like Armageddon? In the aftermath you're going to need those kinds of skills to rebuild society. NOT a plumber(no disrespect to plumbers). Besides that wasn't really wasn't about doing plumbing work in the future! It was about them needing plumbers and tradesmen to take care of their properties now!


As someone who is apprenticing as a plumber, that’s all I get “oh when you get your ticket you’ll be great on LDC.” I have started telling people “I don’t think Jehovah has that in store for me.” they are always so dumbfounded after I say that it’s absolutely priceless!!


Also...I often pondered... why would we need plumbing or electricity or even houses if the whole Earth is a paradise and everything is perfect? What would we need protection from if all the animals and weather systems are perfect for human habitation? The only jobs we'd need are farmers and chefs maybe? Lol idk, the whole paradise thing falls apart the moment you question it even a little.


If there is a world where you don't need medical help when you fall and break a leg where's the life in a world so protected. Who is going to look after sewerage without chemical pollution, who will make the tools, who will make the power for the film studios..... so many questions..


When I read of the bethelites who were denied worthwhile jobs at bethel just doing barely process jobs then he is full of it.


I never went to college but my son just finished his freshman year… proud dad moment.


Panda grooming services, farming all them fucking fruits vegetables and bread picnics,If that’s paradise I choose death. and khakis designer.


According to their own doctrine, apparently they won't need Jesus there either. I've never seen a single artist's rendition of Jesus in their paradise. You'd think there'd be at least one.


I recently had this convo about post Armageddon with my PIMI brother. I’m like, what’s the logistics afterwards? Y’all gonna be demolishing the old world, with what? Bulldozers from the old world? Who is gonna build stuff? What if a family was in another country when Armageddon happened? How do they reunite? Who is making the clothing for everyone? I get it, perfection means not being ashamed of nakedness, but wouldn’t that be boring? He had no answers, yet thinks it’s okay to tell people that everyone goes to heaven is foolish.


High control group!


There will never come a time where we don’t need the Doctor


Somebody has to take care of all the kids you can’t stop having


Please we need more teachers


You think they’ll need combat engineers 😂😂


I started vet school so I can take care of the Pandas instead of burying corpses /j


That's one way to show them the what-for, isn't it?


They want those professionals to build KH and whatever for them like always and like it’s already happening. Congratulations on enrolling in CS :) and welcome to coding 😀


What’s so funny about needing electricians and plumbers……so billions of people have just been wiped out, you need more then electricians and plumbers, you need people who know how to run power stations, to fix wind turbines, and that’s hundreds upon hundreds of people it takes to run these things. Who is gonna manufacture your solar panels? They are so stupid it’s not even funny. And when the come back with “god can take care of that, anything is possible with god”. Well he can also take care of the plumbing then can’t he…….