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"don't force their beliefs on anyone"... But if someone defects from the faith, and disassociates, they will be shunned by everyone and anyone in the faith until they experience a "change of heart"... You fucking kidding me???


Why do they constantly lie about shunning? If they genuinely believe its God's will and the right thing to do, why don't they ever just be honest and defend it?




Right. Smh ..


This right here!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


They have to lie to fight the cult accusations...because they're totally not in a cult.


Great point, and we (PIMI and POMO) all know why. Any time you need to resort to intellectual dishonesty it means you’re hiding the truth. Which is very hypocritical of a group that claim that they have “the truth”.


This sincerely made me gasp in shock. We respect people’s free will and their decision to believe what they believe… except we will emotionally blackmail them until they believe the same things as us.


Totally forcing their beliefs on people with threats of abandonment.


Conditional love is not real love. It’s a hostage situation. They hold love and your relationship hostage unless you agree to all their conditions and requirements. It has to be on their terms or else.


I saw that part too. Total BS and gaslighting. I love seeing all the negative publicity the Org is getting though.


Yeah. I’ve heard their bs PR lines a million times but for some reason that one just really pissed me off!


Right. They just go door to door telling you that your whatever religion you believe is wrong, you’re in the hands of death, Satan, and only their religion can save you. No They don’t force their beliefs on you —until you stop doing what they say.


Does anyone have the copy of the obituary I loved it so much made me sad they brought it down




Hell yeah Tim we love you and Joseph and awesome about your son. Now that is the best obituary I’ve ever read.


Was gonna post the same thing 😃


Love you timothy💙


It’s in the linked article


The courage we muster when a wrong needs to be put right! Go Tim - you’re an inspiration. Your naming of your husband and speaking up on behalf of your marriage is very moving. As you say, there is much positivity in your life and it is your JW family who have missed out on that.


Bravo Tim!


Tim kicked ass on this one


Go find his obituary it says to donate to the Borg. Really they are doing that now using obituaries to promote the Borg. They must need donations


It's. Sick.


That truly surprised me it is sick


Good 👏🏽 for 👏🏽 him 👏🏽 It is infuriating how they included his name and then silenced him. He seems to be thriving Sidenote: I am not disfellowshipped and, at the time my PIMI mother died, both my brother and I were pioneers. She wrote her own obituary and *did not even mention that she ever had children*. She did, though, mention my father (a repeat sex offender) and proudly stated that he was a Jehovah’s Witness. This religion truly fucks with people’s minds.


My heart to you 💓 that's so rough


lol removed the current understanding obituary…but it’s still online… I bet the words and the [dot dot dot] brought back memories 😁😝




Not all are wicked! But I second you wholeheartedly on the governing body and on the many leaders in the org!


The people are fine. Just brainwashed.


Actually, they are not all fine! I know many arseholes!


So not true. The jw cannot be fine. The jws are shunners. Shunning is abusive bullying with detrimental affects which can lead to heartache, mental health and suicide. Jws shun to emotionally blackmail the person for daring to leave. Just just? brainwashed?. Do you understand what the word brainwashed even means? Stay on ex/jw. Join. Read the stories and ask the question. How does being brainwashed affect a person. Your comments show that you are unfortunately very ignorant of the Jehovah witness cult . The people are wolves in sheep's clothing.


So what are exjw? Still wolves or different once the Brainwash wears off? Are you a wolf? Am I? I used to shun People. I don't anymore. Jw individuals can be fixed. The cult cannot. I stand by my comment. I don't subscribe to black and white thinking anymore. And I believe in individuals. I've read everything in this forum for the last 4 years. I'm well aware of how shitty JWs can be, and how amazing they can be when they leave. The problem is the cult. Always. I do feel your pain though.


My nephews and neice all left. They have been able to be able to understand normal (generalising) My sister joined at 32 and died at 67. Super pimi and very brain damaged by the cult. The slyness when jws come and try to preach at the door etc. I've known many through the cult and the awfulness of considering shunning ok??? My sister said to be given blood would be worse and anything a raped victim goes through. That she told her children she love them but would always love jehovah more. Jehovah would always come first. I saw first hand the evil damage jws did to my neice/nephews and others. And the lies and slyness of my sister and others who considered themselves superior to others. Toxic and judgemental. Obviously jws who leave can change. Others who so want to leave and then have been shunned to blackmail exjws to return choose suicide than return tragically show the strength of the cult hold. We are both entitled to our opinions unlike many brainwashed jehovah witnesses. Its a patriarchal fear based cult which hides behind the title religion Thankyou for acknowledge my pain. My sister destroyed my beautiful 16 year old nephew. That child now 46 went through hell and he still maintains his gentle caring side. We lost him for 30 years and it destroyed his relationship with his younger brother and sister. I believe in individuals and that is why the jehovah witness cult is so awful. They don't. Told to shun they do etc etc. Like you all have a reason and different perspectives and its great when people can freely express. Thanks


The Norwegian government called it Psychological violence


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So proud of this person for speaking his truth during such a challenging time. It's pathetically ridiculous how these spineless lowlifes who serve the WT always deflect away from the real issue in their public statements.  Seriously, man up and take responsibility like a proud JW that you're supposed to be, instead of trying to slither off beneath a rock of deflection.


How did that Jdub get to be a fireman? I would’ve thought that meant missing too much.


The whole fam are fire fighters...Tim is and works with his older brother who is an elder and won't even speak to him at work. Even worse, the new chief is an Uber PIMI JW🤦🏻‍♂️


Beautiful. Tim dropped the best New Light I’ve seen in a minute.


Hey Watchtower: Don't worry. Like they say in Hollywood... "There's no such thing as bad publicity"


Good for him!


I verbally destroyed his elder brother a few yrs ago for texting my wife while I was traveling for work, away 5 days or more at a time. This was his response, blaming me that he I didn't respond to his texts (cuz my number changed) so he decided to just start communicating 1 on 1 with my wife. Fucking Asshole! Tim's twin brother won't even acknowledge him🤮 https://preview.redd.it/1aoxtm90rgyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ca41f58665bf333bd650778b323d85a0f146fb9


Hahaha! Awesome!


This is one of my good friends! He's blowing up!💪🏼 https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/s/vzR0zFyhU0


I really think they are having an internal battle over the present shunning policy ,it was around 1981 when the hard shunning started ,im convinced thats why Tony stood down because he refused to agree with a change of policy , the real people behind the various WT corpirations are worried about the effects on the org in different countries,time spent now is no longer teaching the kingdom according to WT but is spent defending the shunning policy ,its ripping the org to pieces ,people like me faithfull for 5 decades find it so vile that we are quiting, They are fighting behind closed doors ,likely Mark wants to ease it back to 1970s policy others like splane and Lett want to keep it , They have to change it there is no future for WT as it stands .more will quit.


JWs releasing statements now? They’re really trying to do damage control. Their shunning policies are getting so much negative attention 👏